Post: SQL database access through PHP page
01-18-2012, 08:50 PM #1
You talkin to me?
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Well, i'm programming a license system in An user noticed me that using a process kill (for fiddler) is not enough because the "cracker" can start fiddler in a different moment and can change the name of the process.

So i need to send encrypted data to the database and to do this i firstly need to send the encrypted data to a PHP page that decrypt it and send it to my SQL database...The point is that i don't know PHP, i'm completly new at this. Can someone help me?
01-18-2012, 11:04 PM #2
Originally posted by fill0botto95 View Post
Well, i'm programming a license system in An user noticed me that using a process kill (for fiddler) is not enough because the "cracker" can start fiddler in a different moment and can change the name of the process.

So i need to send encrypted data to the database and to do this i firstly need to send the encrypted data to a PHP page that decrypt it and send it to my SQL database...The point is that i don't know PHP, i'm completly new at this. Can someone help me?

You're a little to general, unless you're looking to bring on a partner, you shouldn't ask such broad questions.

You haven't provided enough specification to receive help. All I can say is that you should start at the You must login or register to view this content. and start reading.
01-19-2012, 08:31 PM #3
You talkin to me?
Originally posted by Epic
You're a little to general, unless you're looking to bring on a partner, you shouldn't ask such broad questions.

You haven't provided enough specification to receive help. All I can say is that you should start at the You must login or register to view this content. and start reading.

Solved without php Winky Winky
The only thing I have to solve is to hide or include "MySql.Data.dll" into the exe (impossible...?)
01-25-2012, 12:52 AM #4
No1s Perfect
Confidence starts in your mind
i need a page that other friends can acces my 'phpmyadmin' any suggestions?

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