Post: BO1 Huds not working in multiplayer!!!
03-09-2016, 08:46 PM #1
Do a barrel roll!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hi NGU! Ive been making a sprx menu for bo1 but ive run into a problem. My huds works perfect in splitscreen+Lan party but as soon as I go into private match or combat training the huds does not appear, not even SV_GameSendServerCommand works.
I have a "backup plan" using another format of displaying the huds but its not that flexible and ill have to recreate all huds in my project. I suspect the HudElem_alloc address although its the same as in Snow Engine etc.

namespace Huds
enum Struct
X = 0x00,
Y = 0x04,
Z = 0x08,
fontscale = 0xC,
color = 0x10,
sort = 0x38,
glowColor = 0x3C,
targetEntNum = 0x70,
label = 0x48,
width = 0x4A,
height = 0x4C,
text = 0x56,
type = 0x64,
font = 0x65,
materialIndex = 0x68,
ui3dWindow = 0x6D,
fromColor = 20,
fadeStartTime = 24,
scaleStartTime = 28,
fromX = 32,
fromY = 36,
moveStartTime = 40,
time = 44,
duration = 48,
value = 52,
fxBirthTime = 64,
fromWidth = 78,
fromHeight = 80,
scaleTime = 82,
moveTime = 84,
fxLetterTime = 88,
fxDecayStartTime = 90,
fxDecayDuration = 92,
fxRedactDecayStartTime = 94,
fxRedactDecayDuration = 96,
flags = 98,
alignOrg = 102,
alignScreen = 103,
offscreenMaterialIdx = 105,
fromAlignOrg = 106,
fromAlignScreen = 107,
soundID = 108,
unknown = 110
namespace MenuIDs
int NewsBar[12];
int NewsbarUpLine[12];
int NewsbarBG[12];
int NewsbarUnLine[12];
int Scrollbar[12];
int Shader[12];
int Sidebar[12];
int Sidebar2[12];
int MenuTitle[12];
int OptionsText[12];
int MenuName[12];
int Creator[12];
char* MenuOptionText[12];
char* MenuTitleText[12];
char* CreatorText[12];
char* NewsBarText[12];
int PlayerVerification[12];
enum Verification
void ChangeVerification(int clientIndex, Verification VerificationLevel)
MenuIDs::PlayerVerification[clientIndex] = (int)VerificationLevel;
enum TypewriterTextTypes
Normal = 0x800,//fix
Classic = 0x4000

int G_LocalizedStringIndex(char* txt)
opd_s GLS = { 0x00370638, TOC };
int(*GLSI)(char* txt) = (int(*)(char*))&GLS;
return GLSI(txt);

int GetLevelTime()
return *(int*)(Offsets::Level_Time);
int GetLevelTime1()
return *(int*)0x011E7889;
int HudElem_Alloc()
for (int client = 0; client < 12; client++)
for (int i = 150; i < 1024; i++)
unsigned int address = (0x11F26D4 + (client * 0x2A3Cool Man (aka Tustin) + (i * 0x7C));
char* Buffer = ReadBytes(address, 4);
if (Buffer[0] == 0x00)
*(int*)(address + Huds::type) = 0x7C;
return address;
return 1023;

int SetShader(int client, char Material, short Width, short Height, float x, float y, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255)
int Element = HudElem_Alloc();
*(char*)(Element + Huds::type) = 8;
*(short*)(Element + Huds::height) = Height;
*(short*)(Element + Huds::width) = Width;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::Y) = y;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::sort) = 0;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::targetEntNum) = client;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::materialIndex) = Material;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color) = r;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x01) = g;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x02) = b;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x03) = a;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::ui3dWindow) = 0xFF;
return Element;

