Post: c# Bo2 1.19 Bisoon's Offset List
10-10-2017, 10:05 PM #1
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using System;
internal class Offsets
public class ChangeStr
public enum StrOffset
AddControler = 0x308ec8f7,
Awaiting_Connections = 0x308e34db,
Awaiting_GameState = 0x308e353b,
Awaiting_Textures = 0x308e6a64,
BackButton = 0x308dc3b2,
BeginTheGame = 0x3091b26e,
Bring_Party = 0x30946482,
ChooseClass = 0x309106d2,
CREATE_A_CLASS = 0x30904f62,
CreateAClassDes = 0x30904f8d,
CUSTOM_GAMES = 0x30920148,
Customer_Link = 0x30937695,
Disband_Des = 0x30946370,
DisBand_Title = 0x30946348,
Done = 0x308ecbba,
DoYouWantToGoTheater = 0x30941b2d,
Final_KillCam = 0x308dfe7b,
FindMatchPickaGame = 0x3091b06a,
FriendsBu = 0x308e3cae,
Game_starting_in = 0x30931408,
Good_Games = 0x3093791b,
In_Category = 0x3094118d,
InPartyMaxPlayer = 0x309425d0,
Invite_To_Game = 0x3093029d,
Joinging_sesion_in_progress = 0x309425d0,
KillCam = 0x308d9948,
LEAGUE_PLAY = 0x3093a88e,
Leave_Disband_Party = 0x309463cf,
LEAVE_Game = 0x3090eae8,
Match_Begin = 0x308dbc3b,
MaxPlayerThatAllowed = 0x3093b65a,
MultiPlayer = 0x309258ef,
MULTIPLAYER_MENU = 0x3091b3a0,
MuteAllPlayer = 0x3093aeb7,
Muting = 0x3093ae4e,
NatTypeStr = 0x309375f7,
NEED_MORE_PLAYER = 0x30937c20,
Online = 0x3094116e,
OPTIONS = 0x3092591b,
Party_Leader = 0x3093c7d9,
PartyPravicy = 0x30922190,
PartyPravicyTitle = 0x30912448,
PlayLists_FindGame = 0x3093c458,
PUBLIC_MATCH = 0x3090fe68,
ScoreStreaks_Des = 0x309051ed,
STORE = 0x30931f89,
System_Info = 0x309374a5,
THEATER = 0x30915cea,
TimeRemaining = 0x30937a94,
UnmuteAllPlayer = 0x3093af24,
Waiting_for_other = 0x308e549d,
Waiting_for_the_host = 0x30937de5,
YouHaveTheMaxNumOfiTems = 0x3093b34f,
ZOMBIES = 0x307d0e90
public class ClassModsOffsets
public class League
public class Class1Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x2707cee;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x2707ceb;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x2707cec;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x2707ced;
public static uint Primary = 0x2707ccc;
public static uint Secondary = 0x2707cda;
public static uint Tactical = 0x2707cf0;
public class Class3Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x2707d57;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x2707d54;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x2707d55;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x2707d56;
public static uint Primary = 0x2707d35;
public static uint Secondary = 0x2707d43;
public static uint Tactical = 0x2707d59;
public class MultiPlayer
public class Class1Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x27078dc;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x27078d9;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x27078da;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x27078db;
public static uint Primary = 0x27078ba;
public static uint Secondary = 0x27078c8;
public static uint Tactical = 0x27078de;
public class Class3Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x2707945;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x2707942;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x2707943;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x2707944;
public static uint Primary = 0x2707923;
public static uint Secondary = 0x2707931;
public static uint Tactical = 0x2707947;
public class Class5Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x27079ae;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x27079ab;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x27079ac;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x27079ad;
public static uint Primary = 0x270798c;
public static uint Secondary = 0x270799a;
