Post: Jericho missle system
09-17-2016, 12:36 AM #1
Who’s Jim Erased?
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I'm trying to integrate Loz's Jericho missle system into my menu and I cant get it to work it just freezes when starting I think I have everything I need within the code but maybe don't have all of the precacheModel? if anyone can fix this for me I can try to pay bc iv tried for hours & it wont work
self.lozJerichoSpawned = 1;
self iPrintLn("Loz's Jericho System ^2Spawned");
base = spawnSM(self.origin + (0,0,1Cool Man (aka Tustin), "t6_wpn_supply_drop_hq");
missile = [];
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(i == 0)
missile[i] = spawnSM(base.origin + (0,0,24), "projectile_cbu97_clusterbomb");
missile[i] = spawnSM(missile[i - 1].origin + (0,0,16), "projectile_cbu97_clusterbomb");
missile[i].angles = (0,90,0);
base thread getReadyForLaunch("base");
for(x = 0; x < 3; x++)
missile[x] thread getReadyForLaunch("missile");
wait 3;
self iPrintLnBold("Jericho System ^2Ready^7, Shoot To Select ^2Nodes");
location = [];
lozJerichoFx = [];
num = 2;
for(o = 0; o < 3; o++)
for(e = 0; e < 5; e++)
self waittill("weapon_fired");
trace = bulletTrace(self getTagOrigin("j_head"), self getTagOrigin("j_head") + anglesToForward(self getPlayerAngles()) * 1000000, 0, self)["position"];
location[e] = trace;
lozJerichoFx[e] = spawnFx(loadFX("misc/fx_equip_tac_insert_light_grn"), trace);
for(w = 0; w < 5; w++)
lozJerichoFx[w] delete();
lozJerichoFx[w] = spawnFx(loadFX("misc/fx_equip_tac_insert_light_red"), location[w]);
self iPrintLnBold("Missile ^2Ready^7, Shoot To ^2Launch");
self waittill("weapon_fired");
self iPrintLnBold(" ");
speed = vectorScale(vectorNormalize(anglesToForward(missile[num].angles)), 5000);
missile[num] thread trailLozBullet(loadFx("vehicle/exhaust/fx_exhaust_u2_spyplane_afterburner"), .1);
base playSound("wpn_rpg_fire_npc");
missile[num] moveGravity(speed, 3);
wait 1;
expPos = missile[num].origin;
playFx(loadFx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_exp_rc_bomb"), expPos);
for(c = 0; c < 360; c += 80)
playFx(loadFx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_exp_rc_bomb"), (expPos[0]+(200*cos(c)), expPos[1]+(200*sin(c)), expPos[2]));
missile[num] delete();
for(a = 0; a < 5; a++)
self thread spawnLozBullet("ks",expPos,"projectile_sidewinder_missile",3000,level.remote_mortar_fx["missileExplode"],5,4,loadFx("vehicle/exhaust/fx_exhaust_u2_spyplane_afterburner"),.1,"exp_barrel",.3,2,500,400,500,100,"MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH","remote_missile_bomblet_mp","grenade_rumble",500,location[a]);
wait 1.5;
for(q = 0; q < 5; q++)
lozJerichoFx[q] delete();
base delete();
self iPrintLn("Loz's Jericho System ^1Deleted");
self.lozJerichoSpawned = 0;
self iPrintLn("^1Warning^7 : Jericho System Already Active");
if(what == "base")
self rotateTo((0,0,40), 3);
if(what == "missile")
self rotateTo((-40,self.angles[1],0), 3);

bullet = spawnSM(spawnPos, model);
bullet.killcament = bullet;
if(lozType == "plr") tracer = bulletTrace(self getEye(), self getEye()+vectorScale(anglesToForward(self getPlayerAngles()), 1000000), true, self)["position"];
if(lozType == "ks" && isDefined(expPos)) tracer = expPos;
bullet.angles = vectorToAngles(tracer - bullet.origin);
bullet rotateTo(vectorToAngles(tracer - bullet.origin), .01);
duration = calcDistance(speed, bullet.origin, tracer);
bullet moveTo(tracer, duration);
if(isDefined(trailFX) && isDefined(trailTime)) bullet thread trailLozBullet(trailFX, trailTime);
if(duration < range) wait duration;
else wait timeout;
if(isDefined(sound)) bullet playSound(sound);
if(isDefined(eqScale) && isDefined(eqTime) && isDefined(eqRadius)) earthquake(eqScale, eqTime, bullet.origin, eqRadius);
if(isDefined(FX)) playFx(FX, bullet.origin + (0,0,1));
bullet RadiusDamage(bullet.origin, rdRange, rdMax, rdMin, self, rdMod, rdWeap);
if(isDefined(rumble) && isDefined(rumbleMaxDist)) foreach(player in level.players) if(distance(player.origin, bullet.origin) < rumbleMaxDist) player playRumbleOnEntity(rumble);
bullet delete();
playFxOnTag(trailFX, self, "tag_origin");
wait trailTime;

