Post: Initial d ftp ini file help
12-24-2013, 04:01 AM #1
Vault dweller
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); this is what im trying to do
1.FTP into your PS3 where your back up games are stored.
2.Look in your Initial Sad Awesome Extreme Stage game directory
3. Go into the game folder and look for GAME_SETTING file.
4. Make a back up (Just in case)
5.Open it (Should open automatically in a notepad file.)
6. Once the file open scroll to: [ PointAssignment ]
7. Edit the following lines to look like this:

RaceBonus = 9999
StoryBattlePoint = 999999
Story2ndWinBonus = 999999

8. Save changes.
9. Close/log off FTP

Start the game and go into story mode, win the first race.
The points should accumulate like mad.

Enjoy tuning/tricking out your rides!

but when i do what it says it says denied and i cant delete the original ini from the ftp so when i try to edit it it keeps saying transfer failed:(
ever had this problem before? im using filezilla on 4.50 CEX
Last edited by raduboxer ; 12-24-2013 at 04:06 AM.

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