Post: Black Ops 3 - Offsets And Addresses Collection [1.07/Updating]
05-02-2016, 05:42 PM #1
Space Ninja
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Black Ops 3 Offsets And Adresses Collection


I Made This To Keep Everything Updated On Black Ops 3, Also If Your Not In Credits And You Think You Should Be Just Post Below, I Hope For This To Be The BO3 Thread For Offsets/Addresses!

Current Version: 1.07


TOC Address - 0xE11ED8

G_Client Structure:

Main Addresses:
gclient - 0x18C6220
gclient size - 0x6200

Client Name:
Offset - gclient + 0x5DB0

Offset - gclient + 0x23
On - 0x05
Spectator - 0x06
Off - 0x04

Third Person:
Offset - gclient + 0x12D
On - 0x01
Off - 0x00

TBag Happy
Offset - gclient + 0x12F
Action - 0x04

Snake Mode:
Offset - gclient + 0x186
On - 0x01
Off - 0x02

Change Weapon:
Offset - gclient + 0x383

Change Camo:
Offset - gclient + 0x389

Give/Remove Killstreaks:
Give Killstreak 1 - gclient + 0x57B
Give - 0x01
Remove - 0x00

Give Killstreak 2 - gclient + 0x57F
Give - 0x01
Remove - 0x00

Give Killstreak 3 - gclient + 0x580
Give - 0x01
Remove - 0x00

Weapons/Granades Ammo:
Primary Ammo - gclient + 0x586
Primary Ammo Clip - gclient + 0x54A
Secondary Ammo - gclient + 0x58A
Secondary Ammo Clip - gclient + 0x54E
Lethal Ammo - gclient + 0x58E
Tactical Ammo - gclient + 0x592
On - 0xFF
Off - 0x00

Enable/Remove Huds:
Offset - gclient + 0x659
On - 0x02
Off - 0x01

Visibility Settings:
Offset - gclient + 0x65A
Normal Invisibility - 0x01
Blue Invisibility - 0x02
Off - 0x00

Give Specialist:
Offset - gclient + 0x73B
Give - 0x01
Remove - 0x00

Disable/Enable Killstreaks:
Disable Killstreak 1 - gclient + 0x8D7
Disable - 0x00
Enable - 0x01

Disable Killstreak 2 - gclient + 0x8CF
Disable - 0x00
Enable - 0x01

Disable Killstreak 3 - gclient + 0x8CB
Disable - 0x00
Enable - 0x01

Offset - gclient + 0x5D03 //Note Removes Weapons
Spawned - 0x00
Not Spawned + Bloody Screen - 0x01
Real Spectator - 0x02
Spectating Nothing - 0x03

x2 Speed:
Offset - gclient + 0x5DF8
On - 0x40
Off - 0x3F

In-Game Stats:
Score - gclient + 0x5EB7
Points - gclient + 0x5EC7
Kills - gclient + 0x5ECB
Deaths - gclient + 0x5ECF

Button Monitor:
Offset - gclient + 0x600C

X - 2097152
O - 4194304
/\ - 131080
[] - 67108864
L1 - 1048704
L2 - 65536
L3 - 1074003968
R1 - -2147483648
R2 - 131072
R3 - 536870912

Offset - gclient + 0x61A3
On - 0x01
Off - 0x00

Last Stand:
Offset - gclient + 0x61B0
On - 0x01
Off - 0x00

G_Entity Structure:

Main Addresses:
gentity - 0x17FF620
gentity size - 0x350

Offset - gentity + 0x21C
On - 0xFF, 0xFF
Off - 0x00, 0x64

Non-Host Offsets:

Offset - 0xC8998
On - 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
Off - 0x41, 0x82, 0x00, 0xAC

Offset - 0x1907F0
On - 0x60 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00
Off - 0x48 , 0x5F , 0x6B , 0x79

