Post: [1.15] Addresses/Scripts Thread
08-10-2014, 09:09 PM #1
Caprisuns Is Back
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Since there is no up to date address and script thread, I decided to make one for the newest update, 1.15. Post anything that you want to share below. Hope you enjoy! Smile

Most by You must login or register to view this content., some by Me.

| 0x002487DC - Add_Ammo(gentity_s *ent, unsigned int weaponIndex, char weaponModel, int count, int fillClip) |
| 0x002DB9C8 - AllocEntity(unsigned int classnum, unsigned __int16 entnum) |
| 0x0037E7C0 - AngleDelta (angle1 const float, const float angle2) |
| 0x0078824C - AngleNormalize180 (const float angle) |
| 0x0037E758 - AngleNormalize360 (const float angle) |
| 0x0011C3C4 - BG_FindWeaponIndexForName(const char *name) |
| 0x000F2048 - BG_GetEntityTypeName (const int eType) |
| 0x0011C3B0 - BG_GetNumWeapons(void) |
| 0x000F7470 - BG_GetPerkIndexForName(const char *perkName) |
| 0x000F61DC - BG_GetShellshockParms(const int index) |
| 0x0011C824 - BG_GetWeaponIndexForName(const char *name, void (__cdecl *regWeap)(unsigned int)) |
| 0x0011CC10 - BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex(playerState_s *ps) |
| 0x000E6178 - BG_RunLerpFrameRate (int localClientNum, clientInfo_t * it, lerpFrame_t * lf, int newAnimation, entityState_s * n) |
| 0x000E87B0 - BG_SetNewAnimation (int localClientNum, clientInfo_t * it, lerpFrame_t * lf, int newAnimation, entityState_s * n) |
| 0x000F5E38 - BG_SetShellShockParmsFromDvars(shellshock_parms_t *parms) |
| 0x00120948 - BG_WeaponFireRecoil (playerState_s const * const float *, float const *) |
| 0x000F4544 - BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(playerState_s *ps, entityState_s *s, int snap, char handler) |
| 0x00294128 - BG_TakePlayerWeapon(playerState_s *ps, unsigned int weaponIndex, int takeAwayAmmo) |
| 0x002B1B94 - Cbuf_AddText (localClientNum int, char * text) |
| 0x00148EA0 - CG_Draw2D(int localClientNum) |
| 0x00549F40 - CG_FireWeapon (int, centity_s *, int, ushort, uint playerState_s const *) |
| 0x003826F8 - CL_DrawStretchPicPhysical (float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, t1 float, float s2, t2 float, const float * c |
| olor, Material * Material) |
| 0x0018DB24 - CL_GamepadButtonEvent (localClientNum int, int key, int unten, unsigned int time) |
| 0x0018E650 - CL_GamepadRepeatScrollingButtons (int localClientNum) |
| 0x001900EC - CL_GetKeyBindingInternal(int localClientNum, const char *command, char (*keyNames)[128], int gamePadOnly) |
| 0x0024ED0C - CalculateRanks (void) |
| 0x00231E5C - ClientConnect (clientNum int, unsigned __ int16 scriptPersId) |
| 0x0022FE90 - ClientEndFrame (gentity_s * ent) |
| 0x00232238 - ClientSpawn (gentity_s * ent, const float * spawn_origin, const float * spawn_angles) |
| 0x0022DBE8 - ClientThink_real (gentity_s * ent * usercmd_s ucmd) |
| 0x00231A80 - ClientUserinfoChanged (int clientNum) |
| 0x005AB7A4 - COM_ERROR (errorParm_t code, const char * fmt) |
| 0x005A1CD0 - Dvar_FindVar(const char *name) |
| 0x0062FC7C - Dvar_FindMalleableVar(const char *dvarName) |
| 0x0057FD2C - Dvar_GetBool(const char *dvarName) |
| 0x006537C0 - Dvar_GetInt(const char *dvarName) |
| 0x0060B77C - Dvar_GetFloat(const char *dvarName) |
| 0x006139B0 - Dvar_GetString(const char *dvarName) |
| 0x00516D94 - Dvar_SetIntByName(const char *dvarName, int value) |
| 0x0018EF98 - Key_IsDown(int localClientNum, int keynum) |
| 0x0018EFD8 - Key_StringToKeynum(const char *str) |
| 0x0018F124 - Key_IsValidGamePadChar(const char key) |
| 0x0018F164 - Key_KeynumToString(int keynum, int translate) |
| 0x00193994 - Key_KeynumToStringBuf(int keynum, char *buf, int buflen) |
| 0x0018F638 - Key_Unbind_f(void) |
| 0x0018F74C - Key_Bind_f(void) |
| 0x001900C8 - Key_ClearStates(int localClientNum) |
| 0x00190260 - Key_SetCatcher(int localClientNum, int catcher) |
| 0x00190234 - Key_RemoveCatcher(int localClientNum, int andMask) |
| 0x0018F494 - Key_GetCommandAssignmentInternal(int localClientNum, const char *command, int *twokeys, int gamePadOnly) |
| 0x0062CAB8 - generateHashValue(const char *fname) |