public static uint Tactical = 0x27079b0;
public class Class7Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x2707a17;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x2707a14;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x2707a15;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x2707a16;
public static uint Primary = 0x27079f5;
public static uint Secondary = 0x2707a03;
public static uint Tactical = 0x2707a19;
public class Class9Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x2707a80;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x2707a7d;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x2707a7e;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x2707a7f;
public static uint Primary = 0x2707a5e;
public static uint Secondary = 0x2707a6c;
public static uint Tactical = 0x2707a82;
public class Client
public static uint AddAmmo = 0x1e6698;
public static uint AllPerksPlayer = (G_Client + 0x54Cool Man (aka Tustin);
public static uint AutoPronePlayer = (G_Client + 0x57f0);
public static uint BlackScreenOffset1 = (G_Client + 0x5aCool Man (aka Tustin);
public static uint BlackScreenOffset2 = (G_Client + 0x5a4);
public static uint Buttons = 0x17865c4;
public static uint CamoLocal1 = (G_Client + 0x2bf);
public static uint CamoLocal2 = (G_Client + 0x2db);
public static uint CamoOnline1 = (G_Client + 0x2a3);
public static uint CamoOnline2 = (G_Client + 0x287);
public static uint Cbuf_AddText = 0x313c18;
public static uint ClanInGame = (G_Client + 0x55b0);
public static uint DeathInGame = (G_Client + 0x55f6);
public static uint EarthQuake = 0x1781087;
public static uint EMP = (G_Client + 0x1b);
public static uint Freeze = (G_Client + 0x5697);
public static uint G_Client = 0x1780f28;
public static uint G_Entity = 0x16b9f20;
public static uint G_Spawn = 0x278ac0;
public static uint GivePlayerWeapon = 0x2a81c4;
public static uint GodMode = (G_Client + 0x1b);
public static uint HeldWeapon = 0x17810e3;
public static uint InGameLevel = (G_Client + 0x556b);
public static uint InGamePrestige = (G_Client + 0x556f);
public static uint Interval = 0x5808;
public static uint InvisiblePlayer = (G_Client + 0xff);
public static uint Jumper = (G_Client + 0x54f0);
public static uint KillPlayer = (G_Client + 0x30);
public static uint KillsInGame = (G_Client + 0x55f2);
public static uint NameInGame = (G_Client + 0x5544);
public static uint NFreeze = 0x1781028;
public static uint NightVision = (G_Client + 0x1a);
public static uint PlayerIsAlive = 0x178634b;
public static uint PlayerSpeedInGame = (G_Client + 0x54f0);
public static uint PlayerStatus = (G_Client + 0x5423);
public static uint PointsInGame = (G_Client + 0x55ee);
public static uint Poison = (G_Client + 0x5e3);
public static uint Primary = (G_Client + 0xfCool Man (aka Tustin);
public static uint RemoveScoreStreak1 = (G_Client + 0x55f);
public static uint RemoveScoreStreak2 = (G_Client + 0x557);
public static uint RemoveScoreStreak3 = (G_Client + 0x553);
public static uint ReturnVelocity = 0x1780f5c;
public static uint ScoreStreak1 = (G_Client + 0x42f);
public static uint ScoreStreak2 = (G_Client + 0x431);
public static uint ScoreStreak3 = (G_Client + 0x434);
public static uint SetClientViewAngles = 0x1e1bf0;
public static uint SkateMode = (G_Client + 14);
public static uint SkipTimer = (G_Client + 0x5697);
public static uint T_Bag = 0x1781027;
public static uint TeamInGame = (G_Client + 0x5507);
public static uint Teleport = (G_Client + 40);
public static uint ThirdPersonPlayer = (G_Client + 0x84);
public static uint ToggleLag = (G_Client + 0x543b);
public static uint Vision = (G_Client + 0x103);
public static uint VSATInGame = (G_Client + 0x57ef);
public static uint WeaponFuckedup = (G_Client + 0x54f7);
