Post: NetCheat Cheat Engine v4.52
04-19-2015, 04:13 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This is an awesome noob friendly tool I use all the time to find quick cheat codes like infinite ammo for any game. It allows you to read and constantly write dynamic codes, search the memory, and run plugins. It's the best tool to use for making quick cheats. Similar to the nitepr cheat engine made on the PSP.

What's New?
Fixed ghost results in search results after you delete results
Added custom alignment to Text and X Bytes searches (leave as 1 if you don't understand)
Fixed API template's API.cs class type (IAPI)
Fixed CCAPI staying on Connecting... on boot of NC
Fixed Memory Viewer PS3 plugin resetting address on resize

Fixed bug with PS3Lib extension functions (PluginInterface) writing reversed bytes

Added online code database
Made Dump Memory less confusing
Fixed settings file format error (caused donation form to always appear, and probably other bugs...)
Made NetCheat resizable
Fixed CCAPI 2.5 not working
Fixed booting up for first time with it saying CCAPI, yet TMAPI is being used
Fixed search type being set to 1 byte after Pointer is selected
Fixed search methods, like Pointer, being visible in Next Scan when search type is invalid for that method
Fixed game resuming, when already paused, during/after scan
Added double search method
Added support for CCAPI 2.60
Made the Pointer scan method actually useful
Made Copy results a lot faster
Next Scan stops crashing when scanning past 0x80000000
Added little/big endian support
Made MemoryViewer plugin a lot better
- Multiple Windows (saved on close and opened on shown)
- Assembly, Text, Bytes, Float, Double, Decimal, Notes
- Load/Save windows individually
- Notes (displayed on the side)
- Todo:
-- Color changed bytes
-- Add Options menu
Added Stop Dump button when Dump is in progress
Added conversion tools to codes tab (highlight/select codes in textbox and right click)
Added Joker/Pad Finding search method
Added support for PS3 Manager API by NzV (Not to be confused with TMAPI)
Added support for custom APIs
No longer dependant on PS3Lib
If one plugin fails to load, NetCheat will still open fully functional

Code Types
---------- Codetype 0, X Byte Write
0 address bytes

For example if I wanted to store the bytes 010203 at the address 00100000, I'd create the code 0 00100000 010203.
The number of bytes written can be as long as you wish.


---------- Codetype 1, Text Write
1 address text

If I wanted to store the string "Apples are cool" at the address 00100000, the code would be 1 00100000 Apples.are cool
Take note a null byte (00) is inserted at the end of the string when written.

1 00B1F4A6 This is an example of a text write

---------- 2 -- Float write
Writes the float to a (address)

2 aaaaaaaa float

2 00B1F4A0 -3.14159

---------- 4 -- Multi/Condensed write
Starting at a, the value v is written and then a is incremented by the value i. This is done c many times.
So if you look at the example below, the start address is 00B36E40.
It then writes FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF to 00B36E40 and increments by 00000010 (i).
So the address becomes 00B36E50 and FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is written there.
That happens 0x27 times, which if you do the math, will end at 00B36E40 + (0x27 * 0x10) or 00B370B0.
This is the alternative to having a huge X write that, in this case, would be 0x270 bytes in length

4 aaaaaaaa vvvv
4 iiiiiiii cc

4 00000010 27

---------- Codetype 6, Pointer Write
6 address offset

This will take the value at address and add offset to it. The following code's address will be replaced with the resulting value.
So if the memory looked like this:
00100000 : 00100080
and the address I wanted to write to was 001000C0 (in this instance, pointers are used when the address moves) the code would look like:
6 00100000 00000040
0 00000000 010203040506

Notice how the address in the code is set to 0 because it will get set when executed.

---------- B -- Find/Replace
Searches the memory starting at a and going until b is reached.
If COUNT is given and is greater than 0, the search will last until the number of replaces is equal to COUNT, or if b is reached.
For every instance of o (aka OGP) found, it will be replaced with n (COP).
Both o and n should be the same length.
Game regions are used in the searching, so to make the code faster do specify/find/import the game's regions in the Range tab.

Because of how complicated the use of this can be in regard to multiple codes using the same o (OGP) value... I've added another window to help manage the find/replace results
If you got a code from somewhere but it is in OGP/COP format (no start/stop specified), just use the first region for the game (Range tab->Find Ranges).

