02-24-2013, 10:28 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Wassup guys, HnM here :p

I've been looking at these new save game mods that you guys have been making, and some of you leeching lol

So I decided to make my own, it has alot of codes and WORKING xp

Things I've seen which makes me laugh:

Autoaim "999" WILL NOT WORK :dumb:

Aimbot "999" WILL NO WORK :dumb:

I've seen the XP dvars done all wrong.. tdm/dem will not work.. The correct ones will be shown below

So, heres the list of what i have put in <3
Originally posted by another user
set ui_mapname "mp_array;statset 2326 10;setplayerdata prestige 10;disconnect"
set clanname {AG};updategamerprofile
set customclass1 "^F^5Flashy ^3LOL"
set customclass2 "^F^4HnM's BEST"
set customclass3 "^F^5BO1 Save ^6<3"
set customclass4 "^F^2Suck On It"
set customclass5 "^F^5LOL"
set cg_drawFPS 1
set r_filmtweakenable "1"
set r_filmusetweaks "1"
set r_filmtweaklighttint "1 1 0 1"
set cg_laserforceon "1"
set cg_gun_x "6"
set cg_gun_y "9"
set party_vetoPercentRequired 0.01
set player_stunWhiteFlash 0
set cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash 1
set g_kickHostIfIdle 0
set cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000
set cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0
set voice_global 1
set cg_scoreboardPingText 1
set scr_deleteexplosivesonspawn 0
set cg_overheadNamesNearDist 100
set cg_overheadNamesFarDist 2048
set cg_flashbangNameFadeIn 0
set cg_flashbangNameFadeOut 900000
set cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars 6
set cg_ScoresPing_HighColor 0 0 1 1
set player_breath_hold_time 999
set player_deathInvulnerableTime 9999
set player_lastStandBleedoutTime 999
set cg_drawThroughWalls 1
set player_sprintUnlimited 1
seta loc_warnings 0
seta loc_warningsAsErrors 0
set perk_weapspreadmultiplier "0.00001"
set perk_weapreloadmultiplier "0.0001"
set perk_weapratemultiplier "0.001"
set player_burstfirecooldown "0"
set ui_bigFont "0.55"
set ui_smallFont "0.45"
set cg_chattime "15000"
set g_teamcolor_axis "1 0 1 1"
set g_teamcolor_allies "1 0 0 1"
set con_gameMsgWindow1FadeInTime "0"
set con_gameMsgWindow1FadeOutTime "999"
set con_gameMsgWindow1LineCount "9"
set con_gameMsgWindow1MsgTime "999"
set con_gameMsgWindow1ScrollTime "0"
set con_gameMsgWindow1Filter "gamenotify"
set con_gameMsgWindow0Filter "obituary"

//Aim Assist
set aim_slowdown_debug 1
set aim_slowdown_region_height 2.85
set aim_slowdown_region_width 2.85
set aim_lockon_debug 0
set aim_input_graph_enabled 1
set aim_lockon_region_height 480
set aim_lockon_region_width 640
set aim_lockon_enabled 1
set aim_lockon_strength 1
set aim_lockon_deflection 0
set aim_autoaim_enabled 1
set aim_autoaim_region_height 480
set aim_autoaim_region_width 640
set aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads 0
set aim_slowdown_yaw_scale 0
set aim_slowdown_pitch_scale 0
set aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads 0
set aim_slowdown_region_height 0
set aim_slowdown_region_width 0
set aim_slowdown_enabled 1
set aim_aimAssistRangeScale 2
set aim_autoAimRangeScale 2