| 0x0028AA10 - G_CallSpawnEntity(gentity_s *ent) |
| 0x0029D9AC - G_ClientStopUsingTurret (gentity_s * self) |
| 0x002962D4 - G_EntUnlink (gentity_s * ent) |
| 0x000322D0 - G_FindConfigstringIndex(const char *name, int start, int max, int create, const char *errormsg) |
| 0x0029470C - G_GivePlayerWeapon(playerState_s *pPS, int iWeaponIndex, char altModelIndex) |
| 0x00290D08 - G_InitGentity (gentity_s * e) |
| 0x0024A580 - G_InitializeAmmo(gentity_s *pSelf, int weaponIndex, char weaponModel, int hadWeapon) |
| 0x00034448 - G_LocalizedStringIndex (const char * string) |
| 0x00032434 - G_MaterialIndex (const char * name) |
| 0x002436C8 - G_RadiusDamage (float const * const * gentity_s, gentity_s *, float, float, float, float, float * const, gentity_s *, |
| int, int) |
| 0x0022D1FC - G_SetClientContents (gentity_s *) |
| 0x00291424 - G_SpawnPlayerClone(void) |
| 0x00291780 - G_SetAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle) |
| 0x00291554 - G_SetOrigin(gentity_s *ent, const float *origin) |
| 0x0028F95C - G_SetModel(gentity_s *,char const *) |
| 0x00034758 - G_SoundAliasIndex(const char *name) |
| 0x00290D68 - G_Spawn(void) |
| 0x000DEF88 - I_strlwr(char *s) |
| 0x0038D488 - I_stricmp(const char *s0, const char *s1) |
| 0x0038CB28 - I_strncpyz(char *dest, const char *src, int destsize) |
| 0x0036D8E8 - Menu_PaintAll_DrawVisibleList(char *stringBegin, UiContext *dc) |
| 0x0023D890 - PlayerCmd_ClonePlayer(scr_entref_t entref) |
| 0x00234ABC - PlayerCmd_GiveStartAmmo(scr_entref_t entref) |
| 0x002334A8 - PlayerCmd_GiveWeapon(scr_entref_t entref) |
| 0x00235BBC - PlayerCmd_GetAngles(scr_entref_t entref) |
| 0x00235AF8 - PlayerCmd_SetAngles(scr_entref_t entref) |
| 0x0023D438 - PlayerCmd_Suicide(scr_entref_t entref) |
| 0x0023D75C - PlayerCmd_Spawn(scr_entref_t entref) |
| 0x00241518 - Player_Die(gentity_s *self, gentity_s *inflictor, gentity_s *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath, int iWeapon, cons |
| t float *vDir, hitLocation_t hitLoc, int psTimeOffset) |
| 0x002E8F54 - Scr_AddEntityNum(int entnum, unsigned int classnum) |
| 0x0027BA40 - Scr_ConstructMessageString (firstParmIndex int, int lastParmIndex, errorContext const char *, char * string, unsigned |
| int stringLimit) |
| 0x002E0068 - Scr_GetEntityId(int entnum, unsigned int classnum) |
| 0x002E15C0 - Scr_ObjectError (const char * error) |
| 0x002513AC - Scr_PrecacheShellShock |
| 0x00546B10 - Scr_TerminalError(const char *error) |
| 0x00231490 - SetClientViewAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle) |
| 0x00780BE4 - strncpy(char *dest, const char *source, unsigned int count) |
| 0x0058CCCC - SV_AddTestClient(void) |
| 0x002B237C - SV_Cmd_TokenizeString(const char *text_in) |
| 0x002B1E40 - SV_Cmd_EndTokenizedString(void) |
| 0x0059CFC8 - SV_GetUserinfo (int index, char * buffer, int bufferSize) |
| 0x00681434 - SV_GameSendServerCommand (int clientNum, svscmd_type Typ const char * text) |
| 0x006D163C - SV_SendServerCommand (client_s * cl svscmd_type Typ const char * fmt) |
| 0x00680DF8 - SV_LocateGameData (gentity_s * Gents numGEntities int, int sizeofGEntity_t, playerState_s *, int sizeofGameClient) |
| 0x0032C3A0 - SV_LinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt) |
| 0x0032C320 - SV_UnlinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt) |
| 0x006D493C - SV_SetConfigstring(int index, const char *val) |
| 0x00525120 - SV_SetBrushModel(gentity_s *ent) |
| 0x00286620 - SP_script_model(gentity_s *pSelf) |
| 0x002865B4 - SP_script_brushmodel(gentity_s *self) |
| 0x002C6FEC - Sys_EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection critSect) |
| 0x007E88A4 - Sys_LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection critSect) |
| 0x00251890 - TeleportPlayer(gentity_s *player, float *origin, float *angles) |
| 0x00349CE4 - UI_Shutdown(int localClientNum) |
| 0x003486B8 - UI_DrawText(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, const char *text, int maxChars, Font_s *font, float x, float y, int horzAlign, |
| int vertAlign, float scale, const float *color, int style) |
| 0x0038DAA0 - va(const char *format) |
| 0x00CBD140 - playerKeyState(in