int SetText(int client, char* text, float x, float y, int Allign, int AllignOrg, float fontsize, char font, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255, int glowr = 255, int glowg = 255, int glowb = 255, int glowa = 255)
int Element = HudElem_Alloc();
*(char*)(Element + Huds::type) = 1;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::targetEntNum) = client;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::text - 2) = G_LocalizedStringIndex(text);
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::Y) = y;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::alignScreen) = Allign;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::alignOrg) = AllignOrg;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::fontscale) = fontsize;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::font) = font ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color) = r ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x01) = g ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x02) = b ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x03) = a;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor) = glowr;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor + 0x01) = glowg ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor + 0x02) = glowb ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor + 0x03) = glowa ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::ui3dWindow) = 0xFF;
return Element;
void ChangeHUDColor(int Element, int r, int g, int b, int a)
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color) = r;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x01) = g;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x02) = b;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x03) = a;
void ChangeMaterial(int Element, char Material)
*(char*)(Element + Huds::materialIndex) = Material;
void MoveShaderX(unsigned int Element, float x)
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
void MoveShaderXY(unsigned int Element, float x, float y)
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::Y) = y;
int SetTypewriter(int clientIndex, char* Text, int Font, float FontSize, float X, float Y, int Type = Normal, short Lettertime = 200, short fxDecayStartTime = 7000, short fxDecayDuration = 1000, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255, int glowr = 255, int glowg = 255, int glowb = 255, int glowa = 0)
int elemIndex = SetText(clientIndex, Text, X, Y, FontSize, Font, r, g, b, a, glowr, glowg, glowb, glowa);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::flags) = Type;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxBirthTime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxLetterTime) = Lettertime;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayStartTime) = fxDecayStartTime;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayDuration) = fxDecayDuration;
return elemIndex;
void DestroyAllElems()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
char input[0x7C];
WriteBytes(0x11F26D4 + (i * 0x7C), input, 0x7C);
int GetHost()
char* str = ReadString(0x02000934);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
char* str2 = ReadString(0x013978d0 + (i * 0x2A3Cool Man (aka Tustin));
if (str == str2)
return i;
return -1;
void MoveOverTime1(unsigned int Elem, short time, float X, float Y)
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromX) = *(float*)(Elem);
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromY) = *(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y);
*(int*)(Elem + Huds::moveStartTime) = GetLevelTime1();
*(int*)(Elem + Huds::moveTime) = time;
*(float*)Elem = X;
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y) = Y;
void MoveOverTime(unsigned int Elem, short time, float X, float Y)
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromX) = *(float*)(Elem);
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromY) = *(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y);
*(int*)(Elem + Huds::moveStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(Elem + Huds::moveTime) = time;
*(float*)Elem = X;
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y) = Y;
void FadeOverTime(int elemIndex, short Time, int R = 0, int G = 0, int B = 0, int A = 0)
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromColor) = *(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::color);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
//*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeTime) = Time;
char ColorArray[] = { R, G, B, A };
WriteBytes(elemIndex + Huds::color, ColorArray, 4);
void FadeGlowOverTimez(int elemIndex, short Time, int RG = 0, int GG = 0, int BG = 0, int A = 0)
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor) = *(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
//*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeTime) = Time;
char ColorArray[] = { RG, GG, BG, A };
WriteBytes(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor, ColorArray, 4);
void MoveHudOverTime(int elemIndex, float X)
WriteFloat(elemIndex + Huds::X, X);
void FadeAlphaOverTime(int elemIndex, short Time, char A = 0)
char* readColorArray = ReadBytes(elemIndex + Huds::color, 3);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromColor) = *(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::color);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
//*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeTime) = Time;
char ColorArray[] = { readColorArray[0], readColorArray[1], readColorArray[2], A };
WriteBytes(elemIndex + Huds::color, ColorArray, 4);
void ScaleOverTime(int elemIndex, short time, short width, short height)
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromHeight) = *(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::height);
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromWidth) = *(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::width);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::scaleStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::scaleTime) = time;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::width) = width;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::height) = height;
void FontScaleOverTime(int elemIndex, float FontSize, short time)
/*(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromfrontscale) = *(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontscale);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontscalestarttime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontScaleTime) = time;
*(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontscale) = FontSize;*/
void ChangeText(int Element, char* text)
*(int*)(Element + Huds::text - 2) = G_LocalizedStringIndex(text);
/*void doTypewriterText(int elemIndex, int clientIndex, const char * text, float x, float y, int fxLetterTime, int fxDecayStartTime, int fxDecayDuration, color_s color, color_s glowColor)
int * levelTime = (int*)0x0012E0304;
int SetText(Elem, clientIndex, "", 4, 1.9f, x, y, 0x05, 0x91);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxBirthTime) = *levelTime;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxLetterTime) = fxLetterTime;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayStartTime) = fxDecayStartTime;
*(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayDuration) = fxDecayDuration;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::color) = color;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor) = glowColor;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::text) = G_LocalizedStringIndex(text);

