Post: xTUL's Overflow Fix Crashes
10-24-2015, 11:53 AM #1
Climbing up the ladder
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I use You must login or register to view this content. tutorial to add an overflow fix to my menu. It uses You must login or register to view this content.. I noticed that when my menu hits 50 text creations that it would freeze/crash the game. Why is that? My overflow fix code looks like the following:

    //credits to YouViolateMe
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");

input = self.Menu.System["MenuRoot"]; // ZeiiKeN's specific current menu variable

self thread submenu(input); // ZeiiKeN's specific submenu function

//Credits to dtx12, jwm614, and xTurntUpLobbies
level endon("game_ended");

level.test = createServerFontString("default", 1.5);
level.test setText("xTUL");
level.test.alpha = 0;

level waittill("textset");

self iprintln(level.result + " texts set"); // I used this for debugging and counting the text creations

if(level.result >= 50)
level.test clearAllTextAfterHudElem();
level.result = 0;

foreach(player in level.players)
if(player.MenuOpen) // ZeiiKeN-specific way of knowing if the menu is currently opened
player recreateText();

wait 0.01;

What did I do wrong and how do I fix it? Thank you
Last edited by BullyWiiPlaza ; 10-24-2015 at 12:03 PM.
10-24-2015, 10:25 PM #2
In my man cave
Originally posted by BullyWiiPlaza View Post
I use You must login or register to view this content. tutorial to add an overflow fix to my menu. It uses You must login or register to view this content.. I noticed that when my menu hits 50 text creations that it would freeze/crash the game. Why is that? My overflow fix code looks like the following:

    //credits to YouViolateMe
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");

input = self.Menu.System["MenuRoot"]; // ZeiiKeN's specific current menu variable

self thread submenu(input); // ZeiiKeN's specific submenu function

//Credits to dtx12, jwm614, and xTurntUpLobbies
level endon("game_ended");

level.test = createServerFontString("default", 1.5);
level.test setText("xTUL");
level.test.alpha = 0;

level waittill("textset");

self iprintln(level.result + " texts set"); // I used this for debugging and counting the text creations

if(level.result >= 50)
level.test clearAllTextAfterHudElem();
level.result = 0;

foreach(player in level.players)
if(player.MenuOpen) // ZeiiKeN-specific way of knowing if the menu is currently opened
player recreateText();

wait 0.01;

What did I do wrong and how do I fix it? Thank you

    //credits to YouViolateMe
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");

self thread submenu(input); // ZeiiKeN's specific submenu function

//Credits to dtx12, jwm614, and xTurntUpLobbies
level endon("game_ended");

level.test = createServerFontString("default", 1.5);
level.test setText("xTUL");
level.test.alpha = 0;

level waittill("textset");

self iprintln(level.result + " texts set"); // I used this for debugging and counting the text creations

if(level.result >= 50)
level.test clearAllTextAfterHudElem();
level.result = 0;

foreach(player in level.players)
if(player.MenuOpen) // ZeiiKeN-specific way of knowing if the menu is currently opened
player recreateText();

wait 0.01;
10-24-2015, 11:07 PM #3
Climbing up the ladder
Originally posted by GentleSlugger View Post

You just removed and not replaced the input variable declaration, how is this going to work then?
10-24-2015, 11:09 PM #4
In my man cave
Originally posted by BullyWiiPlaza View Post
You just removed and not replaced the input variable declaration, how is this going to work then?

just try it..

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