Post: Why you should rarely buy xbox live 1 and 3 month memberships (rip off)
10-27-2011, 11:42 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Well today I was thinking about buying a 3 month membership and my friend was with me an I told him an so he told me this so I dont take credit for thinking of it me an my friend were leaving school real quick to get some XP for MW3... ANYWAYS!

If you always by a 3 month membership every 3 months you are pretty much paying 100$ so 40$ more.
If you are getting a 1 month membership then you are paying 120$ because a membership for 1 month is only 10.00$
Heres a chart if it helps:

XBL Type: Price Amount in 12 months:
1 month 120$
3 month 100$
12 month 60-69$
Hopefully this helps!

Just doing this for people that did not know an that dont get a discount that have to pay full price
Last edited by xScript ; 10-28-2011 at 12:06 AM.

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10-27-2011, 11:48 PM #2
Who’s Jim Erased?
Wtf is this for .... I don't get your point..

Besides I get my Year on XBL for $45
10-27-2011, 11:56 PM #3
The Muff Muncher
Of course you will save more by purchasing the biggest package............

It is just like with anything else when you buy in bulk you will save money.

The following 2 users say thank you to ichris26 for this useful post:

Mercenary95, pansona_214
10-28-2011, 01:55 AM #4
This depends upon how often you play. Some people play for a month and then don't play for a month. If someone was to spend 70 dollars for 1 year when they only play half a year, they have just wasted half their cash when they could have just paid for the few months they were actually going to play for.

The following 3 users say thank you to Pichu for this useful post:

BeXzeR, DARK-LEGEND_GR, Docko412
10-28-2011, 02:10 AM #5
Do a barrel roll!
well u just need to know how much your going to play if you play more than once a week all year then you get your moneys worth if you play like once a month you might as well just spend your money elsewhere.
10-28-2011, 02:29 AM #6
think again you saved really 20$ using that 60$ for a 1 year. Want to know why? Because a 3 month membership is 25$ so times it by 2 an you get 50. Well then was 6 months then. Now go buy a 1 year for 60$ and play half a year you just saved really 20$. If you dont understand this let me put it this way... So if you are going to play half a year an had bought a 1 year membership an divide by 2 an you get 30$ so you paid that much for 6 months. Then now go get a 3 month and its 25$ times it by 3 an get 50$... See there difference? So you really paid 50$ for 3 months then 30 for 3 months.

Now that I think about it your right an I am???? I dont know Ima just forget about thinking of solving this I got shit load of homework to do.
10-30-2011, 12:56 AM #7
my dad always brought me 3 month codes like every 3 months when he could of saved money and got a 12 bit stupid lol.
10-31-2011, 02:19 AM #8
As a general rule of thumb, things purchased in bulk are cheaper. In this case, the months of LIVE time are being bought in bulk, thus making the 12-month purchase cheaper.
10-31-2011, 08:11 PM #9
I guess I took this knowledge for granted. I thought everyone understood this concept. Well I guess if you have never had to spend your own money and your parents bought everything why would you care what the price per month is.
11-06-2011, 06:23 PM #10
This is how 99% of subscriptions work. If you commit, you get discounts.

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