Last edited by Tristen ; 09-17-2016 at 01:00 AM.
09-17-2016, 03:14 AM #2
Former Staff
Originally posted by Tristen View Post
I'm trying to integrate Loz's Jericho missle system into my menu and I cant get it to work it just freezes when starting I think I have everything I need within the code but maybe don't have all of the precacheModel? if anyone can fix this for me I can try to pay bc iv tried for hours & it wont work
self.lozJerichoSpawned = 1;
self iPrintLn("Loz's Jericho System ^2Spawned");
base = spawnSM(self.origin + (0,0,1Cool Man (aka Tustin), "t6_wpn_supply_drop_hq");
missile = [];
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(i == 0)
missile[i] = spawnSM(base.origin + (0,0,24), "projectile_cbu97_clusterbomb");
missile[i] = spawnSM(missile[i - 1].origin + (0,0,16), "projectile_cbu97_clusterbomb");
missile[i].angles = (0,90,0);
base thread getReadyForLaunch("base");
for(x = 0; x < 3; x++)
missile[x] thread getReadyForLaunch("missile");
wait 3;
self iPrintLnBold("Jericho System ^2Ready^7, Shoot To Select ^2Nodes");
location = [];
lozJerichoFx = [];
num = 2;
for(o = 0; o < 3; o++)
for(e = 0; e < 5; e++)
self waittill("weapon_fired");
trace = bulletTrace(self getTagOrigin("j_head"), self getTagOrigin("j_head") + anglesToForward(self getPlayerAngles()) * 1000000, 0, self)["position"];
location[e] = trace;
lozJerichoFx[e] = spawnFx(loadFX("misc/fx_equip_tac_insert_light_grn"), trace);
for(w = 0; w < 5; w++)
lozJerichoFx[w] delete();
lozJerichoFx[w] = spawnFx(loadFX("misc/fx_equip_tac_insert_light_red"), location[w]);
self iPrintLnBold("Missile ^2Ready^7, Shoot To ^2Launch");
self waittill("weapon_fired");
self iPrintLnBold(" ");
speed = vectorScale(vectorNormalize(anglesToForward(missile[num].angles)), 5000);
missile[num] thread trailLozBullet(loadFx("vehicle/exhaust/fx_exhaust_u2_spyplane_afterburner"), .1);
base playSound("wpn_rpg_fire_npc");
missile[num] moveGravity(speed, 3);
wait 1;
expPos = missile[num].origin;
playFx(loadFx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_exp_rc_bomb"), expPos);
for(c = 0; c < 360; c += 80)
playFx(loadFx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_exp_rc_bomb"), (expPos[0]+(200*cos(c)), expPos[1]+(200*sin(c)), expPos[2]));
missile[num] delete();
for(a = 0; a < 5; a++)
self thread spawnLozBullet("ks",expPos,"projectile_sidewinder_missile",3000,level.remote_mortar_fx["missileExplode"],5,4,loadFx("vehicle/exhaust/fx_exhaust_u2_spyplane_afterburner"),.1,"exp_barrel",.3,2,500,400,500,100,"MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH","remote_missile_bomblet_mp","grenade_rumble",500,location[a]);
wait 1.5;
for(q = 0; q < 5; q++)
lozJerichoFx[q] delete();
base delete();
self iPrintLn("Loz's Jericho System ^1Deleted");
self.lozJerichoSpawned = 0;
self iPrintLn("^1Warning^7 : Jericho System Already Active");
if(what == "base")
self rotateTo((0,0,40), 3);
if(what == "missile")
self rotateTo((-40,self.angles[1],0), 3);