Offsets & Scripts

int getPlayerstate(int client)
return 0x00F44F00 + (0x3700 * Client);

Get Team:
enum Teams
Federation = 0x01,
Ghosts = 0x02,
Spectator = 0x03

Teams getTeam(int client)
return (Teams)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x3063;

Unlimited Ammo:
void UnlimitedAmmo(int client, bool active)
int original1 = *(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x558;
int original2 = *(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x568;
int original3 = *(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x538;
int original4 = *(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x548;
*(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x558 = *(int*)0x0FFFFFFF;
*(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x568 = *(int*)0x0FFFFFFF;
*(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x538 = *(int*)0x0FFFFFFF;
*(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x548 = *(int*)0x0FFFFFFF;
else if(!active)
*(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x558 = original1;
*(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x568 = original2;
*(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x538 = original3;
*(int*)getPlayerstate(client) + 0x548 = original4;

Offsets & Scripts

int G_Entity(int client)
return 0x00E04F00 + (entitySize * client);

God Mode:
void godMode(int client, bool active)
*(int*)G_Entity(client) + 0x1A8 = *(int*)0x0FFFFFFF;
else if(!active)
*(int*)G_Entity(client) + 0x1A8 = *(int*)0x64000000;

Set Origin:
void setOrigin(int client, float origin[])
*(float*)G_Entity(client) + 0x138 = *(float*)origin[0];
*(float*)G_Entity(client) + 0x138 = *(float*)origin[1];
*(float*)G_Entity(client) + 0x138 = *(float*)origin[2];

