Post: Th3Sn4k3s Team?
10-17-2010, 09:37 AM #1
Treasure hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Yesterday, my own site (not mentioning just incase I get banned for advertising Smile ) was attacked by a team of hackers called Th3Sn4k3s team. In the end I got ahold of them and they gave us instructions on how to fix it ourselves as we'd have been waiting a while because in the process of hacking our site, they rooted my host providers servers which weren't related to mine.
Yesterday, they also hacked a government site and I will try find it in a bit.

I asked them how they did it and they didnt answer so I asked if they could hack a site I gave them, in seconds the guy in the team who hacked my site said 'I smell a vuln site' so did he get in already!?

I just want to know if anyone have had any experiance with these before and if possible, tell me how they do it!?

Also this was just a word of warning for any unprotected sites.
The team are cool people though and funny, they just do it to prove that the site is unprotected Smile

if you want any more info tell me Smile

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