Post: psxdev Releases GitHub Code of New Features on PS4link/PS4sh w/ PS4SDK + mntadrs Code
11-17-2016, 05:01 PM #1
Super Mod
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hello NextGenUpdate, PS4/PSVR Developer psxdev (bigboss) has now shared the GitHub of his w.i.p from the new features getting updated from the ps4link/ps4sh with the help of the Clang 4.0 ps4sdk 0.1.0 under macOS Sierra. He states in his own words:

"Testing new features of ps4link/ps4sh with clang 4.0 ps4sdk 0.1.0 under macOS Sierra"

Github Link: You must login or register to view this content.

Github Code:
bigmini:bin bigboss$
[PS4][INFO]: debugnet initialized
[PS4][INFO]: Copyright (C) 2010,2016 Antonio Jose Ramos Marquez aka bigboss @psxdev
[PS4][INFO]: ready to have a lot of fun...
[PS4][DEBUG]: getuid() : 1
[PS4][DEBUG]: executing privilege scalation
[PS4][DEBUG]: ps4KernelExecute ret=0
[PS4][DEBUG]: getuid() : 0
[PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Server request thread UISad Awesome 0x80C189C0
[PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Server command thread UISad Awesome 0x80CA8A20
[PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Created ps4link_requests_sock: 83
[PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] bind to ps4link_requests_sock done
[PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Ready for connection 1
[PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Waiting for connection
[PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Command Thread Started.
[PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Created ps4link_commands_sock: 85
[PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Command listener waiting for commands...
^Cbigmini:bin bigboss$ ./ps4sh
ps4sh version 1.0
/Users/bigboss/.ps4shrc: No such file or directory
Connecting to fio ps4link ip
log: [HOST][INFO]: [PS4SH] Ready
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Client connected from port: 26056