Set Angles:
void setAngles(int client, float angles[])
*(float*)G_Entity(client) + 0x144 = *(float*)angles[0];
*(float*)G_Entity(client) + 0x144 = *(float*)angles[1];
*(float*)G_Entity(client) + 0x144 = *(float*)angles[2];

Button Monitoring
Local client's and all clients

enum Buttons
R1 = 0x4B,
L1 = 0x43,
R2 = 0xE7,
L2 = 0xDB,
R3 = 0xD3,
L3 = 0xC3,
DpadDown = 255,
DpadLeft = 0x10B,
DpadRight = 0x117,
DpadUp = 0xF3,
Cross = 0x13,
Square = 0x27,
Triangle = 0x33,
Circle = 0x1B
bool pressedButton(int localClientIndex, Buttons button)
int playerKeyState = 0x00CBD140;
int offset = *(int*)playerKeyState + (localClientIndex * 0xD2Cool Man (aka Tustin) + button;
if (offset != 0)
return 1;
else return 0;

All Clients by : You must login or register to view this content.
namespace Buttons
enum Normal
None = 0,
X = 262144,
Square = 805306368,
L1 = 526336,
L2 = 8388608,
L3 = 35651584,
R1 = 16777216,
R2 = 4194304,
R3 = 67108868

bool DetectBtn(int clientIndex, int Button)
return (*(int*)(getPlayerstate(clientIndex, 0x3330)) & Button) != 0;

Addresses & Scripts

Enable FPS:
//address = 0036D984
void enableFPS()
*(int*)0x0036D987 = *(int*)01;

seg001:0036D8DC flt_36D8DC: .float 0.5 # DATA XREF: sub_36D8E8+B0*o
seg001:0036D8DC # sub_36D8E8+C0*r
seg001:0036D8E0 flt_36D8E0: .float 5.0 # DATA XREF: sub_36D8E8+F0*r
seg001:0036D8E4 flt_36D8E4: .float 25.0 # DATA XREF: sub_36D8E8+F8*r
seg001:0036D8E8 .drop r29 # 0


opd_s SV_GameSendServerCommand_t = { 0x681434, 0xA7F460 };
void(*SV_GameSendServerCommand)(int clientIndex, int type, const char* Command) = (void(*)(int, int, const char*))&SV_GameSendServerCommand_t;

Extra Functions: by Reaper
void iPrintln(int clientIndex, char* Txt)
char CMD[100];
strcpy(CMD, "c \"");
strcat(CMD, Txt);
SV_GameSendServerCommand(clientIndex, 0, CMD);

void iPrintlnBold(int clientIndex, char* Txt)
char CMD[100];
strcpy(CMD, "e \"");
strcat(CMD, Txt);
SV_GameSendServerCommand(clientIndex, 0, CMD);

void SetVision(int clientIndex, char* Vision)
char CMD[100];
strcpy(CMD, "J \"");
strcat(CMD, Vision);
SV_GameSendServerCommand(clientIndex, 0, CMD);

void PlaySound(int clientIndex, char* soundIndex)
char CMD[100];
strcpy(CMD, "n \"");
strcat(CMD, soundIndex);
SV_GameSendServerCommand(clientIndex, 0, CMD);

void KickMSG(int clientIndex, char* KickMessage)
char CMD[100];
strcpy(CMD, "r \"");
strcat(CMD, KickMessage);
SV_GameSendServerCommand(clientIndex, 0, CMD);

Hud Elements
To make mod menus etc.

