Post: C# Compiling, Namespaces, Root namespace, Aliases.
10-06-2014, 09:27 PM #1
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Hey NextGenUpdate decided to take my knowledge in C# a bit further and as i have been learning C# programming im gunna share it with you guy's.
This tutorial will include programming stuff such as Compiling, Namespaces, Root namespace, Aliases.
i intend to add more stuff to this tutorial, for a complete tutorial for people of NextGenUpdate learning coding and understand what they dealing with

Enjoy :yes:


There are two prominent C# compilers. The Microsoft C# compiler and the Mono C# compiler.

    using System;

public class Simple
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("This is C#");

This is a simple C# program that prints a message to the console.

On Linux, we need to install the Mono C# compiler. It is called gmcs for C# 3.0 profile and dmcs for the C# 4.0 profile. To install the Mono C# compiler, we must install the Mono platform.

$ dmcs simple.cs
$ ./simple.exe
This is C#
We compile and run a simple C# program on Linux.

On Windows, we have two basic options. We either use the command line compiler or some version of the Visual Studio. The .NET framework is already installed on many versions of Windows OS. If not, we can download it and install it from the website.

On our system, the .NET framework was installed on C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5. Here we find the csc.exe file which is the compiler of the C# language.

C:\programming\csharp>C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\csc.exe simple.cs
This is C#
We compile and run a simple C# program on Windows.

Another option is to use a freely available Visual Studio C# Express Edition. We create a new project by selecting File/New Project or clicking Ctrl+N. From the available templates, we select a console application. (All programs in this tutorial are console programs.)

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Figure: Console application
To run an example, we click the Ctrl + F5 key combination.


The following sources were used to create this tutorial:
C# Language specification


Namespaces are used to organize code at the highest logical level. They classify and present programming elements that are exposed to other programs and applications. Within a namespace, we can declare another namespace, a class, an interface, a structure, an enumeration or a delegate. We cannot define items such as properties, variables and events. These items must be declared within containers such as structures or classes. Namespaces prevent ambiguity and simplify references when using large groups of objects such as class libraries.

Namespaces organize objects in an assembly. An assembly is a reusable, versionable and self-describing building block of a CLR application. Assemblies can contain multiple namespaces. Namespaces can contain other namespaces. An assembly provides a fundamental unit of physical code grouping. A namespace provides a fundamental unit of logical code grouping.

    public class CSharpApp
static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine("Simple namespace example");

The built-in libraries are organized within namespaces. Take the Console class. It is available within the System namespace. To call the static WriteLine() method of the Console class, we use its fully qualified name. Fully qualified names are object references that are prefixed with the name of the namespace where the object is defined.

In the following code, we have two files that share the same namespace.

    using System;

namespace ZetCode
public class Example
public int x = 0;

public void Raise()
x += 100;

We have a ZetCode namespace. In the namespace, we have an Example class.

namespace ZetCode

We declare a namespace called ZetCode. The code goes inside the curly brackets of the ZetCode namespace.

    namespace ZetCode
public class CSharpApp
static void Main()
Example ex = new Example();

In the second file, we work with the Example class from the previous file. We invoke its Raise() method.

namespace ZetCode
We work in the same namespace.

Example ex = new Example();
We create an instance of the Example class. We call its Raise() method twice. Because we work with objects of the same namespace, we do not need to specify its name explicitly.

$ dmcs namespace1.cs namespace2.cs
$ ./namespace1.exe
This is the example output.

The following code example has two distinct namespaces. We use the using keyword to import elements from a different namespace.

    namespace MyMath
public class Basic
public static double PI = 3.141592653589;

public static double GetPi()
return PI;

We have a skeleton of a Math class in a MyMath namespace. In the Basic class, we define a PI constant and a GetPi() method.

    using MyMath;
using System;

namespace ZetCode
public class CSharpApp
static void Main()

In this file, we use the elements from the MyMath namespace.

using MyMath;
We import the elements from the MyMath namespace into our namespace.

Now we can use those elements. In our case it is the Basic class.

$ dmcs distinctnamespace1.cs distinctnamespace2.cs
$ ./distinctnamespace1.exe
We compile the two files and run the program.

Root namespace

The root namespace is the mainspace of the .NET Framework libraries. It may happen that someone creates a type or a namespace that will conflict with ones from the .NET Framework. In such cases, we can refer to the root namespace with the global:: prefix.

    namespace ZetCode
class System
public override string ToString()
return "This is System class";

public class RootNamespace
static void Main()
System s = new System();

In our ZetCode namespace, we create a System class that will clash with the one from the .NET Framework.

System s = new System();
Here we refer to the System class from the ZetCode namespace.

With the global:: prefix, we point to the System class of the root namespace.

The root namespace is also the default namespace for C# programs. In most programs in this tutorial, we did not specify any namespace. Such programs are added to the unnamed default namespace.

    using System;

struct Book
public override string ToString()
return "Book struct in a default namespace";

namespace MainProgram
struct Book
public override string ToString()
return "Book struct in a MainProgram namespace";

public class DefaultNamespace
static void Main()
Book book1;
global::Book book2;


We have two Book structures; one is defined in the MainProgram namespace, the other is defined outside this namespace.

struct Book
public override string ToString()
return "Book struct in a default namespace";
This Book structure is defined outside of the custom named MainProgram namespace. It belongs to the default namespace.

Book book1;
We refer to the structure defined inside the MainProgram namespace.

global::Book book2;
With the global:: prefix we point to the structure defined outside the MainProgram namespace.

$ ./default.exe
Book struct in a MainProgram namespace
Book struct in a default namespace
This is the output of the default.exe program.


The using keyword can be used to create an alias for a namespace. With nested namespaces, the fully qualified names might get long. We can shorten them by creating aliases.

    namespace ZetCode
namespace Items
class Book
public override string ToString()
return "This is a book";

namespace MainProgram
using ZIB = ZetCode.Items.Book;

public class Aliases
static void Main()
ZetCode.Items.Book book = new ZetCode.Items.Book();
ZIB book2 = new ZIB();


In the example, we create an alias for a Book class that is enclosed by two namespaces.

namespace ZetCode
namespace Items
class Book
It is possible to nest a namespace into another namespace. The fully qualified name of the Book class is ZetCode.Items.Book.

using ZIB = ZetCode.Items.Book;
The using keyword createas a ZIB alias for the fully qualified name ZetCode.Items.Book.

ZetCode.Items.Book book = new ZetCode.Items.Book();
ZIB book2 = new ZIB();
We use both names to create a book instance.

This part of the C# tutorial was dedicated to namespaces and for people who are looking into C# Programming.

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