Post: Black Ops 2 - Multiplayer And Zombies Offsets Collection [1.15 - 1.18]
01-20-2014, 08:05 PM #1
In my man cave
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hello Guys

Welcome to my Black Ops 2 - Offsets Collection Thread
This thread made to help the people here insted of searching in the whole forum for offsets
I added all the offsets here toghetor
So here they are:

1.15 Offsets And Addresses:

Name And Clan Tag Offsets:
Name Changer Offset: 0x026b75d0
Clan Tag Offset: 0x026ff0d9

Colored Clan tag (Elite): 0x026ff0d8
04 = RED
05 = GREEN

Status Offsets:
Prestige: 0x026F3F54
Experience: 0x026F3F6C (for rank 55 = 36 00 00 00 00 00 4C 0F 13)
Rank: 0x026F3F66
Score: 0x026F3F90
Wins: 0x026F4092
Losses: 0x026F3B22
Deaths: 0x026F3882
Kills: 0x026F3AB0
Time played: 0x026F404A
Headshots: 0x026F3984
Weapon unlocks: 0x026F5C4E
Callsign unlocks: 0x026FEBEA
Unlock All Bytes: Get it [URL=""]Here[/URL]

Lobby And Clients Offsets:
On Clients - 0x5808 Client Intervnal.

How To Use Client Intervnal:

Go On You must login or register to view this content. type the offset then +0x5808 then you will get the next client offset
Exmple: You must login or register to view this content.

Name Changer In Game:

Client 0: 0x01780d6c
Client 1: 0x1786574
Client 2: 0x178BD7C
Client 3: 0x1791584
Client 4: 0x1796D8C
Client 5: 0x179C594
Client 6: 0x17A1D9C
Client 7: 0x17A75A4
Client 8: 0x17ACDAC
Client 9: 0x17B25B4
Client 10: 0x17B7DBC
Client 11: 0x17BD5C4
Client 12: 0x17C2DCC
Client 13: 0x17C85D4
Client 14: 0x17CDDDC
Client 15: 0x17D35E4
Client 16: 0x17D8DEC
Client 17: 0x17DE5F4

Clan Tag in Game:

Client 0: 0x1780DD8

God Mod:
Flash God Mod:[/I]
Client 0: 0x01780d07 (FF FF FF - On , 00 64 00 - Off)

None Flash God Mod
Client 0: 0x0177b843 (05 - On , 08 - Off)

Use FF , FF for unlimted ammo or replace with 64 for 100 bullets
Primary Weapon Ammo: 0x0177bc63
Secondary Weapon Ammo: 0x0177bc67
Tactical Ammo: 0x0177bc6f
Lethal Ammo: 0x0177bc6b

VSAT (Advanced UAV):

Client 0: 0x01781017
Client 1: 0x178681F
(0F - On , 00 - Off)

    Offset: 0x0177b927 (0x02 , 0x0A Repet himself Use Timer)


Client 0: 0x01780ebf (0F - On , 00 - To Take it Off)

Toggle Lag:
Client 0: 0x01780c63 = (00 - On , 01 - To Take it Off)

All Perks:
Client 0: 0x0177bd70
(0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF - On)
(0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 - Off)

Skate Mod:

Offset: 0x0177b837 (On: 0xF0 Off: 0x00)

Enable Disable/Killstreak:[/I]
1: 0x0177bd87
2: 0x0177bd7f
3: 0x0177bd7b
0x01 - Enable , 0x00 - Disable
[I]Change Killstreak:[/I]
1: 0x0177bd97
2: 0x0177bd8f
3: 0x0177bd8b
(Set Value To Change Players Killstreak)
[I]Ultimate Killstreak:[/I]
0x0177bc57 = 01
0x0177bc59 = 01
0x0177bc5c = 01

Third Person:

Client 0: 0x177B8AC (0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

In Game State:

In Game Prestige: 0x1780D97
In Game Level: 0x1780D93

Primary Camo In Game Offset:
Client 0: 0x0177BB03

Camo Bytes: [URL=""]Here[/URL]


Poison Vision: 0x177BE0B (+0x5E3 For Next Client)
Disable 0x00

Night Vision: 0x177B842 (+0x1A For Next Client)

More Visions: 0x177B92B (+0x103 For Next Client)
Loadster: 0x04, 0x02
VTOL Warship: 0x02, 0x08
Hellstorm Missile: 0x02, 0x04
Default: 0x00