log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] sock ps4link_fileio set 84 connected 1
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Initialized and connected from pc/mac ready to receive commands
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Waiting for connection
ps4sh> cd ../../samples/listproc/bin
ps4sh> ls
total 40
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bigboss staff 18856 17 nov 00:52 listproc.elf
ps4sh> execwhoami
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] [PS4SH] argc=0 argv=
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] commands listener received packet size (266)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Received command execwhoami
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] UISad Awesome 0, GISad Awesome 0
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] commands listener waiting for next command
ps4sh> execuser listproc.elf
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] argc=1 argv=host0:listproc.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] commands listener received packet size (266)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Received command execuserelf argc=1 argv=host0:listproc.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file open req (host0:listproc.elf, 0 0)
ps4sh> aqui
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] Opening listproc.elf flags 0
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] Open return 7
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file open reply received (ret 7)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file lseek req (fd: 7)
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] 18816 result of lseek 0 offset 2 whence
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_lseek_file: lseek reply received (ret 18816)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file lseek req (fd: 7)
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] 0 result of lseek 0 offset 0 whence
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_lseek_file: lseek reply received (ret 0)
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] read 18816 bytes of file descritor 7
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_read_file: Reply said there's 18816 bytes to read (wanted 18816)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_read_file: chunk 0 readed 4096
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_read_file: chunk 1 readed 4096
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_read_file: chunk 2 readed 4096
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_read_file: chunk 3 readed 6528
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_file: file close req (fd: 7)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_close_file: close reply received (ret 0)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ready to run elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: after ps4MemoryProtectedCreate
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: after ps4MemoryProtectedGetWritableAddress
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: after ps4MemoryProtectedGetExecutableAddress
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: after elfLoaderLoad return r=0 readable=2020a8000 executable=201ea4000
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: after set argument->main 201ea57c0
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: after elfDestroyAndFree
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] New user elf thread UISad Awesome 0x80C1B460
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] commands listener waiting for next command
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Configuration pointer 880c75d00, pointer_conf string 880c75d00
log: [PS4][INFO]: debugnet already initialized using configuration from ps4link
log: [PS4][INFO]: debugnet_initialized=1 SocketFD=82 logLevel=3
log: [PS4][INFO]: ready to have a lot of fun...
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [LISTPROC] 2 elfname=elf ps4linkconf=880c75d00 880c75d00 82
log: 0 0 0 0 0 - - - kernel mca taskq
log: 1 0 1 1 1 root kqread ORBIS kernel SEL mini-syscore.elf SceRegSyncer
log: 2 0 0 0 0 - SceHidAu - SceHidAuth SceHidAuth
log: 3 0 0 0 0 - SceHidMa - hidMain hidMain
log: 4 0 0 0 0 - camera s - SceCameraDriverMain SceCameraDriverM
log: 5 0 0 0 0 - SceCamer - SceCameraSdma SceCameraSdma
log: 6 0 0 0 0 - hdmi - hdmiEvent hdmiEvent
log: 8 0 0 0 0 - ccb_scan - xpt_thrd xpt_thrd
log: 9 0 0 0 0 - iccnvs - iccnvs iccnvs
log: 10 0 0 0 0 - audit_wo - audit audit
log: 11 0 0 0 0 - - - idle idle: cpu0
log: 12 0 0 0 0 - - - intr irq273: xhci2
log: 13 0 0 0 0 - - - geom g_notification
log: 14 0 0 0 0 - - - yarrow yarrow
log: 15 0 0 0 0 - - - usb usbus2
log: 16 0 0 0 0 - mdwait - md0 md0
log: 17 0 0 0 0 - icc_ther - icc_thermal icc_thermal
log: 18 0 0 0 0 - sflash - sflash sflash
log: 19 0 0 0 0 - sbram - sbram sbram
log: 20 0 0 0 0 - - - trsw intr trsw intr
log: 21 0 0 0 0 - - - trsw ctrl trsw ctrl
log: 22 0 0 0 0 - SceBtTim - SceBtDriver SceBtDriver
log: 23 0 0 0 0 - psleep - pagedaemon0 pagedaemon0
log: 24 0 0 0 0 - psleep - pagedaemon1 pagedaemon1
log: 25 0 0 0 0 - psleep - vmdaemon vmdaemon
log: 26 0 0 0 0 - psleep - bufdaemon bufdaemon
log: 27 0 0 0 0 - syncer - syncer syncer
log: 28 0 0 0 0 - vlruwt - vnlru vnlru
log: 29 0 0 0 0 - sdflush - softdepflush softdepflush
log: 31 1 31 31 0 root ucond ORBIS kernel SEL SceSysAvControl.elf SceAvSettingPoll
log: 33 1 33 33 0 root evf cv ORBIS kernel SEL SceSysCore.elf SysCoreAppmgrWat
log: 34 33 33 33 0 root kqread ORBIS kernel SEL orbis_audiod.elf AoutMonitorPid39
log: 35 33 33 33 0 root kqread ORBIS kernel SEL GnmCompositor.elf CameraThread
log: 36 33 33 33 0 root osem cv ORBIS kernel SEL SceShellCore SceMsgMwSendMana
log: 37 33 33 33 0 root select ORBIS kernel SEL SceShellUI SceWebReceiveQue
log: 38 33 33 33 0 root select ORBIS kernel SEL MonoCompiler.elf MonoCompiler.elf
log: 39 33 33 33 0 root kqread ORBIS kernel SEL SceAvCapture SceAvCaptureIpc
log: 40 33 33 33 0 root usem ORBIS kernel SEL SceGameLiveStreamin SceGlsStrmJobQue
log: 41 33 33 33 0 root kqread ORBIS kernel SEL ScePartyDaemon SceMbusEventPoll
log: 42 33 33 33 0 root kqread ORBIS kernel SEL SceVideoCoreServer SceVideoCoreServ
log: 43 33 33 33 0 root kqread ORBIS kernel SEL SceRemotePlay SceRp-Httpd
log: 44 33 33 33 0 root kqread ORBIS kernel SEL SceCloudClientDaemo SceCloudClientDa
log: 45 33 33 33 0 root kqread ORBIS kernel SEL SceVdecProxy.elf proxy_ipmi_serve
log: 46 33 33 33 0 root kqread ORBIS kernel SEL SceVencProxy.elf SceVencProxyIpmi
log: 47 33 33 33 0 root select ORBIS kernel SEL fs_cleaner.elf fs_cleaner.elf
log: 48 33 33 33 0 root select ORBIS kernel SEL RscHdlMan:Worker
log: 49 33 33 33 0 root ucond ORBIS kernel SEL orbis-jsc-compiler. SceFastMalloc
log: 50 0 0 0 0 - sdma_kre - SceSpkService SceSpkService
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: return (user): 0
ps4sh> ?
? ? :: Synonym for `help'..
cd cd [dir] :: Change ps4sh directory to [dir]..
debug debug :: Show ps4sh debug messages. ( alt-d ).
exit exit :: Exits ps4sh ( alt-q ).
help help :: Display this text..
list list [dir] :: List files in [dir]..
log log [file] :: Log messages from PS4 to [file]..
ls ls [dir] :: Synonym for list.
make make [argn] ... :: Execute make [argn] ....
gmake gmake [argn] ... :: Execute gmake [argn] ....
pwd pwd :: Print the current working directory ( alt-p ).
quit quit :: Quit pksh ( alt-q ).
setroot setroot [dir] :: Sets [dir] to be root dir..
