Post: Some Cod4 CMDs/Binds/DVARs
05-13-2012, 03:34 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); /!\ i know there is a sticky for this already, but mine is kinda easier to view.Codes are also from "Tons" Post,but typed/!\
***Bind Codes***
(R1) = "bind button_rshldr
(L1) = "bind button_lshldr
(R2)= "bind button_rtrig"
(L2)= "bind button_ltrig"
(L3)= "bind button_lstick"
(R3)= "bind button_rstick"
(X)= "bind button_a"
(O)= "bind button_b"
([])= "bind button_x"
(/\)= "bind button_y"
(DPAD LEFT)= "bind dpad_left"
(DPAD RIGHT)= "bind dpad_right"
(DPAD UP)= "bind dpad_up"
(DPAD DOWN)= "bind dpad_down"
(SELECT)= "bind button_back"
(START)= "bind button_start"
***Color Codes***
^1 = Red
^2 = Green
^3 = Yellow
^4 = Blue
^5 = Cyan
^6 = Pink/Magenta
^7 = White
^8 = Random
^0 = Black
***Gun Codes***
(Gold Deagle)= "deserteaglegold_mp"
(Deagle)= "deserteagle_mp"
(USP)= "usp_mp"
(M9)= "beretta_mp"
(Colt.45)= "colt45_mp"
(MP5)= "mp5_mp"
(Skorpion)= "skorpion_mp"
(MiniUzi)= "uzi_mp"
(AK74u)= "ak74u_mp"
(P90)= "p90_mp"
(SAW)= "saw_mp"
(RPD)= "rpd_mp"
(M60)= "m60e4_mp"
(M16A4)= "m16_mp"
(AK47)= "ak47_mp"
(M4 Carbine)= "m4_mp"
(G3)= "g3_mp"
(G36C)= "g36c_mp"
(M14)= "m14_mp"
(MP44)= "mp44_mp"
(Default)= "defaultweapon_mp"
(W1200)= "winchester1200_mp"
(M1014)= "m1014_mp"
(M40A3)= "m40a3_mp"
(M21)= "m21_mp"
(Dragunov)= "dragunov_mp"
(R700)= "remington700_mp"
(Barret50Cal.)= "barret_mp"
(Ex.)= "give g3_silencer_mp"
(GrenadeLauncher)= "_gl_mp"
(Silencer)= "_silencer_mp"
(ACOG)= "_acog_mp"
(Grip)= "_grip_mp"
(RedDotSight) "_reflex_mp"
(RPG-7)= "rpg_mp"
(C4)= "c4_mp"
(Claymore)= "claymore_mp"
(Frag)= "frag_grenade_mp"
(Flash)= "flash_grenade_mp"
(Stun)= "concussion_grenade_mp"
(Smoke)= "smoke_grenade_mp"
(SuperSteadyAim)= "set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.10" *{Must have Steady Aim}*
(SuperSOH)= "set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.5" *{Must have Sleight Of Hand}*
(SuperIronLungs)= "set perk_extraBreath "50" *{Must have Iron Lungs}
(SuperJuggernaut)= "set perk_armorVest "500" *{Must have Juggernaut}*
(SuperSonicBoom)= "set perk_explosiveDamage "200" *{Must have Sonic Boom}*
(SuperDoubleTap)= "set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.30" *{Must have Double Tap)*
(StoppingPower)= "set perk_bulletDamage "40" *{Must have Stopping Power}*
(UAV)= "give radar_mp"
(AirStrike)= "give airstrike_mp"
(Helicopter)= "give helicopter_mp"
(ClanTag)= "set clanname "^1Ex"
(MessageOfTheDay)= "set motd "^2Ex"
(EditCustomClassName)= "set customclass1 "^3Example" *{you can change it from 1-5}*
(CustomMapName)= "ui_mapname "^4Example"
(CustomGameType)= "ui_gametype "^5Example"
(GameConnectGlowColor)= "ui_connectScreenTextGlowColor "0.5 0 0.8 1"
(AlliesName)= "g_teamname_allies ^6Example"
(EnemiesName)= "g_teamname_axis ^7Example"
(LargeCenterText)= "set scr_do_notify ^1Example"