bullet = spawnSM(spawnPos, model);
bullet.killcament = bullet;
if(lozType == "plr") tracer = bulletTrace(self getEye(), self getEye()+vectorScale(anglesToForward(self getPlayerAngles()), 1000000), true, self)["position"];
if(lozType == "ks" && isDefined(expPos)) tracer = expPos;
bullet.angles = vectorToAngles(tracer - bullet.origin);
bullet rotateTo(vectorToAngles(tracer - bullet.origin), .01);
duration = calcDistance(speed, bullet.origin, tracer);
bullet moveTo(tracer, duration);
if(isDefined(trailFX) && isDefined(trailTime)) bullet thread trailLozBullet(trailFX, trailTime);
if(duration < range) wait duration;
else wait timeout;
if(isDefined(sound)) bullet playSound(sound);
if(isDefined(eqScale) && isDefined(eqTime) && isDefined(eqRadius)) earthquake(eqScale, eqTime, bullet.origin, eqRadius);
if(isDefined(FX)) playFx(FX, bullet.origin + (0,0,1));
bullet RadiusDamage(bullet.origin, rdRange, rdMax, rdMin, self, rdMod, rdWeap);
if(isDefined(rumble) && isDefined(rumbleMaxDist)) foreach(player in level.players) if(distance(player.origin, bullet.origin) < rumbleMaxDist) player playRumbleOnEntity(rumble);
bullet delete();
playFxOnTag(trailFX, self, "tag_origin");
wait trailTime;

U might be missing spawnSM, also if your on ps3 why not use sharks error reporter to find missing functions?

The following user thanked EternalHabit for this useful post:

Father Luckeyy
09-17-2016, 03:20 AM #3
Originally posted by Tristen View Post
I'm trying to integrate Loz's Jericho missle system into my menu and I cant get it to work it just freezes when starting I think I have everything I need within the code but maybe don't have all of the precacheModel? if anyone can fix this for me I can try to pay bc iv tried for hours & it wont work
self.lozJerichoSpawned = 1;
self iPrintLn("Loz's Jericho System ^2Spawned");
base = spawnSM(self.origin + (0,0,1Cool Man (aka Tustin), "t6_wpn_supply_drop_hq");
missile = [];
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if(i == 0)
missile[i] = spawnSM(base.origin + (0,0,24), "projectile_cbu97_clusterbomb");
missile[i] = spawnSM(missile[i - 1].origin + (0,0,16), "projectile_cbu97_clusterbomb");
missile[i].angles = (0,90,0);
base thread getReadyForLaunch("base");
for(x = 0; x < 3; x++)
missile[x] thread getReadyForLaunch("missile");
wait 3;
self iPrintLnBold("Jericho System ^2Ready^7, Shoot To Select ^2Nodes");
location = [];
lozJerichoFx = [];
num = 2;
for(o = 0; o < 3; o++)
for(e = 0; e < 5; e++)
self waittill("weapon_fired");
trace = bulletTrace(self getTagOrigin("j_head"), self getTagOrigin("j_head") + anglesToForward(self getPlayerAngles()) * 1000000, 0, self)["position"];
location[e] = trace;
lozJerichoFx[e] = spawnFx(loadFX("misc/fx_equip_tac_insert_light_grn"), trace);
for(w = 0; w < 5; w++)
lozJerichoFx[w] delete();
lozJerichoFx[w] = spawnFx(loadFX("misc/fx_equip_tac_insert_light_red"), location[w]);
self iPrintLnBold("Missile ^2Ready^7, Shoot To ^2Launch");
self waittill("weapon_fired");
self iPrintLnBold(" ");
speed = vectorScale(vectorNormalize(anglesToForward(missile[num].angles)), 5000);
missile[num] thread trailLozBullet(loadFx("vehicle/exhaust/fx_exhaust_u2_spyplane_afterburner"), .1);
base playSound("wpn_rpg_fire_npc");
missile[num] moveGravity(speed, 3);
wait 1;
expPos = missile[num].origin;
playFx(loadFx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_exp_rc_bomb"), expPos);
for(c = 0; c < 360; c += 80)
playFx(loadFx("maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_exp_rc_bomb"), (expPos[0]+(200*cos(c)), expPos[1]+(200*sin(c)), expPos[2]));
missile[num] delete();
for(a = 0; a < 5; a++)
self thread spawnLozBullet("ks",expPos,"projectile_sidewinder_missile",3000,level.remote_mortar_fx["missileExplode"],5,4,loadFx("vehicle/exhaust/fx_exhaust_u2_spyplane_afterburner"),.1,"exp_barrel",.3,2,500,400,500,100,"MOD_PROJECTILE_SPLASH","remote_missile_bomblet_mp","grenade_rumble",500,location[a]);
wait 1.5;
for(q = 0; q < 5; q++)
lozJerichoFx[q] delete();
base delete();
self iPrintLn("Loz's Jericho System ^1Deleted");
self.lozJerichoSpawned = 0;
self iPrintLn("^1Warning^7 : Jericho System Already Active");
if(what == "base")
self rotateTo((0,0,40), 3);
if(what == "missile")
self rotateTo((-40,self.angles[1],0), 3);