B[COUNT] aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb
B oooooooo nnnnnnnn

-- All within region
B 00010000 01CC0000
B 1234567890ABCDEF FEDCBA0987654321
-- First 4 found
B4 00010000 FFFFFFFC
B 1234567890ABCDEF FEDCBA0987654321

---------- Codetype D, Equal To Comparison
D[COUNT] address compValue

This will read the bytes (length is the same of the length of compValue) from address and compare it with compValue.
If the two are equal then it will execute COUNT (hex) many codes below it.
Take note that codes like Pointer Write are two lines and are therefore counted as two codes.

D2 00200000 B0
6 00100000 00000040
0 00000000 010203040506

D is the code type, and the 2 is the count.

---------- Codetype E, Mask Unset
E[COUNT] address compValue

This will read the bytes (length is the same of the length of compValue) from address and compare it with compValue.
If the same bits in compValue are set in the grabbed value, it will execute COUNT (hex) many codes below it.
Take note that codes like Pointer Write are two lines and are therefore counted as two codes.

E2 00200000 01
6 00100000 00000040
0 00000000 010203040506

If the memory at 00200000 is equal to FF then it would execute.
This is because in binary, FF = 1111 1111 and 01 is 0000 0001. Since the only bit set in 01 is also set in FF, it returns true.

---------- Codetype F, Copy Bytes
F[COUNT] addressFrom addressTo

This codetype will copy COUNT number of bytes from addressFrom to addressTo. COUNT is in hex.

F1F0 00100000 00200000

Search Methods and Types
    Method: Equal To
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data in memory is equal to the argument Value.

Method: Not Equal To
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data in memory is not equal to the argument Value.

Method: Less Than (S)
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data (signed) in memory is less than the argument Value.

Method: Less Than or Equal To (S)
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data (signed) in memory is less than or equal to the argument Value.

Method: Less Than (U)
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data (unsigned) in memory is less than the argument Value.

Method: Less Than or Equal To (U)
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data (unsigned) in memory is less than or equal to the argument Value.

Method: Greater Than (S)
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data (signed) in memory is greater than to the argument Value.

Method: Greater Than or Equal (S)
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data (signed) in memory is greater than or equal to the argument Value.

Method: Greater Than (U)
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data (unsigned) in memory is greater than to the argument Value.

Method: Greater Than or Equal (U)
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data (unsigned) in memory is greater than or equal to the argument Value.

Method: Value Between (U)
Argument(s): Min, Max
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: Text
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data (unsigned) in memory is between (or equal to) the arguments Min and Max.

Method: Pointer
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: All but 4 bytes
Description: It scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the 4 bytes from the memory is between (or equal to) the arguments (Value - 0x7FFF) and (Value + 0x7FFF).

Method: Unknown Value
Argument(s): None
Mode: Initial Scan
Incompatibilities: X bytes, Text
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from start to stop and will add a result if the data in memory is between (or equal to) the arguments Min and Max.

Method: Joker/Pad Address Finder
Argument(s): None
Mode: Initial Scan and Next Scan
Incompatibilities: All but 4 bytes
Description: It scan the memory from start to stop, prompting the user to press different buttons, and adds a results based on the pattern pad address tend to follow (bits)

Method: Increased (S)
Argument(s): None
Mode: Next Scan
Incompatibilities: Text
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory based on previous results and will add a result if the data (signed) in memory is greater than the previous value held in the results list

Method: Increased By (U)
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Next Scan
Incompatibilities: Text
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory based on previous results and will add a result if the data (unsigned) in memory is equal to the previous value held in the results list + Value

Method: Decreased (S)
Argument(s): None
Mode: Next Scan
Incompatibilities: Text
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from based on previous results and will add a result if the data (signed) in memory is less than the previous value held in the results list

Method: Decreased By (U)
Argument(s): Value
Mode: Next Scan
Incompatibilities: Text
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from based on previous results and will add a result if the data (unsigned) in memory is equal to the previous value held in the results list - Value

Method: Changed
Argument(s): None
Mode: Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from based on previous results and will add a result if the data in memory is not equal to the previous value held in the results list

Method: Unchanged
Argument(s): None
Mode: Next Scan
Incompatibilities: None
Description: Given the type, it scans the memory from based on previous results and will add a result if the data in memory is equal to the previous value held in the results list

Search Types
Type: 1 byte
Options: Hex or Decimal
Description: 1 byte

Type: 2 bytes
Options: Hex or Decimal
Description: 2 bytes

Type: 4 byte
Options: Hex or Decimal
Description: 4 byte

Type: 8 byte
Options: Hex or Decimal
Description: 8 byte

Type: X byte
Options: None
Description: Defined as the number of bytes you search for. 010203 => 3 bytes