Offset: 0x0349EDC
O "Print Killfeed"
< "Print Center"
o "Vision"
; "Print Killfeed"
^ "Dvar"
5 "Kick everyone from the lobby" (Exmple 5 ^5GTFO)
7 "Freeze PS3" Exmple:7 30 90
d "Blur" Exmple: d 10000 10000 = Blur 10 seconds
@ - Anti Quit (1 On , 0 Off)
"s" - reset fov
[B]Some Dvars[/B]:
^ 5 - cg_fov
^ 6 90 - PS3 Freeze.
^ 10 906666 - Players taking biger size. 0 - Off

Lobby Settings:

Knock Back: 0x1c9e458 (0x4B 0x7A)
Gravity: 0x1ca8f59 (0x44 0x4Cool Man (aka Tustin)
Super Jump: 0x005BD6C4 (0x45 0x00)
FlyMode: 0x005D5278 (38 60 00 05 - On , 80 7D 00 04 - Off)
Minimum fall damage height: 0x000DE390
Maximum fall damage height: 0x000DE394

Disable Char Check:
0x361DD4 = 60 00 00 00
0x361DAC = 60 00 00 00
0x361DB8 = 48 00 00 04

Proper Disable Cheat/Write/Read Protection:
Enable = NOP (0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
Disable = 0x41 0x82 0x04 0xD8

0x003DA8A8 - Dvar_GetBool(const char *dvarName)
0x001E2664 - ClientSpawn(int *ent, const float *spawn_origin, const float *spawn_angles)
0x003DD5CC - Dvar_GetString(const char *dvarName)
0x00279C38 - G_SetAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle)
0x00279558 - G_SetOrigin(gentity_s *ent, const float *origin)
0x00359900 - SV_LinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt)
0x001E0FE8 - ClientEndFrame(gentity_s *ent)
0x001DF710 - ClientThink_real(gentity_s *ent, usercmd_s *ucmd)
0x005C614C - BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(playerState_s *ps, entityState_s *s, int snap, char handler)
0x005C5760 - BG_PlayerToEntitySetTrajectory(playerState_s *ps, entityState_s *s, int snap)
0x001E1C50 - SetClientViewAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle)
0x002B4090 - G_ClientStopUsingTurret(gentity_s *self)
0x001EE3E4 - PlayerCmd_setAngles(scr_entref_t entref)
0x003E5810 - va(const char *format)
0x0031EDF0 - Com_Error(errorParm_t code, const char *fmt)
0x003CAAF0 - vectoangles(const float *vec, float *angles)
G_spawn =0x278B20
G_SpawnEntitiesFromString =0x26BAFC
g_callspawnentity =0x26A3E8
G_EntAttach= 0x2776FC
G_EntDetach= 0x2778C0
G_SetModel( int client, string model ) =0x277504
g_entity: 0x016B4820
g_client: 0x0177B828
CBuf_AddText: 0x00314478
G_InitializeAmmo: 0x01E66F8
G_GivePlayerWeapon: 0x002A8224
Enable FPS Text: 0x000388DC (set to 60 00 00 00)
FPS String: 0x008E2E00
Disable read/write/cheat protection: 0x003DC5A4 (set to 48 00 00 DCool Man (aka Tustin)
Disable RSA Check: 0x00161F30 (set to 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 60

No Host Offsets:

cg_gun_x 0x1cc6be0
cg_gun_y 0x1cc6c40
cg_gun_z 0x1cc6ca0
cg_gun_move_f 0x1cc6d00
cg_gun_move_r 0x1cc6d60
cg_gun_move_u 0x1cc6dc0
cg_gun_ofs_f 0x1cc6e20
cg_gun_ofs_r 0x1cc6e80
cg_gun_ofs_u 0x1cc6ee0
cg_gun_rot_p 0x1cc6f40
cg_gun_rot_y 0x1cc6fa0
cg_gun_rot_r 0x1cc7000
cg_gun_move_rate 0x1cc7060
cg_gun_move_minspeed 0x1cc70c0
cg_gun_rot_rate 0x1cc7120
cg_gun_rot_minspeed 0x1cc7180

Force Host:

Offset: 0x01CCF4D8
0x00 - On , 0x01 - Off

Target Finder:

Offset: 0x1cc0778
(0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

Big Names:

Offset: 0x1cc0418
0x40, 0x40 - On , 0x3F, 0x26 - Off

Floating Boddies:

Offset: 0x1cc9958
On - 0x43, 0x48
Off - 0xC4, 0x48

Enable FPS Text: 0x000388DC (set to 60 00 00 00)
FPS String: 0x008E2E00

0x01CC3B38 - 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
0x01CC3B98 - 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
0x01CC3BF8 - 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
0x01CC3C58 - 0x01

0x01CC3B38 - 0x43, 0xFA, 0x00, 0x00
0x01CC3B98 - 0x42, 0xC8, 0x00, 0x00
0x01CC3BF8 - 0x43, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00
0x01CC3C58 - 0x00
Other Offset Of Normal UAV:[/I]
Offset: 0x33CB4
On - 2C 03 00 01
Off - 2C 03 00 00

Steady Aim:
Offset: 0x5F0030
On - 0x2C, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00
Off - 0x2C 0x04, 0x00, 0x02

No Recoil:
Offset: 0xF9E54
On - 60 00 00 00
Off - 48 50 63 75

Sky Colors:

Offset: 0x01cbbe58
Black Sky - 0F 80
Bright Sky - 5F 80
Fog - 3D 80
Shine - 3E 80
Very Light - 5F FF
Defualt - 3F 80
(You can play with the Value and change it to your Choice)

Flashing Players Colors (No Host):

Offset: 0x01cba9bc
3F FF 00 00 3F 00 - Green
4F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 00 - Light
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Strong Red
6F 80 00 00 2F 80 00 00 - Light Green
3F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 00 - Normal
3F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Blue
6F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Light Blue
0F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 - Light Purple
0F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 - Purple
3F FF 00 00 1F 00 00 - Yellow
1F FF 00 00 3F FF 00 - Pink
1F FF 00 00 5F FF 00 - Light Pink
3F 00 00 00 FF 00 00 - Orange
3F 00 00 00 3F 00 - Brown

JetPack All Clients: You must login or register to view this content.

Azus - Camo Bytes
Glitchy - Offsets
Raz0rMind - Offsets
Me (Mango_Knife) - Offsets
Shark - Offsets
SC58 - Offsets And Addresses/Functions
WhosYourHost - Offsets
Rawdog - Offsets
BaSs_HaXoR - Offsets
xSONKEYx - Offsets
Xx-GIPPI-xX - Offsets
Jailbreaker0110 - Offsets
Choco - Offsets
Enstone - Dvar_s
Seb5594 - Weapon Dump
AlmightySo - JetPack Script
ErasedDev - Some Addresses[/SIZE]

1.16 Offsets And Addresses:


Name Changer And Status:
Name: 0x26BDFD8
Prestige: 0x026fa994
Rank: 0x026fa9af (for rank 55 = 0x0F)
Score: 0x026fa9d0
Wins: 0x026faad2
Losses: 0x026fa562
Deaths: 0x026fa2c2
Kills: 0x026fa4f0
Time played: 0x026faa8a
Headshots: 0x026fa3c4
Weapon unlocks: 0x026fc68e
Callsign unlocks: 0x0270562a
Weapon Unlocks: 0x026fc68e //[URL=""]Weapon Unlocks Bytes[/URL]
Callsign (Titles) Unlocks: 0x0270562a //[URL=""]Titles Unlocks Bytes[/URL]

Lobby And Clients Offsets:
On Clients - 0x5808 Client Intervnal.

How To Use Client Intervnal:

Go On You must login or register to view this content. type the offset then +0x5808 then you will get the next client offset
Exmple: You must login or register to view this content.

Name In Game:

Client 0: 0x01783e6c

Clan Tag in Game:

Client 0: 0x1783ED8

Client 0: 0x0177e950
Client 1: 0x1784158

God Mod:
Flash God Mod:[/I]
Client 0: 0x01783e06
(FF FF FF - On , 00 64 00 - Off)

None Flash God Mod
Client 0: 0x177E943(05 - On , 08 - Off, 03 - Spectator God Mod)

Kill Player:

Offset: 0x177E958
0x46 - Kill

Use FF , FF for unlimted ammo or replace with 64 for 100 bullets
Primary Weapon Ammo: 0x0177ed66
Secondary Weapon Ammo: 0x0177ed60
Tactical Ammo: 0x0177ed6e
Lethal Ammo: 0x0177ed6a

