Post: LulzSec Community Leader "Topiary" In court
08-02-2011, 03:40 PM #1
Former Staff
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As you all know, some people from Lulzsec are being caught and prosecuted for their malicious behavior. There are articles about the 4 or 5 main leaders of Lulzsec, which Topiary was said to be the "Community Leader." He has just gotten bailed out of jail and is being charged with ddosing "Soca's" website, which was taken offline for many hours last June.

"Soca is a national police unit that tackles crime related to Class A drugs, human trafficking, fraud, and money laundering."

"At City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court, Rav Chodha, prosecuting, said Davis was also allegedly involved in attacks on websites belonging to Sony, the NHS East London Foundation Trust and The Sun and The Times newspapers. He is said to have done all this from his bedroom on a remote island."

Jack Davis, 18, was returned to his brother and mother this morning. His condition of bail says that he is NOT allowed to access the internet. He is reported to have Autism, and will have a curfew from 10pm to 7am, and be required to wear a tether - which is an electronic anklet monitoring his every move.

Davis is due to appear for his first trial hearing at Southwark Crown Court on August 31.

I think this is a huge thing because this is one of the main leaders of Lulzsec, which were supposed to be completely anonymous and secured at all times so they wouldn't be caught.

Not too smart after all, are ya?
Last edited by DiJiTaLGoDz ; 08-02-2011 at 03:46 PM.
08-02-2011, 03:49 PM #2
Bounty hunter
wtf lmao not access to internet
08-07-2011, 06:19 AM #3
Lmao Nd He Only A Teen

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