//Menu Huds:
int Title[12];//12 = Number of clients
int Options[12];
int Background[12][2];//2 = 2 Background
int Scrollbar[12];

If anyone have any knowledge about this plz reply Smile
03-10-2016, 12:10 AM #2
Originally posted by PlanetJulgran View Post
Hi NGU! Ive been making a sprx menu for bo1 but ive run into a problem. My huds works perfect in splitscreen+Lan party but as soon as I go into private match or combat training the huds does not appear, not even SV_GameSendServerCommand works.
I have a "backup plan" using another format of displaying the huds but its not that flexible and ill have to recreate all huds in my project. I suspect the HudElem_alloc address although its the same as in Snow Engine etc.

namespace Huds
enum Struct
X = 0x00,
Y = 0x04,
Z = 0x08,
fontscale = 0xC,
color = 0x10,
sort = 0x38,
glowColor = 0x3C,
targetEntNum = 0x70,
label = 0x48,
width = 0x4A,
height = 0x4C,
text = 0x56,
type = 0x64,
font = 0x65,
materialIndex = 0x68,
ui3dWindow = 0x6D,
fromColor = 20,
fadeStartTime = 24,
scaleStartTime = 28,
fromX = 32,
fromY = 36,
moveStartTime = 40,
time = 44,
duration = 48,
value = 52,
fxBirthTime = 64,
fromWidth = 78,
fromHeight = 80,
scaleTime = 82,
moveTime = 84,
fxLetterTime = 88,
fxDecayStartTime = 90,
fxDecayDuration = 92,
fxRedactDecayStartTime = 94,
fxRedactDecayDuration = 96,
flags = 98,
alignOrg = 102,
alignScreen = 103,
offscreenMaterialIdx = 105,
fromAlignOrg = 106,
fromAlignScreen = 107,
soundID = 108,
unknown = 110
namespace MenuIDs
int NewsBar[12];
int NewsbarUpLine[12];
int NewsbarBG[12];
int NewsbarUnLine[12];
int Scrollbar[12];
int Shader[12];
int Sidebar[12];
int Sidebar2[12];
int MenuTitle[12];
int OptionsText[12];
int MenuName[12];
int Creator[12];
char* MenuOptionText[12];
char* MenuTitleText[12];
char* CreatorText[12];
char* NewsBarText[12];
int PlayerVerification[12];
enum Verification
void ChangeVerification(int clientIndex, Verification VerificationLevel)
MenuIDs::PlayerVerification[clientIndex] = (int)VerificationLevel;
enum TypewriterTextTypes
Normal = 0x800,//fix
Classic = 0x4000

int G_LocalizedStringIndex(char* txt)
opd_s GLS = { 0x00370638, TOC };
int(*GLSI)(char* txt) = (int(*)(char*))&GLS;
return GLSI(txt);

int GetLevelTime()
return *(int*)(Offsets::Level_Time);
int GetLevelTime1()
return *(int*)0x011E7889;
int HudElem_Alloc()
for (int client = 0; client < 12; client++)
for (int i = 150; i < 1024; i++)
unsigned int address = (0x11F26D4 + (client * 0x2A3Cool Man (aka Tustin) + (i * 0x7C));
char* Buffer = ReadBytes(address, 4);
if (Buffer[0] == 0x00)
*(int*)(address + Huds::type) = 0x7C;
return address;
return 1023;

