Post: Scammed by V-Nasty
05-29-2012, 10:52 PM #1
Im Po
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Accused Scammer's NGU Name: V-Nasty
Accused Scammer's NGU Profile URL: You must login or register to view this content.

What is the item that was bought/sold/traded? Him to rank up my account and get all titles/emblems on MW3 PS3

Proof: You must login or register to view this content. Here you can see 3 payments, the first one refunded, the 2nd one not, and the 3rd to his uncle Kevin To.
You must login or register to view this content. here is proof that the refund failed. the first one came through the second one did NOT.
You must login or register to view this content. telling me his paypal (the one he claims is limited)
You must login or register to view this content. proof of the service...
You must login or register to view this content. tells me the payment didnt work cause my acc isnt veryified even though ive never had any problems before
You must login or register to view this content. says he refunded me again but he didnt (it failed)
You must login or register to view this content. saying he will start after I sent the 3rd payment to his uncle (the email in the last screenshot) and acknowledging that he recieved it

When did this happen: We made the deal on May 5th/4th

How did you purchase: Paypal

How much?: 90$ total: 35$ to start and the rest when done.

Did you;
- Buy? Bought
- Sell?
- Trade?

Have you contacted the scammer?:- Yes
If yes, What did they say?:- He doesn't respond

Other comments: Ok, so, he offered to get me all titles and emblems on mw3 for the ps3 for 90$. 35$ to start and the rest at the end. I sent the 35$ to him, he told me the paypal was limited so i need to resend. I resent. He told me it was limited. He refunded me one of the payments ONLY 1. He then said to send the 35$ to his uncle's email so I did. That's 3 payments of 35$ and only 1 got refunded when 2 of them should have. He said he should be finished by the end of June YET HE LITERALLY HASN'T EVEN STARTED! The account was blank when I gave it to him and its been a month and it is only level 60 no prestige with literally nothing at all. He won't respond to my pm's/vm's even though he's been online. I want my 70$ back OR for him to actually start and finish the deal. Thanks.
Last edited by Im Po ; 05-30-2012 at 12:34 PM.

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