set scr_dm_score_win 2516000
set scr_dm_score_loss 2516000
set scr_dm_score_death 2516000
set scr_dm_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_dm_score_kill 2516000
set scr_dm_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_dm_score_assist 2516000
set scr_dm_score_execution 2516000
set scr_dm_score_avenger 2516000
set scr_dm_score_defender 2516000
set scr_dm_score_posthumous 2516000
set scr_dm_score_revenge 2516000
set scr_dm_score_double 2516000
set scr_dm_score_triple 2516000
set scr_dm_score_multi 2516000
set scr_dm_score_buzzkill 2516000
set scr_dm_score_firstblood 2516000
set scr_dm_score_comeback 2516000
set scr_dm_score_longshot 2516000
set scr_dm_score_asssistedsuicide 2516000
set scr_war_score_loss 2516000
set scr_war_score_win 2516000
set scr_war_score_death 2516000
set scr_war_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_war_score_kill 2516000
set scr_war_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_war_score_assist 2516000
set scr_war_score_execution 2516000
set scr_war_score_avenger 2516000
set scr_war_score_defender 2516000
set scr_war_score_posthumous 2516000
set scr_war_score_revenge 2516000
set scr_war_score_double 2516000
set scr_war_score_triple 2516000
set scr_war_score_multi 2516000
set scr_war_score_buzzkill 2516000
set scr_war_score_firstblood 2516000
set scr_war_score_comeback 2516000
set scr_war_score_longshot 2516000
set scr_war_score_asssistedsuicide 2516000
set scr_dom_score_loss 2516000
set scr_dom_score_win 2516000
set scr_dom_score_death 2516000
set scr_dom_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_dom_score_kill 2516000
set scr_dom_score_capture 2516000
set scr_dom_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_dom_score_assist 2516000
set scr_dom_score_execution 2516000
set scr_dom_score_avenger 2516000
set scr_dom_score_defender 2516000
set scr_dom_score_posthumous 2516000
set scr_dom_score_revenge 2516000
set scr_dom_score_double 2516000
set scr_dom_score_triple 2516000
set scr_dom_score_multi 2516000
set scr_dom_score_buzzkill 2516000
set scr_dom_score_firstblood 2516000
set scr_dom_score_comeback 2516000
set scr_dom_score_longshot 2516000
set scr_dom_score_asssistedsuicide 2516000
set scr_dd_score_bombplant 2516000
set scr_dd_score_win 2516000
set scr_dd_score_loss 2516000
set scr_dd_score_death 2516000
set scr_dd_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_dd_score_kill 2516000
set scr_dd_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_dd_score_assist 2516000
set scr_dd_score_plant 2516000
set scr_dd_score_defuse 2516000
set scr_dd_score_execution 2516000
set scr_dd_score_avenger 2516000
set scr_dd_score_defender 2516000
set scr_dd_score_posthumous 2516000
set scr_dd_score_revenge 2516000
set scr_dd_score_double 2516000
set scr_dd_score_triple 2516000
set scr_dd_score_multi 2516000
set scr_dd_score_buzzkill 2516000
set scr_dd_score_firstblood 2516000
set scr_dd_score_comeback 2516000
set scr_dd_score_longshot 2516000
set scr_dd_score_asssistedsuicide 2516000
set scr_koth_score_win 2516000
set scr_koth_score_loss 2516000
set scr_koth_score_death 2516000
set scr_koth_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_koth_score_kill 2516000
set scr_koth_score_capture 2516000
set scr_koth_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_koth_score_assist 2516000
set scr_koth_score_execution 2516000
set scr_koth_score_avenger 2516000
set scr_koth_score_defender 2516000
set scr_koth_score_posthumous 2516000
set scr_koth_score_revenge 2516000
set scr_koth_score_double 2516000
set scr_koth_score_triple 2516000
set scr_koth_score_multi 2516000
set scr_koth_score_buzzkill 2516000
set scr_koth_score_firstblood 2516000
set scr_koth_score_comeback 2516000
set scr_koth_score_longshot 2516000
set scr_koth_score_asssistedsuicide 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_win 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_loss 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_death 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_kill 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_capture 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_assist 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_execution 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_avenger 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_defender 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_posthumous 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_revenge 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_double 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_triple 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_multi 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_buzzkill 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_firstblood 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_comeback 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_longshot 2516000
set scr_ctf_score_asssistedsuicide 2516000
set scr_sd_score_bombplant 2516000
set scr_sd_score_win 2516000
set scr_sd_score_loss 2516000
set scr_sd_score_death 2516000
set scr_sd_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_sd_score_kill 2516000
set scr_sd_score_plant 2516000
set scr_sd_score_defuse 2516000
set scr_sd_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_sd_score_assist 2516000
set scr_sd_score_execution 2516000
set scr_sd_score_avenger 2516000
set scr_sd_score_defender 2516000
set scr_sd_score_posthumous 2516000
set scr_sd_score_revenge 2516000
set scr_sd_score_double 2516000
set scr_sd_score_triple 2516000
set scr_sd_score_multi 2516000
set scr_sd_score_buzzkill 2516000
set scr_sd_score_firstblood 2516000
set scr_sd_score_comeback 2516000
set scr_sd_score_longshot 2516000
set scr_sd_score_asssistedsuicide 2516000
set scr_sab_score_bombplant 2516000
set scr_sab_score_death 2516000
set scr_sab_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_sab_score_kill 2516000
set scr_sab_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_sab_score_assist 2516000
set scr_sab_score_plant 2516000
set scr_sab_score_defuse 2516000
set scr_sab_score_execution 2516000
set scr_sab_score_avenger 2516000
set scr_sab_score_defender 2516000
set scr_sab_score_posthumous 2516000
set scr_sab_score_revenge 2516000
set scr_sab_score_double 2516000
set scr_sab_score_triple 2516000
set scr_sab_score_multi 2516000
set scr_sab_score_buzzkill 2516000
set scr_sab_score_firstblood 2516000
set scr_sab_score_comeback 2516000
set scr_sab_score_longshot 2516000
set scr_sab_score_asssistedsuicide 2516000
set scr_oneflag_score_kill 2516000
set scr_oneflag_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_oneflag_score_death 2516000
set scr_oneflag_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_oneflag_score_capture 2516000
set scr_oneflag_score_assist 2516000
set scr_gtnw_score_kill 2516000
set scr_gtnw_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_gtnw_score_death 2516000
set scr_gtnw_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_gtnw_score_assist 2516000
set scr_gtnw_score_capture 2516000
set scr_arena_score_death 2516000
set scr_arena_score_suicide 2516000
set scr_arena_score_kill 2516000
set scr_arena_score_headshot 2516000
set scr_arena_score_assist 2516000