public class ZM
public static uint AllPerks = 0x1781470;
public static uint LastStanding = 0x178672b;
public static uint[] Screen = new uint[] { 0x17814d0, 0x17814cc };
public static uint Thug = 0x1781476;
public class Lobby
public static uint Jump = 0x5be0b4;
public static uint KnockBack = 0x1ca4ed8;
public static uint NoClip = 0x5d5c68;
public static uint RapidFire = 0x1cb2af2;
public static uint Speed = 0x1ca4e78;
public class ZM
public static uint ZMSpawning = 0x1ca5178;
public enum Medals
AfterLife = 0x26fcd4a,
BloodThirsty = 0x26fcdec,
Brutal = 0x26fcde0,
DoubleKill = 0x26fce2e,
FirstBlood = 0x26fccea,
FrenzyKill = 0x26fce40,
FuryKill = 0x26fce3a,
LongShot = 0x26fce0a,
MegaKill = 0x26fce4c,
Merciless = 0x26fcdce,
NuClear = 0x26fcde6,
OneShotOneKill = 0x26fcd56,
Relentless = 0x26fcdda,
SuperKill = 0x26fce46,
TripleKill = 0x26fce34,
UltraKill = 0x26fce52,
Unstoppable = 0x26fcdf2
public class NonHost
public static uint AntiFreeze = 0x67b824;
public static uint BigName = 0x1cc6e98;
public static uint BodyColor = 0x1cc143c;
public static uint Clan = 0x2708238;
public static uint EndProbation = 0x53fc6c;
public static uint FloatingBodies = 0x1cd03d8;
public static uint FOV = 0x1cc52d8;
public static uint FovX = 0x1ccd678;
public static uint FovY = 0x1ccd6d8;
public static uint FovZ = 0x1ccd738;
public static uint FPS1 = 0x8e3590;
public static uint FPS2 = 0x37fec;
public static uint FPSText = 0x8e3290;
public static uint Laser = 0xef68c;
public static uint LocalName = (Name + 0x27);
public static uint Name = 0x26c0658;
public static uint NoRecoil = 0xf9e54;
public static uint RedBox1 = 0x783e0;
public static uint RedBox2 = 0x78604;
public static uint RotateMap = 0x1cc52d8;
public static uint SkyColor = 0x1cc28d8;
public static uint SplitScreen = 0x1cbe2b8;
public static uint SteadyAim = 0x5f0a20;
public static uint TargetFinder = 0x1cc4bf8;
public static uint UAV = 0x33cb4;
public static uint VSAT = 0x33c60;
public static uint WallHack1 = 0x1cbf9f8;
public static uint WallHack2 = 0x834d0;
public class Stats
public static uint Deaths = (Prestige - 0x6d2);
public static uint GhostCard = (Prestige + 0xb205);
public static uint HeadShots = (Prestige - 0x5d0);
public static uint Kills = (Prestige - 0x4a4);
public static uint Level = (Prestige + 0x1Cool Man (aka Tustin);
public static uint Losses = (Prestige - 0x432);
public static uint Prestige = 0x26fd014;
public static uint RoxannCard = (Prestige + 0xb20Cool Man (aka Tustin);
public static uint Score = (Prestige + 60);
public static uint TimePlayed = (Prestige + 0xf6);
public static uint Tokens = (Prestige + 0x9924);
public static uint Unlock10Classes = (Prestige + 0xb50e);
public static uint UnlockAll = (Prestige + 0x1cfa);
public static uint Wins = (Prestige + 0x13e);
public class ZM
public static uint Bullets = 0x26fc940;
public static uint Deaths = 0x26fc948;
public static uint Doors = 0x26fc938;
public static uint Downs = 0x26fc910;
public static uint Gibs = 0x26fc91c;
public static uint Grenades = 0x26fc934;
public static uint HeadShots = 0x26fc884;
public static uint Hits = 0x26fc944;
public static uint Kills = 0x26fc90c;
public static uint Miles = 0x26fc93c;
public static uint Perks = 0x26fc918;
public static uint[] Prestige = new uint[] { 0x26fca87,
0x26fc896, 0x26fca90, 0x26fca94, 0x26fca98, 0x26fca9c, 0x26fcaa0 };
public static uint Rank = 0x26fca8e;
public static uint Revives = 0x26fc914;

Credits: Bisoon

The following 2 users say thank you to Mx1357 for this useful post:

AFG, ProfoundModz
10-30-2017, 02:15 PM #2
Originally posted by Mx1357 View Post
using System;
internal class Offsets
public class ChangeStr
public enum StrOffset
AddControler = 0x308ec8f7,
Awaiting_Connections = 0x308e34db,
