Post: How To Downgrade w/e3 flasher to any CFW
03-09-2013, 06:45 AM #1
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I have seen a lot of questions about downgrading with e3 flasher. Since my guide was copy n pasted here from ps3hax. It has not been updated in a long time. So I figured, I would copy n paste my updated guide. To share with users here.

Hope you like it.

This guide is up to date, and works to get your downgradable nor model PS3 on OFW 3.56 - OFW 4.31 to any CFW. Including the new 4.21+CFWs.
If you have a Nand model PS3, I suggest using You must login or register to view this content..
All files needed are linked in the guide. So you can download them and when you need them.

You can also follow this guide if you don't have the limited edition, that comes with the esata station. If you are using just the flasher, you will not have anywhere to plug in your hard drive.
But don't worry. When the guide says boot to XMB, just boot to the "cannot find hard drive" screen. Before you do Chapter 2, Part 1, Step 13, uninstall your flasher, replace thermal compound, rebuild your PS3, and then continue with the guide.

If you are having trouble, feel free to ask questions in the thread. I or another member will be glad to help you.
If having problems, you should also read through the You must login or register to view this content.. It will show you solutions to your error codes, etc.

I suggest if you are going to follow this guide, to take your time and read everything carefully a few times before starting.

Here is some important information that you should read. Some things in this spoiler may seem scattered, but need to be read. Just remember the most important thing is to get multiple, identical VALID dumps, before you start Chapter 2.


Originally posted by euss View Post
Quickly glanced O.P. (did not read all 29 pages, so some might already be covered) -> Of the steps that its covers, the guide looks ok, but some very important steps are missing in my opinion:

1. Validation of good dumps to prevent permabricks (also to make sure your clip is still ok) : You must login or register to view this content.

Importance: high priority imo, there is NO undo or debrick after it is flashed. E3 has /some/ checks (e.g. it checks metldr header to look for nondowngradeable model), but it is known to fail in most other checks.

If you have trouble with Validation steps, upload it somewhere + visit IRC #ps3downgrade where me and others do this regulary and post the link.

2. Manual(auto) patching + Debricking : You must login or register to view this content. / You must login or register to view this content.

3. Samsung (multiconsole) update for being able to use E3 universal is breefly mentioned, (not the why though), mirror : You must login or register to view this content.

4. Alternatives for PSgrade: You must login or register to view this content. Dongle will not be needed if you follow METHOD 1 in Chapter 2, AFTER GETTING VALID DUMPS!!!

5. Marriage/working BDboard is needed for QA (no need to do button toggle for dehash btw), install packages and running games, and solving it: You must login or register to view this content. You will need a married blu ray logic board to complete METHOD 1 in Chapter 2. Also will need it if you follow METHOD 3 and have to continue with Chapter 2 Part 2 "Qa Flag"

6. More information about QA : You must login or register to view this content.

7. Alternatives for dehashing : You must login or register to view this content. + You must login or register to view this content.

Good luck! Smile


Things you will need

1. PS3 compatible with e3 flasher. Any nor chip model PS3. Except those that came with a higher firmware than 3.55 from the factory.
2. an e3 flasher
3. micro sd card formatted to fat32 (I recommend to use a 2gb or less Sandisc. Just a recommendation and others may work fine.)
4. usb downgrade dongle - You must login or register to view this content. to see options for a downgrade dongle. IF YOU FOLLOW METHOD 1 IN CHAPTER 2, YOU DO NOT NEED TO ENTER FACTORY/SERVICE MODE. SO NO DONGLE OR JIG NEEDED.
5. usb flash drive formatted to fat32
6. The You must login or register to view this content. has all the files you will need. If you are looking for files I refer to in the guide, they are here.
7. Patience, common sense, and the ability to follow directions.

Before starting make sure you have a nor chip ps3 that can be downgraded. And never downgrade to a firmware lower than what came on your PS3 when you bought it new.

Check your PS3's minimum firmware
You can check to see the lowest firmware by using the You must login or register to view this content.. Just rename to PS3UPDAT.PUP and place in a folder named UPDATE, then place that in a folder named PS3, and put on the root of your flash drive. Put in in the PS3 and navigate to system update. Choose update from storage device. Don't worry it won't update your ps3. It will tell you what the lowest firmware your console can go.
You can also check this chart for firmware and nor chip compatibility.

