Post: All COD4 DVARS (OLD)
05-03-2016, 01:34 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); All of the COD4 DVARS

Originally posted by another user
1 - Getting Started
1a - Binds
1b - Basic Commands
1c - Killstreak Rewards
1d - Weapons
1e - Changing Colours/Classes/Clan/MOTD etc.
1f - Knife
1g - Laser Sight
1h - Laser Editors
1i - Sprint Speed
1j - Perk Modifiers
1k - Making An Aimbot
1l - Editing the Compass
1m - Ignore Flash Stun Grenades
1n - Seeing Through Grass/Bushes Etc.
1o - Field of View
1p - Allow/Disallow Blood
1q - Allow/Disallow Bullet Cases
1r - Third Person
1s - FPS Counter
1t - Changing HUD
1u - Changing the Grenade Nearby Icon
1v - Editing Chat Preferences
1w - Hiding Gun
1x - Repositioning Gun
1y - Remove Bullet Marks
1z - Show When Nothing Hit
2a - Changing Gametype
2b - Changing Map
2c - Changing Free for All and/or Cage Match Settings
2d - Changing Domination Settings
2e - Changing Team Deathmatch Settings
2f - Changing Sabotage Settings
2g - Changing Search and Destroy Settings
2h - Changing Headquaters Settings
2i - Changing The Amount of People Allowed In Game (1 - 32)
2j - Password Protecting Games
2k - Reserve Spaces
2l - Misc. Server Settings
2m - Make A Game Hardcore
2n - Make A Game Oldschool
2o - Disable Killcam
2p - Headshots Only
2q - Changing XP per kill
2r - Server Killstreak Reward Settings
2s - Team Settings
2t - Player Settings
2u - Jump height
2v - Gravity
2w - Sprint Speed
2x - Slow/Fast Motion
2y - Kick Players
2z - (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) - Server Lighting Settings etc.
[1] Getting Started
You will need to copy your save data from your PS3 to your PC, using a USB, and then open GPAD0_MP. Delete everything in there, yes, everything. Now feel free to add these.
Next, open GPAD0_CM, remove everything, and put this in:
set gpad_buttonsConfig "tonsillitis"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_viewSensitivity "1"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
Once done copy back to PS3, delete the patch, and find a BYPASS METHOD. (Use search tool)
[1a] Binds:
Binding is changing your controller mapping. For example, if you bound Infinate Ammo to SELECT, instead of opening the score menu when you press SELECT you will recieve infinate ammo. This would be set out like this:
bind BUTTON_BACK "player_sustainAmmo 1"
You can use one bind for more than one thing, just seperate them with a semi-colon.
bind BUTTON_BACK "player_sustainAmmo 1 ; god ; give m40a3_mp"
With bind's you can add toggles, so for example, when you press SELECT once, it turns unlimited ammo on, press it again, and it will turn it off.
bind BUTTON_BACK "toggle player_sustainAmmo 1 0"
(1 = on) (0 = off)
Another thing these can be used for, are for giving weapons, I have set up a list of every 'give weapon' command, which will appear later on it the guide. This is just an example:
bind BUTTON_BACK "give m40a3_mp" - When you press select, you will recieve a M40A3 Sniper Rifle.
Obviously, you don't just have to bind to SELECT; these are a list of all the buttons and there bind command, but remember, if you want any of them to work you will have to open up GRAD0_CM and take out the part that says 'buttons_default'/'buttons_tactical' or other & the part that says 'thumbstick_default'.
[1b] Basic Commands:
Add these to binds, press that button, and it'll activate it.
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "god"
god = Infinate Health
demigod = Infinate Health, but your screen still flashes red. Good for split-screen games against friends, so they can't tell you've got god mode. ;]
give all = Gives all weapons.
take all = Takes all weapons.
give ammo = Gives ammo.
noclip = Float Around
ufo = Same basic thing as noclip, but different controls.
player_sustainAmmo "1" = unlimited ammo
give health = Instant Health Regen.
[1c] Killstreak Rewards:
Again, add these to binds. Expample: bind BUTTON_BACK "give radar_mp"
give radar_mp = UAV
give airstrike_mp = Airstrike
give helicopter_mp = Helicopter
[1d] Weapons
Set these to binds, but remember to use the 'give' command before it, eg.
bind BUTTON_BACK "give m40a3_mp"
When you recieve the weapon, it will have low ammo, so bind 'give ammo' to the same button for maxium affect.
