Post: [1.07] Addresses Master Thread
12-10-2015, 10:28 PM #1
Pro Memer
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Latest Update: 1.07

Not even a week after I posted the 1.03 addresses, today comes and 1.04 drops. So I've found the new addresses, and I'll be keeping this thread as a master thread for future updates as well. Credits to John, Sab, SC58, SyGnUs, and anyone else I may have missed. Once again, if you find any addresses that aren't listed or that are incorrect, don't hesitate to send a pm or reply to the thread about it =D

As always, for ease of access the addresses are sorted alphabetically. I've also lined up the addresses so it looks a little cleaner and easier to read.



TOC: 0xE11ED8

Structs + Misc.
cgArray 0x00F57BF4
ClientActive 0x00E24C10
G_HudElems 0x01770708
gclient_s 0x018C6220
gentity_s 0x017FF620

AddBaseDrawTextCmd 0x00411BC8
AimTarget_GetTagPos_0 0x00036458
AimTarget_isTargetVisible 0x00036700
SngleNormalize360 0x00621E18
AnglesToAxis 0x00624A20
BG_AnimScriptEvent 0x007154B0
BG_GetPlayerWeaponModel 0x00062B6C
BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex 0x00768EA4
BG_GetWeaponDef 0x0078D304
BG_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier 0x007987B4
BG_GetWeaponName 0x00770A90
CG_DObjGetWorldTagPos 0x0008C608
CG_EntityInfrared 0x000858F4
CG_GetPredictedPlayerState 0x00109050
CG_IsEntityFriendlyNotEnemy 0x0008A5D8
CG_IsInfrared 0x0016FFD0
CG_SetWeaponHeatConstants 0x00179B08
CL_DrawStretchPicPhysicalInternal 0x001CF658
CL_DrawText 0x001DE2A0
CL_DrawTextPhysical 0x001DE1A0
CL_DrawTextPhysicalWithEffects 0x001DE1F0
CL_WritePacket 0x001D5BBC
CM_UnlinkEntity 0x005AF820
CachedTag_GetCachedTagPos 0x0010AEEC
CachedTag_GetTagPos 0x0010AFEC
CachedTag_NoCache_GetTagPos 0x0010AC7C
CachedTag_UpdateTagInternal 0x0010AD88
Com_Error 0x005BB5E0
Com_GetClientDObj 0x005C4748
Com_HashKey 0x006269D0
Com_SessionMode_IsOnlineGame 0x005B90BC
Com_sprintf 0x0063A264
DeathGrenadeDrop 0x002BDBB0
DrawOffscreenViewableWaypoint 0x000F8E98
Dvar_FindMalleableVar 0x0062F7BC
Dvar_GetBool 0x0062FBD4
Dvar_GetFloat 0x0062FE58
Dvar_GetInt 0x0062FC50
Dvar_RegisterNew 0x00631D40
FX_ClientVisibilityTest 0x0028EB40
GScr_AddFieldsForActor 0x006C4C10
GScr_AddFieldsForClient 0x006E6F88