Type: Text
Options: Match Case or Don't Match Case
Description: ASCII Text

Type: Float
Options: None
Description: Float (4 bytes)

Type: Double
Options: None
Description: Double (8 bytes)

[CENTER][B]Interface Functions[/B][/CENTER]
Function: GetMemory
Arguments: ulong addr, int size
Return: byte[]
Description: Gets the memory at addr of length size from the PS3 and returns the result as a byte array

Function: GetMemory
Arguments: ulong addr, ref byte[] ret
Return: void
Description: Gets the memory at addr of length ret.Length from the PS3 and returns the result in ret

Function: SetMemory
Arguments: ulong addr, byte[] val
Return: void
Description: Sets the memory at addr to the contents of val

Function: ByteAToULong
Arguments: byte[] val, int index, int size
Return: ulong
Description: Converts val to an unsigned long

Function: ByteAToString
Arguments: byte[] val, string split
Return: string
Description: Converts val to a string. { 0x41, 0x42 } => "AB"

Function: StringToByteA
Arguments: string text
Return: byte[]
Description: Converts text to a byte array. "AB" => { 0x41, 0x42 }

Function: sLeft
Arguments: string text, int length
Return: string
Description: Returns the left most substring in text of length length

Function: sRight
Arguments: string text, int length
Return: string
Description: Returns the right most substring in text of length length

Function: sMid
Arguments: string text, int off, int length
Return: string
Description: Returns the substring at off of length length

Function: ConstCodeAdd
Arguments: string code, bool state
Return: uint
Description: Returns the ID of the Constant Code added

Function: ConstCodeRemove
Arguments: uint ID
Return: void
Description: Removes the code with an ID of ID

Function: ConstCodeSetState
Arguments: uint ID, bool state
Return: void
Description: Sets whether the code is constantly written or not

Function: ConstCodeGetState
Arguments: uint ID
Return: bool
Description: Returns whether the code is constantly writing or not

Function: ConnectAndAttach
Return: bool
Description: Attempts to connect and attack to the PS3. If it fails it will return false, otherwise it will return true. Only to be used on a different thread

Function: ConnectionState
Return: int
Description: Returns the current connection state of NetCheat's main thread. 0 = Not connected. 1 = Connected. 2 = Connected and Attached. -1 = NetCheat terminated

Function: isUsingTMAPI
Return: bool
Description: Returns true if the current API is TM

Function: NotifyPS3 (obsolete)
Arguments: NotifyIcon icon, string message
Return: bool
Description: If CCAPI is the current API, it displays a notify icon on the connected PS3. Returns true if successful

Function: RingBuzzerPS3 (obsolete)
Arguments: BuzzerMode flag
Return: bool
Description: If CCAPI is the current API, it rings the buzzer on the connected PS3. Returns true if successful

Function: GetTemperatureCELL (obsolete)
Return: string
Description: If CCAPI is the current API, it returns the temperature of the CPU (CELL). Returns "" if the current API is not CCAPI

Function: GetTemperatureRSX (obsolete)
Return: string
Description: If CCAPI is the current API, it returns the temperature of the GPU (RSX). Returns "" if the current API is not CCAPI

Function: GetFirmwareVersion (obsolete)
Return: string
Description: If CCAPI is the current API, it returns the firmware version of the connected PS3. Returns "" if the current API is not CCAPI

Function: GetFirmwareType (obsolete)
Return: string
Description: If CCAPI is the current API, it returns the firmware type of the connected PS3. Returns "" if the current API is not CCAPI

Function: SearchMemory
Arguments: ulong start, ulong stop, int align, (bool, byte, byte[], short, int long, char, string) input
Return: ulong[]
Description: Searches the memory between start and stop (taking into account the users current memory range) searching for input. The argument align marks how many bytes it jumps every search. So if you set it to 4, it would search start, start + 4, start + 8, start + C, start + 10, ect. It must be greater than zero. This then will return an array of each address that held the searched value.