int SetShader(int client, char Material, short Width, short Height, float x, float y, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255)
int Element = HudElem_Alloc();
*(char*)(Element + Huds::type) = 8;
*(short*)(Element + Huds::height) = Height;
*(short*)(Element + Huds::width) = Width;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::Y) = y;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::sort) = 0;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::targetEntNum) = client;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::materialIndex) = Material;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color) = r;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x01) = g;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x02) = b;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x03) = a;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::ui3dWindow) = 0xFF;
return Element;

int SetText(int client, char* text, float x, float y, int Allign, int AllignOrg, float fontsize, char font, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255, int glowr = 255, int glowg = 255, int glowb = 255, int glowa = 255)
int Element = HudElem_Alloc();
*(char*)(Element + Huds::type) = 1;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::targetEntNum) = client;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::text - 2) = G_LocalizedStringIndex(text);
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::Y) = y;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::alignScreen) = Allign;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::alignOrg) = AllignOrg;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::fontscale) = fontsize;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::font) = font ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color) = r ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x01) = g ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x02) = b ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x03) = a;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor) = glowr;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor + 0x01) = glowg ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor + 0x02) = glowb ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor + 0x03) = glowa ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::ui3dWindow) = 0xFF;
return Element;
void ChangeHUDColor(int Element, int r, int g, int b, int a)
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color) = r;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x01) = g;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x02) = b;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x03) = a;
void ChangeMaterial(int Element, char Material)
*(char*)(Element + Huds::materialIndex) = Material;
void MoveShaderX(unsigned int Element, float x)
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
void MoveShaderXY(unsigned int Element, float x, float y)
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::Y) = y;
int SetTypewriter(int clientIndex, char* Text, int Font, float FontSize, float X, float Y, int Type = Normal, short Lettertime = 200, short fxDecayStartTime = 7000, short fxDecayDuration = 1000, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255, int glowr = 255, int glowg = 255, int glowb = 255, int glowa = 0)
int elemIndex = SetText(clientIndex, Text, X, Y, FontSize, Font, r, g, b, a, glowr, glowg, glowb, glowa);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::flags) = Type;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxBirthTime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxLetterTime) = Lettertime;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayStartTime) = fxDecayStartTime;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayDuration) = fxDecayDuration;
return elemIndex;
void DestroyAllElems()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
char input[0x7C];
WriteBytes(0x11F26D4 + (i * 0x7C), input, 0x7C);
int GetHost()
char* str = ReadString(0x02000934);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
char* str2 = ReadString(0x013978d0 + (i * 0x2A3Cool Man (aka Tustin));
if (str == str2)
return i;
return -1;
void MoveOverTime1(unsigned int Elem, short time, float X, float Y)
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromX) = *(float*)(Elem);
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromY) = *(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y);
*(int*)(Elem + Huds::moveStartTime) = GetLevelTime1();
*(int*)(Elem + Huds::moveTime) = time;
*(float*)Elem = X;
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y) = Y;
void MoveOverTime(unsigned int Elem, short time, float X, float Y)
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromX) = *(float*)(Elem);
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromY) = *(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y);
*(int*)(Elem + Huds::moveStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(Elem + Huds::moveTime) = time;
*(float*)Elem = X;
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y) = Y;
void FadeOverTime(int elemIndex, short Time, int R = 0, int G = 0, int B = 0, int A = 0)
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromColor) = *(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::color);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
//*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeTime) = Time;
char ColorArray[] = { R, G, B, A };
WriteBytes(elemIndex + Huds::color, ColorArray, 4);
void FadeGlowOverTimez(int elemIndex, short Time, int RG = 0, int GG = 0, int BG = 0, int A = 0)
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor) = *(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
//*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeTime) = Time;
char ColorArray[] = { RG, GG, BG, A };
WriteBytes(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor, ColorArray, 4);
void MoveHudOverTime(int elemIndex, float X)
WriteFloat(elemIndex + Huds::X, X);
void FadeAlphaOverTime(int elemIndex, short Time, char A = 0)
char* readColorArray = ReadBytes(elemIndex + Huds::color, 3);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromColor) = *(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::color);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
//*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeTime) = Time;
char ColorArray[] = { readColorArray[0], readColorArray[1], readColorArray[2], A };
WriteBytes(elemIndex + Huds::color, ColorArray, 4);
void ScaleOverTime(int elemIndex, short time, short width, short height)
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromHeight) = *(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::height);
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromWidth) = *(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::width);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::scaleStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::scaleTime) = time;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::width) = width;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::height) = height;
void FontScaleOverTime(int elemIndex, float FontSize, short time)
/*(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromfrontscale) = *(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontscale);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontscalestarttime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontScaleTime) = time;
*(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontscale) = FontSize;*/
void ChangeText(int Element, char* text)
*(int*)(Element + Huds::text - 2) = G_LocalizedStringIndex(text);
/*void doTypewriterText(int elemIndex, int clientIndex, const char * text, float x, float y, int fxLetterTime, int fxDecayStartTime, int fxDecayDuration, color_s color, color_s glowColor)
int * levelTime = (int*)0x0012E0304;
int SetText(Elem, clientIndex, "", 4, 1.9f, x, y, 0x05, 0x91);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxBirthTime) = *levelTime;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxLetterTime) = fxLetterTime;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayStartTime) = fxDecayStartTime;
*(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayDuration) = fxDecayDuration;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::color) = color;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor) = glowColor;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::text) = G_LocalizedStringIndex(text);