status status :: Display some ps4sh information. ( alt-s ).
execuser execelf :: Load and exec user elf. ....
execkernel execsprx :: Load and exec kernel elf. ....
exitps4 exitps4 :: Finish ps4link in ps4 side. ....
execdecrypt decrypt :: decrypt file in ps4 side and dump to host0. ....
execwhoami execwhoami :: show uid and gid in ps4 side. ....
execshowdir execshowdir :: list file from directory in ps4 side. ....
verbose verbose :: Show verbose ps4sh messages. ( alt-v ).
ps4sh> execshowdir /
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] [PS4SH] argc=1 argv=/
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] commands listener received packet size (266)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Received command execshowdir
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: .
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: ..
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: adm
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: app_tmp
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: data
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: dev
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: eap_user
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: eap_vsh
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: hdd
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: host
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: hostapp
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [FILE]: mini-syscore.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: mnt
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: preinst
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: preinst2
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [FILE]: safemode.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [FILE]: SceBootSplash.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [FILE]: SceSysAvControl.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: system
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: system_data
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: system_ex
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: system_tmp
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: update
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: usb
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [DIR]: user
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] closing dfd
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] end command execshowdir
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] commands listener waiting for next command
ps4sh> execdecrypt /mini-siscore.elf
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] [PS4SH] argc=1 argv=/mini-siscore.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] commands listener received packet size (266)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Received command execdecrypt argc=1 argv=/mini-siscore.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file name to decrypt mini-siscore.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] savefile in your host host0:mini-siscore.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] kernel hook
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] open /mini-siscore.elf err : No such file or directory
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] kernel unhook
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] end command execdecrypt
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] commands listener waiting for next command
ps4sh> execdecrypt /mini-syscore.elf
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] [PS4SH] argc=1 argv=/mini-syscore.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] commands listener received packet size (266)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] Received command execdecrypt argc=1 argv=/mini-syscore.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file name to decrypt mini-syscore.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] savefile in your host host0:mini-syscore.elf
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] kernel hook
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] mmap /mini-syscore.elf : 201ea4000
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ehdr : 201ea40a0
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] phdrs : 201ea40e0
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] segment num : 4
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file open req (host0:mini-syscore.elf, 202 0)
ps4sh> aqui
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] Opening mini-syscore.elf flags 402
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] Open return 7
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file open reply received (ret 7)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] elf header + phdr size : 0x00000120
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file write req (fd: 7)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 288 bytes (asked for 28Cool Man (aka Tustin)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] sbuf index : 0, offset : 0x0000000000004000, bufsz : 0x0000000000054000, filesz : 0x0000000000051684
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file lseek req (fd: 7)
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] 16384 result of lseek 16384 offset 0 whence
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_lseek_file: lseek reply received (ret 16384)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file write req (fd: 7)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1362 bytes (asked for 1362)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] sbuf index : 1, offset : 0x0000000000058000, bufsz : 0x0000000000004000, filesz : 0x0000000000001920
log: [HOST][DEBUG]: [PS4SH] 360448 result of lseek 360448 offset 0 whence
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file lseek req (fd: 7)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_lseek_file: lseek reply received (ret 36044Cool Man (aka Tustin)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] file write req (fd: 7)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 1446 bytes (asked for 1446)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] wrote 478 bytes (asked for 47Cool Man (aka Tustin)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_file: file close req (fd: 7)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] ps4link_close_file: close reply received (ret 0)
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] dump completed
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] kernel unhook
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] end command execdecrypt
log: [PS4][DEBUG]: [PS4LINK] commands listener waiting for next command
ps4sh> ls
total 776
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bigboss staff 18816 17 nov 01:02 listproc.elf
-rw-r--r-- 1 bigboss staff 376832 17 nov 01:05 mini-syscore.elf
ps4sh> file mini-syscore.elf
mini-syscore.elf: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (FreeBSD), statically linked, corrupted section header size

Following from the topic of code. Twitter User You must login or register to view this content. has also shared from what it looks like a code for the PS4 rop-chain 3.55 debug.

    var rop = new RopChain();

var retBuffer = storage.alloc(0x4);
var ptrArgs = storage.alloc(0xCool Man (aka Tustin);

Last edited by Hydrogen ; 11-17-2016 at 06:15 PM.

The following user thanked Hydrogen for this useful post:


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