Post: [Python] Socket Programming Tutorial
05-10-2011, 04:47 PM #1
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Step-by-Step Process
1. Open your favourite editor(Vi, Pico, Notepad, Wordpad, Textpad, DOS Edit).
2. Type
# Demonstrates various methods of importing modules.
from socket import *
import string
import time
# create a socket of the basic type.
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
# define our banner.
senddata1 = "220 desktop Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version 6.0.2600.1106 ready at" + time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
# Query the user for their IP Address and set that and the port
HOST = raw_input("Enter IP Address to bind socket to: ")
PORT = 25
s.bind((HOST, PORT)) # Bind the socket to an IP Address and Port
s.listen(1) # Have the socket listen for a connection
(incomingsocket, address) = s.accept() # Accept an incoming connection
incomingsocket.send(senddata1) # Send our banner
straddress = str(address) # Convert incoming address to a string
testlist = string.split(straddress, ",") # Split the tuple into lists
gethost = string.split(testlist[0], "'") # Split the host portion of the list
getaddr = string.split(testlist[1], ")") # Split the port portion of the list
host = gethost[1] # Remove just the address from the list
incomingport = int(getaddr[0]) # Remove just the port from the list
# define our Warning
senddata2 = "Illegal Access of this server, your IP [" + host +"] has been logged."
# Print connection information to the stdout
print "Connection attempt on port", PORT, "from", host, ":", incomingport
# Listen for incoming data
data = incomingsocket.recv(1024)
# Send the Warning
# Close the socket

3. Save the script as
4. Open the command prompt and type python (If you get an error, you may already have port 25 in use, simply edit the file to change the port number.)
5. You will be prompted with Enter IP Address to bind socket to: Enter the IP address you wish to have the honey pot listen on. This could be if you simply with to test it, or your outgoing IP if you wish to actually listen for connection attempts.You will now notice nothing, however you can telnet or nc to the IP you entered on port 25. Your connection will display the defined banner 220 desktop Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version 6.0.2600.1106 ready at followed by the current time (the %<character -- A list of all values can be found at the end of this tutorial). The IP Address of the connection and the port used to connect. The warning will be displayed in your telnet/nc session and you will be disconnected and the socket will close.

This is only a single connect server and very basic, no complex commands. As time goes on I will post another tutorial on this same honey pot, only expanded to actually convince the user they are connected to the mail server.

The new commands in this tutorial include various socket commands, the time.strftime command and a few string commands.

time.strftime("format") - This command returns a string containing the time and date in the specified format.
str(non-string) - Converts a non-string to a string (there are also int() and tuple() commands).
string.split(string, delimitor) - Splits a string into a list at every delimitor. The list is then referenced by listname
    (numbering begins at 0).

    This script contains similar starting socket commands as my first Python Tutorial, however it includes a few extras. After accepting the connection, this script sends the banner using the incomingsocket.send command. This takes the variable we defined on the s.accept (socket accept command) and tells the computer to send data back to it. It then lists for data (incomingsocket.recv) with a maximum buffer size of 1024. Upon recieving this data it again transmits data to the connecting PC and closes the connect with incomingsocket.close.

    That's all for now people, hopefully you'll enjoy the few new commands and the honeypot concept. I'll expand the code and try to post a completed honeypot in the next week or two with instructions on it's creation and modification.

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