Status In Game:
Points - 0x01783F14
Kills - 0x01783F18
Deaths - 0x01783F1C
Headshots - 0x01783F20

VSAT (Advanced UAV):

Client 0: 0x1784117
(0F - On , 00 - Off)

Player Speed:
Offset - 0x01783E18
(0x3F - Off , 0x40 - On (Speed x2))

Weapon Skin Model:
Offset - 0x01783E1E
{0x01 , 0x24} - Invisible Weapon

    Offset: 0x177EA27 (0x02 , 0x0A Repet himself Use Timer)


Client 0: 0x1783FBF(0F - On , 00 - To Take it Off)

Toggle Lag:
Client 0: 0x1783D63= (00 - On , 02 - To Take it Off)

All Perks:
Client 0: 0x177EE70
(0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF - On)
(0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 - Off)

Skate Mod:

Offset: 0x0177b837 (On: 0xF0 Off: 0x22)

Enable Disable/Killstreak:[/I]
1: 0x177EE87
2: 0x177EE7F
3: 0x177EE7B
0x01 - Enable , 0x00 - Disable
[I]Change Killstreak:[/I]
1: 0x177EE97
2: 0x177EE8F
3: 0x177EE8B
(Set Value To Change Players Killstreak)
[I]Ultimate Killstreak:[/I]
0x177ED57 = 01
0x177ED59 = 01
0x177ED5C = 01

Third Person:

Client 0: 0x177E9AC (0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

In Game State:

In Game Prestige: 0x1783E97
In Game Level: 0x1783E93

Offset: 0x0177EA25
On - 0x01 , Off - 0x00

Primary Camo In Game Offset:
Client 0:
Primary Weapon: 0x177EC03
Secondary Weapon: 0x0177EC03

Client 0:
Primary Weapon: 0x0177EBCB
Secondary Weapon: 0x0177EBAF

New Camos:
Beast - 0x29
Dead Man's Hand - 0x28
Octane - 0x2a
Weaponized 115 - 0x2b

Camo Bytes: [URL=""]Here[/URL]


Poison Vision: 0x177EF0B (+0x5808 For Next Client)
Disable 0x00

Night Vision: 0x177E942 (+0x5808 For Next Client)

More Visions: 0x177EA2B (+0x5808 For Next Client)
Loadster: 0x04, 0x02
VTOL Warship: 0x02, 0x08
Hellstorm Missile: 0x02, 0x04
Default: 0x00

Black Screen:
0x177eed0 - 0x00, 0x00
0x177eecc - 0x01
0x177eed0 0x40, 0xC0
0x177eecc 0x00

On: 0xE4
Off: 0x04

0x177ea87 - 81 then 33 (Use timer)

[I]Hardcore Mod:[/I]
On - 90
Off - 00

Offset: 0x01783d4b
0x01 - Dead
0x00 - Alive
0x02 - Spectate

Offset: 0x01783e2f
Seals: 0x01
Auto Assign: 0x02
Spectator: 0x09
Free For All: 0x00

Offset: 0x0177ea00
0x11 - Kick

Offset: 0x34A1CC
O "Print Killfeed"
< "Print Center"
o "Vision"
; "Print Killfeed"
^ "Dvar"
5 "Kick everyone from the lobby" (Exmple 5 ^5GTFO)
7 "Freeze PS3" Exmple:7 30 90
d "Blur" Exmple: d 10000 10000 = Blur 10 seconds
@ - Anti Quit (1 On , 0 Off)
"s" - reset fov
Some Dvars:
^ 5 - cg_fov
^ 6 90 - PS3 Freeze.
^ 10 906666 - Players taking biger size. 0 - Off

Lobby Settings:
Super Jump- 0x5BE234 (0x45 0x00) - On
Fly Mode- 0x5D5DE8 (38 60 00 05 - On , 80 7D 00 04 - Off)
Minimum Fall Damage- 0xDE390
Maximum Fall Damage- 0xDE394

Offset: 0x1CA2858
On: 0x4A
Off: 0x44

Time Scale:
Offset: 0x01CB5578
0x40, 0xFF - Very Fast
0x3F, 0xFF - Fast
0x3F, 0x80 - Normal
0x3E, 0x80 - Slow
0x3D, 0xFF - Very Slow