1 - Assault Rifles:
m16_mp = M16A4
ak47_mp = AK-47
m4_mp = M4 Carbine
g3_mp = G3
g36c_mp = G36C
m14_mp = M14
mp44_mp = MP44
2 - Sub Machine Guns
mp5_mp = MP5
skorpion_mp = Skorpion
uzi_mp = Mini-Uzi
ak74u_mp = AK-74u
p90_mp = P90
3 - Shotguns
winchester1200_mp = W1200
m1014_mp = M1014
4. Light Machine Guns
saw_mp = SAW
rpd_mp = RPD
m60e4_mp = M60
5. Sniper Rifles
m40a3_mp = M40A3
m21_mp = M21
dragunov_mp = Dragonuv
remington700_mp = R700
barret_mp = Barret 50 Cal.
6. Pistols
beretta_mp = M9
colt45_mp = Colt .45
usp_mp = USP
deserteagle_mp = Desert Eagle
deserteaglegold_mp = Golden Desert Eagle
7. Grenades
frag_grenade_mp = Fragmentation Grenade
flash_grenade_mp = Flash(bang) Grenade
concussion_grenade_mp = Stun Grenade
smoke_grenade_mp = Smoke Grenade
8. Perks
rpg_mp = RPG-7
c4_mp = C4
claymore_mp = Claymore
9. Default Weapon
defaultweapon_mp = An invisble gun? :]
Adding Attachments:
When you put the code in to give you a weapon, eg. 'bind BUTTON_BACK "give m40a3_mp"' you can add attachments, obviously only the ones you'd be able to in Create-a-class. It would be set out like this:
bind BUTTON_BACK "give m40a3_acog_mp
Here's the full list:
gl = Grenade Launcher (example: bind BUTTON_BACK "give m16_gl_mp"
reflex = Red Dot Sight (example: bind BUTTON_BACK "give m16_reflex_mp"
silencer = Silencer (example: bind BUTTON_BACK "give m16_silencer_mp"
acog = ACOG (example: bind BUTTON_BACK "give m16_acog_mp"
grip = Grip (example: bind BUTTON_BACK "give m1014_grip_mp"
[1e] Changing Colours/Classes/Clan/MOTD etc.
Ever wanted to know how to change your name's into different colours? Or change your classes, well now you can.
Putting different colour codes infront of text, will make them into that colour. This can include MOTD, Classes & Clan name.
The codes are:
^1 = Red
^2 = Green
^3 = Yellow
^4 = Blue
^5 = Cyan
^6 = Pink/Magenta
^7 = White
^8 = Random
^0 = Black
set motd ^1 MESSAGE OF THE DAY
This would make your Message of the Day 'MESSAGE OF THE DAY' but it would be red.
MOTSad Awesome
Changing the Message of the Day is simple, just put the following code into
GRAD0_MP, and replace the text with whatever you want, and whatever colours.
You can change the name of you classes, you can use colours, and symbols, which you can't usually access, this also works with the patch installed. Just change the text to your liking, and place it in
set customclass1 "INSERT TEXT HERE"
set customclass2 "INSERT TEXT HERE"
set customclass3 "INSERT TEXT HERE"
set customclass4 "INSERT TEXT HERE"
set customclass5 "INSERT TEXT HERE"
The same as the rest, you can insert text and colours, but there's a maximum amount of characters; 4. (not including colour codes)
set clanName "INSERT TEXT HERE"
[1f] Knife
Edit then copy the selected codes into your GRAD0_MP file.
set player_meleeHeight "10"
set player_meleeRange "64"
set player_meleeWidth "10"
These are pretty self explanitry.
[1g] Laser Sight
This can help for aiming.
1 = on, 0 = off.
cg_laserForceOn "0"
[1h] Laser Editors
There are also configurations for them, but I won't go into detail, as they're un-important. (values are defaults)
cg_laserFlarePct "0.2"
cg_laserLight "1"
cg_laserLightBeginOffset "13"
cg_laserLightBodyTweak "15"
cg_laserLightEndOffset "-3"
cg_laserLightRadius "3"
cg_laserRadius "0.8"
cg_laserRange "1500"
cg_laserRangePlayer "1500"
[1i] Sprint Speed
Sprinting Faster; just change the number to your liking.
player_sprintSpeedScale "1.5"
Setting these as low/high as possible will change how long you have to sprint, before you can stop.
player_sprintForwardMinimum "105"
player_sprintMinTime "1"
It's also useful setting this higher:
player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale "0.667"
[1j] Perk Modifiers
These will only work if you have that perk. However, they can prove very useful. The values are default.
set perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier "2" - Set this higher, to shoot through walls with ease. Needs 'Awesome faceeep Impact'.
set perk_extraBreath "5" - How long you can hold breath with 'Iron Lungs'. (The higher, the better.)
set perk_sprintMultiplier "2" - How long you can run for with 'Extreme Conditioning'. (The higher, the better.)
