Post: Scammed by niccrx
03-12-2011, 06:06 PM #1
Cyber Altair
League Champion
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Scammer NGU Name: niccrx
Scammer NGU Profile URL: You must login or register to view this content.

Proof: PM conversations and the PSN messages he sent me

When did this happen: At 9th March, Wed. I read You must login or register to view this content. thread and pm'ed him, he then offered the following

How did you purchase: He offered me the UK BO DLC for the following

How much?: Level him up to Prestige 14, lvl 20

Did you;
- Trade

Have you contacted the scammer?:- Yes, he has also contacted me after I originally created the thread
If yes, What did they say?:- That he was the one who leveled the account and that I only played from level 36 to 41

Other comments: (Original Thread)

Didn't want it to reach this but niccrx hasn't replied to either my PSN messages nor forum messages yet he has logged in about twice after I've sent them. I was supposed to level up his account from 36 to 50 and then he'll prestige the account and then I'll play to level 20.

After I've reached to level 50 and told him he can prestige I haven't heard from him and then checked the account to see that it's prestiged and lvl 17. Tried to finish it to level 20 but about 2 games in someone log's in the account and I assume he's on. I send him a message asking him for the account to download and I hear nothing from him.

This is the thread he posted, note that I didn't post in the thread but pm'ed him since I thought the slots were over and so I didn't bump it but rather sent him a pm.
Last edited by Cyber Altair ; 03-13-2011 at 05:54 PM.
03-13-2011, 03:10 AM #2
Originally posted by Cyber
Didn't want it to reach this but niccrx hasn't replied to either my PSN messages nor forum messages yet he has logged in about twice after I've sent them. I was supposed to level up his account from 36 to 50 and then he'll prestige the account and then I'll play to level 20.

After I've reached to level 50 and told him he can prestige I haven't heard from him and then checked the account to see that it's prestiged and lvl 17. Tried to finish it to level 20 but about 2 games in someone log's in the account and I assume he's on. I send him a message asking him for the account to download and I hear nothing from him.

This is the thread he posted, note that I didn't post in the thread but pm'ed him since I thought the slots were over and so I didn't bump it but rather sent him a pm.
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03-13-2011, 10:59 AM #3
Cyber Altair
League Champion
My apologies, I had forgotten the template exists. Anyway niccrx has finally contacted me and hopefully we get to an agreement soon.
03-13-2011, 05:57 PM #4
Cyber Altair
League Champion
Updated the thread, the following is the pm conversation that followed after I created the thread. Obviously the pm's are in reverse order due to me copy pasting it, latest first. This is what he sent me after I created the thread and I can provide the earlier conversation.

Cyber Altair
What? I was with my mate and we both played together AND my brother was watching my play the whole time. How can you even have the audacity to say that you played from 41 to 50. You only played SnD matches with the map pack and that's from level 47 to level 49. Now either you give me the map pack or post what you want in the dispute thread.

Today 03:13 PM niccrx
no you didnt because i was playing it on the whole day from 41 to 50

Today 03:11 PM Cyber Altair
lol 41. I leveled it to 47 and you then played to 49. Also I couldn't play for a day only, I signed in on friday morning to find that you have already prestiged and reached level 17, I barely played a bit only to be signed out.

Today 03:05 PM niccrx
u leveld me from 36 to 41. i went from 41 to 50 u maxed out level 50.
yeah i prestige that was like 2 and a half days ago..
why wouldnt u sign in? u dont know if i was on the account or not..
What we didnt agree that i would play or not..

Today 03:02 PM Cyber Altair
I leveled you up from 36 to 50, albiet you did a level up from 37 and a half to 39. YOU told me not to prestige so I didn't and gave you the account. You were supposed to give me the account afterwards and let me do the rest but you went ahead and did. You didn't honor our agreement and had you left me the account I would have leveled the account like you wanted. It's not my fault you didn't wait for a bit. Also The fact that you leveled up the most is a joke. The middle of a prestige is 38 in terms of XP and I played from 36 to 50. You weren't even supposed to play on the account, that's not how we agreed.

Today 12:31 AM niccrx
okay mate report me or whatever but i aint going to give u the map packs..
The deal was for you to get me up by 1 prestige i cut it down to 40 levels for you.
In total you leveled me up around 15 levels. ive been the one on the acc leveling it up the most..
ill pay you vbux for that but no map pack.
03-14-2011, 01:19 PM #5
Cyber Altair
League Champion
Dispute settled
03-16-2011, 08:52 PM #6

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