Awaiting_GameState = 0x308e353b,
Awaiting_Textures = 0x308e6a64,
BackButton = 0x308dc3b2,
BeginTheGame = 0x3091b26e,
Bring_Party = 0x30946482,
ChooseClass = 0x309106d2,
CREATE_A_CLASS = 0x30904f62,
CreateAClassDes = 0x30904f8d,
CUSTOM_GAMES = 0x30920148,
Customer_Link = 0x30937695,
Disband_Des = 0x30946370,
DisBand_Title = 0x30946348,
Done = 0x308ecbba,
DoYouWantToGoTheater = 0x30941b2d,
Final_KillCam = 0x308dfe7b,
FindMatchPickaGame = 0x3091b06a,
FriendsBu = 0x308e3cae,
Game_starting_in = 0x30931408,
Good_Games = 0x3093791b,
In_Category = 0x3094118d,
InPartyMaxPlayer = 0x309425d0,
Invite_To_Game = 0x3093029d,
Joinging_sesion_in_progress = 0x309425d0,
KillCam = 0x308d9948,
LEAGUE_PLAY = 0x3093a88e,
Leave_Disband_Party = 0x309463cf,
LEAVE_Game = 0x3090eae8,
Match_Begin = 0x308dbc3b,
MaxPlayerThatAllowed = 0x3093b65a,
MultiPlayer = 0x309258ef,
MULTIPLAYER_MENU = 0x3091b3a0,
MuteAllPlayer = 0x3093aeb7,
Muting = 0x3093ae4e,
NatTypeStr = 0x309375f7,
NEED_MORE_PLAYER = 0x30937c20,
Online = 0x3094116e,
OPTIONS = 0x3092591b,
Party_Leader = 0x3093c7d9,
PartyPravicy = 0x30922190,
PartyPravicyTitle = 0x30912448,
PlayLists_FindGame = 0x3093c458,
PUBLIC_MATCH = 0x3090fe68,
ScoreStreaks_Des = 0x309051ed,
STORE = 0x30931f89,
System_Info = 0x309374a5,
THEATER = 0x30915cea,
TimeRemaining = 0x30937a94,
UnmuteAllPlayer = 0x3093af24,
Waiting_for_other = 0x308e549d,
Waiting_for_the_host = 0x30937de5,
YouHaveTheMaxNumOfiTems = 0x3093b34f,
ZOMBIES = 0x307d0e90
public class ClassModsOffsets
public class League
public class Class1Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x2707cee;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x2707ceb;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x2707cec;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x2707ced;
public static uint Primary = 0x2707ccc;
public static uint Secondary = 0x2707cda;
public static uint Tactical = 0x2707cf0;
public class Class3Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x2707d57;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x2707d54;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x2707d55;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x2707d56;
public static uint Primary = 0x2707d35;
public static uint Secondary = 0x2707d43;
public static uint Tactical = 0x2707d59;
public class MultiPlayer
public class Class1Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x27078dc;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x27078d9;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x27078da;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x27078db;
public static uint Primary = 0x27078ba;
public static uint Secondary = 0x27078c8;
public static uint Tactical = 0x27078de;
public class Class3Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x2707945;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x2707942;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x2707943;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x2707944;
public static uint Primary = 0x2707923;
public static uint Secondary = 0x2707931;
public static uint Tactical = 0x2707947;
public class Class5Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x27079ae;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x27079ab;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x27079ac;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x27079ad;
public static uint Primary = 0x270798c;
public static uint Secondary = 0x270799a;
public static uint Tactical = 0x27079b0;
public class Class7Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x2707a17;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x2707a14;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x2707a15;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x2707a16;
