Post: [GSC] L!thium Mod's List O' Scripts #1
06-19-2017, 03:22 PM #1
L!thium Mods
Save Point
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey guys just got some random scripts I found in my projects if you have a script in there thats yours please tell me and ill add you to the credits.

All Perks

self clearperks();
self setperk("specialty_additionalprimaryweapon");
self setperk("specialty_armorpiercing");
self setperk("specialty_armorvest");
self setperk("specialty_bulletaccuracy");
self setperk("specialty_bulletdamage");
self setperk("specialty_bulletflinch");
self setperk("specialty_bulletpenetration");
self setperk("specialty_deadshot");
self setperk("specialty_delayexplosive");
self setperk("specialty_detectexplosive");
self setperk("specialty_disarmexplosive");
self setperk("specialty_earnmoremomentum");
self setperk("specialty_explosivedamage");
self setperk("specialty_extraammo");
self setperk("specialty_fallheight");
self setperk("specialty_fastads");
self setperk("specialty_fastequipmentuse");
self setperk("specialty_fastladderclimb");
self setperk("specialty_fastmantle");
self setperk("specialty_fastmeleerecovery");
self setperk("specialty_fastreload");
self setperk("specialty_fasttoss");
self setperk("specialty_fastweaponswitch");
self setperk("specialty_finalstand");
self setperk("specialty_fireproof");
self setperk("specialty_flakjacket");
self setperk("specialty_flashprotection");
self setperk("specialty_gpsjammer");
self setperk("specialty_grenadepulldeath");
self setperk("specialty_healthregen");
self setperk("specialty_holdbreath");
self setperk("specialty_immunecounteruav");
self setperk("specialty_immuneemp");
self setperk("specialty_immunemms");
self setperk("specialty_immunenvthermal");
self setperk("specialty_immunerangefinder");
self setperk("specialty_killstreak");
self setperk("specialty_longersprint");
self setperk("specialty_loudenemies");
self setperk("specialty_marksman");
self setperk("specialty_movefaster");
self setperk("specialty_nomotionsensor");
self setperk("specialty_noname");
self setperk("specialty_nottargetedbyairsupport");
self setperk("specialty_nokillstreakreticle");
self setperk("specialty_nottargettedbysentry");
self setperk("specialty_pin_back");
self setperk("specialty_pistoldeath");
self setperk("specialty_proximityprotection");
self setperk("specialty_quickrevive");
self setperk("specialty_quieter");
self setperk("specialty_reconnaissance");
self setperk("specialty_rof");
self setperk("specialty_scavenger");
self setperk("specialty_showenemyequipment");
self setperk("specialty_stunprotection");
self setperk("specialty_shellshock");
self setperk("specialty_sprintrecovery");
self setperk("specialty_showonradar");
self setperk("specialty_stalker");
self setperk("specialty_twogrenades");
self setperk("specialty_twoprimaries");
self setperk("specialty_unlimitedsprint");
self iPrintln("All Perks ^2Set!");
//call like ::doAllPerks

Rapid Fire

self endon("disconnect");
self iPrintln(booleanReturnVal(self.underfire,"^5Rapid Fire ^1OFF","^5Rapid Fire ^2ON"));
self setperk("specialty_rof");
self setperk("specialty_fastreload");
self unsetperk("specialty_rof");
self unsetperk("specialty_fastreload");
self notify("stop_unlimammo");
//call like ::rapidFire

Give Trickshot class

self takeallweapons();
self setperk("specialty_additionalprimaryweapon");
self setperk("specialty_fastequipmentuse");
self setperk("specialty_fastladderclimb");
self setperk("specialty_fastmantle");
self giveweapon("dsr50_mp+swayreduc+fmj+extclip",0,true(16,0,0,0,0));
self switchtoweapon("dsr50_mp+swayreduc+fmj+extclip");
self givemaxammo("dsr50_mp+swayreduc+fmj+extclip");
self giveweapon("ksg_mp",0,true(16,0,0,0,0));
self setWeaponAmmoStock("ksg_mp",0);
self setWeaponAmmoClip("ksg_mp",0);
self giveweapon("hatchet_mp");
self setWeaponAmmoStock("hatchet_mp",2);
self giveweapon("proximity_grenade_mp");
self setWeaponAmmoStock("proximity_grenade_mp",2);
self iprintln("TrickShot Class ^2Given");
//call like ::Sniperclass

Tomahawk Aimbot

self.tomahawkAimbot = ( isDefined( self.tomahawkAimbot ) ? undefined : true ); //Toggle Status
self iprintln( ( isDefined( self.tomahawkAimbot ) ? "^2Enabled" : "^1Disabled" ) ); //Print Status
Viable_Targets = []; //Allocate Memory
enemy = self; //Allocate Memory
time_to_target = 0; //Allocate Memory
velocity = 500; //g_units per second
while( self.tomahawkAimbot )
self waittill( "grenade_fire", grenade, weapname );
if( !isDefined( self.tomahawkAimbot ) )
if( weapname == "hatchet_mp" )
wait .25;
self iprintln("");
/*Get all viable targets and attack the closest to the player*/
Viable_Targets = array_copy( level.players );
arrayremovevalue( Viable_Targets, self );
if( level.teambased )
foreach( player in level.players )
if( == )
arrayremovevalue( Viable_Targets, player );
enemy = getClosest( grenade getOrigin(), Viable_Targets );
grenade thread TrackPlayer( enemy, self );
TrackPlayer( enemy, host )
attempts = 0;
if( isDefined( enemy ) && enemy != host )
/*If we have an enemy to attack, move to him/her and kill target*/
while( ! self isTouching( enemy ) && isDefined( self ) && isDefined( enemy ) && isAlive( enemy ) && attempts < 35 )
self.origin += ( ( enemy getOrigin() + ( RandomIntRange(-50,50), RandomIntRange(-50,50), RandomIntRange(25,90) ) ) - self getorigin() ) * (attempts / 35);
wait .1;
enemy dodamage( 9999, enemy getOrigin(), host, self, 0, "MOD_GRENADE", 0, "hatchet_mp" );
wait .05;
self delete();