Red Boxes:
Activate Offset - 0x58DF48
On - 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
Off - 0x41 , 0x82 , 0x01 , 0xD4

Enable Offset - 0x58DF10
On - 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
Off - 0x41, 0x82, 0x02, 0x0C

Offset - 0x1908E8
On - 0x38 , 0xC0 , 0xFF , 0xFF
Off - 0x63, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x00

Offset - 0xCC5A8
On - 0x2c, 0x14, 0x00, 0x01
Off - 0x2c, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00

Steady Aim:
Offset - 0x76A174
On - 0x2C , 0x04 , 0x00 , 0x00
Off - 0x2C , 0x04 , 0x00 , 0x02

Address Functions:

Structures + Misc:

cgArray - 0xF57BF4

centity - 0xF57BFC

G_Client - 0x18C6220
G_Client_Size - 0x6200

G_Entity - 0x17FF620
G_Entity_Size - 0x350

G_HudElems - 0x1770708
G_HudElems_Size - 0x88

ClientActive - 0xE24C10

level_locals_t - 0x1781E80

_________________A Functions______________________
AimTarget_GetTagPos - 0x36458
AimTarget_IsTargetVisible - 0x36700
AddBaseDrawTextCmd - 0x411BC8
AngleNormalize360 - 0x621E18
AnglesToAxis - 0x624A20

_________________B Functions______________________
BG_AnimScriptEvent - 0x7154B0
BG_GetPlayerWeaponModel - 0x62B6C
_________________C Functions______________________
CachedTag_GetCachedTagPos - 0x10AEEC
CachedTag_GetTagPos - 0x10AFEC
CachedTag_NoCache_GetTagPos - 0x10AC7C
CachedTag_UpdateTagInternal - 0x10AD88

Cbuf_AddText - 0x5B1A7C

CG_DObjGetWorldTagPos - 0x8C608
CG_EntityInfrared - 0x8A6888
CG_GetPredictedPlayerState - 0x109050
CG_IsEntityFriendlyNotEnemy - 0x8A5D8
CG_IsInfrared - 0x16FFD0
CG_SetWeaponHeatConstants - 0x179B08

CL_DrawStretchPicPhysicalInternal - 0x1CF658
CL_DrawText - 0x1DE2A0
CL_DrawTextPhysical - 0x1DE1A0
CL_DrawTextPhysicalWithEffects - 0x1DE1F0
CL_WritePacket - 0x1D5BBC

CM_UnlinkEntity - 0x5AF820

CMD_VEH_UseVehicle - 0x3A3A28
CMD_VEH_SetNearGoalNotifyDist - 0x3A3B40
CMD_VEH_SetVehGoalPos - 0x3A3C20

Com_sprintf - 0x63A264
Com_HashKey - 0x6269D0
Com_SessionMode_IsOnlineGame - 0x5B90BC
Com_GetClientDObj - 0x5C4748
Com_Error - 0x5BB5E0

_________________D Functions______________________
DeathGrenadeDrop - 0x2BDBB0
DrawOffscreenViewableWaypoint - 0xF8E98

Dvar_FindMalleableVar - 0x62F7BC
Dvar_GetBool - 0x62FBD4
Dvar_GetFloat - 0x62FE58
Dvar_GetInt - 0x62FC50
Dvar_RegisterNew - 0x631D40

_________________F Functions______________________
FX_ClientVisibilityTest - 0x28EB40

_________________G Functions______________________
G_CallSpawnEntity - 0x3803D0
G_Spawn - 0x39272C
G_SpawnItem - 0x3244B0
G_SetModel - 0x38FBE4
G_ModelIndex - 0x48990
G_InitGentity - 0x3915A0
G_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier - 0x3173FC
G_GetWeaponForName - 0x3B12FC
G_GetWeaponForEntity - 0x3174E0
G_GetRandomSeed - 0x393A88
G_FindConfigStringIndex - 0x38E338
G_LocalizedStringIndex - 0x38E4EC
G_MaterialIndex - 0x38E5D0
G_Crandom - 0x606DC