(WhereToShowModText)= "cg_hudChatPosition 5 250" *{certain orders of numbers equals its position}*
(MakeGameFreeForAll)= "g_gametype dm"
(MakeGameSearch&Awesome faceestroy)= "g_gametype sd"
(MakeGameDomination)= "g_gametype dom"
(MakeGameSabotage)= "g_gametype sab"
(MakeGameTeamDeathMatch)= "g_gametype war"
(MakeGameHeadQaurters)= "g_gametype sd"
(Backlot)= "mp_backlot"
(Bloc)= "mp_bloc"
(Bog)= "mp_bog"
(Wetwork)= "mp_cargoship"
(District)= "mp_citystreets"
(Ambush)= "mp_convoy"
(Countdown)= "mp_countdown"
(Crash)= "mp_crash"
(Crossfire)= "mp_crossfire"
(Downpour)= "mp_farm"
(Overgrown)= "mp_overgrown"
(Pipeline)= "mp_pipeline"
(Shipment)= "mp_shipment"
(Showdown)= "mp_showdown"
(Strike)= "mp_strike"
(Vacant)= "mp_vacant"
(SuperMelee)= "set player_meleeRange "999"
(SuperJump)= "set jump_height "1000"
(NormalJump)= "set jump_height "39"
(SuperSpeed)= "set g_speed "999"
(SuperSprintSpeed)= "player_sprintSpeedScale "2.0"
(GameSpeedNormal)= "set timescale "1.0"
(GameSpeedFast)= "set timescale "2.0"
(GameSpeedSlow)= "set timescale "0.5"
(Gravity)= "set g_gravity "800" *{Or Any Number You Want}*
(SuperXP)= "set scr_xpscale 500000" *{Or Any Number You Want}*
(FPS-Count)= "cg_drawFPS "1"
(HeadShotsOnly)= "scr_game_onlyheadshots 1 ; fast_restart"
(DisableKillCam)= "scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; fast_restart"
(MakeGameOldSchool)= "scr_oldschool 1 ; fast_restart"
(MakeGameHardCore)= "scr_hardcore 1 ; fast_restart"
(RemoveBulletMarks)= "set cg_marks "0" *{put "1" if you want it to show again}*
(ShowBloodON)= "set cg_blood "1"
(ShowBloodOFF)= "set cg_blood "0"
(AddBot)= "scr_testClients 18" *{you can put 1-18}*
(SetGunOnX-Axis)= "set cg_gun_x "0
(SetGunOnY-Axis)= "set cg_gun_y "0
(SetGunOnZ-Axis)= "set cg_gun_Z "0
(SeeThroughWalls)= "set r_lodscalerigid "4"
(3rd-PersonON)= "set cg_thirdPerson "1"
(3rd-PersonOFF)= set cg_thirdPerson "0"
(GodMode)= "god"
(GiveAll)= "give all"
(TakeAll)= "take all"
(KickAll)= "kick all"
(NoClip)= "noclip"
(UFO)= "ufo" *{Same as NoClip but with different controls}*
(Demigod)= "demigod" *{a stealth godmode}*
(GiveAmmo)= "give ammo"
(GiveHealth)= "give health"
(InfAmmo)= "player_sustainAmmo "1"
(LasersON)= "cg_laserForceOn "1"
(LasersOFF)= "cg_laserForceOn "0"
(TracersON)= "set cg_tracerchance "1"
(TracersOFF)= "set cg_tracerchance "0"
(AimBot)= "set aim_autoaim_enabled "1"
(SuperLockOn)= "set aim_lockon_debug "1"
(SeeNamesThrouhWalls)= "set cg_drawThroughWalls "1"
(ShowEnemiesOnRadar)= "set g_compassshowenemies "1"
(HideGunON)= "set cg_drawGun "1"
(HideGunOFF)= "set cg_drawGun "0"
(Prestige1)= "statSet 2326 1"
(Prestige2)= "statSet 2326 2"
(Prestige3)= "statSet 2326 3"
(Prestige4)= "statSet 2326 4"
(Prestige5)= "statSet 2326 5"
(Prestige6)= "statSet 2326 6"
(Prestige7)= "statSet 2326 7"
(PrestigeCool Man (aka Tustin)= "statSet 2326 8"
(Prestige9)= "statSet 2326 9"
(Prestige10)= "statSet 2326 10"
(Teleport)= "set viewpos 999 999 999"