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.75" Using 'Awesome faceouble Tap', set this to lower, and you'll fire faster.
set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.5" The lower the number, the faster you reload. Requires 'Slight of Hand'.
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.65" The lower, the smaller your crosshair using 'Steady Aim'.
There's also these 3, but I have not tested; they may do somthing different to what I say they do.
perk_armorVest "75" - How much is added to your health with 'Juggernaught'?
perk_bulletDamage "40" - How much damage is added to your weapons with 'Stopping Power'?
perk_explosiveDamage "25" - How much damage is added to your explosive weapons with 'Sonic Boom'?
[1k] Making an Aimbot
Using the following codes, will make it easier to locate and destroy enemies..
set aim_autoaim_enabled "1" - Enables auto-aim.
set aim_lockon_debug "1" - Enhanced lock-on.
set aim_lockon_region_height "1000" - Area of lock-on.
set aim_lockon_region_width "1000" - Area of lock-on.
set g_compassshowenemies "1" - Show's enemies on radar.
set aim_lockon_strength "0.99" - Enhanced lock-on.
set aim_lockon_deflection "0.0005" - Enhanced lock-on.
set cg_tracerchance "1" - Shows bullet tracers.
set cg_tracerlength "5000" - Size of tracers.
set cg_tracerSpeed "750" - Size of tracers.
set cg_drawThroughWalls "1" - See peoples names through walls.
set cg_tracerwidth "4" - Size of tracers.
set cg_enemyNameFadeIn "0" - Stops name fading.
set cg_enemyNameFadeOut "1000" - Stops name fading.
Use these combined with the perk modifiers for maxium use.
[1l] Editing the Compass
Completely useless, but can help. I will not go into depth with these, as they are pretty dumb. Just read them and they'll make more sense. To be honest, I havn't tested these so they may not work.
compass "1"
compassClampIcons "1"
compassCoords "720 340 200"
compassECoordCutoff "37"
compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "0"
compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "500"
compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "100"
compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "140"
compassFriendlyHeight "18.75"
compassFriendlyWidth "18.75"
compassMaxRange "2500"
compassMinRadius "0.0001"
compassMinRange "0.0001"
compassObjectiveArrowHeight "20"
compassObjectiveArrowOffset "2"
compassObjectiveArrowRotateDist "5"
compassObjectiveArrowWidth "20"
compassObjectiveDetailDist "10"
compassObjectiveDrawLines "1"
compassObjectiveHeight "20"
compassObjectiveIconHeight "16"
compassObjectiveIconWidth "16"
compassObjectiveMaxHeight "70"
compassObjectiveMaxRange "2048"
compassObjectiveMinAlpha "1"
compassObjectiveMinDistRange "1"
compassObjectiveMinHeight "-70"
compassObjectiveNearbyDist "4"
compassObjectiveNumRings "10"
compassObjectiveRingSize "80"
compassObjectiveRingTime "10000"
compassObjectiveTextHeight "18"
compassObjectiveTextScale "0.3"
compassObjectiveWidth "20"
compassPlayerHeight "18.75"
compassPlayerWidth "18.75"
compassRadarLineThickness "0.4"
compassRadarPingFadeTime "4"
compassRadarUpdateTime "4"
compassRotation "1"
compassSize "1"
compassSoundPingFadeTime "2"
compassTickertapeStretch "0.5"
[1m] Ignore Flash/Stun Grenades
For this, lot's of people just use the code:
set cg_drawShellshock "0"
Which works perfectly, but a few things remain, like sound and sensitivity. There are loads of codes, more than I have time to go into detail with, but I'll put them all here and talk about some of them. Just place 'set' infront of them if you're going to use them, but I don't reccomend them, and I have not tested - just use the one above.