GScr_AddFieldsForSentient 0x006C4CA0
GScr_AddFieldsForVehicle 0x002F35D0
GScr_AllocString 0x0034FA98
GScr_LoadConsts 0x003B6AA0
G_CallSpawnEntity 0x003803D0
G_FindConfigStringIndex 0x0038E338
G_GetRandomSeed 0x00393A88
G_GetWeaponForName 0x003B12FC
G_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier 0x003173FC
G_LocalizedStringIndex 0x0038E4EC
G_ModelIndex 0x00048990
G_SetModel 0x0038FBE4
G_Spawn 0x0039272C
G_SpawnItem 0x003244B0
G_crandom 0x000606DC
GetHudElemInfo 0x000F8568
GetScaleForDistance 0x000F79F8
HudElemColorToVec4 0x000F7608
IncInParam 0x0059A548
iprintln 0x003463E8
iprintlnbold 0x0034648C
MSG_SetDefaultUserCmd 0x005CA098
MSG_WriteBits 0x005C8334
MSG_WriteByte 0x005C8694
MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmdKey 0x005CC554
MSG_WriteLong 0x005C8740
MSG_WriteString 0x005C8F10
MatchRecordDeath 0x002675C4
Material_LoadPerMap 0x0040A2E0
Material_RegisterHandle 0x0040A27C
Material_Register_FastFile 0x0024C350
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPicInternal 0x004119C8
R_AddCmdDrawStretchRotateXYInternal 0x00411A20
R_AddCmdDrawTextInternal 0x00411E18
R_AddCmdDrawTextWInternal 0x00411E78
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffectsInternal 0x00411F90
R_AllocShaderConstantSet 0x0042239C
R_ConvertColorToBytes 0x0043E368
R_GetCommandBuffer 0x00411460
R_RegisterFont 0x004012B4
SL_ConvertToString 0x001B2838
SL_FindString 0x001B2C9C
SL_GetStringOfSize 0x001B2DD8
SV_AddServerCommand 0x005F16DC
SV_GameSendServerCommand 0x005EC544
SV_GetConfigStringConst 0x005EEEC4
SV_LocateGameData 0x005ED5A8
SV_SendServerCommand 0x005F1A84
SV_SetConfigString 0x005EE9F8
SV_UnlinkEntity 0x005FCB44
ScrPlace_ApplyRect 0x001ECBE0
ScrPlace_GetView 0x001EC090
Scr_AddClassField 0x001BFF18
Scr_AddEntity 0x00380FE4
Scr_AddFields 0x001C0590
Scr_AddFieldsForEntity 0x0038066C
Scr_AllocString 0x001B3904
Scr_ConstructMessageString 0x00352B38
Scr_Error 0x001C0D04
Scr_ErrorInternal 0x001D243C
Scr_GetConstString 0x001C0DB0
Scr_GetEntity 0x003815B8
Scr_GetInt 0x001C4048
Scr_GetNumParam 0x001C6318
Scr_GetString 0x001C45E0
Scr_GetVector 0x001C5358
Scr_Notify 0x003818A0
Scr_NotifyNum 0x001C2160
Scr_SetString 0x001B37C8
VEH_UnlinkPlayer 0x00398978
V_SvEntityForGentity 0x005EC4C0
WaypointTargetFade 0x000F7748


