Post: [TUT]How to create a basic Menu Base
08-07-2015, 10:06 AM #1
Little One
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Since everyone is using the same menu bases i thought im going to try to explain as good as i can how to make your own Smile
This Tutorial hopefully will show you how a basic menu base is working ,if not im sorry.

Sooo im going to show you how to create a menu base with Menu Text,Menu Title,Background Shader,Scrollbar,Sub Menus and without Verifycation System or Player Menu!
I also show you how to do it with and without \n Fix.

There are alot of ways to create a menu base but this is how i learned it and i hope you are able to learn something from this Happy
Im sorry if you are not able to understand some things cause my english is not the best and im also not very good at explaining :(
But i tried my best and its also my first tutorial ever.

1.)How to Start
2.)Button Handling Start
3.)Menu Structure
4.)Menu Hud(Background,Scrollbar,Menu Title)
5.)Menu Loading + Menu Text
6.)Cursor Update + Scrollbar Position
7.)Button Handling Finish

1.)How to Start

This is how our script should look like when we are starting
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message;

level thread onPlayerConnect();
for(;Winky Winky
level waittill("connected", player);
player thread onPlayerSpawned();
self endon("disconnect");
level endon("game_ended");
for(;Winky Winky
self waittill("spawned_player");

This are Functions we will need for creating Text Elems and Shader Elems
Just add them somewhere in your script
createText(font, fontscale, align, relative, x, y, sort, color, alpha, glowColor, glowAlpha, text)
textElem = CreateFontString( font, fontscale );
textElem setPoint( align, relative, x, y );
textElem.sort = sort;
textElem.type = "text";
textElem setText(text);
textElem.color = color;
textElem.alpha = alpha;
textElem.glowColor = glowColor;
textElem.glowAlpha = glowAlpha;
textElem.hideWhenInMenu = true;
return textElem;
createRectangle(align, relative, x, y, width, height, color, alpha, sorting, shadero)
barElemBG = newClientHudElem( self );
barElemBG.elemType = "bar";
if ( !level.splitScreen )
barElemBG.x = -2;
barElemBG.y = -2;
barElemBG.width = width;
barElemBG.height = height;
barElemBG.align = align;
barElemBG.relative = relative;
barElemBG.xOffset = 0;
barElemBG.yOffset = 0;
barElemBG.children = [];
barElemBG.color = color;
barElemBG.alpha = alpha;
barElemBG.alpha = 1;
barElemBG setShader( shadero, width , height );
barElemBG.hidden = false;
barElemBG.sort = sorting;
barElemBG setPoint(align,relative,x,y);
return barElemBG;

Ok now we are going to create the starting function for the base
lets call the function initMenu
self.Menu = spawnStruct(); = We are going to store all menu things with this like the current opened submenu or the menu texts
self.Hud = spawnStruct(); = We are going to store all Menu Hud stuff with this
self.Menu.Opened = false; = A bool if its true thats means the menu is opened if its false it means the menu is closed
self.Menu = spawnStruct();
self.Hud = spawnStruct();
self.Menu.Opened = false;

So Now we are going to thread the initMenu function from onPlayerConnect like that
for(;Winky Winky
level waittill("connected", player);
player thread onPlayerSpawned();
if(player isHost())
player thread initMenu();

2.)Button Handling Start

Now we are going to create the Button Handling so again create a function lets call it menuButtons with a for loop in it
this function is threaded from the initMenu() function
self endon("disconnect");
for(;Winky Winky
wait 0.05;

Now add buttons to it using if statements
self endon("disconnect");
for(;Winky Winky
if(self FragButtonPressed())
wait .3;
if(self AdsButtonPressed())
wait .1;
if(self AttackButtonPressed())
wait .1;
if(self UseButtonPressed())
wait .3;
if(self MeleeButtonPressed())
wait .3;
wait 0.05;

Dont forget to add a little wait at the end of the for loop cause if you dont add that your menu will crash
Also add a wait for every button cause that makes the menu easier to use Smile

Ok now you have to add your menu opened bool to the buttons to make it so that some buttons only work when the menu is opened or closed
self endon("disconnect");
for(;Winky Winky
if(self FragButtonPressed() && self.Menu.Opened==false)
wait .3;
if(self AdsButtonPressed() && self.Menu.Opened==true)
wait .1;
if(self AttackButtonPressed()&& self.Menu.Opened==true)
wait .1;
if(self UseButtonPressed()&& self.Menu.Opened==true)
wait .3;
if(self MeleeButtonPressed()&& self.Menu.Opened==true)
wait .3;
wait 0.05;

So now we have a button handling that does nothing atm xD

3.)Menu Structure

The Menu Structure is where you add all your sub menus and options

We are going to create a simple function like this
This functions is threaded on initMenu()

We also will need two other functions for this

Function to create a menu
self.Menu.title[menu] = title; = Used to store the Menu Title
self.Menu.parent[menu] = parent; = Used to Store the Menu Parent so the menu knows what to do when the Back button is pressed
self.Menu.title[menu] = title;
self.Menu.parent[menu] = parent;

and a function to create options
self.Menu.Text[menu][index] = text;
self.Menu.Func[menu][index] = func;
self.Menu.Input[menu][index] = input;