GetHudElemInfo - 0xF8568
GetScaleForDistance 0xF79F8

GSCr_SpawnCollision - 0x3573BC
GSCr_SpawnVehicle - 0x35757C
GSCr_SpawnTimedFX - 0x357938
GSCr_SpawnTurret - 0x357B84
GSCr_SpawnHelicopter - 0x357BB8

___________________H Functions_____________________
HudElemColorToVec4 - 0xF7608

HECmd_SetText - 0x31F140
HECmd_SetShader - 0x31F208
HECmd_SetWarGameData - 0x31F39C
HECmd_SetTargetEnt - 0x31F3A0
HECmd_ClearTargetEnt - 0x31F440
HECmd_SetTimer - 0x31F894
HECmd_SetTimerUp - 0x31F8DC
HECmd_SetTenthsTimer - 0x31F924
HECmd_SetTenthsTimerUp - 0x31F96C
HECmd_SetClock - 0x31F9B4
HECmd_SetClockUp - 0x31F9FC
HECmd_SetValue - 0x31FA44
HECmd_SetWayPoint - 0x31FAEC
HECmd_SetPerk - 0x31FC34
HECmd_FadeOverTime - 0x31FCD8
HECmd_ChangeFontScaleOverTime - 0x31FE60
HECmd_ScaleOverTime - 0x31FFE8
HECmd_MoveOverTime - 0x320198
HECmd_Reset - 0x320308
HECmd_Destroy - 0x320370
HECmd_SetPlayerNameString - 0x3203F0
HECmd_SetGameTypeString - 0x3204B8
HECmd_SetMapNameString - 0x320584
HECmd_SetPulseFX - 0x320648
HECmd_SetCod7DeCodeFX - 0x32082C
HECmd_SetRedactFX - 0x3209A8
HECmd_SetTypewriterFX - 0x320B68
HECmd_GetTextWidth - 0x320CE8

_________________K Functions______________________
Key_IsDown - 0x1D6654

_________________M Functions______________________
Material_RegisterHandle - 0x40A27C
Material_LoadPerMap - 0x40A2E0
Material_Register_FastFile - 0x24C350

_________________R Functions______________________
R_SetFrameFog - 0x3D0B28
R_RegisterFont - 0x4012B4
R_GetCommandBuffer - 0x411560
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPicInternal - 0x4119C8
R_AddCmdDrawStretchRotateXYInternal - 0x411A20
R_AddCmdDrawTextInternal - 0x411E18
R_AddCmdDrawTextWInternal - 0x411E78
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffectsInternal - 0x411F90
R_AllocShaderConstantSet - 0x42239C
R_ConvertColorToBytes - 0x43E368

_________________S Functions______________________
ScriptEnt_MoveTo - 0x37D9F0
ScriptEnt_MoveGravity - 0x37DB08
ScriptEnt_MoveSlide - 0x37DC98
ScriptEnt_StopMoveSlide - 0x37DE54
ScriptEnt_MoveX - 0x37DF38
ScriptEnt_MoveY - 0x37DF78
ScriptEnt_MoveZ - 0x37DFB8
ScriptEnt_RotateTo - 0x37E008
ScriptEnt_RotatePitch - 0x37E1CA
ScriptEnt_RotateYaw - 0x37E204
ScriptEnt_RotateRoll - 0x37E244
ScriptEnt_Vibrate - 0x37E298
ScriptEnt_Bobbing - 0x37E578
ScriptEnt_Rotate - 0x37E840
ScriptEnt_RotateVelocity - 0x37E9A4
ScriptEnt_SetCanDamage - 0x37EADC
ScriptEnt_PhysicsLaunch - 0x37EB54
ScriptEnt_GetEnt - 0x381AB0
ScriptEnt_GetEntArray - 0x382280
ScriptEnt_GetEntArrayFromArray - 0x3825E4
ScriptEnt_GetDamageableEntArray - 0x382818