TOC: 0xDF1E60

Structs + Misc.
cgArray 0x00F373F4
G_HudElems 0x0173B658
gclient_s 0x018C42E8
gentity_s 0x017BB2E8

AddBaseDrawTextCmd 0x00411068
AimTarget_GetTagPos_0 0x00036440
AimTarget_isTargetVisible 0x000366E8
AngleNormalize360 0x00613D98
AnglesToAxis 0x006169A0
BG_AnimScriptEvent 0x007075A0
BG_GetPlayerWeaponModel 0x00062B14
BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex 0x0075A8F4
BG_GetWeaponDef 0x0077ED54
BG_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier 0x0078A12C
BG_GetWeaponName 0x007624E0
CG_DObjGetWorldTagPos 0x0008C5B0
CG_EntityInfrared 0x0008589C
CG_GetPredictedPlayerState 0x00104230
CG_IsEntityFriendlyNotEnemy 0x0008A580
CG_IsInfrared 0x0016AB00
CG_SetWeaponHeatConstants 0x00174638
CL_DrawStretchPicPhysicalInternal 0x001CA1D8
CL_DrawText 0x001D8D10
CL_DrawTextPhysical 0x001D8C10
CL_DrawTextPhysicalWithEffects 0x001D8C60
CM_UnlinkEntity 0x005A4320
CachedTag_GetCachedTagPos 0x00106134
CachedTag_GetTagPos 0x00106234
CachedTag_NoCache_GetTagPos 0x00105EC4
CachedTag_UpdateTagInternal 0x00105FD0
Com_Error 0x005B0068
Com_HashKey 0x00618950
Com_SessionMode_IsOnlineGame 0x005ADBBC
Com_sprintf 0x0062C1E4
DeathGrenadeDrop 0x002B8030
DrawOffscreenViewableWaypoint 0x000F4090
Dvar_FindMalleableVar 0x0062173C
Dvar_GetBool 0x00621B54
Dvar_GetFloat 0x00621DD8
Dvar_GetInt 0x00621BD0
Dvar_RegisterNew 0x00623CC0
FX_ClientVisibilityTest 0x00289310
GScr_AddFieldsForActor 0x006B6D00
GScr_AddFieldsForClient 0x006D9078
GScr_AddFieldsForSentient 0x006B6D90
GScr_AddFieldsForVehicle 0x002EE4C8
GScr_AllocString 0x0034A9F8
GScr_LoadConsts 0x003B6040
G_CallSpawnEntity 0x0037B340
G_FindConfigStringIndex 0x003892F8
G_GetRandomSeed 0x0038EA50
G_GetWeaponForName 0x003B089C
G_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier 0x003122F4
G_LocalizedStringIndex 0x003894AC
G_ModelIndex 0x00048980
G_SetModel 0x0038ABA4
G_SpawnItem 0x0031F3B0
G_crandom 0x00060684
GetHudElemInfo 0x000F3760
GetScaleForDistance 0x000F2BF0
HudElemColorToVec4 0x000F2800
IncInParam 0x0058F078
iprintln 0x00341300
iprintlnbold 0x003413A4
MSG_SetDefaultUserCmd 0x005BEA60
MSG_WriteBits 0x005BCCFC
MSG_WriteByte 0x005BD05C
MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmdKey 0x005C0F1C
MSG_WriteLong 0x005BD108
MSG_WriteString 0x005BD8D8
MatchRecordDeath 0x00261D84
Material_LoadPerMap 0x00409760
Material_RegisterHandle 0x00409704
Material_Register_FastFile 0x00246B28
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPicInternal 0x00410E68
R_AddCmdDrawStretchRotateXYInternal 0x00410EC0
R_AddCmdDrawTextInternal 0x004112B8
R_AddCmdDrawTextWInternal 0x00411318
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffectsInternal 0x00411430
R_AllocShaderConstantSet 0x0042184C
R_ConvertColorToBytes 0x0043D8B0
R_GetCommandBuffer 0x00410900
R_RegisterFont 0x0040073C
SL_ConvertToString 0x001AD428
SL_FindString 0x001AD88C
SL_GetStringOfSize 0x001AD9C8
SV_AddServerCommand 0x005E5C24
SV_GameSendServerCommand 0x005E0E44
SV_GetConfigStringConst 0x005E36A4
SV_LocateGameData 0x005E1EA8
SV_SendServerCommand 0x005E5FCC
SV_UnlinkEntity 0x005EEAF4
ScrPlace_ApplyRect 0x001E7310
ScrPlace_GetView 0x001E67C0
Scr_AddClassField 0x001BAB14
Scr_AddEntity 0x0037BF74
Scr_AddFields 0x001BB18C
Scr_AddFieldsForEntity 0x0037B5DC
Scr_AllocString 0x001AE4F4
Scr_ConstructMessageString 0x0034DA98
Scr_Error 0x001BB904
Scr_ErrorInternal 0x001CCFB4
Scr_GetConstString 0x001BB9B0
Scr_GetEntity 0x0037C578
Scr_GetInt 0x001BEC60
Scr_GetNumParam 0x001C0F30
Scr_GetString 0x001BF1F8
Scr_GetVector 0x001BFF70
Scr_Notify 0x0037C860
Scr_NotifyNum 0x001BCD70
Scr_SetString 0x001AE3B8
VEH_UnlinkPlayer 0x00393940
V_SvEntityForGentity 0x005E0DC0
WaypointTargetFade 0x000F2940



TOC: 0xE11DD0

Structs + Misc.
cgArray 0x00F56B74
ClientActive 0x00E24B10
G_HudElems 0x01770778
gclient_s 0x0192C900
gentity_s 0x017FF8A0