bullet = spawnSM(spawnPos, model);
bullet.killcament = bullet;
if(lozType == "plr") tracer = bulletTrace(self getEye(), self getEye()+vectorScale(anglesToForward(self getPlayerAngles()), 1000000), true, self)["position"];
if(lozType == "ks" && isDefined(expPos)) tracer = expPos;
bullet.angles = vectorToAngles(tracer - bullet.origin);
bullet rotateTo(vectorToAngles(tracer - bullet.origin), .01);
duration = calcDistance(speed, bullet.origin, tracer);
bullet moveTo(tracer, duration);
if(isDefined(trailFX) && isDefined(trailTime)) bullet thread trailLozBullet(trailFX, trailTime);
if(duration < range) wait duration;
else wait timeout;
if(isDefined(sound)) bullet playSound(sound);
if(isDefined(eqScale) && isDefined(eqTime) && isDefined(eqRadius)) earthquake(eqScale, eqTime, bullet.origin, eqRadius);
if(isDefined(FX)) playFx(FX, bullet.origin + (0,0,1));
bullet RadiusDamage(bullet.origin, rdRange, rdMax, rdMin, self, rdMod, rdWeap);
if(isDefined(rumble) && isDefined(rumbleMaxDist)) foreach(player in level.players) if(distance(player.origin, bullet.origin) < rumbleMaxDist) player playRumbleOnEntity(rumble);
bullet delete();
playFxOnTag(trailFX, self, "tag_origin");
wait trailTime;

Use Sharks Debuging SPRX and have TMAPI hooked up. Doing that gets rid of the need to ask questions of this nature on NGU and allows you to ID your issue quickly. This SPRX can be found here: You must login or register to view this content.. Every Black ops 2 GSC developer should be using it for this reason.
09-17-2016, 10:41 PM #4
Who’s Jim Erased?
Originally posted by Nothingbutbread View Post
Use Sharks Debuging SPRX and have TMAPI hooked up. Doing that gets rid of the need to ask questions of this nature on NGU and allows you to ID your issue quickly. This SPRX can be found here: You must login or register to view this content.. Every Black ops 2 GSC developer should be using it for this reason.

Originally posted by xTurntUpLobbies View Post
U might be missing spawnSM, also if your on ps3 why not use sharks error reporter to find missing functions?

could you provid me the eboot for the error reporter?
09-17-2016, 11:14 PM #5
Originally posted by Tristen View Post
could you provid me the eboot for the error reporter?

You could easily create your own with one of the many EBOOT creators in sticked threads in the Black ops 2 modding section but here you go.
The SPRX and the EBOOT to use it [DEX]
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09-17-2016, 11:18 PM #6
Bounty hunter
I'm sure bluee mods and blazed use it in there menus,copy it from them.
09-17-2016, 11:48 PM #7
Who’s Jim Erased?
Originally posted by Nothingbutbread View Post
You could easily create your own with one of the many EBOOT creators in sticked threads in the Black ops 2 modding section but here you go.
The SPRX and the EBOOT to use it [DEX]
You must login or register to view this content.

this is the error reporter and the correct eboot? thank you so much and another question is will this stop the freezing when starting the game?
09-18-2016, 01:16 AM #8
Who’s Jim Erased?
Originally posted by Nothingbutbread View Post
You could easily create your own with one of the many EBOOT creators in sticked threads in the Black ops 2 modding section but here you go.
The SPRX and the EBOOT to use it [DEX]
You must login or register to view this content.

and I freeze when using your eboot
09-18-2016, 01:35 AM #9
Originally posted by Tristen View Post
and I freeze when using your eboot

Then create one your self using the available EBOOT creators. It works for me. If you're on CEX, its a DEX EBOOT. BTW this will not stop the freezeing but kick from the game if you load bad code and output what the bad code was to target manager.
09-18-2016, 01:57 AM #10
Who’s Jim Erased?
Originally posted by Nothingbutbread View Post
Then create one your self using the available EBOOT creators. It works for me. If you're on CEX, its a DEX EBOOT. BTW this will not stop the freezeing but kick from the game if you load bad code and output what the bad code was to target manager.

I have tried to make my own eboot that loads this sprx and yea I am on dex

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