//call like ::TomahawkAimbot

Force Host

if (self isHost())
self.forceHost = booleanOpposite(self.forceHost);
self iPrintln(booleanReturnVal(self.forceHost, "Force Host: [^1OFF^7]", "Force Host: [^2ON^7]"));

if (self.forceHost)
setDvar("party_connectToOthers", "0");
setDvar("partyMigrate_disabled", "1");
setDvar("party_mergingEnabled", "0");
setDvar("allowAllNAT", "1");
setDvar("party_connectToOthers", "1");
setDvar("partyMigrate_disabled", "0");
setDvar("party_mergingEnabled", "1");
setDvar("allowAllNAT", "0");
self iPrintln("Only The " + verificationToColor("Host") + " ^7Can Access This Option!");

//call like ::forceHost

God Mode

self iprintln("God Mode [^2ON^7]");
self EnableInvulnerability();
self iprintln("God Mode [^1OFF^7]");
self DisableInvulnerability();
//call like ::GodMode

End Game

level thread maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic::forceend();
//call like ::endGame

Create clone

self cloneplayer(1);
self iprintln("2Cloned!");
//call like ::clone

Constant Radar

self setclientuivisibilityflag("g_compassShowEnemies", 1);
self iPrintLn("Constant Radar ^2Enabled");
//call like doUAV


self beginLocationselection( "map_mortar_selector", 800 );
self.selectinglocation = true;
self waittill( "confirm_location", location );
self thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airsupport::endSelectionThink();
newLocation = bulletTrace( ( location + ( 0, 0, 1000 ) ), ( location + ( 0, 0, 1000 ) ), 0, self )["position"];
self SetOrigin( newLocation );
self endLocationselection();
self iprintln("^2Teleported!");
self.selectingLocation = undefined;
//call like ::doTeleport

Anti Quit

self iprintln("Anti Quit ^2Enabled");
self endon("disconnect");
for(;Winky Winky
foreach(player in level.players)
player maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_ui::closemenus();
wait 0.05;
//call like ::antiquit

Third Person

if (self.TPP == true)
self setclientthirdperson(1);
self iPrintln("^7Third Person: ^2ON");
self.TPP = false;
self setclientthirdperson(0);
self iPrintln("^7Third Person: ^1OFF");
self.TPP = true;

//call like ::ThirdPerson


The following user thanked L!thium Mods for this useful post:


The following 6 users groaned at L!thium Mods for this awful post:

anthonything, Black Panther, BlueeHasSwag, DoraTheKiller97, ItsLollo1000, itsSorrow
06-19-2017, 04:00 PM #2
In my man cave
None of these aren't c+p'd
06-19-2017, 04:04 PM #3
L!thium Mods
Save Point
Originally posted by Gentle View Post
None of these aren't c+p'd

ok and what did I say I found them in some of my projects aren't saying they aren't "c+p'd" please read and think before you post next time just some advice Smile
06-19-2017, 04:13 PM #4
In my man cave
Originally posted by L
ok and what did I say I found them in some of my projects aren't saying they aren't "c+p'd" please read and think before you post next time just some advice Smile

I'll give you the same advice. There was no reason to post this thread since literally every single one of these are not unique and are out there.
06-19-2017, 04:39 PM #5
In my man cave
Also do you have any idea how many of these threads there are? There are two pinned like 50 more in this section. It isn't even hard to find them with just a quick google search. Also GSC is dead. It has been dead...
06-19-2017, 07:25 PM #6
In my man cave
Originally posted by L
Clearly you need to do some research. So first if you don't even know that GSC is used in over 3/4 of all mod menus you shouldn't be in the call-duty-black-ops-2-gsc-mods-scripts section lmao says it in the name GSC! Listen tard lets get some real facts and then you can come back.

Um, retard alert? I never said that GSC menus haven't been done I am saying no one does them anymore. It's 2017 learn an actual coding language.
06-19-2017, 11:26 PM #7
everything is c+p Smile
06-19-2017, 11:59 PM #8
Space Ninja
Originally posted by L
Clearly you need to do some research. So first if you don't even know that GSC is used in over 3/4 of all mod menus you shouldn't be in the call-duty-black-ops-2-gsc-mods-scripts section lmao says it in the name GSC! Listen tard lets get some real facts and then you can come back.

Kiddo you should just ask a mod to delete this thread and save your reputation while you can. Just some friendly advice
06-20-2017, 12:11 AM #9
League Champion
Wow someone has seriously made another thread with the same shit..

Originally posted by DamnMagician View Post
Kiddo you should just ask a mod to delete this thread and save your reputation while you can. Just some friendly advice

Its too late Gasp
06-20-2017, 12:45 AM #10
Treasure hunter
Originally posted by BlueeHasSwag View Post
everything is c+p Smile

And to add on to that^^^

The all perks code makes me wanna kms. have you ever heard of string tokens Loes

The following user thanked DoraTheKiller97 for this useful post:


The following user groaned DoraTheKiller97 for this awful post:


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