Also add this somewhere in your script its just a test function
self iprintln("^1TEST");

Ok now lets create the Main Menu
self CreateMenu("main","Main Menu","Exit");
self addOption("main",0,"Option 1",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",1,"Option 2",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",2,"Option 3",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",3,"Option 4",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",4,"Option 5",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",5,"Option 6",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",6,"Option 7",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",7,"Option 8",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",8,"Option 9",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",9,"Option 10",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",10,"Option 11",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",11,"Option 12",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",12,"Option 13",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",13,"Option 14",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",14,"Option 15",::Test,"");

Sorry i cant explain that better cause of my english :(

4.)Menu Hud(Background,Scrollbar,Menu Title)

We are going to need two functions one to create and one to destroy our menu Hud

Now we are adding a Background shader,Scrollbar Shader and a Menu Title Text Elems to them
self.Hud.Title = createText("default",2.0,"CENTER","TOP",0,10,0,(1,1,1),1,(0,0,0),0,"");
self.Hud.Title.foreground = true;
self.Hud.Background = createRectangle("CENTER","CENTER",0,0,200,1000,(0,0,0),.5,0,"white");
self.Hud.Scrollbar = createRectangle("CENTER","TOP",0,40,200,20,(0,0,0),1,0,"white");
self.Hud.Title destroy();
self.Hud.Background destroy();
self.Hud.Scrollbar destroy();

self.Hud.Title.foreground = true; = Used to make the text always stand in front of the shaders

5.)Menu Loading + Menu Text

For that we are going to create another function
lets call it _loadMenu and add some things to it
this function also has a input its needed to tell the function what menu to load
self.Menu.CurrentMenu = menu; = This is used to store the current opened menu
self.Scroller = 0; = Sets our scroller/Cursor back to 0
self.Hud.Title setText(self.Menu.title[self.Menu.CurrentMenu]); = Sets the menu title
self.Menu.CurrentMenu = menu;
self.Scroller = 0;
self.Hud.Title setText(self.Menu.title[self.Menu.CurrentMenu]);

Ok now we need two functions to create and destroy the menu text
Without \n Fix
self.Hud.Text[i] = createText("default",1.5,"CENTER","TOP",0,40+(18*i),0,(1,1,1),1,(0,0,0),0,self.Menu.Text[self.Menu.CurrentMenu][i]);
self.Hud.Text[i].foreground = true;
self.Hud.Text[i] destroy();

With \n Fix
string = "";
string += self.Menu.Text[self.Menu.CurrentMenu][i]+"\n";
self.Hud.Text = createText("default",1.5,"CENTER","TOP",0,40,0,(1,1,1),1,(0,0,0),0,string);
self.Hud.Text.foreground = true;
self.Hud.Text destroy();

Then thread those functions on your _loadMenu function like this
self destroyMenuText();
self.Menu.CurrentMenu = menu;
self.Scroller = 0;
self.Hud.Title setText(self.Menu.title[self.Menu.CurrentMenu]);
self createMenuText();

6.)Cursor Update + Scrollbar Position

Now Create a function called _scrollUpdate or something else

Now use if statements to make it so if the scroller is smaller then 0 then set the scroller to the amount of menu text/options in the current menu.
And also if the scroller is bigger then the amount of menu text/options in the current menu set it to 0
self.Scroller = self.Menu.Text[self.Menu.CurrentMenu].size-1;
self.Scroller = 0;

So now we need something that makes the scrollbar move
it works like that
self.Hud.Scrollbar.y = SpawnPosition+(SpaceBetweenTexts*self.Scroller);
this should look like that
self.Scroller = self.Menu.Text[self.Menu.CurrentMenu].size-1;
self.Scroller = 0;
self.Hud.Scrollbar.y = 40+(18*self.Scroller);

After that we are going to update our _loadMenu function again
self destroyMenuText();
self.Menu.CurrentMenu = menu;
self.Scroller = 0;
self.Hud.Title setText(self.Menu.title[self.Menu.CurrentMenu]);
self createMenuText();
self _scrollUpdate();

7.)Button Handling Finish

We are going to start with our Open Menu Button
We are going to add:
Set Menu Opened bool to true
Freeze User
Create the Hud
and load the Main Menu
if(self FragButtonPressed() && self.Menu.Opened==false)
self.Menu.Opened = true;
self freezeControls(true);
self thread createHud();
self _loadMenu("main");
wait .3;

Now the scrolling Buttons(Aim and Attack)
if(self AdsButtonPressed() && self.Menu.Opened==true)
self.Scroller --;
self _scrollUpdate();
wait .1;
if(self AttackButtonPressed() && self.Menu.Opened==true)
self.Scroller ++;
self _scrollUpdate();
wait .1;