//Menu Huds:
int Title[12];//12 = Number of clients
int Options[12];
int Background[12][2];//2 = 2 Background
int Scrollbar[12];

If anyone have any knowledge about this plz reply Smile

Moved to Black Ops Questions & Inquiries.
03-14-2016, 04:32 AM #3
Bounty hunter
I don't know much about coding menus. I only know much about Injectors n stuff. But anyways.. you're coding a menu for Multiplayer but yet you don't have the online scripts. You only have the offline.

Hope this helps.. if I'm mistaken, I'm sorry. But I'm pretty sure I'm right.
01-11-2017, 03:52 AM #4
Space Ninja
Originally posted by RakzMods View Post
I don't know much about coding menus. I only know much about Injectors n stuff. But anyways.. you're coding a menu for Multiplayer but yet you don't have the online scripts. You only have the offline.

Hope this helps.. if I'm mistaken, I'm sorry. But I'm pretty sure I'm right.

In a way you are correct but he's probably using one of them nasty public huds which only work offline unless you reverse them Smile
01-11-2017, 03:54 AM #5
Space Ninja
Originally posted by TheGreenPlanet View Post
Hi NGU! Ive been making a sprx menu for bo1 but ive run into a problem. My huds works perfect in splitscreen+Lan party but as soon as I go into private match or combat training the huds does not appear, not even SV_GameSendServerCommand works.
I have a "backup plan" using another format of displaying the huds but its not that flexible and ill have to recreate all huds in my project. I suspect the HudElem_alloc address although its the same as in Snow Engine etc.

namespace Huds
enum Struct
X = 0x00,
Y = 0x04,
Z = 0x08,
fontscale = 0xC,
color = 0x10,
sort = 0x38,
glowColor = 0x3C,
targetEntNum = 0x70,
label = 0x48,
width = 0x4A,
height = 0x4C,
text = 0x56,
type = 0x64,
font = 0x65,
materialIndex = 0x68,
ui3dWindow = 0x6D,
fromColor = 20,
fadeStartTime = 24,
scaleStartTime = 28,
fromX = 32,
fromY = 36,
moveStartTime = 40,
time = 44,
duration = 48,
value = 52,
fxBirthTime = 64,
fromWidth = 78,
fromHeight = 80,
scaleTime = 82,
moveTime = 84,
fxLetterTime = 88,
fxDecayStartTime = 90,
fxDecayDuration = 92,
fxRedactDecayStartTime = 94,
fxRedactDecayDuration = 96,
flags = 98,
alignOrg = 102,
alignScreen = 103,
offscreenMaterialIdx = 105,
fromAlignOrg = 106,
fromAlignScreen = 107,
soundID = 108,
unknown = 110
namespace MenuIDs
int NewsBar[12];
int NewsbarUpLine[12];
int NewsbarBG[12];
int NewsbarUnLine[12];
int Scrollbar[12];
int Shader[12];
int Sidebar[12];
int Sidebar2[12];
int MenuTitle[12];
int OptionsText[12];
int MenuName[12];
int Creator[12];
char* MenuOptionText[12];
char* MenuTitleText[12];
char* CreatorText[12];
char* NewsBarText[12];
int PlayerVerification[12];
enum Verification
void ChangeVerification(int clientIndex, Verification VerificationLevel)
MenuIDs::PlayerVerification[clientIndex] = (int)VerificationLevel;
enum TypewriterTextTypes
Normal = 0x800,//fix
Classic = 0x4000