AddBaseDrawTextCmd 0x00410A08
AimTarget_GetTagPos_0 0x00036410
AimTarget_isTargetVisible 0x000366B8
AngleNormalize360 0x0061F8C8
AnglesToAxis 0x006224D0
BG_AnimScriptEvent 0x007138A0
BG_GetPlayerWeaponModel 0x000627CC
BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex 0x00766A24
BG_GetWeaponDef 0x0078AE14
BG_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier 0x0079622C
BG_GetWeaponName 0x0076E5B8
CG_DObjGetWorldTagPos 0x0008BAD8
CG_EntityInfrared 0x00089B58
CG_GetPredictedPlayerState 0x00108110
CG_IsEntityFriendlyNotEnemy 0x00089AA8
CG_IsInfrared 0x0016E6D8
CG_SetWeaponHeatConstants 0x00178108
CL_DrawStretchPicPhysicalInternal 0x001CDCF8
CL_DrawText 0x001DC8D0
CL_DrawTextPhysical 0x001DC7D0
CL_DrawTextPhysicalWithEffects 0x001DC820
CL_WritePacket 0x001D4254
CM_UnlinkEntity 0x005AA740
CachedTag_GetCachedTagPos 0x00109FB0
CachedTag_GetTagPos 0x0010A0B0
CachedTag_NoCache_GetTagPos 0x00109D40
CachedTag_UpdateTagInternal 0x00109E4C
Com_Error 0x005B64FC
Com_GetClientDObj 0x005BF370
Com_HashKey 0x00624598
Com_SessionMode_IsOnlineGame 0x005B403C
Com_sprintf 0x00637EB4
DeathGrenadeDrop 0x002BB3A0
DrawOffscreenViewableWaypoint 0x000F7F90
Dvar_FindMalleableVar 0x0062D384
Dvar_GetBool 0x0062D79C
Dvar_GetFloat 0x0062DA20
Dvar_GetInt 0x0062D818
Dvar_RegisterNew 0x0062F908
FX_ClientVisibilityTest 0x0028C5C0
GScr_AddFieldsForActor 0x006C27D0
GScr_AddFieldsForClient 0x006E4990
GScr_AddFieldsForSentient 0x006C2860
GScr_AddFieldsForVehicle 0x002F0D70
GScr_AllocString 0x0034D2A0
GScr_LoadConsts 0x003B56A8
G_CallSpawnEntity 0x0037DC48
G_FindConfigStringIndex 0x0038CF68
G_GetRandomSeed 0x003926B8
G_GetWeaponForName 0x003AFEF8
G_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier 0x00314D50
G_LocalizedStringIndex 0x0038D11C
G_ModelIndex 0x0004897C
G_SetModel 0x0038E814
G_Spawn 0x0039135C
G_SpawnItem 0x00321E00
G_crandom 0x0006038C
GetHudElemInfo 0x000F7660
GetScaleForDistance 0x000F6AF0
HudElemColorToVec4 0x000F6700
IncInParam 0x00595628
iprintln 0x00343BE8
iprintlnbold 0x00343C8C
MSG_SetDefaultUserCmd 0x005C4D68
MSG_WriteBits 0x005C2F5C
MSG_WriteByte 0x005C3364
MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmdKey 0x005C7224
MSG_WriteLong 0x005C3410
MSG_WriteString 0x005C3BE0
MatchRecordDeath 0x0026578C
Material_LoadPerMap 0x004090E8
Material_RegisterHandle 0x00409084
Material_Register_FastFile 0x0024A4C4
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPicInternal 0x00410808
R_AddCmdDrawStretchRotateXYInternal 0x00410860
R_AddCmdDrawTextInternal 0x00410C58
R_AddCmdDrawTextWInternal 0x00410CB8
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffectsInternal 0x00410DD0
R_AllocShaderConstantSet 0x0042124C
R_ConvertColorToBytes 0x0043D0A8
R_GetCommandBuffer 0x0041029C
R_RegisterFont 0x004000BC
SL_ConvertToString 0x001B100C
SL_FindString 0x001B1470
SL_GetStringOfSize 0x001B15AC
SV_AddServerCommand 0x005EC48C
SV_GameSendServerCommand 0x005E7364
SV_GetConfigStringConst 0x005E9C64
SV_LocateGameData 0x005E8348
SV_SendServerCommand 0x005EC834
SV_SetConfigString 0x005E9798
SV_UnlinkEntity 0x005F81D4
ScrPlace_ApplyRect 0x001EB2B8
ScrPlace_GetView 0x001EA768
Scr_AddClassField 0x001BE5D8
Scr_AddEntity 0x0037E85C
Scr_AddFields 0x001BEC50
Scr_AddFieldsForEntity 0x0037DEE4
Scr_AllocString 0x001B20D8
Scr_ConstructMessageString 0x00350318
Scr_Error 0x001BF3C4
Scr_ErrorInternal 0x001D0AD0
Scr_GetConstString 0x001BF470
Scr_GetEntity 0x0037EE30
Scr_GetInt 0x001C2708
Scr_GetNumParam 0x001C49D8
Scr_GetString 0x001C2CA0
Scr_GetVector 0x001C3A18
Scr_Notify 0x0037F114
Scr_NotifyNum 0x001C0820
Scr_SetString 0x001B1F9C
VEH_UnlinkPlayer 0x00397598
V_SvEntityForGentity 0x005E72E0
WaypointTargetFade 0x000F6840