    This Was Not a Copy & Paste Thing. 

:cool: :cool:
Last edited by iGlitch Studios ; 05-13-2012 at 03:49 AM. Reason: Changed coloring for "([])",added a msg at top2

The following user groaned iGlitch Studios for this awful post:

05-13-2012, 02:54 PM #2
Originally posted by iGlitch
/!\ i know there is a sticky for this already, but mine is kinda easier to view.Codes are also from "Tons" Post,but typed/!\
***Bind Codes***
(R1) = "bind button_rshldr
(L1) = "bind button_lshldr
(R2)= "bind button_rtrig"
(L2)= "bind button_ltrig"
(L3)= "bind button_lstick"
(R3)= "bind button_rstick"
(X)= "bind button_a"
(O)= "bind button_b"
([])= "bind button_x"
(/\)= "bind button_y"
(DPAD LEFT)= "bind dpad_left"
(DPAD RIGHT)= "bind dpad_right"
(DPAD UP)= "bind dpad_up"
(DPAD DOWN)= "bind dpad_down"
(SELECT)= "bind button_back"
(START)= "bind button_start"
***Color Codes***
^1 = Red
^2 = Green
^3 = Yellow
^4 = Blue
^5 = Cyan
^6 = Pink/Magenta
^7 = White
^8 = Random
^0 = Black
***Gun Codes***
(Gold Deagle)= "deserteaglegold_mp"
(Deagle)= "deserteagle_mp"
(USP)= "usp_mp"
(M9)= "beretta_mp"
(Colt.45)= "colt45_mp"
(MP5)= "mp5_mp"
(Skorpion)= "skorpion_mp"
(MiniUzi)= "uzi_mp"
(AK74u)= "ak74u_mp"
(P90)= "p90_mp"
(SAW)= "saw_mp"
(RPD)= "rpd_mp"
(M60)= "m60e4_mp"
(M16A4)= "m16_mp"
(AK47)= "ak47_mp"
(M4 Carbine)= "m4_mp"
(G3)= "g3_mp"
(G36C)= "g36c_mp"
(M14)= "m14_mp"
(MP44)= "mp44_mp"
(Default)= "defaultweapon_mp"
(W1200)= "winchester1200_mp"
(M1014)= "m1014_mp"
(M40A3)= "m40a3_mp"
(M21)= "m21_mp"
(Dragunov)= "dragunov_mp"
(R700)= "remington700_mp"
(Barret50Cal.)= "barret_mp"
(Ex.)= "give g3_silencer_mp"
(GrenadeLauncher)= "_gl_mp"
(Silencer)= "_silencer_mp"
(ACOG)= "_acog_mp"
(Grip)= "_grip_mp"
(RedDotSight) "_reflex_mp"
(RPG-7)= "rpg_mp"
(C4)= "c4_mp"
(Claymore)= "claymore_mp"
(Frag)= "frag_grenade_mp"
(Flash)= "flash_grenade_mp"
(Stun)= "concussion_grenade_mp"
(Smoke)= "smoke_grenade_mp"
(SuperSteadyAim)= "set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.10" *{Must have Steady Aim}*
(SuperSOH)= "set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.5" *{Must have Sleight Of Hand}*
(SuperIronLungs)= "set perk_extraBreath "50" *{Must have Iron Lungs}
(SuperJuggernaut)= "set perk_armorVest "500" *{Must have Juggernaut}*
(SuperSonicBoom)= "set perk_explosiveDamage "200" *{Must have Sonic Boom}*
(SuperDoubleTap)= "set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.30" *{Must have Double Tap)*
(StoppingPower)= "set perk_bulletDamage "40" *{Must have Stopping Power}*
(UAV)= "give radar_mp"
(AirStrike)= "give airstrike_mp"
(Helicopter)= "give helicopter_mp"
(ClanTag)= "set clanname "^1Ex"
(MessageOfTheDay)= "set motd "^2Ex"
(EditCustomClassName)= "set customclass1 "^3Example" *{you can change it from 1-5}*
(CustomMapName)= "ui_mapname "^4Example"
(CustomGameType)= "ui_gametype "^5Example"
(GameConnectGlowColor)= "ui_connectScreenTextGlowColor "0.5 0 0.8 1"
(AlliesName)= "g_teamname_allies ^6Example"
(EnemiesName)= "g_teamname_axis ^7Example"
(LargeCenterText)= "set scr_do_notify ^1Example"
(WhereToShowModText)= "cg_hudChatPosition 5 250" *{certain orders of numbers equals its position}*
