Post: PS3 Hacked Forever!
10-26-2012, 11:21 AM #1
Do a barrel roll!
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Anyone who’s familiar with trying to jailbreak any sort of Apple device is likely familiar with the whole song and dance that comes along with jailbreakers trying to keep up with first-party software and firmware updates, and first parties trying to make every successive firmware version even harder to jailbreak in the first place. The same is true on the PlayStation 3…or was, until this week.

A group of hackers calling themselves “The Three Musketeers” have found a way to hack the PS3 at such a fundamental level that all future software and firmware update should remain easily hackable forever. This will allow custom firmwares – and thus pirated games, homebrew games, emulators, etc. – to be installed with ease.

Rather than just hacking the current version of the firmware as it comes out, The Three Musketeers have hacked the ‘Level 0′ security layer, which contains the codes used to encrypt the PS3′s firmware in the first place. Armed with this hack, all new firmware updates will simply be a matter of decrypting them with Sony’s own Level 0 codes and modifying them accordingly.

Marcan, a PS3 hacker who posts on the Slashdot forums, described the new hack thusly: “This means that all future firmwares and all future games are decryptable, and this time around they [Sony] really can’t do anything about it. By extension, this means that given the usual cat-and-mouse game of analyzing and patching firmware, every current user of vulnerable or hacked firmware should be able to maintain that state through all future updates, as all future firmwares can be decrypted and patched and resigned for old PS3s.”

The best part for fans of custom firmwares is, there’s apparently no way for Sony to patch it, because the hack is at such a deep level. Short of changing the PS3′s actual hardware, no firmware or software updates Sony could release would remove this vulnerability.

This is definitely good news for anyone who likes modding their PS3 hardware. There’s more incentives to doing so then just being a filthy pirate, too; some of the stuff that’s possible on custom firmware is pretty cool regardless of whether you’re pirating games, like running a Linux OS, playing homebrew games, or booting up an emulator for some retro gaming action.

The following 5 users groaned at ak4909.ak for this awful post:

CoDyMoDz1000XD, Insight, GreenTea101, TrueDemise, x420XP
10-26-2012, 01:10 PM #2
Do a barrel roll!
ps3 brick 4 ever....
10-26-2012, 02:40 PM #3
Yup, we needed you to copy and paste something we can read ourselves. :|
10-26-2012, 05:30 PM #4
Script Kiddie
At least I can fight
Im sorry thats to long i refuse to read something that isn't true stare

Short version: 3.55 + 4.21 CFW + Brain = 1337 Nerds or a brick :carling:
10-26-2012, 05:36 PM #5
Gym leader
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