TOC: 0xDF1D58

Structs + Misc.
cgArray 0x00F36274
ClientActive 0x00E04A90
G_HudElems 0x01734CC8
gclient_s 0x01923D20
gentity_s 0x017B48C0
LevelTime 0x0173E080

AddBaseDrawTextCmd 0x0040FCA0
AimTarget_GetTagPos_0 0x000363F8
AimTarget_isTargetVisible 0x000366A0
AngleNormalize360 0x006118C8
AnglesToAxis 0x006144D0
BG_AnimScriptEvent 0x00705A00
BG_GetPlayerWeaponModel 0x00062764
BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex 0x007584E4
BG_GetWeaponDef 0x0077C8D4
BG_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier 0x00787C14
BG_GetWeaponName 0x00760078
CG_DObjGetWorldTagPos 0x0008BA70
CG_EntityInfrared 0x00089AF0
CG_GetPredictedPlayerState 0x001032F8
CG_IsEntityFriendlyNotEnemy 0x00089A40
CG_IsInfrared 0x00169218
CG_SetWeaponHeatConstants 0x00172C48
CL_DrawStretchPicPhysicalInternal 0x001C8790
CL_DrawText 0x001D71F0
CL_DrawTextPhysical 0x001D70F0
CL_DrawTextPhysicalWithEffects 0x001D7140
CL_WritePacket 0x001CECE4
CM_UnlinkEntity 0x0059F310
CachedTag_GetCachedTagPos 0x00105200
CachedTag_GetTagPos 0x00105300
CachedTag_NoCache_GetTagPos 0x00104F90
CachedTag_UpdateTagInternal 0x0010509C
Com_Error 0x005AB060
Com_GetClientDObj 0x005B3EC8
Com_HashKey 0x00616598
Com_SessionMode_IsOnlineGame 0x005A8C0C
Com_sprintf 0x00629EB4
DeathGrenadeDrop 0x002B5608
DrawOffscreenViewableWaypoint 0x000F3190
Dvar_FindMalleableVar 0x0061F384
Dvar_GetBool 0x0061F79C
Dvar_GetFloat 0x0061FA20
Dvar_GetInt 0x0061F818
Dvar_RegisterNew 0x00621908
FX_ClientVisibilityTest 0x00286B70
GScr_AddFieldsForActor 0x006B4930
GScr_AddFieldsForClient 0x006D6AF0
GScr_AddFieldsForSentient 0x006B49C0
GScr_AddFieldsForVehicle 0x002EBA68
GScr_AllocString 0x00348000
GScr_LoadConsts 0x003B4A48
G_CallSpawnEntity 0x003789B8
G_FindConfigStringIndex 0x00387D28
G_GetRandomSeed 0x0038D480
G_GetWeaponForName 0x003AF298
G_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier 0x0030FA48
G_LocalizedStringIndex 0x00387EDC
G_MaterialIndex 0x00387FC0
G_ModelIndex 0x0004895C
G_SetModel 0x003895D4
G_Spawn 0x0038C11C
G_SpawnItem 0x0031CB00
G_crandom 0x00060324
GetHudElemInfo 0x000F2860
GetScaleForDistance 0x000F1CF0
HudElemColorToVec4 0x000F1900
IncInParam 0x0058A220
iprintln 0x0033E900
iprintlnbold 0x0033E9A4
MSG_SetDefaultUserCmd 0x005B9808
MSG_WriteBits 0x005B79FC
MSG_WriteByte 0x005B7E04
MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmdKey 0x005BBCC4
MSG_WriteLong 0x005B7EB0
MSG_WriteString 0x005B8680
MatchRecordDeath 0x0025FD34
Material_LoadPerMap 0x00408360
Material_RegisterHandle 0x00408304
Material_Register_FastFile 0x00244A6C
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPicInternal 0x0040FAA0
R_AddCmdDrawStretchRotateXYInternal 0x0040FAF8
R_AddCmdDrawTextInternal 0x0040FEF0
R_AddCmdDrawTextWInternal 0x0040FF50
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffectsInternal 0x00410068
R_AllocShaderConstantSet 0x004204EC
R_ConvertColorToBytes 0x0043C408
R_GetCommandBuffer 0x0040F534
R_RegisterFont 0x003FF33C
SL_ConvertToString 0x001ABA6C
SL_FindString 0x001ABED0
SL_GetStringOfSize 0x001AC00C
SV_AddServerCommand 0x005E0AB4
SV_GameSendServerCommand 0x005DBD44
SV_GetConfigStringConst 0x005DE524
SV_LocateGameData 0x005DCD28
SV_SendServerCommand 0x005E0E5C
SV_SetConfigString 0x005DE058
SV_UnlinkEntity 0x005EA214
ScrPlace_ApplyRect 0x001E5890
ScrPlace_GetView 0x001E4D40
Scr_AddClassField 0x001B90EC
Scr_AddEntity 0x003795EC
Scr_AddFields 0x001B9764
Scr_AddFieldsForEntity 0x00378C54
Scr_AllocString 0x001ACB38
Scr_ConstructMessageString 0x0034B078
Scr_Error 0x001B9EDC
Scr_ErrorInternal 0x001CB560
Scr_GetConstString 0x001B9F88
Scr_GetEntity 0x00379BF0
Scr_GetInt 0x001BD238
Scr_GetNumParam 0x001BF508
Scr_GetString 0x001BD7D0
Scr_GetVector 0x001BE548
Scr_Notify 0x00379ED4
Scr_NotifyNum 0x001BB348
Scr_SetString 0x001AC9FC
VEH_UnlinkPlayer 0x00392360
V_SvEntityForGentity 0x005DBCC0
WaypointTargetFade 0x000F1A40

