Post: [python][TUT]How To Code Python And Execute It On A IPhone[TUT]
05-10-2011, 04:39 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hi heres a tutorial on how to be able to code python on an iphone or ipod touchSmile
1. First things first you need a jailbroken iphone or ipod with cydia. You need to go into cydia and go into "Manage", from there go into settings and change the filter to "Developer".

2. Now search "PyObjC" in cydia and install it(its a translator that translates python into objective c so that an iphone can understand python).

3. To actually code with pyhton we another app called "iedit". Search for it in cydia and install it. Now write some code for example a simple program(if you could call it thatSmile) like print "Hello World", now save it as "".

4. Now to run the code we need "MobileTerminal". If you dont have it already just search for it on cydia and install itSmile.

5. Nearly finishedSmile. Open "MobileTerminal" and type in "cd Documents"(you need the capital because its case sensitive) and hit enter. Now type in "python" and hit enter, the code has now been executedSmile.

6. To get code youve already written on a computer just copy it and save it as a draft on gmail(or whatever email client you use). Then go into the email app on your iphone and copy it to "iedit".

Its useful because now you can code on the roadSmile EnjoySmile

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