FPS: 0x37FEC
FPS String: 0x8E3590
Scr_SetFog = 0x00258FE8
SetClientViewAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle) = 0x001E1D90
SP_Script_Model = 0x002670E8
G_SetModel: 0x277644
G_HudElem = 0x15DB500
G_Entity: 0x16B7920
G_Client: 0x177E928
BG_GetWeaponDef: 0x607088
G_GivePlayerWeapon: 0x2A8364
G_InitializeAmmo: 0x1E6838
SP_Script_Model: 0x2670E8
G_Spawn: 0x278C60
RPC Return Value Fix: 0x7AA240 (Enable: 0x90, 0x64, 0x00, 0x04) //Set After RPC Is Enabled!
Cbuf_AddText: 0x313E88
Disable Read-Write-Cheat Protection - 0x3DC8A4 (set to- 48 00 00 DCool Man (aka Tustin)
Disable RSA Protection: 0x3DC040 (Enable: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
Fog: 0x001FAF08
G_SetFog = 0x001FAF08
G_SetModel = 0x00277644
G_SetOrigin(gentity_s *ent, const float *origin) = 0x00279698
G_Spawn = 0x00278C60
G_SpawnEntitiesFromString =
G_SpawnTurret = 0x002BA5C8
HudElem_Alloc = 0x00275B90
Key_IsDown = 0x001185BC
level_locals_t = 0x01605B00, leveltime = level_locals_t + + 0x798
G_GivePlayerWeapon- 0x2A8364
G_InitializeAmmo- 0x1E6838
g_client- 0x177E928
g_entity- 0x16B7920
G_SetAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle)- 0x279D78
G_SetOrigin(gentity_s *ent, const float *origin)- 0x279698
ClientSpawn(int *ent, const float *spawn_origin, const float *spawn_angles)- 0x1E27A4
SV_LinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt)- 0x359BF0
ClientEndFrame(gentity_s *ent)- 0x1E1128
ClientThink_real(gentity_s *ent, usercmd_s *ucmd)- 0x1DF850
BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(playerState_s *ps, entityState_s *s, int snap, char handler)- 0x5C6CBC
SetClientViewAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle)- 0x1E1D90
G_ClientStopUsingTurret(gentity_s *self)- 0x2B41D0
(scr_entref_t entref)
PlayerCmd_takeallweapons - 0x1E7358
PlayerCmd_getcurrentweapon - 0x1E7450
PlayerCmd_suicide - 1F3630
PlayerCmd_closemenu - 0x1F4618
PlayerCmd_closeingamemenu - 0x1F46E4
PlayerCmd_freezecontrols - 0x1F77AC
PlayerCmd_freezecontrolsisallowlook - 0x1F786C
PlayerCmd_setperk - 0x1F98C0
PlayerCmd_unsetperk - 0x1F9C60
PlayerCmd_setrank - 0x1FA228
PlayerCmd_setclientfov - 0x1F6D88
PlayerCmd_cloneplayer - 0x1F6528

Clone Player:
#region ClonePlayer
public static void ClonePlayer(uint client)
PS3.SetMemory(0x1F6528, new byte[] { 0x38, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00 });
Functions.WriteInt16(0x1F6528 + 2, (short)client);
RPC.Call(0x1F6528, client);

#region Suicide
public static void SuicidePlayer(int client)
PS3.SetMemory(0x1F3630, new byte[] { 0x38, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00 });
Functions.WriteInt16(0x1F3630 + 2, (short)client);
RPC.Call(0x1F3630, client);
RPC.iPrintln((int)client, "You have been killed!");

No Host Offsets:

Force Host:

Offset: 0x01cd3998
0x00 - On , 0x01 - Off

Floating Boddies:
Offset: 0x1CCDD58
On - 0x43, 0x48
Off - 0xC4, 0x48

Steady Aim
Offset: 0x5F0BA0
On - 0x2C, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00
Off - 0x2C 0x04, 0x00, 0x02

Offset: 0x33CB4
On - 2C 03 00 01
Off - 2C 03 00 00

Other Offset:
UAV Offset 1: 0x01CC7F38
On: 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
Off: 0x43, 0xFA, 0x00, 0x00

UAV Offset 2: 0x01CC7F98
On: 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
Off: 0x42, 0xC8, 0x00, 0x00

UAV Offset 3: 0x01CC7FF8
On: 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
Off: 0x43, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00

UAV Offset 4: 0x01CC8058
On: 0x01
Off: 0x00

(Change all the 4 to get the UAV wroking)