Scr_Notify - 0x3818A0
Scr_NotifyNum - 0x1C2160
Scr_GetEntity - 0x3815B8

SL_ConvertToString - 0x1B2838
SL_FindString - 0x1B2C9C
SL_GetStringOfSize - 0x1B2DD8
SL_GetString - 0x1B332C

SV_GameSendServerCommand - 0x5EC544
SV_AddServerCommand - 0x5F16DC
SV_GetConfigStringConst - 0x5EEEC4
SV_LinkEntity - 0x5FCCD0
SV_UnlinkEntity - 0x5FCB44
SV_LocateGameData - 0x5ED5A8
SV_SendServerCommand - 0x5F1A84
SV_SetConfigString - 0x5EE9F8
SV_AddTestClient - 0x5EBEB0

_________________P Functions______________________
Player_Die - 0x316E48

PlayerCmd_ResetAnimations - 0x2F64B4
PlayerCmd_Revive - 0x2F65DC
PlayerCmd_GetTargetScreenAngles - 0x2F6B48
PlayerCmd_GiveNextBaseWeapon - 0x2F7980
PlayerCmd_GetNormalizedMovement - 0x2F7988
PlayerCmd_GetNormalizedCameraMovement - 0x2F7A90
PlayerCmd_GiveWeaponNextAttachment - 0x2F7A94
PlayerCmd_GetWeaponAcvi - 0x2F7A98
PlayerCmd_CalcWeaponOptions - 0x2F7BCC

________________W Functions________________________
WaypointTargetFade - 0xF7748
WorldPosToScreenPos - 0xB9BF0

Special Addresses:

VM_Notify - 0x1ACE7C
VM_Resume - 0x1C74BC
VM_Execute - 0x1C2BBC
VM_Execute_0 - 0x1C2EC2
SL_GetCanonicalString - 0x1A5E94
SV_GetConfigString - 0x5EEDE8

Scr_ClearOutParams - 0x1B46E8
Scr_AddInt - 0x1C638C
Scr_AddFloat - 0x1C6444
Scr_AddString - 0x1C6700
Scr_AddVector - 0x1C67F4
Scr_GetSelf - 0x1B7050
Scr_AddUndefined - 0x1C11B8
Scr_AddEntityNum - 0x1C6564
Scr_GetEntityId - 0x1BA680
Scr_GetEntityIdRef - 0x1B9314
Scr_GetEntityRef - 0x1C583C
Scr_GetObject - 0x1C5A84
GetVariable - 0x1B7410
GetVariableValueAddress - 0x1B6C18
GetObjectType - 0x1B6CBC


TOC - 0xDF1E60

G_Client Structure:

Main Addresses:
gclient - 0x18C42E8
gclient size - 0x61E0

G_Entity Structure:

Main Addresses:
gentity - 0x17BB2E8
gentity size - 0x350

Address Functions:

Structures + Misc:

cgArray - 0xF373F4

Centity - 0xF37400

gclient - 0x18C42E8
gclient size - 0x61E0

gentity - 0x17BB2E8
gentity size - 0x350

_________________A Functions______________________
AimTarget_GetPos - 0x36440
AimTarget_isTargetVisible - 0x366E8

_________________C Functions______________________
Cbuf_AddText - 0x5A657C

_________________G Functions______________________
G_Spawn - 0x38D6EC
G_Client - 0x18C42E8
G_Client_Size - 0x61E0
G_Entity - 0x17BB2E8
G_Entity_Size - 0x350
G_InitGentity - 0x38C560
G_SetModel - 0x38ABA4
G_ModelIndex - 0x48980

_________________K Functions______________________
Key_IsDown - 0x1D11B4

_________________M Functions______________________
Material_RegisterHandle - 0x409704
Material_Register_FastFile - 0x246B28