Swaqq's gclient_s + gentity struct

class gclient_s //Size = 0x6200
public static uint
//Byte order: ON,OFF.
Origin = Addresses.gclient + 0x30,
PrimaryWeapon = Addresses.gclient + 0x383,
PrimaryCamo = Addresses.gclient + 0x389,
PrimaryAmmo = Addresses.gclient + 0x548,//0x0F 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
SecondaryAmmo = Addresses.gclient + 0x54C,//0x0F 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
PrimaryClip = Addresses.gclient + 0x584,//0x0F 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
SecondaryClip = Addresses.gclient + 0x588,//0x0F 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
Invisible = Addresses.gclient + 0x65A,//0x01,0x00
Lag = Addresses.gclient + 0x5D27,//0x02,0x00
SpeedX2 = Addresses.gclient + 0x5DF8,//0x40,0x3F
Name = Addresses.gclient + 0x5E14,
Score = Addresses.gclient + 0x5E8C,
Kills = Addresses.gclient + 0x5EB5,
Deaths = Addresses.gclient + 0x5ECC,
UAV = Addresses.gclient + 0x5EFF; //0x07, 0x03
class gentity_s //Size=0x350
public static uint
Health = Addresses.gentity + 0x212;

Shark's rare addresses

enum Address {
VM_Notify_a = 0x1AB4C4,
VM_Resume_a = 0x1C5B7C,
VM_Execute_a = 0x1C127C,
VM_Execute_0_a = 0x1C14EC,
SL_ConvertToString_a = 0x1B100C,
SL_GetString_a = 0x1B1B00,
SL_GetCanonicalString_a = 0x1A42FC,
AllocatedMemory_a = 0x1700000,
ThreadStorage_a = 0x1830000,
SV_GetConfigString_a = 0x5E9B88,

Scr_ClearOutParams_a = 0x1B2DA8,
Scr_AddInt_a = 0x1C4A4C,
Scr_AddFloat_a = 0x1C4B04,
Scr_AddString_a = 0x1C4DC0,
Scr_AddEntity_a = 0x37E85C,
Scr_AddHudElem_a = 0x37EFFC,
Scr_AddEntityNum_a = 0x1C4C24,
Scr_AddVector_a = 0x1C4EB4,
Scr_AddUndefined_a = 0x1BF878,
Scr_GetSelf_a = 0x1B56DC,
Scr_GetEntityId_a = 0x1B8D40,
Scr_GetEntityIdRef_a = 0x1B79D8,
Scr_GetEntityRef_a = 0x1C3EFC,
Scr_GetObject_a = 0x1C4144,
Scr_GetObjectField_a = 0x37EC80,
Scr_SetObjectField_a = 0x37E660,
Scr_GetVariableFieldIndex_a = 0x1B8FD4,
Scr_NotifyNum_a = 0x1C0820,
Scr_Notify_a = 0x37F114,
GetVariable_a = 0x1B5AD4,
GetVariableValueAddress_a = 0x1B52DC,
GetObjectType_a = 0x1B5380,
GetArraySize_a = 0x1C50F0,
FindEntityId_a = 0x1B8B74,
FindVariable_a = 0x1B3658,
FindArrayVariable_a = 0x1B3658,
Scr_FindField_a = 0x1BE7AC,
Scr_FindVariableField_a = 0x1B4110,
SetVariableValue_a = 0x1B2F54,
SetVariableFieldValue_a = 0x1B5608,
Scr_FreeThread_a = 0x1C1DD8,
Scr_ExecThread_a = 0x1C18D4,
Scr_ExecEntThread_a = 0x37F07C,
Scr_ExecEntThreadNum_a = 0x1C1A18,