public static uint Primary = 0x27079f5;
public static uint Secondary = 0x2707a03;
public static uint Tactical = 0x2707a19;
public class Class9Offsets
public static uint Lethal = 0x2707a80;
public static uint PerkGreed1 = 0x2707a7d;
public static uint PerkGreed2 = 0x2707a7e;
public static uint PerkGreed3 = 0x2707a7f;
public static uint Primary = 0x2707a5e;
public static uint Secondary = 0x2707a6c;
public static uint Tactical = 0x2707a82;
public class Client
public static uint AddAmmo = 0x1e6698;
public static uint AllPerksPlayer = (G_Client + 0x54Cool Man (aka Tustin);
public static uint AutoPronePlayer = (G_Client + 0x57f0);
public static uint BlackScreenOffset1 = (G_Client + 0x5aCool Man (aka Tustin);
public static uint BlackScreenOffset2 = (G_Client + 0x5a4);
public static uint Buttons = 0x17865c4;
public static uint CamoLocal1 = (G_Client + 0x2bf);
public static uint CamoLocal2 = (G_Client + 0x2db);
public static uint CamoOnline1 = (G_Client + 0x2a3);
public static uint CamoOnline2 = (G_Client + 0x287);
public static uint Cbuf_AddText = 0x313c18;
public static uint ClanInGame = (G_Client + 0x55b0);
public static uint DeathInGame = (G_Client + 0x55f6);
public static uint EarthQuake = 0x1781087;
public static uint EMP = (G_Client + 0x1b);
public static uint Freeze = (G_Client + 0x5697);
public static uint G_Client = 0x1780f28;
public static uint G_Entity = 0x16b9f20;
public static uint G_Spawn = 0x278ac0;
public static uint GivePlayerWeapon = 0x2a81c4;
public static uint GodMode = (G_Client + 0x1b);
public static uint HeldWeapon = 0x17810e3;
public static uint InGameLevel = (G_Client + 0x556b);
public static uint InGamePrestige = (G_Client + 0x556f);
public static uint Interval = 0x5808;
public static uint InvisiblePlayer = (G_Client + 0xff);
public static uint Jumper = (G_Client + 0x54f0);
public static uint KillPlayer = (G_Client + 0x30);
public static uint KillsInGame = (G_Client + 0x55f2);
public static uint NameInGame = (G_Client + 0x5544);
public static uint NFreeze = 0x1781028;
public static uint NightVision = (G_Client + 0x1a);
public static uint PlayerIsAlive = 0x178634b;
public static uint PlayerSpeedInGame = (G_Client + 0x54f0);
public static uint PlayerStatus = (G_Client + 0x5423);
public static uint PointsInGame = (G_Client + 0x55ee);
public static uint Poison = (G_Client + 0x5e3);
public static uint Primary = (G_Client + 0xfCool Man (aka Tustin);
public static uint RemoveScoreStreak1 = (G_Client + 0x55f);
public static uint RemoveScoreStreak2 = (G_Client + 0x557);
public static uint RemoveScoreStreak3 = (G_Client + 0x553);
public static uint ReturnVelocity = 0x1780f5c;
public static uint ScoreStreak1 = (G_Client + 0x42f);
public static uint ScoreStreak2 = (G_Client + 0x431);
public static uint ScoreStreak3 = (G_Client + 0x434);
public static uint SetClientViewAngles = 0x1e1bf0;
public static uint SkateMode = (G_Client + 14);
public static uint SkipTimer = (G_Client + 0x5697);
public static uint T_Bag = 0x1781027;
public static uint TeamInGame = (G_Client + 0x5507);
public static uint Teleport = (G_Client + 40);
public static uint ThirdPersonPlayer = (G_Client + 0x84);
public static uint ToggleLag = (G_Client + 0x543b);
public static uint Vision = (G_Client + 0x103);
public static uint VSATInGame = (G_Client + 0x57ef);
public static uint WeaponFuckedup = (G_Client + 0x54f7);
public class ZM
public static uint AllPerks = 0x1781470;
public static uint LastStanding = 0x178672b;
public static uint[] Screen = new uint[] { 0x17814d0, 0x17814cc };
public static uint Thug = 0x1781476;
public class Lobby
public static uint Jump = 0x5be0b4;
public static uint KnockBack = 0x1ca4ed8;
public static uint NoClip = 0x5d5c68;