_________________R Functions______________________
R_SetFrameFog - 0x3D00E8
R_RegisterFont - 0x40073C
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPicInternal - 0x410E68
R_AddCmdDrawStretchRotateXYInternal - 0x410EC0
R_AddCmdDrawTextInternal - 0x4112B8
R_AddCmdDrawTextWInternal - 0x411318
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffectsInternal - 0x411430

_________________S Functions______________________
SV_GameSendServerCommand - 0x5E0E44
SV_LocateGameData - 0x5E1EA8

Indie Developer
Last edited by Specter ; 07-07-2016 at 07:29 PM. Reason: Re-Organized And Added New Stuff

The following 9 users say thank you to S63 for this useful post:

Africanized, anxify, Dro, iMoDz|Shadow, Mr.Peanut, NextGenAlex2015, Oroch, SyTry
06-04-2016, 01:33 AM #11
Space Ninja
Message To Any Staff Members Available:

Maybe i could get this thread stickied so people can locate offsets/addresses that they need quicker Winky Winky
06-04-2016, 06:03 AM #12
Bounty hunter
Awesome thread! Will be useful for a MASSIVE Call of Duty tool I am working on!
06-04-2016, 10:23 AM #13
Space Ninja
Originally posted by Freezee View Post
Awesome thread! Will be useful for a MASSIVE Call of Duty tool I am working on!

Glad to hear it Winky Winky also i got the zombies g_client structure which i might upload later on today

The following 2 users say thank you to S63 for this useful post:

FFM | iMoDzRGFR, Freezee
06-04-2016, 02:50 PM #14
Are you high?
Gg Winky Winky

The following user thanked FFM | iMoDzRGFR for this useful post:

06-04-2016, 09:01 PM #15
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by ItsJordanModz View Post
Glad to hear it Winky Winky also i got the zombies g_client structure which i might upload later on today

Release it when you want, I am just working on Ghost part of my tool first, then MW1,MW2,MW3,BO1,BO2 and so on.
06-16-2016, 06:54 AM #16
Do a barrel roll!
i am finding all of this offset stuff interesting...i played around with the redboxes and it worked fine but when trying to use wall hack, no recoil and steady aim offline my console always freezes. when i look in the debugger i see : data_htab_miss , system hanging. switching the offsets back to normal and unpausing prodg + killing the process in the debugger works 50% of the time. plus i see this in the kernel logs on prodg : lv2(2) : /dev_flash/rebug/cobra/stage2.dex (spams endlessly until i shut off ps3). im sure the offsets moved around since this post but now im going to try to figure out how one finds the correct offsets, lol. cool find on the offsets though.
06-16-2016, 11:01 AM #17
Space Ninja
Originally posted by Mr.Peanut View Post
i am finding all of this offset stuff interesting...i played around with the redboxes and it worked fine but when trying to use wall hack, no recoil and steady aim offline my console always freezes. when i look in the debugger i see : data_htab_miss , system hanging. switching the offsets back to normal and unpausing prodg + killing the process in the debugger works 50% of the time. plus i see this in the kernel logs on prodg : lv2(2) : /dev_flash/rebug/cobra/stage2.dex (spams endlessly until i shut off ps3). im sure the offsets moved around since this post but now im going to try to figure out how one finds the correct offsets, lol. cool find on the offsets though.

Um these should work unless black ops 3 has been updated (these are for 1.07)
10-04-2016, 12:39 AM #18
Anyone got the offset for this? this.label15.Text = PS3.Extension.ReadString(OFFSET HERE); for bo3
10-04-2016, 12:41 AM #19
Originally posted by Atomicmodzzz View Post
Anyone got the offset for this? this.label15.Text = PS3.Extension.ReadString(OFFSET HERE); for bo3

Nvm i i think its there just didnt see it
BTW Thanks for these

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