int G_LocalizedStringIndex(char* txt)
opd_s GLS = { 0x00370638, TOC };
int(*GLSI)(char* txt) = (int(*)(char*))&GLS;
return GLSI(txt);

int GetLevelTime()
return *(int*)(Offsets::Level_Time);
int GetLevelTime1()
return *(int*)0x011E7889;
int HudElem_Alloc()
for (int client = 0; client < 12; client++)
for (int i = 150; i < 1024; i++)
unsigned int address = (0x11F26D4 + (client * 0x2A3Cool Man (aka Tustin) + (i * 0x7C));
char* Buffer = ReadBytes(address, 4);
if (Buffer[0] == 0x00)
*(int*)(address + Huds::type) = 0x7C;
return address;
return 1023;

int SetShader(int client, char Material, short Width, short Height, float x, float y, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255)
int Element = HudElem_Alloc();
*(char*)(Element + Huds::type) = 8;
*(short*)(Element + Huds::height) = Height;
*(short*)(Element + Huds::width) = Width;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::Y) = y;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::sort) = 0;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::targetEntNum) = client;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::materialIndex) = Material;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color) = r;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x01) = g;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x02) = b;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x03) = a;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::ui3dWindow) = 0xFF;
return Element;

int SetText(int client, char* text, float x, float y, int Allign, int AllignOrg, float fontsize, char font, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255, int glowr = 255, int glowg = 255, int glowb = 255, int glowa = 255)
int Element = HudElem_Alloc();
*(char*)(Element + Huds::type) = 1;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::targetEntNum) = client;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::text - 2) = G_LocalizedStringIndex(text);
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::Y) = y;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::alignScreen) = Allign;
*(int*)(Element + Huds::alignOrg) = AllignOrg;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::fontscale) = fontsize;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::font) = font ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color) = r ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x01) = g ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x02) = b ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x03) = a;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor) = glowr;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor + 0x01) = glowg ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor + 0x02) = glowb ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::glowColor + 0x03) = glowa ;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::ui3dWindow) = 0xFF;
return Element;
void ChangeHUDColor(int Element, int r, int g, int b, int a)
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color) = r;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x01) = g;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x02) = b;
*(char*)(Element + Huds::color + 0x03) = a;
void ChangeMaterial(int Element, char Material)
*(char*)(Element + Huds::materialIndex) = Material;
void MoveShaderX(unsigned int Element, float x)
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
void MoveShaderXY(unsigned int Element, float x, float y)
*(float*)(Element + Huds::X) = x;
*(float*)(Element + Huds::Y) = y;
int SetTypewriter(int clientIndex, char* Text, int Font, float FontSize, float X, float Y, int Type = Normal, short Lettertime = 200, short fxDecayStartTime = 7000, short fxDecayDuration = 1000, int r = 255, int g = 255, int b = 255, int a = 255, int glowr = 255, int glowg = 255, int glowb = 255, int glowa = 0)
int elemIndex = SetText(clientIndex, Text, X, Y, FontSize, Font, r, g, b, a, glowr, glowg, glowb, glowa);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::flags) = Type;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxBirthTime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxLetterTime) = Lettertime;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayStartTime) = fxDecayStartTime;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayDuration) = fxDecayDuration;
return elemIndex;
void DestroyAllElems()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
char input[0x7C];
WriteBytes(0x11F26D4 + (i * 0x7C), input, 0x7C);
int GetHost()
char* str = ReadString(0x02000934);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
char* str2 = ReadString(0x013978d0 + (i * 0x2A3Cool Man (aka Tustin));
if (str == str2)
return i;
return -1;
void MoveOverTime1(unsigned int Elem, short time, float X, float Y)
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromX) = *(float*)(Elem);