r_sun_from_dvars "1"
r_sun_fx_position "-90"
r_sunblind_fadein "0"
r_sunblind_fadeout "0"
r_sunblind_max_angle "0"
r_sunblind_max_darken "0.001"
r_sunblind_min_angle "0"
r_sunflare_fadein "1"
r_sunflare_fadeout "1"
r_sunflare_max_alpha "1"
r_sunflare_max_angle "-180"
r_sunflare_max_size "750"
r_sunflare_min_angle "-45"
r_sunflare_min_size "500"
r_sunflare_shader "ui_camoskin_gold"
r_sunglare_fadein "9999999"
r_sunglare_fadeout "9999"
r_sunglare_max_angle "0"
r_sunglare_max_lighten "0.0001"
r_sunglare_min_angle "0"
r_sunsprite_shader "rank_prestige10"

//Default Button set
bind BUTTON_RSHLDR "+attack"
bind BUTTON_LSHLDR "+speed_throw"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "+frag"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "+smoke"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK "+melee"
bind BUTTON_LSTICK "+breath_sprint"
bind BUTTON_START "togglemenu"
bind BUTTON_BACK "god;bind dpad_up noclip"
bind BUTTON_A "+gostand"
bind BUTTON_B "+stance"
bind BUTTON_X "+usereload"
bind BUTTON_Y "weapnext"
bind dpad_UP "say ^5LOL"
bind dpad_DOWN "+actionslot 2"
bind dpad_LEFT "+actionslot 3"
bind dpad_RIGHT "+actionslot 4"

I have added the default buttons as some of you said you are unable to use buttons so this will solve that <3

I haven't tested this as my black ops disc is too scratched to play due to my cat Not Happy or Sad

Hope this works well and have some fun <3

DL: You must login or register to view this content.

CODE YOU NEED FOR MP(CM or SP depending on if you want it for zombies or campaign):
exec "../../../dev_usb000/BO_CFG.cfg"
exec "../../../dev_usb001/BO_CFG.cfg"(use if your right port is broken etc)


Only RED-EYE <3 For making this possible **HES A BOSS**

Oh & for those sexy fucks who found the dvars in the 1st place <3
Last edited by Alex-George-HnM ; 02-24-2013 at 10:33 PM.