namespace Offsets
enum Address
G_HudElems = 0xD88208,
Fix_Hud = 0x3448F,
FPS = 0x36D978,
Level_Locals_T = 0xDB6284,
G_LocalizedStringIndex = 0x34448,
G_MaterialIndex = 0x32434,

namespace HUDS
union color_s
int8_t r;
int8_t g;
int8_t b;
int8_t a;
int32_t rgba;

struct hudelem_s
int type;
float x;
float y;
float z;
int targetEntNum;
float fontScale;
float fromFontScale;
long fontScaleStartTime;
short fontScaleTime;
int font;
int alignOrg;
int alignScreen;
color_s color;
color_s fromColor;
int fadeStartTime;
int fadeTime;
int label;
int width;
int height;
int materialIndex;
int fromWidth;
int fromHeight;
int scaleStartTime;
int scaleTime;
float fromX;
float fromY;
int fromAlignOrg;
int fromAlignScreen;
int moveStartTime;
int moveTime;
int time;
int duration;
float value;
int text;
float sort;
color_s glowColor;
int fxBirthTime;
int fxLetterTime;
int fxDecayStartTime;
int fxDecayDuration;
int soundID;
int flags;

struct game_hudelem_s
hudelem_s elem;
int clientNum;
int team;
int archived;

opd_s LSI = { Offsets::G_LocalizedStringIndex, TOC };
int(*G_LocalizedStringIndex)(const char* Text) = (int(*)(const char*))&LSI;

game_hudelem_s* HudElem_Alloc()
for (int i = 100; i < 1024; i++)
game_hudelem_s* elem = (game_hudelem_s*)(Offsets::G_HudElems + (i * 0xBCool Man (aka Tustin));
if (!elem->elem.type) return elem;
return (game_hudelem_s*)-1;

game_hudelem_s* setShader(int clientIndex, int Shader, int Width, int Height, float X, float Y, int Allign = 5, unsigned char R = 0, unsigned char G = 0, unsigned char B = 0, unsigned char A = 0)
game_hudelem_s* elem = HudElem_Alloc();
elem->clientNum = clientIndex;
elem->elem.type = 4;
elem->elem.materialIndex = Shader;
elem->elem.width = Width;
elem->elem.height = Height;
elem->elem.x = X;
elem->elem.y = Y;
elem->elem.alignOrg = Allign;
elem->elem.color.r = R;
elem->elem.color.g = G;
elem->elem.color.b = B;
elem->elem.color.a = A;
return elem;

game_hudelem_s* setText(int clientIndex, const char* Text, int Font, float FontScale, float X, float Y, int Allign, unsigned char R = 0, unsigned char G = 0, unsigned char B = 0, unsigned char A = 0, unsigned char glowR = 0, unsigned char glowG = 0, unsigned char glowB = 0, unsigned char glowA = 0)
game_hudelem_s* Elem = HudElem_Alloc();
Elem->clientNum = clientIndex;
Elem->elem.type = 1;
Elem->elem.text = G_LocalizedStringIndex(Text);
Elem->elem.font = Font;
Elem->elem.fontScale = FontScale;
if (Allign != 0)
{ Elem->elem.alignOrg = 5; Elem->elem.alignScreen = Allign; Elem->elem.x = X; Elem->elem.y = Y; }
{ Elem->elem.x = X; Elem->elem.y = Y; }
Elem->elem.color.r = R;
Elem->elem.color.g = G;
Elem->elem.color.b = B;
Elem->elem.color.a = A;
Elem->elem.glowColor.r = glowR;
Elem->elem.glowColor.g = glowG;
Elem->elem.glowColor.b = glowB;
Elem->elem.glowColor.a = glowA;
return Elem;

I will be updating this thread with anything else I find or anything else people post here! I hope this was useful to all of you! Smile
Last edited by Notorious ; 08-19-2014 at 12:58 PM.

The following 11 users say thank you to Notorious for this useful post:

ALI ALHILFI, Azus, Ethan, iNDMx, iTпDM, Dacoco, Swaqq, Swifter, Laser, xKrazy SicknesS
08-19-2014, 05:26 AM #11
Originally posted by SC58 View Post
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Still use FPS... Shame it looks like a C&P

lol I just copied it from my hud designer

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