Post: Need help to get a 2016 WORKING wireless lag switches for Mac computer
03-30-2016, 08:31 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I'm looking for a new wireless lagswitch for a Mac laptop in 2016 on a game with UNDEDICATED SERVERS. So this should be easy. I only have a router so i've tried the CAT5 method of wired lag switches...I've tried both connecting the cable from the router to the Xbox One...Which does 1 of two things: 1. Disconnects me right away 2. Doesn't work at all. I've also tried connecting both of the cables to my router and flipping the switch..Which made the router blink like crazy..But no results in-game. So after countless times trying this i've given up on the wired method. UDP unicorn and Xlag don't work at all for me...I open them with wine and when i click "Send data" for UDP unicorn it shows my router blinking faster but to no avail...In real-time in my games it shows literally no difference...BTW I don't care if ANYONE ELSE lags..I just want to lag myself...Anyway to temporarily increase my ping?? I just mainly want to get my hit detection worse so it's harder to hit me in the games..People from Mexico are like JUGGERNAUTS even though they have no skill because they're so hard to hit...I wanna be like that without moving there lol...I've been trying to look up something along the lines of "new wireless lag switches 2016 for Mac computers for Xbox One. Unicorn and Xlag do not work" But it seems wayy too specific and long...And i get no results with google searches so i figured i needed to make a thread/article...So if someone could help me that would literally be awesome. I don't have a PS4 but i'm sure all the methods that would work for it, would easily apply to the Xbox One as well. Thoughts?
03-31-2016, 08:17 AM #2
Originally posted by Bobby
I'm looking for a new wireless lagswitch for a Mac laptop in 2016 on a game with UNDEDICATED SERVERS. So this should be easy. I only have a router so i've tried the CAT5 method of wired lag switches...I've tried both connecting the cable from the router to the Xbox One...Which does 1 of two things: 1. Disconnects me right away 2. Doesn't work at all. I've also tried connecting both of the cables to my router and flipping the switch..Which made the router blink like crazy..But no results in-game. So after countless times trying this i've given up on the wired method. UDP unicorn and Xlag don't work at all for me...I open them with wine and when i click "Send data" for UDP unicorn it shows my router blinking faster but to no avail...In real-time in my games it shows literally no difference...BTW I don't care if ANYONE ELSE lags..I just want to lag myself...Anyway to temporarily increase my ping?? I just mainly want to get my hit detection worse so it's harder to hit me in the games..People from Mexico are like JUGGERNAUTS even though they have no skill because they're so hard to hit...I wanna be like that without moving there lol...I've been trying to look up something along the lines of "new wireless lag switches 2016 for Mac computers for Xbox One. Unicorn and Xlag do not work" But it seems wayy too specific and long...And i get no results with google searches so i figured i needed to make a thread/article...So if someone could help me that would literally be awesome. I don't have a PS4 but i'm sure all the methods that would work for it, would easily apply to the Xbox One as well. Thoughts?

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