level_locals_t_a = 0x1781F00,
gentity_s_a = 0x17FF8A0,
gentity_s_size = 0x350,
gclient_s_a = 0x192C900,
gclient_s_size = 0x6200,
g_hudelem_s_a = 0x1770778,
g_hudelem_s_size = 0x88,
scrVmPub_t_a = 0x1138600,
g_classMap_a = 0xE24068,
scrVarGlob_t_a = 0x112B300,

SC58's All Client Stats

bool YEncIsCritical(char c)
return !c || c == 0x3D || c == 0xA || c == 0xD || c == 0x7F || c == 0x5C || c == 0x25 || c == 0x92 || c == 0x22 || c == 0x3B;

int Com_EncodeYEnc(char *indata, int inlen, char *outdata, int outlen)
int len = 0;
for (int in = 0; in < inlen; ++in)
char c = indata[in] + 0x2A;
if (YEncIsCritical(c))
c += 0x40;
if (len + 1 == outlen)
*outdata = 0;
return 0;
outdata[len++] = 0x3D;
if (len + 1 == outlen)
*outdata = 0;
return 0;
outdata[len++] = c;
outdata[len] = 0;
return len;

int Com_DecodeYEnc(const char *indata, char *outdata, int outlen)
bool escape = false;
int len = 0;
while (*indata)
char c = *indata;
if (escape || c != 0x3D)
if (len == outlen)
return 0;
if (escape)
c -= 0x40;
escape = false;
outdata[len++] = c - 0x2A;
escape = true;
return len;

void SetClientStats(int clientNum, bool statsModified, char *statData)
char encodedData[0x400];
encodedBuffer[0] = 0x79;
Com_EncodeYEnc(statData, 0x400, &encodedData[1], 0x400);
SV_GameSendServerCommand(clientNum, 1, va("e %d %s", statsModified, encodedData));

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Last edited by Specter ; 06-26-2016 at 04:12 PM.

The following 17 users say thank you to Specter for this useful post:

ℂontra, Algebra, Ali-Hamekhani, anxify, Red-EyeX32, Sabotage, Easter Bunny, esc0rtd3w, geekiedad, Humble, Kam, NickBeHaxing, John, Satanism, Swaqq, VenoxCoding, vicious_results
12-27-2015, 07:16 PM #20
NGU Elite Lifetime Mermber
Originally posted by SC58 View Post


wow, now the game is literally destroyed Sal But ye, message me on skype! you earned a fucking xmas cookie! Kappa
12-27-2015, 07:19 PM #21
Former Staff
Originally posted by 01cedricv2 View Post
wow, now the game is literally destroyed Sal But ye, message me on skype! you earned a fucking xmas cookie! Kappa

i don't see anyone getting this to work but i thought i would post it as it pointless for me to keep to myself anymore
12-27-2015, 07:20 PM #22
NGU Elite Lifetime Mermber
Originally posted by SC58 View Post
i don't see anyone getting this to work but i thought i would post it as it pointless for me to keep to myself anymore

True! Everyone is keeping their stuff for themself, thats kinda sad!
02-08-2016, 09:58 AM #23
Save Point
Nice, Thanks.
02-13-2016, 06:35 PM #24
Good shit
02-24-2016, 04:39 AM #25
thanks Spec was looking for this
02-26-2016, 04:37 PM #26
is this just for PS4? i dont understand what you gonna do with the codes? help me!
02-26-2016, 04:44 PM #27
Indie Developer
Reverse Engineer
Originally posted by Abbbee04 View Post
is this just for PS4? i dont understand what you gonna do with the codes? help me!

PS4 lmaoooooo
This is for PS3 sir , ps4 can't , no jailbreak available Winky Winky
02-28-2016, 12:33 PM #28
Are you high?
Do you have bg_getweapondef for 1.06 please ? and anyone can explain me how to find this adresse ? thank's Winky Winky

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