Select Button
Function of Current Selected Option = self.Menu.Func[menu][scroller/cursor]
Input of Current Selected Option = self.Menu.Input[menu][scroller/cursor]
self thread [[Function of Current Selected Option]](Input of Current Selected Option);
if(self UseButtonPressed() && self.Menu.Opened==true)
self thread [[self.Menu.Func[self.Menu.CurrentMenu][self.Scroller]]](self.Menu.Input[self.Menu.CurrentMenu][self.Scroller]);
wait .3;

a little example to make it easier to understand
self MainFunctionUpside Down Happy:printSomething,"Hello");
self thread [[function]](input);
self iprintln(text);

Back/Exit Button
when the parent of your current opened sub menu is Exit then close the menu if not then load the parent of the current opened sub menu
if(self MeleeButtonPressed() && self.Menu.Opened==true)
self.Menu.Opened = false;
self freezeControls(false);
self thread destroyMenuText();
self thread destroyHud();
self _loadMenu(self.Menu.parent[self.Menu.CurrentMenu]);
wait .3;

Extra: How to add a submenu

self CreateMenu("main","Main Menu","Exit");
self addOption("main",0,"Open Sub Menu",::_loadMenu,"sub");
self addOption("main",1,"Option 2",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",2,"Option 3",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",3,"Option 4",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",4,"Option 5",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",5,"Option 6",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",6,"Option 7",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",7,"Option 8",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",8,"Option 9",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",9,"Option 10",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",10,"Option 11",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",11,"Option 12",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",12,"Option 13",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",13,"Option 14",::Test,"");
self addOption("main",14,"Option 15",::Test,"");

self CreateMenu("sub","Sub Menu","main");
self addOption("sub",0,"Sub Menu Option 1",::Test,"");
self addOption("sub",1,"Sub Menu Option 2",::Test,"");
self addOption("sub",2,"Sub Menu Option 3",::Test,"");
self addOption("sub",3,"Sub Menu Option 4",::Test,"");
self addOption("sub",4,"Sub Menu Option 5",::Test,"");

This is how it should look like when you are finished: You must login or register to view this content.
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Last edited by xePixTvx ; 08-07-2015 at 11:52 AM.

The following 24 users say thank you to xePixTvx for this useful post:

/SneakerStreet/, FRINZ, anthonything, anxify, dah, EternalHabit, Exelo, HiddenHour, Im_YouViolateMe, iRnZ, ItsLollo1000, itsSorrow, ksa_7ooo7, Loz, Plasmer, Rezqaazify, StonedYoda, ThatEpicSomeone, Veneno, ViRuzModzHD, Vote, xDebugKiller, XDrifteer7, xSynthmodz
08-10-2015, 02:36 AM #20
Originally posted by xePixTvx View Post

Good tutorial, glad to see some people in this section helping others. But there's many occurrences of redundant coding, lots of coding that can be optimized and done better, and whatnot, you should really clean it all up rather than teaching others bad "coding" habits, nonetheless, good job.
08-10-2015, 02:43 AM #21
Little One
Originally posted by StonedYoda View Post
Haha das wissen viele nicht ^^
Hab dich eh bei skype können ja mal reden wenn du bock hast.. Und dein Englisch ist mit sicherheit besser als meins xD

ja klar schreib mir einfach(schreib pls deinen ngu namen dazu damit ich weis wer du bist)
08-10-2015, 02:45 AM #22
Little One
Originally posted by John View Post
Good tutorial, glad to see some people in this section helping others. But there's many occurrences of redundant coding, lots of coding that can be optimized and done better, and whatnot, you should really clean it all up rather than teaching others bad "coding" habits, nonetheless, good job.

thank you Smile
my goal is it to help others no matter what but a big problem is that i know alot of things only in german :(
08-10-2015, 02:49 AM #23
Little One
Originally posted by Veneno View Post
Can you add how to make it unlimited scrolling and glow toggle?

before you are able to add things like that to your menu you should really understand how a menu base really works
so it doesnt make sense to me to add that to that tutorial cause its a tutorial on how to make a "BASIC" menu base and in my opinion unlimited scroll and toggle system is not considered as basic
08-10-2015, 05:38 AM #24
In my man cave
Originally posted by xePixTvx View Post
before you are able to add things like that to your menu you should really understand how a menu base really works
so it doesnt make sense to me to add that to that tutorial cause its a tutorial on how to make a "BASIC" menu base and in my opinion unlimited scroll and toggle system is not considered as basic

toggle system is really basic
08-10-2015, 06:06 AM #25
Originally posted by GentleSlugger View Post
According to google translate

Haha do not know that many ^^
Gotcha eh Skype can talk even once if you have buck .. And your English is certainly better than mine xD

Lel add me on skype if you want m8: erbil.masterpiece
08-10-2015, 06:25 AM #26
In my man cave
Originally posted by StonedYoda View Post
Lel add me on skype if you want m8: erbil.masterpiece

added. I am tryhardpot
08-11-2015, 04:24 PM #27
In my man cave
This should be pinned... Bump for great thread & cuz pix made it
08-16-2015, 01:16 PM #28
Please do a YouTube Tutorial Please ;( Deutsch = Bitte mach Ein YouTube Tutorial Happy

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