(Values are defaults)
bg_shock_lookControl "1" - Set this to '0' and you proberly wont be able to look around when stunned.
bg_shock_lookControl_fadeTime "2" Set this lower and the above effect will last longer?
bg_shock_lookControl_maxpitchspeed "90" - Somthing to do with looking around, then again, what's pitch got to do with it? o.O
bg_shock_lookControl_maxyawspeed "90" - Just don't use these.
bg_shock_lookControl_mousesensitivityscale "0.5" - It says mouse, but it proberly works for PS3 too, set it to '1.0' and it'll proberly allow you to still look around as fast as before stunned.
bg_shock_movement "1" - Set this to '0' and you proberly won't be able to move while stunned.
bg_shock_screenBlurBlendFadeTime "1" - Set this low and the blur from the flash will last longer.
bg_shock_screenBlurBlendTime "0.4" - ^^^^
bg_shock_screenFlashShotFadeTime "1" - ^^^^
bg_shock_screenFlashWhiteFadeTime "1" - ^^^^
bg_shock_screenType "blurred" - Leave it. Or change blurred to default or somthing, IDK.
bg_shock_sound "1" - I reccomend this if you do not like the sound of stuns/flashes. Just set to '0'. IF YOU USE THIS YOU WONT NEED ANY OF THE 'bg_shock_sound..." codes, and so, I removed fromlist. If you really want them, to look at PM me or reply to thread. Infact, I just removed all after this, as before, PM me if you want them.
[1n] See through bushes, grass etc.
Copy pasta
set r_lodscalerigid "4"
[1o] Field of View (FOV)
The distance you can see to your left and right, very helpful, just set the number higher.
(160 Max)
set cg_fov "65"
[1p] Allow/Disallow Blood (Very Slightly Improves FPS)
1 = Allow, 0 = Disallow.
set cg_blood "1"
[1q] Allow/Disallow Bullet Casings When Firing Guns (Very Slightly Improves FPS)
1 = Allow, 0 = Disallow.
set cg_brass "1"
[1r] Third Person
1 = on, 0 = off.
set cg_thirdPerson "0"
Want to change how zoomed you are to your character?
cg_thirdPersonRange "120"
[1s] FPS Counter

[1s] FPS Counter
cg_drawFPS "1"
[1t] Changing the HUD (Adding things that aren't already there, and removing things that are. BTW, I only added things I thought were useful, if you want a full list of things you can do withthe HUD, reply to this thread or PM me, thanks.)
set hud_enable "1" - Show HUD (1 = Keep, 0 = Remove.)
set ammoCounterHide "0" - Ammo Counter (1 = Remove, 0 = Keep.)
set cg_drawCrosshair "1" - Crosshair (1 = Keep, 0 = Remove.)
set cg_drawHealth "0" - If this works, it'll probery display your health. (1 = Add, 0 = Remove.)
set cg_drawFPS "0" - Show's your current FPS rate. (1 = Add, 0 = Remove.)
set cg_drawLagometer "0" - Show's how different things affect your lag. (1 = Add, 0 = Remove.)
[1u] Changing the Grenade Nearby Icon
set cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash "0" - You know how when there's a grenadenearby, it shows an icon, so you can flee, if you set this to '1', you'll recieve the sameicon when a flash is near, but it obviously only last a few nano-seconds. (1 = Add, 0 = Remove.)
set cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight "25" - Height of the grenade indicator icon. (Default =25 - 0 = Smallest, 512 = Biggest)
set cg_hudGrenadeIconInScope "0" - Show the grenade indicator when aiming with a sniper. Very useful (1 = Add, 0 = Remove.)
set cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxHeight "104" - The minimum height difference between a player and a grenade for the grenade icon to be shown. (Default = 104 - Lowest = 0, Highest = 1000.)
set cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash "500" - The minimum distance a flashbang has tobe from a player in order for the grenade icon to be shown. (Default = 500 - Lowest = 0, Highest = 2000.)
set cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag "250" - The minimum distance a frag grenade hasto be from a player in order for the grenade icon to be shown. (Default = 250 - Lowest = 0, Highest = 2000)
set cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset "50" - Offset from the center of the screen of the grenade icon (pixels). (Default = 50 - Smallest = 0, Biggest = 512)
set cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth "25" - Width of the grenade indicator icon (pixels). (Default = 25 - Smallest = 0, Biggest = 512)
set cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight "12" - The height of the grenade indicator pointer(indicator points to the grenade). (Default = 12 - Smallest = 0, Biggest = 512)
set cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot "12 27" - The pivot point of the grenade indicatorpointer. (Default = 12 27 - Smallest = 0 0, Biggest = 512 512)
set cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseFreq "1.7" - The number of times a grenade indicatorflashes in Hz. (Default = 1.7 - Smallest = 0.1, Biggest = 50)
cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMax "1.85" - The maximum alpha (brightness) of the grenade indicator pulse. Higher numbers will cause the grenade indicator to remain at higher brightness for longer. (Default = 1.85 - Smallest = 0, Biggest = 3)
cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMin "0.3" - The minimum alpha of the grenade indicator pulse. values lower than 0 will cause the grenade indicator pulse to remain at full transparency for longer periods. (Default = 0.3 - Smallest = =3, Biggest = 1)
cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth "25" - The width of the grenade indicator pointer.
(Default = 25 - Smallest = 0, Biggest = 512)
[1v] Editing Chat Preferences
So lots of people have commands beggining with 'say' in their files, which can be quiteannoying, or you might like them, if like me you'd like to remove them you can proberlyuse the following code and set it to '0'.
set cg_chatHeight "8" - Number of rows of chat displayed at once - Set it to 0?
set cg_chatTime "12000" - The amount of time in milliseconds that chat remains onscreen. (1000 milliseconds = 1 second)
However, '0' might set them both to infinate.
[1w] Hiding Gun
Useless, but it makes this tutorial bigger >;]
0 = Hide, 1 = Show.
set cg_drawGun "1"
[1x] Repositioning Gun
A fun little thing I like to do, but dosn't always seem to work, as I do not know whatnumbers you need, but are proberly co-ordinates.
set cg_gun_x "0" - Position of the gun on the X-axis
set cg_gun_y "0" - Position of the gun on the Y-axis
set cg_gun_z "0" - Position of the gun on the Z-axis
[1y] Removing Bullet Marks (slightly improves FPS, other than that pointless)
0 = Remove, 1 = Show.
set cg_marks "0"
[1z] Show's When You've Hit Nothing
Set it to 1, and it'll show you when you've missed.
set cg_showmiss "0"

For all of these you have to be host.
[2a] Changing Gametype
This was orginally posted by chris2k7sears, but me and a couple of friends knew it
atleast a month before posted, anyway, you'll need to know what gametype you want.
dm - Free for All
dom - Domination
sd - Search and Destroy
sab - Sabotage
war - Team Deathmatch
koth - Headquaters
Then you need to use that in this bind:
g_gametype "sd" - This would be Search and Destroy
Next you need to insert it into a bind.
bind BUTTON_BACK "g_gametype sd"
Now, to use it correctly, you need to wait until the map starts to load, and then press
the button you bound it to a few times, and then once the map finishes, it should be the
chosen gametype!
[2b] Changing Map
Originally posted by Michael.
I'm just gonna set this out like the gametype chapter :]
First you'll need to choose a map.
Backlot - mp_backlot
Bloc - mp_bloc
Bog - mp_bog
Wet work - mp_cargoship
District - mp_citystreets
Ambush - mp_convoy
Countdown - mp_countdown
Crash - mp_crash
Crossfire - mp_crossfire
Downpour - mp_farm
Overgrown - mp_overgrown
Pipeline - mp_pipeline
Shipment - mp_shipment
Showdown - mp_showdown
Strike - mp_strike.
Vacant - mp_vacant
Now insert the map code into:
map "MAP HERE"
map mp_shipment - This would load Shipment
Now insert it into a bind:
bind BUTTON_BACK "map mp_shipment"
Now press it while in a game, and it'll load that map.
[2c] Changing Free for All and/or Cage Match Settings
Set as binds, only use the ones you want to change and press that button once the game
had begun.
scr_dm_scorelimit 150 - The amount of points needed to end the game/round, set to '0'
for unlimited.
scr_dm_timelimit 30 - The time until the game/round ends, set to '0' for unlimited.
scr_dm_roundlimit 1 - Set this for multiple rounds, so you could set it to 3, and then play
a best out of 3.
scr_dm_numlives 0 - The amount of time's you can respawn per round/game, '0' for
scr_dm_playerrespawndelay 0 - The set amount of time it takes to respawn after
killed, 0 for immidiate respawn.
scr_dm_waverespawndelay 0 - The time set here, say it's 15, every 15 seconds, everyone
on that team that's dead respawns, 0 for immediate respawn.