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromY) = *(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y);
*(int*)(Elem + Huds::moveStartTime) = GetLevelTime1();
*(int*)(Elem + Huds::moveTime) = time;
*(float*)Elem = X;
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y) = Y;
void MoveOverTime(unsigned int Elem, short time, float X, float Y)
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromX) = *(float*)(Elem);
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::fromY) = *(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y);
*(int*)(Elem + Huds::moveStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(Elem + Huds::moveTime) = time;
*(float*)Elem = X;
*(float*)(Elem + Huds::Y) = Y;
void FadeOverTime(int elemIndex, short Time, int R = 0, int G = 0, int B = 0, int A = 0)
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromColor) = *(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::color);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
//*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeTime) = Time;
char ColorArray[] = { R, G, B, A };
WriteBytes(elemIndex + Huds::color, ColorArray, 4);
void FadeGlowOverTimez(int elemIndex, short Time, int RG = 0, int GG = 0, int BG = 0, int A = 0)
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor) = *(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
//*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeTime) = Time;
char ColorArray[] = { RG, GG, BG, A };
WriteBytes(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor, ColorArray, 4);
void MoveHudOverTime(int elemIndex, float X)
WriteFloat(elemIndex + Huds::X, X);
void FadeAlphaOverTime(int elemIndex, short Time, char A = 0)
char* readColorArray = ReadBytes(elemIndex + Huds::color, 3);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromColor) = *(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::color);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
//*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fadeTime) = Time;
char ColorArray[] = { readColorArray[0], readColorArray[1], readColorArray[2], A };
WriteBytes(elemIndex + Huds::color, ColorArray, 4);
void ScaleOverTime(int elemIndex, short time, short width, short height)
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromHeight) = *(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::height);
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromWidth) = *(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::width);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::scaleStartTime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::scaleTime) = time;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::width) = width;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::height) = height;
void FontScaleOverTime(int elemIndex, float FontSize, short time)
/*(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fromfrontscale) = *(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontscale);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontscalestarttime) = GetLevelTime();
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontScaleTime) = time;
*(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fontscale) = FontSize;*/
void ChangeText(int Element, char* text)
*(int*)(Element + Huds::text - 2) = G_LocalizedStringIndex(text);
/*void doTypewriterText(int elemIndex, int clientIndex, const char * text, float x, float y, int fxLetterTime, int fxDecayStartTime, int fxDecayDuration, color_s color, color_s glowColor)
int * levelTime = (int*)0x0012E0304;
int SetText(Elem, clientIndex, "", 4, 1.9f, x, y, 0x05, 0x91);
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxBirthTime) = *levelTime;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxLetterTime) = fxLetterTime;
*(short*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayStartTime) = fxDecayStartTime;
*(float*)(elemIndex + Huds::fxDecayDuration) = fxDecayDuration;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::color) = color;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::glowColor) = glowColor;
*(int*)(elemIndex + Huds::text) = G_LocalizedStringIndex(text);

//Menu Huds:
int Title[12];//12 = Number of clients
int Options[12];
int Background[12][2];//2 = 2 Background
int Scrollbar[12];

If anyone have any knowledge about this plz reply Smile

Your most likey using them shitty public released huds in order for them to work online your going to have to do a bit of reversing, cough cough hudelem_alloc
01-11-2017, 04:16 AM #6
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by S63 View Post
In a way you are correct but he's probably using one of them nasty public huds which only work offline unless you reverse them Smile

Holy shit you bumped this lol

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