Post: Beyond Two Souls: Endings, Duo and Collectible saves [CUSA00495]
07-10-2020, 09:22 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey:

I want to share these saves of Beyond Two Souls. These saves come from the PS4 Digital version that Sony gives with Heavy Rain and Detroit Become Human in PSN Plus. This version only has English and French as languages available. I tested these saves with my dummy account and they worked! Have Fun!

IMPORTANT: You have to resign both saves, OPTIONS and SLOT0

SAVE 1: Saved All + Convince Dawkins + Black Sun Down + Chose Life
Instructions: Choose CONTINUE. You are in Black Sun chapter with Jodie and Ryan. Keep walking until Jodie finds Nathan. Choose REASON two times, then Jodie will fight against a snake boss. DO NOT FAIL THE QTE. After that, choose LIFE and trophies pop up after credits end.

SAVE 2: Together Till the End + Two Souls + The End
Instructions: Two Souls trophy will pop up as soon as you start the game. You have to activate DUO MODE first, so go to GAME MODE and choose DUO, you have to have two controllers. After that, choose CONTINUE and choose ALONE. Trophies will pop up after credits end.

SAVE 3: Chose Afterlife + A Better World
Instructions: Choose CONTINUE. You are in Black Sun chapter with Jodie and Ryan. Keep walking until Jodie finds Nathan. Choose BLAME and COLD, then DO NOT PRESS ANY BUTTON AS AYDEN, let Nathan kills Ryan and Ryan kills Nathan. After that, Jodie will fight against a snake boss. DO NOT FAIL THE QTE. After that, choose BEYOND and trophies pop up after credits end.

SAVE 4: All Endings
Instructions: Choose CONTINUE. You are in Black Sun chapter with Jodie and Ryan. Keep walking until Jodie finds Nathan. Choose BLAME and COLD, then DO NOT PRESS ANY BUTTON AS AYDEN, let Nathan kills Ryan and Ryan kills Nathan. After that, Jodie will fight against a snake boss. This time you have to FAIL THE QTE. After that, trophies pop up when credits end.

SAVE 5: Explorer
Instructions: Choose CONTINUE. You are in Like Other Girls chapter with Jodie. She is in front of the Bar. Get in to the bar and go to the toilet. The bonus is on the floor (use AYDEN to get the bonus). After that, you can sit and leave the bar or play pool with the men. Trophy pops up after you finish the chapter.

SAVE 6: Uncontrollable + Perfect Lover
Instructions: Choose CONTINUE. You are in The Dinner chapter. Open the door and let Ryan in. As Ayden, you have to keep interacting with objects until Ryan leaves. Trophies will pop up when you finish the chapter.

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Last edited by aeneax ; 07-11-2020 at 03:04 PM. Reason: embedded link

The following 81 users say thank you to GerardoLibre88 for this useful post:

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07-11-2020, 03:04 PM #2
Nothing To See Here
Great share, thanks! The duo trophy is a problematic and frustrating one for a lot of people.
12-17-2020, 10:30 AM #3
Thanks for sharing this and all your hard work! Protection Status This content is certified and protected under DMCA guidelines and any attempt to copy or redistribute this content will be met with a DMCA takedown notice.

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