[2d] Changing Domination Settings
Set as binds, only use the ones you want to change and press that button once the game
had begun.
scr_dom_scorelimit 150 - The amount of points needed to end the game/round, set to '0'
for unlimited.
scr_dom_timelimit 30 - The time until the game/round ends, set to '0' for unlimited.
scr_dom_roundlimit 1 - Set this for multiple rounds, so you could set it to 3, and then
play a best out of 3.
scr_dom_numlives 0 - The amount of time's you can respawn per round/game, '0' for
scr_dom_playerrespawndelay 0 - The set amount of time it takes to respawn after
killed, 0 for immidiate respawn.
scr_dom_waverespawndelay 0 - The time set here, say it's 15, every 15 seconds,
everyone on that team that's dead respawns, 0 for immediate respawn.
[2e] Changing Team Deathmatch Settings
Set as binds, only use the ones you want to change and press that button once the game
had begun.
scr_war_scorelimit 150 - The amount of points needed to end the game/round, set to '0'
for unlimited.
scr_war_timelimit 30 - The time until the game/round ends, set to '0' for unlimited.
scr_war_roundlimit 1 - Set this for multiple rounds, so you could set it to 3, and then
play a best out of 3.
scr_war_numlives 0 - The amount of time's you can respawn per round/game, '0' for
scr_war_playerrespawndelay 0 - The set amount of time it takes to respawn after
killed, 0 for immidiate respawn.
scr_war_waverespawndelay 0 - The time set here, say it's 15, every 15 seconds,
everyone on that team that's dead respawns, 0 for immediate respawn.
[2f] Changing Sabotage Settings
Set as binds, only use the ones you want to change and press that button once the game
had begun.
scr_sab_timelimit 20 - The amount of points needed to end the game/round, set to '0'
for unlimited.
scr_sab_roundlimit 0 - Set this for multiple rounds, so you could set it to 3, and then
play a best out of 3.
scr_sab_roundswitch 1 - Amount of rounds between switching teams, in some cases
ending the game.
scr_sab_numlives 0 - The amount of time's you can respawn per round/game, '0' for
scr_sab_bombtimer 30 - The time taken for the bomb to explode once planted.
scr_sab_planttime 2.5 - Time taken to plant the bomb.
scr_sab_defusetime 5 - Time taken to defuse the bomb.
scr_sab_hotpotato 0 - I think this is where, if you plant the bomb, and some defuses it
while the timer is on 19, next time you plant, it'll continue from 19.
scr_sab_playerrespawndelay 7.5 - The set amount of time it takes to respawn after
killed, 0 for immidiate respawn.
scr_sab_waverespawndelay 0 - The time set here, say it's 15, every 15 seconds,
everyone on that team that's dead respawns, 0 for immediate respawn.
[2g] Changing Search and Destroy Settings
Set as binds, only use the ones you want to change and press that button once the game
had begun.
scr_sd_scorelimit 4 - The amount of points needed to end the game/round, set to '0' for
scr_sd_timelimit 2.5 - The time until the game/round ends, set to '0' for unlimited.
scr_sd_roundlimit 0 - Set this for multiple rounds, so you could set it to 3, and then play
a best out of 3.
scr_sd_roundswitch 3 - Amount of rounds between switching teams, in some cases
ending the game.
scr_sd_numlives 1 - The amount of time's you can respawn per round/game, '0' for
scr_sd_bombtimer 45 - The time taken for the bomb to explode once planted.
scr_sd_planttime 5 - Time taken to plant the bomb.
scr_sd_defusetime 5 - Time taken to defuse the bomb.
scr_sd_multibomb 0 - 1 = Everyone starts with bomb, on attacking side. 0 = They don't.
scr_sd_playerrespawndelay 0 - The set amount of time it takes to respawn after killed,
0 for immidiate respawn.
scr_sd_waverespawndelay 0 - The time set here, say it's 15, every 15 seconds, everyone
on that team that's dead respawns, 0 for immediate respawn.
