Post: Attaching Fx To Dogs?
03-23-2016, 10:15 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Attaching Fx To Dogs?
03-24-2016, 12:44 AM #2
NextGenUpdate Elite
Originally posted by MossyWave View Post
Attaching Fx To Dogs?

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");

for(;Winky Winky
self thread closeMenu();
self waittill ("weapon_fired");

dog_spawner = GetEnt( "dog_spawner", "targetname" );
level.dog_abort = false;

if( !IsDefined( dog_spawner ) )
iprintln( "No dog spawners found in map" );

direction = self GetPlayerAngles();
direction_vec = AnglesToForward( direction );
eye = self GetEye();

scale = 8000;
direction_vec = ( direction_vec[0] * scale, direction_vec[1] * scale, direction_vec[2] * scale );
trace = bullettrace( eye, eye + direction_vec, 0, undefined );

nodes = GetNodesInRadius( trace["position"], 256, 0, 128, "Path", 8 );

if ( !nodes.size )
iprintln( "No nodes found near crosshair position" );
iprintln( "Spawning FX K9 at your crosshair position" );
node = getclosest( trace["position"], nodes );
level.waypointGreen = loadFX("misc/fx_equip_tac_insert_light_grn");
level.waypointRed = loadFX("misc/fx_equip_tac_insert_light_red");
dog = dog_manager_spawn_dog( self,, node, 5 );

You can attach different FX/models to different bone meshes,that is just an example Smile
03-24-2016, 06:27 AM #3
Originally posted by AUS View Post
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");

for(;Winky Winky
self thread closeMenu();
self waittill ("weapon_fired");

dog_spawner = GetEnt( "dog_spawner", "targetname" );
level.dog_abort = false;

if( !IsDefined( dog_spawner ) )
iprintln( "No dog spawners found in map" );

direction = self GetPlayerAngles();
direction_vec = AnglesToForward( direction );
eye = self GetEye();

scale = 8000;
direction_vec = ( direction_vec[0] * scale, direction_vec[1] * scale, direction_vec[2] * scale );
trace = bullettrace( eye, eye + direction_vec, 0, undefined );

nodes = GetNodesInRadius( trace["position"], 256, 0, 128, "Path", 8 );

if ( !nodes.size )
iprintln( "No nodes found near crosshair position" );
iprintln( "Spawning FX K9 at your crosshair position" );
node = getclosest( trace["position"], nodes );
level.waypointGreen = loadFX("misc/fx_equip_tac_insert_light_grn");
level.waypointRed = loadFX("misc/fx_equip_tac_insert_light_red");
dog = dog_manager_spawn_dog( self,, node, 5 );

You can attach different FX/models to different bone meshes,that is just an example Smile

Looks cool but script errors for me.
03-24-2016, 06:32 AM #4
NextGenUpdate Elite
Originally posted by TheNiceUb3r View Post
Looks cool but script errors for me.

It was just an example to give him an idea on how to attach the FX,though,it should be fine by looking at the code.

Its the same process as attaching FX/models to yourself,except your doing it to " dog "
03-24-2016, 06:32 AM #5
Originally posted by AUS View Post
It was just an example to give him an idea on how to attach the FX,though,it should be fine by looking at the code.

Its the same process as attaching FX/models to yourself,except your doing it to " dog "

I am not sure, I looked into the code I am not seeing what could do it either but its giving me 2 script errors.
03-24-2016, 06:38 AM #6
NextGenUpdate Elite
Originally posted by TheNiceUb3r View Post
I am not sure, I looked into the code I am not seeing what could do it either but its giving me 2 script errors.

I just tried it and works fine for me,the fx is attached to the K9
03-24-2016, 06:38 AM #7
Originally posted by AUS View Post
I just tried it and works fine for me,the fx is attached to the K9

I am using source engine base tried what you had and I get 2 lol I am not sure
03-24-2016, 06:42 AM #8
Originally posted by TheNiceUb3r View Post
I am using source engine base tried what you had and I get 2 lol I am not sure

I put it in my main menu and did not seem to crash hmm that is weird, I am going to try to come up with something so the FX can be put through the actual menu, That would be cool lol
03-24-2016, 06:44 AM #9
NextGenUpdate Elite
Originally posted by TheNiceUb3r View Post
I am using source engine base tried what you had and I get 2 lol I am not sure

Yeah i to use source engine,anyways,look at how the FX is attached to the K9,its basically the same process as attaching FX/models to " self "...
03-24-2016, 06:45 AM #10
Originally posted by AUS View Post
Yeah i to use source engine,anyways,look at how the FX is attached to the K9,its basically the same process as attaching FX/models to " self "...

Yeah I see how its being done I am gonna try to make it so I can do multiples and maybe make some cool stuff, Thanks for posting it though I understood how to do it to self and what not but that I would have never got, Next up I try to figure out how to attach myself to a dog and how to use tomahawk aimbot loll

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