Post: [ZOMBIELAND] My news custom maps edit (YEMEN & SLUMS)
04-30-2016, 01:16 PM #1
xTiibo Modz
Do a barrel roll!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hello NGU , today I release 2 new original maps edit on Slums and Yemen made for the Zombeland Gamemode.

Slums :

Slums owns a custom door made from pallets and a small animation that is activated after 2 minutes.

Yemen :

Yemen owns a custom death barrier.

Check if you own this script :
CreateObject(model, origin, angle) {
return spawnEntity("script_model", model, origin, angle);

Add this script in Forgefunctions.gsc :
CreateCustomDoor(model, open, close, time, angle, width, height, hp, triggerRadius)
offset = (((width / 2) - 0.5) * -1);
center = spawn("script_model", open);
for(j = 0; j < width; j++)
door = spawnEntity("script_model", model, open + ((0, 30, 0) * offset), (0, 0, 0));
door EnableLinkTo();
door LinkTo(center);
for(h = 1; h < height; h++)
door = spawnEntity("script_model", model, open + ((0, 30, 0) * offset) - ((70, 0, 0) * h), (0, 0, 0));
door EnableLinkTo();
door LinkTo(center);
offset += 1;
center.angles = angle;
center.state = "open";
center.hp = hp;
center.triggerRadius = triggerRadius;

center thread Door_Player_Think(level.activeDoors);
center thread Door_Think(open, close, time);
wait 0.01;

Not to forget to add it in Init(), in Main.gsc :

precachemodel( "com_pallet_2" ); //Solid Model Founded by xTiibo

PrecacheModel("p6_street_vendor_goods_table02"); //Solid Model Founded by xTiibo

Here my maps :

// Created by xTiibo Modz
level thread removeSkyBarrier();
CreateMysteryBox((1441, -895, 622), (0, 90, 0), 120);
CreateMysteryBox((1571, -895, 622), (0, 90, 0), 120);
CreateMysteryBox((-2105, -1028, 560), (0, 0, 0), 100);

createObject(("p_glo_corrugated_metal1"), (2300, -1380, 550), (0, 90, 0));
CreateCustomDoor(("com_pallet_2"),(2000, -1639, 510), (2303, -1505, 510), 2, (90, 0, 0), 6, 2, 50, 80);
//CreateDoor((2000, -1639, 510), (2303, -1505, 510), 2, (90, 0, 0), 6, 2, 50, 80); //If you don't want use the custom door
CreateDoor((-2640, -917, 524), (-2655, -522, 527), 2, (90, 178, 0), 6, 2, 35, 80);
CreateDoor((-2042, -1568, 460), (-2313, -1291, 489), 2, (90, 90, 0), 6, 2, 35, 80);
CreateFlag((195, -824, 552), ( 2680, -1760, 490), false, false);
CreateFlag((196, -555, 552), ( 2692, -1218, 510), false, false);
CreateFlag((1963, -1082, 620), ( -3000, -612, 526), false, true);
CreateFlag((-2060, -1752, 456), ( 793, -1575, 552), false, false);
CreateZipline((1420,-1514, 500), (1457,-1308, 620), 1, true);
createObject(("collision_clip_512x512x10"), (2750, -1306, 504), (0, 90, 0));
createObject(("veh_iw_gaz_tigr_destruct"), (2735, -1062, 507), (0, 180, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_red"), (2873, -1800, 504), (0, 18, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_red"), (2722, -1848, 495), (0, 18, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_512x512x10"), (2710, -1545, 504), (0, 0, 0));

createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (2611, -1229, 504), (0, 90, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (2870, -1210, 504), (0, 102, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (2905, -1400, 504), (0, 102, 0));
CreateObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (2938, -1600, 504), (0, 102, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (2620, -1823, 546), (0, -90, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (2480, -1682, 550), (0, 180, 0));
createObject(("t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally"), (2317, -1702, 54Cool Man (aka Tustin), (0, -90, 0));
createObject(("p_glo_corrugated_metal1"), (2300, -1630, 550), (0, 90, 0));
createObject(("p_glo_corrugated_metal1"), (1313, -1512, 550), (0, 90, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_128x128x10"), (2300, -1650, 550), (0, 90, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_128x128x10"), (2300, -1360, 550), (0, 90, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (2176, -1660, 550), (0, 180, 0));
createObject(("t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally"), (2014, -1691, 54Cool Man (aka Tustin), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_512x512x10"), (2355, -1355, 550), (0, 180, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (2000, -1353, 550), (0, 180, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_512x512x10"), (1751, -1725, 550), (0, 180, 0));

createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (1998, -1192, 620), (0, 90, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_512x512x10"), (2210, -1505, 504), (0, 180, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_512x512x10"), (1690, -1505, 504), (0, 180, 0));
createObject(("p_glo_corrugated_metal1"), (1528, -1715, 550), (0, 0, 0));

createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_red"), (-2833, -652, 520), (0, -10, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_red"), (-2700, -673, 520), (0, 170, 0));
createObject(("veh_iw_gaz_tigr_destruct"), (-3030, -695, 515), (0, 180, 0));
createObject(("p_glo_corrugated_metal1"), (-3065, -432, 55Cool Man (aka Tustin), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally"), (-3070, -392, 56Cool Man (aka Tustin), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (-3094, -555, 550), (0, -90, 0));
createObject(("veh_iw_gaz_tigr_destruct"), (-2355, -475, 534), (-10, 80, 0));
createObject(("veh_iw_gaz_tigr_destruct"), (-2272, -618, 515), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_blue"), (-2111, -713, 520), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_civ_smallwagon_whole_green"), (-2135, -1028, 495), (0, 180, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (-2635, -834, 550), (0, -100, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (-2712, -1091, 550), (0, -100, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_blue"), (-2380, -1265, 480), (188, -90, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_red"), (-2512, -1235, 490), (-5, -166, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_red"), (-2641, -1262, 505), (10, 13, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_red"), (-2466, -1340, 465), (0, -90, 0));
createObject(("p_glo_corrugated_metal1"), (-2358, -1539, 505), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_128x128x10"), (-2405, -1539, 550), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("p_glo_corrugated_metal1"), (-2191, -1490, 490), (90, 90, 0));
createObject(("p_glo_corrugated_metal1"), (-2191, -1490, 52Cool Man (aka Tustin), (90, 90, 0));
createObject(("t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally"), (-2162, -1487, 490), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally"), (-2162, -1487, 520), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (-2062, -1544, 550), (0, 180, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_blue"), (-2380, -1771, 460), (0, -90, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_blue"), (-2262, -1840, 460), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_blue"), (-2142, -1840, 460), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_blue"), (-2020, -1840, 460), (0, 0, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_blue"), (-1970, -1765, 460), (0, 90, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_v_van_whole_blue"), (-1970, -1625, 460), (0, 90, 0));
wait 80;
PlayFX( level._effect["fx_mp_slums_vista_smoke"], (2760, -1240, -99) );
PlayFX( level._effect["fx_mp_slums_vista_smoke"], (2760, -1670, -99) );

//Created by xTiibo Modz
ents = getEntArray();
for ( index = 0; index < ents.size; index++ )
if(isSubStr(ents[index].classname, "trigger_hurt") )
ents[index].origin = (0, 0, -1500);

CreateMysteryBox((-690, -922, 28Cool Man (aka Tustin), (0, 85, 0), 100);
CreateMysteryBox((-813, 293, 134), (0, 55, 0), 100);

CreateDoor((-950, -2153, 14Cool Man (aka Tustin), (-800, -2410, 203), 2, (90, 0, 0), 6, 2, 30, 80);
CreateDoor((-2300, -169, -121), (-2336, -565, -119), 2, (90, -53, 0), 6, 2, 37, 80);
CreateDoor((-1275, -663, 207), (-1302, -383, 207), 2, (90, 55, 0), 4, 2, 35, 80);

CreateFlag((-835, -1231, 200), (-1031, 647, -147), false, true);
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-388, -2513, 230), (0, -45, 180));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-343, -2646, 230), (0, -135, 180));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-355, -2469, 250), (0, -45, -90));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-444, -2592, 230), (0, 135, 180));
createObject(("p6_street_vendor_goods_table02"), (-754, -2561, 195), (0, -175, 0));
createObject(("p6_street_vendor_goods_table02"), (-754, -2561, 230), (0, -175, 0));
createObject(("p6_street_vendor_goods_table02"), (-768, -2263, 230), (0, -175, 0));

createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-1973, -992, -140), (0, 170, -90));

createObject(("veh_t6_civ_car_compact"), (-1208, -856, 240), (0, -100, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_civ_car_compact"), (-1263, -1112, 240), (0, 123, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_civ_car_compact"), (-1222, -900, 240), (0, -141, 0));
createObject(("fxanim_gp_cloth_sheet_med03_mod"), (-1271, -984, 290), (0, 160, 0));
createObject(("fxanim_gp_cloth_sheet_med03_mod"), (-1286, -1024, 290), (0, 160, 0));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (-1268, -968, 230), (0, -93, 0));

createObject(("veh_t6_civ_car_compact"), (-743, -1288, 200), (0, -120, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_civ_car_compact"), (-743, -1288, 250), (0, -120, 0));

createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-939, -629, 180), (0, 115, 0));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-939, -629, 230), (0, -65, 0));
createObject(("veh_t6_civ_car_compact"), (-772, 358, 140), (0, 145, 0));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-1150, 70, 140), (30, 130, 180));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-1250, 190, 50), (30, 130, 180));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-1350, 310, -40), (30, 130, 180));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-1450, 430, -115), (15, 130, 180));

createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-1357, 623, -90), (0, -50, -90));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-1445, 735, -90), (0, 130, 90));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-1357, 623, -40), (0, -50, -90));
createObject(("t5_vehicle_tiara_whole_brown"), (-1445, 735, -40), (0, 130, 90));
createObject(("collision_clip_wall_256x256x10"), (-1170, 563, -133), (0, 160, 0));
createObject(( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally"), (-872, 728, -43), (0, 53,0 ));
createObject(( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally"), (-1080, 954, -129), (0, 155,0 ));
createObject(( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally"), (-1011, 1123, -129), (0, 170,0 ));

This map is not fully completed but I wanted anyway share this map, so maybe there are glitchs bugs.
Last edited by xTiibo Modz ; 04-30-2016 at 05:03 PM.

The following 4 users say thank you to xTiibo Modz for this useful post:

CodJumper:, DF_AUS, Skonafid, TheNiceUb3r
05-21-2016, 06:08 PM #11
At least I can fight
Originally posted by xTiibo
thanks me too I like your maps. I remember at the beginning of zombieland you were the one to make good maps.

I agree
05-22-2016, 05:24 AM #12
Bounty hunter
Me to,you and sneakerstreet have nice map edits dude.

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