Check here
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Chapter 1

Part 1 Install your e3 flasher

correctly intsall
I am going to assume everyone knows how to install there flasher. There are many guides on this already.
If you do not know how to install your flasher correctly You must login or register to view this content..

Make sure to tape the clip down to your nor chip and where it connects to the e3 card. Some models have a transistor in the way of the clip. To solve this problem you need to shave off a little plastic from the clip, to allow it to fit flush to the motherboard.
If you receive errors when trying to make your backup, most likely the clip does not have good contact with the chip.
You must login or register to view this content. to see how I modified my clip. It fits on every model now.

CLICK HERE to see some pics of how I taped my clip down
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Soldering the E3 linker is more reliable than the clip. If you are good at soldering, this would be the way to go. You won't have to worry about modifying the clip, and putting pressure on it, etc...
If you want to solder the E3 linker, here are the diagrams for where to solder what points.

Soldering the E3 Flasher - Recommended for a solid connection

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JSD-001 & SUR-001

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Part 2 Make some bios backups.

Update flasher - Only needed to do with the first console, you downgrade

NOTE: If this is not your first time following this guide. You do not have to update the flasher again. Updating the flasher is only needed once, with the Samsung 10.28 update.bin, you can use the flasher on multiple PS3s.

  1. Take your micro sd card and format to fat32.
  2. Put the You must login or register to view this content. onto the root of your sd card. Rename to update.bin.
  3. (I use this update.bin to update the flasher, because it will allow you to flash multiple ps3's. Feel free to use a newer update, if you plan on leaving the flasher installed and dual booting.
  4. NOTE: For fast dual boot, you will need to update to the latest e3 update.bin. You will also have to solder 2 wires. One from SBE to Nor Tristate on the motherboard, and one from point A (after cutting the trace between point A and B on the motherboard.
  5. If you are wanting to fast dual boot, learn You must login or register to view this content.. Read it more than once before carefully following the directions.)
  6. Take the sd card and insert into the slot on the flasher.
  7. Set the switches on your e3 1 and 2 down and the rest up. Turn on the ps3. All 8 blue led lights light up and means your flasher has taken the update. Press the reset button. (The red button under the esata plug)

Make some backup dumps


  1. Move the switches to 1 and 2 down, 3 up, 4,5, and 6 down. Press reset. (The red button under the esata plug)
  2. Continue to Make some backup dumps.
  3. Press start and wait for the blue led light to light up in sequence. When all lights have lit and alternate flash the backup is done.
  4. Take the sd card to your pc and check your dump with You must login or register to view this content.(VERY IMPORTANT).
  5. Repeat steps 8 - 10, two more times. at least. It's good to make sure you can backup multiple valid dumps. That way you have a less chance of getting an error in CHAPTER 2.

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If you don't quite understand the validating guide, you need to learn. Do more research on validating your dumps before continuing.
Read that guide on ps3devwiki, over and over.
Using the nor inspector or NOR Validator are good tools that will help a lot to know if your backup dumps are valid. But you still need to check them manually to be sure.
And make multiple dumps. There has been times I will get 2 valid dumps, but they are not identical in HxD. Then the next one will not be valid. Or when I start flashing will get error and brick. It is very important to validate before continuing.

You can have someone double check your dump is valid in You must login or register to view this content. But try and validate them yourself first. The dump checking thread is only to double check a dump, you think is valid.
NOTE: The newer updates for e3 flasher make 3 bios backups at once. I suggest you still repeat the steps more times and check them all. When it makes the 3 at once they will all be the same, so if one is bad the other 2 usually are to.

After making sure you have a good backup dump:
1. Keep the last good backup on your sd card and rename to bkpps3.bin (if needed)
2. Make sure you use the bkpps3.bin the e3 flasher created and continue to Chapter 2. DO NOT USE THE bkpps3.swap.bin THAT FLOWREBUILDER CREATED, WHILE YOU VALIDATED YOUR DUMP.