public static uint RapidFire = 0x1cb2af2;
public static uint Speed = 0x1ca4e78;
public class ZM
public static uint ZMSpawning = 0x1ca5178;
public enum Medals
AfterLife = 0x26fcd4a,
BloodThirsty = 0x26fcdec,
Brutal = 0x26fcde0,
DoubleKill = 0x26fce2e,
FirstBlood = 0x26fccea,
FrenzyKill = 0x26fce40,
FuryKill = 0x26fce3a,
LongShot = 0x26fce0a,
MegaKill = 0x26fce4c,
Merciless = 0x26fcdce,
NuClear = 0x26fcde6,
OneShotOneKill = 0x26fcd56,
Relentless = 0x26fcdda,
SuperKill = 0x26fce46,
TripleKill = 0x26fce34,
UltraKill = 0x26fce52,
Unstoppable = 0x26fcdf2
public class NonHost
public static uint AntiFreeze = 0x67b824;
public static uint BigName = 0x1cc6e98;
public static uint BodyColor = 0x1cc143c;
public static uint Clan = 0x2708238;
public static uint EndProbation = 0x53fc6c;
public static uint FloatingBodies = 0x1cd03d8;
public static uint FOV = 0x1cc52d8;
public static uint FovX = 0x1ccd678;
public static uint FovY = 0x1ccd6d8;
public static uint FovZ = 0x1ccd738;
public static uint FPS1 = 0x8e3590;
public static uint FPS2 = 0x37fec;
public static uint FPSText = 0x8e3290;
public static uint Laser = 0xef68c;
public static uint LocalName = (Name + 0x27);
public static uint Name = 0x26c0658;
public static uint NoRecoil = 0xf9e54;
public static uint RedBox1 = 0x783e0;
public static uint RedBox2 = 0x78604;
public static uint RotateMap = 0x1cc52d8;
public static uint SkyColor = 0x1cc28d8;
public static uint SplitScreen = 0x1cbe2b8;
public static uint SteadyAim = 0x5f0a20;
public static uint TargetFinder = 0x1cc4bf8;
public static uint UAV = 0x33cb4;
public static uint VSAT = 0x33c60;
public static uint WallHack1 = 0x1cbf9f8;
public static uint WallHack2 = 0x834d0;
public class Stats
public static uint Deaths = (Prestige - 0x6d2);
public static uint GhostCard = (Prestige + 0xb205);
public static uint HeadShots = (Prestige - 0x5d0);
public static uint Kills = (Prestige - 0x4a4);
public static uint Level = (Prestige + 0x1Cool Man (aka Tustin);
public static uint Losses = (Prestige - 0x432);
public static uint Prestige = 0x26fd014;
public static uint RoxannCard = (Prestige + 0xb20Cool Man (aka Tustin);
public static uint Score = (Prestige + 60);
public static uint TimePlayed = (Prestige + 0xf6);
public static uint Tokens = (Prestige + 0x9924);
public static uint Unlock10Classes = (Prestige + 0xb50e);
public static uint UnlockAll = (Prestige + 0x1cfa);
public static uint Wins = (Prestige + 0x13e);
public class ZM
public static uint Bullets = 0x26fc940;
public static uint Deaths = 0x26fc948;
public static uint Doors = 0x26fc938;
public static uint Downs = 0x26fc910;
public static uint Gibs = 0x26fc91c;
public static uint Grenades = 0x26fc934;
public static uint HeadShots = 0x26fc884;
public static uint Hits = 0x26fc944;
public static uint Kills = 0x26fc90c;
public static uint Miles = 0x26fc93c;
public static uint Perks = 0x26fc918;
public static uint[] Prestige = new uint[] { 0x26fca87,
0x26fc896, 0x26fca90, 0x26fca94, 0x26fca98, 0x26fca9c, 0x26fcaa0 };
public static uint Rank = 0x26fca8e;
public static uint Revives = 0x26fc914;

Credits: Bisoon

you got the bytes too?
11-19-2017, 02:45 AM #3
didnt bisoon give these out on his site.?
Last edited by WeeDKiLL420 ; 11-20-2017 at 06:29 PM.
01-05-2018, 06:43 PM #4
Originally posted by VadRe View Post
you got the bytes too?

use bo2 cbuf
these are dvars
03-30-2018, 09:01 AM #5
I defeated!
Originally posted by VadRe View Post
you got the bytes too?

Originally posted by ProdMods View Post
use bo2 cbuf
these are dvars

These are not dvars....
03-30-2018, 10:14 AM #6
Former Staff
Originally posted by modz View Post
These are not dvars....

o deer, u show em kiwi Kappa

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