[2h] Changing Headquaters Settings
Set as binds, only use the ones you want to change and press that button once the game
had begun.
scr_koth_scorelimit 250 - The amount of points needed to end the game/round, set to
'0' for unlimited.
scr_koth_timelimit 15 - The time until the game/round ends, set to '0' for unlimited.
scr_koth_roundlimit 1 - Set this for multiple rounds, so you could set it to 3, and then
play a best out of 3.
scr_koth_roundswitch 1 - Amount of rounds between switching teams, in some cases
ending the game.
scr_koth_numlives 0 - The amount of time's you can respawn per round/game, '0' for
scr_koth_playerrespawndelay 0 - The set amount of time it takes to respawn after
killed, 0 for immidiate respawn.
scr_koth_waverespawndelay 0 - The time set here, say it's 15, every 15 seconds,
everyone on that team that's dead respawns, 0 for immediate respawn.
koth_autodestroytime 60 - Time for the Headquaters to be destroyed, after captured.
koth_spawntime 0 - Time taken to respawn if the other team has captured the
koth_kothmode 0 - I honestly don't know. Reply or PM if you do.
koth_capturetime 20 - Time taken to capture.
koth_destroytime 10 - Time taken to destroy.
koth_delayPlayer 0 - I don't know, again Reply or PM if you do.
koth_spawnDelay 60 - Time taken to respawn if your team has captured to HQ, you
automaticly respawn after the HQ is destroyed.
[2i] Changing The Ammount of People Allowed In Game
Unfortuneately, you can only set this after you've started a game, I havn't tested it, but
you might be able to get two people, start a cage match, and use this code once in the
game, and other people can join.
sv_maxclients "2" - Cage Match default
Just bind it and change the number to the amount of people you want, if there's a
certain person you want to join, and no-one else, you can use a password, which will be
on the next chapter.
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "sv_maxclients 14"
[2j] Password Protecting Games
For this, I'm not sure how you actually use it, but I got a good idea from Michael's
thread. Please correct me if I'm wrong, and if this dosn't work when you use this, tell me.
To set a password, you have to be host, and the game mast of started. Bind:
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "g_password puppy33"
Then the person wanting to join the game, has to have this in their GPAD0_MP file?
set password "YOUR PASSWORD HERE"
Example: set password "puppy33"
[2k] Reserve Spaces
Thank's again to Michael for making these make a bit more sence.
Say you used the 'Changing The Ammount of People Allowed In Game' cmds, and set the
max clients to 14, you want two friends to join, and then you don't mind who the rest
are, and you're worried that there might not be any space for them, well all you have to
do is bind how many private clients you want to this cmd:
sv_privateClients "0"
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "sv_privateClients 2"
For this they'll need a password, so set the password using:
sv_privatePassword "INSERT PASSWORD HERE"
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "sv_privatePassword puppy33"
After you've done that, people will be able to join, but even if max clients is set to 14,
and you've got two private clients, once the server has reached 12 no-one can join,
unless they have the private client password in GPAD0_MP;
set password "YOUR PASSWORD HERE"
Example: set password "puppy33"
[2l] Misc. Server Settings
Bind 'em ;].
g_antilag "0" - Helps prevent lag? 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable.
g_compassShowEnemies "0" - Wether UAV is on all the time or not. 1 = Enable, 0 =
ui_hud_showdeathicons "0" - Wether you see a skull and crossbones when a teammate
dies. 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable.
scr_enable_nightvision "1" - Wether the people playing can use nightvision goggles or
not. 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable.
scr_enable_music "0" - Wether music is heard in the background. 1 = Enable, 0 =
scr_enable_hiticon "0" - Crosshair changes to show you've hit an enemy. 1 = Enable, 0 =
[2m] Make A Game Hardcore
For this, you'll also have to have 'fast_restart' bound to a free button OR you
can put fast_restart in the same bind,
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "fast_restart"
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "scr_hardcore 1 ; fast_restart"
The reason for this, is so that after you've pressed the button for Oldschool mode or
w/e, it'll not work until the next game, fast_restart reloads the game very quickly.
scr_hardcore 1 - Enables (1) or Disables (0) Hardcore mode.
[2n] Make A Game Oldschool
For this, you'll also have to have 'fast_restart' bound to a free button OR you
can put fast_restart in the same bind,
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "fast_restart"
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "scr_oldschool 1 ; fast_restart"
The reason for this, is so that after you've pressed the button for Oldschool mode or
w/e, it'll not work until the next game, fast_restart reloads the game very quickly.
scr_oldschool 1 - Enables (1) or Disables (0) Oldschool mode.
[2o] Disable Killcam
For this, you'll also have to have 'fast_restart' bound to a free button OR you
can put fast_restart in the same bind,
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "fast_restart"
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; fast_restart"
The reason for this, is so that after you've pressed the button for Oldschool mode or
w/e, it'll not work until the next game, fast_restart reloads the game very quickly.
scr_game_allowkillcam 0 - 1 = Allow Killcam, 0 = No kill cam.