Part 1 Downgrade

You only need to follow one METHOD.
Choose one:

NEW METHOD - No FSM dongle needed, and will not format your HDD Smile

    After making your backups continue here and leave your PS3 on. There is no need to reboot.
  1. Download You must login or register to view this content.
  2. Extract to Desktop or where ever you like.
  3. Put your bkpps3.bin in the PS3 NOR and Nand Patcher v0.04 folder.
  4. Drag and drop the bkpps3.bin onto PS3_Nor_and_Nand_Auto_Patcher_v0.04.exe
  5. The program will open and wait for it to apply the patches.
  6. Now there will be a new file named bkpps3_NOR_patched.bin.
  7. Delete all files from your sd card and put the bkpps3_NOR_patched.bin on it, renamed to bkpps3.bin
  8. Put the sd card in the flasher.
  9. Put all switches down on flasher. And press the red reset button under the esata plug on the faceplate.
  10. Press start on flasher, and wait for blue leds to light up 1 by 1. When done lights will alternate flash.
    [You will need the blu ray drive and the HDD, attached for the next steps. So if you are going to remove the flasher, now would be the time to do so. Rebuild and change the thermal compound, with Artic Silver 5.]
  11. Reboot PS3 from XMB.
  12. On boot you should see "please connect controller screen" (If your PS3 is on OFW 4.40 you will boot to the XMB. You can Install Rogero CFW4.40 v1.02 from XMB -> Settings -> System Update)
  14. Put You must login or register to view this content.
    on your flash drive like this:
  15. Insert into the right usb port of the PS3 and follow the on screen instructions, hold start and select.

OLD METHOD = Downgrade to Rogero v3.7 - FSM dongle required, and will format your HDD

  1. After making your backups continue here and leave your PS3 on. There is no need to reboot.
  2. You must login or register to view this content.
  3. Extract to Desktop or where ever you like.
  4. Put your bkpps3.bin in the PS3 Nor Dump Patcher v0.01 folder.
  5. Drag your bkpps3.bin onto the PS3 Nor Dump Patcher v0.01.exe application.
  6. Wait for the app to apply the 3 patches.
  7. When it is done, you will now have a file named bkpps3.patched.bin
  8. Copy bkpps3.patched.bin to your empty sd card and rename to bkpps3.bin
  9. Safely remove sd card from PC and insert into e3 flasher.
  10. Make sure you have nothing plugged in the USB slots.
  11. Put all switches down on flasher. And press the red reset button under the esata plug on the faceplate.
  12. Press start on flasher, and wait for blue leds to light up 1 by 1. When done lights will alternate flash.
  13. Reboot PS3 from XMB.
  14. On boot you should see "please connect controller screen"
  17. Insert your downgrade dongle in the right USB port.
  18. Plug in power cable or switch back on.
  19. Press POWER then EJECT in that order within a split second. and wait for the PS3 to shut off by itself.
    Note-Step 1 and Step 2 folders are inside FACTORY/SERVICE MODE folder from downgrade any pack.
  20. Place the You must login or register to view this content. and You must login or register to view this content. from the step 1 folder onto a USB Flash drive and rename Rogero_V3.7_PS3UPDAT.PUP to PS3UPDAT.PUP.
  21. Replace the downgrade dongle with the flash drive in the farthest right USB port.
  22. Turn on your PS3. Wait. In about 3-5 minutes your PS3 will shut off.
  23. Take the flash drive back to the computer and quick format to fat32.
  24. Place the You must login or register to view this content. from the step 2 folder onto the flash drive.
  25. Put the flash drive back into the farthest right port of the PS3, turn on and wait, in about 30 - 45 seconds it will shut down again.
  26. Take out the flash drive, then turn on your PS3. The first thing you will see is SONY when your PS3 boots up. You will have to connect the controller and set the date, time, etc...
  27. Now you need to repeat Chapter 1 Part 2 Make some bios backups. This is IMPORTANT in case you brick while installing other firmwares. So if you brick on 3.55 you can restore back to 3.55, instead of having to do all the steps above again. Winky Winky


If you followed the NEW METHOD, and would like to downgrade to OFW 3.55, or would like to go to REBUG instead of Rogero, Install You must login or register to view this content., and then continue with the guide.