The following 9 users say thank you to Alex-George-HnM for this useful post:

Hammy, Agent Beast, Ansity., Red-EyeX32, Felipe Guerra, GodofHosting, Jasdeep, SnaY, Terrorize 420
02-24-2013, 10:43 PM #2
Gym leader
Most of this are cheat protected
Last edited by NAST3Y ; 02-24-2013 at 10:54 PM.

The following 3 users say thank you to NAST3Y for this useful post:

Alex-George-HnM, Ansity., SubTheKy3s
02-24-2013, 10:52 PM #3
Originally posted by jason021996 View Post
Most of this is cheat protected

Oh, we need some way to enable them Gasphgodwhy:
02-24-2013, 10:58 PM #4
Fleek Designs
< ^ > < ^ >
Originally posted by HnM View Post
Wassup guys, HnM here :p

I've been looking at these new save game mods that you guys have been making, and some of you leeching lol

So I decided to make my own, it has alot of codes and WORKING xp

Things I've seen which makes me laugh:

Autoaim "999" WILL NOT WORK :dumb:

Aimbot "999" WILL NO WORK :dumb:

I've seen the XP dvars done all wrong.. tdm/dem will not work.. The correct ones will be shown below

So, heres the list of what i have put in <3

I have added the default buttons as some of you said you are unable to use buttons so this will solve that <3

I haven't tested this as my black ops disc is too scratched to play due to my cat Not Happy or Sad

Hope this works well and have some fun <3

DL: You must login or register to view this content.

CODE YOU NEED FOR MP(CM or SP depending on if you want it for zombies or campaign):
exec "../../../dev_usb000/BO_CFG.cfg"
exec "../../../dev_usb001/BO_CFG.cfg"(use if your right port is broken etc)


Only RED-EYE <3 For making this possible **HES A BOSS**

Oh & for those sexy fucks who found the dvars in the 1st place <3

I will test this and see which ones are cheat protected.

The following user thanked Fleek Designs for this useful post:

02-24-2013, 11:38 PM #5
Pokemon Trainer
Originally posted by HnM View Post
set ui_mapname "mp_array;statset 2326 10;setplayerdata prestige 10;disconnect"

Does this code actually work?

The following user thanked Crashradio98- for this useful post:

Agent Beast
02-24-2013, 11:41 PM #6
Gym leader
Originally posted by Crashradio98
Does this code actually work?

its not cheat protected but it didn't do anything
02-25-2013, 12:47 AM #7
Yo mr.bad ass most of this is cheat protected

The following 3 users groaned at ImMarkHD for this awful post:

Alex-George-HnM, Ansity., KM-_1337
02-25-2013, 12:52 AM #8
Former Staff
Originally posted by HnM View Post
Wassup guys, HnM here :p

I've been looking at these new save game mods that you guys have been making, and some of you leeching lol

So I decided to make my own, it has alot of codes and WORKING xp

Things I've seen which makes me laugh:

Autoaim "999" WILL NOT WORK :dumb:

Aimbot "999" WILL NO WORK :dumb:

I've seen the XP dvars done all wrong.. tdm/dem will not work.. The correct ones will be shown below

So, heres the list of what i have put in <3

I have added the default buttons as some of you said you are unable to use buttons so this will solve that <3

I haven't tested this as my black ops disc is too scratched to play due to my cat Not Happy or Sad

Hope this works well and have some fun <3

DL: You must login or register to view this content.

CODE YOU NEED FOR MP(CM or SP depending on if you want it for zombies or campaign):
exec "../../../dev_usb000/BO_CFG.cfg"
exec "../../../dev_usb001/BO_CFG.cfg"(use if your right port is broken etc)


Only RED-EYE <3 For making this possible **HES A BOSS**

Oh & for those sexy fucks who found the dvars in the 1st place <3

really pointless cause u cant us it online kinda of a waste of time

no hate
02-25-2013, 01:44 AM #9
I am error
I had most the same codes only a couple work :/
02-25-2013, 02:28 AM #10
Gym leader
Originally posted by ModdersOnly
Yo Jason


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