No Recoil:
Offset: 0xF9E54
On - 60 00 00 00
Off - 48 50 63 75

Target Finder:
Offset: 0x01CC4B78
On: 0x01
Off: 0x00

Big Names:
Offset: 0x01CC4818
On: 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00
Off: 0x3f, 0x26, 0x66, 0x66

Sky Colors:
Offset: 0x1CC0258
Black Sky - 0F 80
Bright Sky - 5F 80
Fog - 3D 80
Shine - 3E 80
Very Light - 5F FF
Defualt - 3F 80
(You can play with the Value and change it to your Choice)

Body Color:
Offset: 0x1CBEDBC
3F FF 00 00 3F 00 - Green
4F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 00 - Light
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Strong Red
6F 80 00 00 2F 80 00 00 - Light Green
3F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 00 - Normal
3F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Blue
6F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Light Blue
0F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 - Light Purple
0F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 - Purple
3F FF 00 00 1F 00 00 - Yellow
1F FF 00 00 3F FF 00 - Pink
1F FF 00 00 5F FF 00 - Light Pink
3F 00 00 00 FF 00 00 - Orange
3F 00 00 00 3F 00 - Brown

eddie mac - Addresses
Raz0rMind - SV Commands
SC58 - Name Changer And No Host Offsets
Sharks - Adresses
M-alShammary - Status Offsets
ItsLollo1000 - Addresses
i_iTop_i - No Host Offsets
Tustin - New Camos Bytes
ARABIC_GUY - Force Host Offset
ErasedDev - Offsets
NiiinjaModz-- - Online Camo Offsets
DexModderFTW - Clone And Suicide Functions.
Mango_Knife - Clients Offsets + No Host Offsets.


Name Changer: 0x26BDFD8
Local Name: 0x026bdfff

Clients Offsets:

Client Intervnal Is 0x5808 Like On Multiplayer[/SIZE]

In Game Name:
    Offset: 0x1783E6C

God Mod:
No Flash God Mod: 0x0177e943 (0x04 - Off , 05 - On)
Flash God Mod: 0x1783E04 - (0xFF, 0xFF - On , 0x00, 0x64 - Off)
Spectator God Mod: 0x0177e943 (0x03 - On , 0x04 - Off)

0x0F 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF - Ultimate Ammo
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x64 - 100 Bullets
Primary Weapon Bullets Ammo: 0x0177ed54
Primary Weapon Clip Ammo: 0x0177ed18
Secondary Weapon Bullets Ammo: 0x0177ed5c
Secondary Weapon Clip Ammo: 0x0177ed20
Lethal Ammo: 0x0177ed58
Tactical Ammo: (Working on it...)

Status In Game And Money:
Kills: 0x01783f1a
Downs: 0x01783f1e
Money/Score: 0x01783f01 (0x0F, 0x42, 0x40 = 1 Milion)

Skate Mod:
Offset: 0x0177e936
(0x05 - On , 0x08 - Off)

Teleport/Location (X,Y,Z):
    Offset: 0x177E950

Third Person:
    Offset: 0x0177e9ac
(0x00 - Off , 0x01 - On)

Give Lag:
Offset: 0x1783D63
(0x00 - On , 0x02 - Off)

Disable Movement:
Offset: 0x01783d4b
(0x00 - Off , 0x01 - Invisible , 0x02 - Spectate , 0x03 - Stuck on scoreboard)

Invisible: (Zombies can stil kill u/detect u):
Offset: 0x177EA25
(0x00 - Off , 0x01 - On)

Offset: 0x1783FBF
(0x00 - Off , 0x04 - On)

Player Speed:
    Offset: 0x1783E18
(0x3F - Off , 0x40 - On)

HuD On/Off:
Offset: 0x1783F3F
(0x00 - To take it off , 0x01 - To get it back on)

Max Level:
Offset: 0x1783E93
(0xFF - MAX Level , 0x00 - Level 1)

Last Stand:
Offset: 0x178412B
(0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

CheckBox On Screen:
Offset: 0x177E942
(0x10 - On , 0x00 - Off)

Weapon Settings:
Offset: 0x1783E1F
0xE9 - Default
0xE8 - Invisible Weapon
0xE4 - Wall/Block
0x40 - Weapon Fucked Up

Offset: 0x1783E18
(0x00 - On , 0x3F - Off)

---Change Weapon's---
Primary Weapon: 0x177EB8F
Secondary Weapon: 0x177EBC7
Lethal: 0x0177ebab (Dont change to primary/secondary weapon or all the weapons will removed!)