Part 2 QA flag


QA flag

1. Quick format your USB flash drive to fat32.
2. Place the You must login or register to view this content. file onto the root of your flash drive.
3. Put in your PS3.
4. Navigate to install packages and install the package.
5. Go to Toggle QA app on the XMB and click X.
6. You will here 3 quick beeps and see a blackscreen, then it will return to the XMB. If it doesn't beep and return to XMB, reboot and try again. (Remember you will need your blu ray drive connected to run the app)
Step 7. is not necessary. I do step 7. just to make sure the QA flag worked.
7. Then navigate to Network settings and press L1,L2,L3,R1,R2, and down on the d-pad. (Hit all buttons at the same time)
Now more options will appear in your menu.
8. There is no need to change any settings in this menu.

Part 3 Install any OFW from recovery menu


Install any OFW from recovery menu

1. Enter recovery menu on your PS3.
The easiest way to enter recovery menu is with condorstrike's app Condor Updater.
a. Install You must login or register to view this content.
b. Run the app from the XMB.
You will now be in the recovery menu, continue with Step 2.

Or use the old fashion way:
a. with the PS3 on press and hold power till the machine turns off.
b. hold power button again til the PS3 turns on then off again.
c. hold power again until it beeps 3 times.

2. Put the OFW3.55_PS3UPDAT.PUP on your flash drive like this:
root:PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP [remember to rename to PS3UPDAT.PUP]
3. Insert into the right usb port of the PS3 and choose option 6. If you used Condor updater there is no options, press start and select.
4. Follow the on screen instructions.

Now you will be on OFW 3.55.
You can install a CFW from system update on the XMB. Just replace the PUP file with your choice of CFW with the one on your flash drive.
If you get an error trying to install CFW from the XMB: you will have to enter recovery menu, the old fashion way. Condor Updater will not work on OFW.

I would advise getting CFWs from You must login or register to view this content., or a trusted source.

Moderators Note:
Verified Tag added by me. - Cryptic Soldier

You can substitute any OFW in Chapter 2-Part 3-step 2., as long as it is not lower than what your console came with new.
It is best to leave Qa Flag toggled on. You can just leave it toggled on and delete the app, if you like.
Or if you are trying to put the PS3 on OFW 3.55, that is not modified at all: after you have completed the guide, toggle Qa flag off, and install OFW 3.55. Note: you must be on CFW 3.55 to do that.
Last edited by playerkp420 ; 04-14-2013 at 07:41 PM. Reason: added downgrade from 4.40CFW

The following 23 users say thank you to playerkp420 for this useful post:

-JM-, RAB, BASEBALL4EVER12, BroIDontMod, Cryptic, Dan Dactyl, Dope., Gabberhard, have fun, Jared, jwm614, LaRip8, Liam-, ltsDark, PrimeCreated, Pseudo_Soldier, riggstq, Tribolon_, uaeonly, xkoeckiiej
04-16-2013, 07:18 PM #29
hello ,
Can someone help? my ps3 got bricked and suddenly my e3 flaser coverboard didn't show any lights..
Not blue ones and also not the red one? I've really tried everything.. Tried the e3 linker but no luck! No lights again.
Someone has had this problem and knows fix? Would appreciate it!
04-17-2013, 12:35 AM #30
Originally posted by exploit0 View Post
I have a question, method 1( downgrade without/)- step 15- can i use OFW 3.55.pup instead of cfw 4.40 or do i have to install cfw4.40 first then use rogero downgrader to go to ofw 3.55? Appreciate the help

To go to OFW 3.55, you have to install the downgrader pup, and finish the guide. Since Qa Flag needs to be toggled on, you can not install straight to it.

Originally posted by eviljumperke View Post
hello ,
Can someone help? my ps3 got bricked and suddenly my e3 flaser coverboard didn't show any lights..
Not blue ones and also not the red one? I've really tried everything.. Tried the e3 linker but no luck! No lights again.
Someone has had this problem and knows fix? Would appreciate it!