[2p] - Headshots Only
For this, you'll also have to have 'fast_restart' bound to a free button OR you
can put fast_restart in the same bind,
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "fast_restart"
Example: bind BUTTON_BACK "scr_game_onlyheadshots 1 ; fast_restart"
The reason for this, is so that after you've pressed the button for Oldschool mode or
w/e, it'll not work until the next game, fast_restart reloads the game very quickly.
scr_game_onlyheadshots 0 - 1 = Headshots only, 0 = Not headshots only.
[2q] Changing XP per kill
Yes, you heard it, changing XP per kill, to anything you want. You need to use the same
method as above (fast_restart).
NOTE: These do not affect your leaderboard score, just your level.
scr_xpscale 1 - What ever number you put in there, is how much the xp is multiplied by,
for example, in a normal cage match there is 20 points a kill, if you set that number to
10, it would be 200 points a kill.
Also, if you set this too high, it wont give you any. The highest I've done is 800,000xp
per kill, which is more than enough, as all you need is 125,000 per 55 levels. So setting it
to 700 for cage match would be a suitable amount. And would require just 10 kills per prestige, aswell as reducing the chance of you disconnecting.
[2r] Server Killstreak Reward Settings
These may need to use the 'fast_restart' method.
scr_hardpoint_allowartillery 0 - 1 = Allow Airstrikes, 0 = Disallow.
scr_hardpoint_allowuav 0 - 1 = Allow UAV, 0 = Disallow.
scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter 0 - 1 = Allow Helicopter, 0 = Disallow.
[2s] Team Settings
These may need to use the 'fast_restart' method.
scr_team_fftype 0 - 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Reflect, 3 = Shared.
scr_team_teamkillspawndelay 20 - How long you have to wait if you have killed team
scr_team_kickteamkillers 0 - Wether to kick team killers.
scr_teambalance 1 - Wether to balance teams, which dosn't apply for COD4 on the PS3,
as you can't choose your teams, unless using the cvar.
[2t] Player Settings
These may need to use the 'fast_restart' method.
set scr_player_numlives 0 - How many times a player can respawn, 0 for infinate.
set scr_player_respawndelay 0 - Respawn time, 0 for none.
set scr_player_maxhealth 100 - How much health a player starts with, max = 100.
set scr_player_suicidespawndelay 0 - Time to respawn after killing themselves.
set scr_player_healthregentime 5 - Time to reach full health after hurt.
set scr_player_forcerespawn 1 - 1 = force respawn, 0 = player can choose when to
set scr_player_sprinttime 4 - Time each player can sprint, 0 = disable
[2u] Jump height
Edit the codes to your liking and paste them into your GRAD0_MP file.
set jump_height "39" - The default jump height.
set jump_height "0" - You don't really jump. :]
set jump_height "1000" - Damn high. This is the highest option.
You can change the number to your liking. 0 being the lowest and 1000 being the highest.
[2v] Gravity
Just change it to your liking.
g_gravity "800"
[2w] Sprint Speed
Sprinting Faster; just change the number to your liking.
g_speed "190"
[2x] Slow/Fast Motion
Changing the speed of the game is simple, just make sure you're host. The code used is:
set timescale "1.0" - Default
You just change the number to your liking, higher being faster, and lower equals slower.
For example:
set timescale "2.0" - Double the speed
set timescale "0.5" - Half the speed
However, it's easier to use this as a bind, and have toggles, just remember, for some reason, you can only use two variables to toggle for timescale, don't ask why.
bind BUTTON_BACK "toggle timescale 2.0 1.0" - Press once for double speed, again for normal.
bind BUTTON_BACK "toggle timescale 0.5 1.0" - Press once for half speed, again for normal.
bind BUTTON_BACK "toggle timescale 0.5 1.0 2.0" - THIS WILL NOT WORK.
[2y] Kicking Players
In a cage match? Don't want the other person it it, in it?
Use this as a bind and press it!
'kick all'
bind BUTTON_BACK "kick all"

Happy Coding! Tustin
05-03-2016, 01:39 PM #2
Nice Man, I used to love this game.
05-03-2016, 01:44 PM #3
Save Point
Alot of people to this day still code for this game nice post.
05-03-2016, 02:15 PM #4
Originally posted by yah View Post
All of the COD4 DVARS

Happy Coding! Tustin

Moved to MW Mods, Patches, and Tutorials.

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05-03-2016, 02:21 PM #5

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