(MakeGameFreeForAll)= "g_gametype dm"
(MakeGameSearch&Awesome faceestroy)= "g_gametype sd"
(MakeGameDomination)= "g_gametype dom"
(MakeGameSabotage)= "g_gametype sab"
(MakeGameTeamDeathMatch)= "g_gametype war"
(MakeGameHeadQaurters)= "g_gametype sd"
(Backlot)= "mp_backlot"
(Bloc)= "mp_bloc"
(Bog)= "mp_bog"
(Wetwork)= "mp_cargoship"
(District)= "mp_citystreets"
(Ambush)= "mp_convoy"
(Countdown)= "mp_countdown"
(Crash)= "mp_crash"
(Crossfire)= "mp_crossfire"
(Downpour)= "mp_farm"
(Overgrown)= "mp_overgrown"
(Pipeline)= "mp_pipeline"
(Shipment)= "mp_shipment"
(Showdown)= "mp_showdown"
(Strike)= "mp_strike"
(Vacant)= "mp_vacant"
(SuperMelee)= "set player_meleeRange "999"
(SuperJump)= "set jump_height "1000"
(NormalJump)= "set jump_height "39"
(SuperSpeed)= "set g_speed "999"
(SuperSprintSpeed)= "player_sprintSpeedScale "2.0"
(GameSpeedNormal)= "set timescale "1.0"
(GameSpeedFast)= "set timescale "2.0"
(GameSpeedSlow)= "set timescale "0.5"
(Gravity)= "set g_gravity "800" *{Or Any Number You Want}*
(SuperXP)= "set scr_xpscale 500000" *{Or Any Number You Want}*
(FPS-Count)= "cg_drawFPS "1"
(HeadShotsOnly)= "scr_game_onlyheadshots 1 ; fast_restart"
(DisableKillCam)= "scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; fast_restart"
(MakeGameOldSchool)= "scr_oldschool 1 ; fast_restart"
(MakeGameHardCore)= "scr_hardcore 1 ; fast_restart"
(RemoveBulletMarks)= "set cg_marks "0" *{put "1" if you want it to show again}*
(ShowBloodON)= "set cg_blood "1"
(ShowBloodOFF)= "set cg_blood "0"
(AddBot)= "scr_testClients 18" *{you can put 1-18}*
(SetGunOnX-Axis)= "set cg_gun_x "0
(SetGunOnY-Axis)= "set cg_gun_y "0
(SetGunOnZ-Axis)= "set cg_gun_Z "0
(SeeThroughWalls)= "set r_lodscalerigid "4"
(3rd-PersonON)= "set cg_thirdPerson "1"
(3rd-PersonOFF)= set cg_thirdPerson "0"
(GodMode)= "god"
(GiveAll)= "give all"
(TakeAll)= "take all"
(KickAll)= "kick all"
(NoClip)= "noclip"
(UFO)= "ufo" *{Same as NoClip but with different controls}*
(Demigod)= "demigod" *{a stealth godmode}*
(GiveAmmo)= "give ammo"
(GiveHealth)= "give health"
(InfAmmo)= "player_sustainAmmo "1"
(LasersON)= "cg_laserForceOn "1"
(LasersOFF)= "cg_laserForceOn "0"
(TracersON)= "set cg_tracerchance "1"
(TracersOFF)= "set cg_tracerchance "0"
(AimBot)= "set aim_autoaim_enabled "1"
(SuperLockOn)= "set aim_lockon_debug "1"
(SeeNamesThrouhWalls)= "set cg_drawThroughWalls "1"
(ShowEnemiesOnRadar)= "set g_compassshowenemies "1"
(HideGunON)= "set cg_drawGun "1"
(HideGunOFF)= "set cg_drawGun "0"
(Prestige1)= "statSet 2326 1"
(Prestige2)= "statSet 2326 2"
(Prestige3)= "statSet 2326 3"
(Prestige4)= "statSet 2326 4"
(Prestige5)= "statSet 2326 5"
(Prestige6)= "statSet 2326 6"
(Prestige7)= "statSet 2326 7"
(PrestigeCool Man (aka Tustin)= "statSet 2326 8"
(Prestige9)= "statSet 2326 9"
(Prestige10)= "statSet 2326 10"
(Teleport)= "set viewpos 999 999 999"

    This Was Not a Copy & Paste Thing. 

:cool: :cool:

these have all been found and released to the public, tons especially released them in this section.

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