What exactly happened? What did you do, before the brick?

If you have the linker soldered, you must have soldered sbe to tristate? So put the first switch up on the flasher. It should keep the ps3 on.

But don't do anymore flashing, until you are 100% sure your dump is valid.

Also what is your model #, and minimum firmware? It will help me to help you, if you answer all the questions in this post.
04-17-2013, 04:27 PM #31
ps3 model : Cech-2504A . Checked it with min vers checker and its 3.40 so no problems..
I installed e3 flasher and then was downgrading it but then the sd card fell out and power fell out. tried to put the ps3 on but always goes off after about 3 seconds.. So read on internet to solder and I soldered tristate to sbe on cable ribbon but then it didn't work. I read it was bcus my cable I used to solder was too thick so I cutted a lan cable open and did it with those cables inside.. But then I started ps3 and e3 flasher lights didn't stay on..

So after that I thought maybe the ribbon cable from e3 flasher was broken so I soldered all the points on e3 linker to mobo but again no lights on coverboard.. Trying to find what's wrong for about 5 days now.. Kinda giving up :/
04-18-2013, 04:33 AM #32
Originally posted by eviljumperke View Post
ps3 model : Cech-2504A . Checked it with min vers checker and its 3.40 so no problems..
I installed e3 flasher and then was downgrading it but then the sd card fell out and power fell out. tried to put the ps3 on but always goes off after about 3 seconds.. So read on internet to solder and I soldered tristate to sbe on cable ribbon but then it didn't work. I read it was bcus my cable I used to solder was too thick so I cutted a lan cable open and did it with those cables inside.. But then I started ps3 and e3 flasher lights didn't stay on..

So after that I thought maybe the ribbon cable from e3 flasher was broken so I soldered all the points on e3 linker to mobo but again no lights on coverboard.. Trying to find what's wrong for about 5 days now.. Kinda giving up :/

After you solder the wire from sbe to tristate, you have to have the first switch up to keep the PS3 on.

If you have soldered correctly, 1st switch up and the rest down. Flash the patched dump. Then put all switches down and reboot the PS3.

EDIT - Reading your post again, I also wanted to tell you. If you have the wire soldered correctly, and the first switch up, and your PS3 does not stay on. Then it is not a problem with the flash. But a hardware problem.

How the hell did the sd card fall out, and the power fall out? Did the PS3 fall to the floor? Doesn't sound good.
Last edited by playerkp420 ; 04-18-2013 at 04:40 AM.
04-18-2013, 11:00 AM #33
A hardware problem? There are just no lights coming on the e3 flasher.. So I opened my ps3 again and it worked for once after so I thought : nice . But then i soldered and tried again but no luck.. and well The clip to hold the sd card wasn't working good.. Always eroor so I decided to hold my thumb on it ( bad idea I know ) and my thumb lost pressure and well the sd card fell out.. Then my girlfriend accidently pushed on my ps3 and the power cord fell out.. Would this be fixable? I appreciate your help!
04-21-2013, 02:38 AM #34
excuse my noob question but in method one(/without fsm) after i downgrade to rogero 4.40 v1.0.2 ( in my case i want v.1.0.3) does it matter which rogero in this case?---
i want to install rogero 4.40 v1.0.3
can i just stay on rogero v.1.0.3 when i downgrade without doing the qa flag thento ofw 3.55 parts?
or do i have to do first rogero 4.40 v1.0.2>rogero downgrader>qa flag>cfw3.55>ofw 3.55>
then reverse back from ofw 3.55>cfw3.55>ROGERO 4.40 v1.03 (the cfw i want to install )
thank you

i found my answer.
you answered it already in the ps3hx site,
"you dont need to qa flag in rogero 4.40 v1.0.3 and yes you can end the guide after you downgraded to rogero"
Thank you
Last edited by exploit0 ; 04-21-2013 at 12:38 PM. Reason: found the answer
04-21-2013, 09:07 PM #35
nice thread this helps alot of people out alot
04-22-2013, 02:04 AM #36
soon mine will be dne
04-29-2013, 11:23 PM #37
nice thread ty man

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