PS3Lib Extension Functions (credits to iMCSx for doing the actual coding and documentation)
Function: PS3Lib_ReadSByte
Arguments: uint offset
Return: sbyte
Description: Read a signed byte

Function: PS3Lib_ReadBool
Arguments: uint offset
Return: bool
Description: Read a byte a check if his value. This return a bool according the byte detected

Function: PS3Lib_ReadInt16
Arguments: uint offset
Return: short
Description: Read and return an integer 16 bits

Function: PS3Lib_ReadInt32
Arguments: uint offset
Return: int
Description: Read and return an integer 32 bits

Function: PS3Lib_ReadInt64
Arguments: uint offset
Return: long
Description: Read and return an integer 64 bits

Function: PS3Lib_ReadByte
Arguments: uint offset
Return: byte
Description: Read and return a byte

Function: PS3Lib_ReadBytes
Arguments: uint offset, int length
Return: byte[]
Description: Read a string with a length to the first byte equal to an value null (0x00)

Function: PS3Lib_ReadUInt16
Arguments: uint offset
Return: ushort
Description: Read and return an unsigned integer 16 bits

Function: PS3Lib_ReadUInt16
Arguments: uint offset
Return: ushort
Description: Read and return an unsigned integer 16 bits

Function: PS3Lib_ReadUInt32
Arguments: uint offset
Return: uint
Description: Read and return an unsigned integer 32 bits

Function: PS3Lib_ReadUInt64
Arguments: uint offset
Return: ulong
Description: Read and return an unsigned integer 64 bits

Function: PS3Lib_ReadFloat
Arguments: uint offset
Return: float
Description: Read and return a Float

Function: PS3Lib_ReadString
Arguments: uint offset
Return: string
Description: Read a string very fast and stop only when a byte null is detected (0x00)

Function: PS3Lib_WriteSByte
Arguments: uint offset, sbyte input
Return: void
Description: Write a signed byte

Function: PS3Lib_WriteBool
Arguments: uint offset, bool input
Return: void
Description: Write a bool

Function: PS3Lib_WriteInt16
Arguments: uint offset, short input
Return: void
Description: Write an integer 16 bits

Function: PS3Lib_WriteInt32
Arguments: uint offset, int input
Return: void
Description: Write an integer 32 bits

Function: PS3Lib_WriteInt64
Arguments: uint offset, long input
Return: void
Description: Write an integer 64 bits

Function: PS3Lib_WriteByte
Arguments: uint offset, byte input
Return: void
Description: Write a byte

Function: PS3Lib_WriteBytes
Arguments: uint offset, byte[] input
Return: void
Description: Write a byte array

Function: PS3Lib_WriteString
Arguments: uint offset, string input
Return: void
Description: Write a string

Function: PS3Lib_WriteUInt16
Arguments: uint offset, ushort input
Return: void
Description: Write an unsigned integer 16 bits

Function: PS3Lib_WriteUInt32
Arguments: uint offset, uint input
Return: void
Description: Write an unsigned integer 32 bits

Function: PS3Lib_WriteUInt64
Arguments: uint offset, ulong input
Return: void
Description: Write an unsigned integer 64 bits

Function: PS3Lib_WriteFloat
Arguments: uint offset, float input
Return: void
Description: Write a float

Written by Dnawrkshp
Concept by Veritassdg
Help from Badger41
PS3Lib by iMCSx

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The following user groaned friscox415 for this awful post:

06-10-2015, 02:07 AM #11
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4.53 is out
08-01-2015, 10:35 AM #12
Does this get the memory dump like prodg debugger does? Which is better?
08-09-2015, 02:38 AM #13
I am error
Originally posted by XxUnkn0wnxX View Post
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4.53 is out

ya but 4.52 is actually the shit.
09-04-2015, 06:31 AM #14
Originally posted by friscox415 View Post
This is an awesome noob friendly tool I use all the time to find quick cheat codes like infinite ammo for any game. It allows you to read and constantly write dynamic codes, search the memory, and run plugins.

Nice maan. Been looking everywhere for this. Happy
09-06-2015, 04:33 AM #15
I am error
Originally posted by KaraTaylar View Post
Does this get the memory dump like prodg debugger does? Which is better?

i think so
09-12-2015, 03:11 AM #16
I am error
kool beans
09-22-2015, 07:26 PM #17
Originally posted by KaraTaylar View Post
Does this get the memory dump like prodg debugger does? Which is better?

I'm wondering this too
09-24-2015, 11:53 PM #18
does it work for OFW i got a non hacked psp and the cwcheats work with disc games and digital.
10-25-2015, 07:07 PM #19
Originally posted by petengu View Post
does it work for OFW i got a non hacked psp and the cwcheats work with disc games and digital.

ya, it's a cheat engine.

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