Weapon's List:
Working on it...
0x01 - Default Weapon

Kick Client:
Offset: 0x177EA8F
0xFF To Kick

Lobby Offsets:
Speed: 0x1CA27FA (0x00, 0xBE, 0x00 - Default , 0x01, 0xBE, 0x00 - Fast , 0x02, 0xBE, 0x00 - Very Fast)
Gravity: 0x1CAD358 (0x44, 0x48 - Default , 0x42, 0xAA - Low)
Super Jump: 0x005BE234(0x44, 0x61 - High) (0x45, 0x48 - Very High) (0x00, 0x00 - No Jump) (0x42, 0x9C - Default

Offset : 0x26F6AC0
Round -1717971242: 0xd6 0xd6 0x99 0x99
Round 214: 0xD6
Round 169: 0xA9
Round 80: 0x50
Round 50: 0x32

No Host:

Force Host:
Offset: NOT WORK!
(0x00 - On , 0x01 - Off)

Body Color:
Offset: 0x01cbee78
3F FF 00 00 3F 00 - Green
4F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 00 - Light
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Strong Red
6F 80 00 00 2F 80 00 00 - Light Green
3F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 00 - Normal
3F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Blue
6F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Light Blue
0F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 - Light Purple
0F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 - Purple
3F FF 00 00 1F 00 00 - Yellow
1F FF 00 00 3F FF 00 - Pink
1F FF 00 00 5F FF 00 - Light Pink
3F 00 00 00 FF 00 00 - Orange
3F 00 00 00 3F 00 - Brown

Field Of View (FOV):
Offset: 0x01cc2c58
(Default - 0x42, 0x82) (90 - 0x42, 0xC2)

D3skm - Rounds.
XM7MD_VX - Rounds.
Mango_Knife - For Finding All This
RawDog - Send me the 1.15 offsets back in old days Smile

1.17 Offsets And Addresses:


Name Changer And Status:
Name: 0x026c05d8
Local Name: 0x026c05ff
Prestige: 0x026FCF94
Rank: 0x26FCFAF (for rank 55 = 0x0F)
Score: 0x26FCFD0
Wins: 0x26FD0D2
Tokens Offset: 0x27068B8
Losses: 0x26FCB62
Deaths: 0x26FC8C2
Kills: 0x26FCAF0
Time played: 0x26FD08A
Headshots: 0x26FC9C4
Weapon unlocks: 0x26FEC8E
Callsign unlocks: 0x2707C2A
Weapon Unlocks: 0x26FEC8E //[URL=""]Weapon Unlocks Bytes[/URL]
Callsign (Titles) Unlocks: 0x0270562a //[URL=""]Titles Unlocks Bytes[/URL]
Ghosts/Roxann Titles
Ghosts: 0x02708199
Roxann: 0x0270819C
put 0xFF to get the title

Lobby And Clients Offsets:
On Clients - 0x5808 Client Intervnal.

How To Use Client Intervnal:

Go On You must login or register to view this content. type the offset then +0x5808 then you will get the next client offset
Exmple: You must login or register to view this content.

Name In Game:

Client 0: 0x0178646c

Clan Tag in Game:

Client 0: 0x17864D8

Client 0: 0x1780F50

God Mod:
Flash God Mod:[/I]
Client 0: 0x1786406
(FF FF FF - On , 00 64 00 - Off)

None Flash God Mod
Client 0: 0x1780F43(05 - On , 08 - Off, 03 - Spectator God Mod)

Kill Player:

Offset: 0x1780F58
0x46 - Kill

Use FF , FF for unlimted ammo or replace with 00 64 for 100 bullets
PrimaryBullets = 0x0178135d ,
PrimaryClip = 0x01781361 ,
SecondaryBullets = 0x01781365 ,
SecondaryClip = 0x01781359 ,
GranadeLuncherBullets = 0x0178139d ,
GranadeLuncherClip = 0x01781395 ,
Lethal = 0x01781391 ,
Tactical = 0x0178138d ;

Status In Game:
Points - 0x1786516 (2 Bytes)
Kills - 0x0178651A (2 Bytes)
Deaths - 0x178651E (2 Bytes)
Headshots - 0x1786522 (2 Bytes)

VSAT (Advanced UAV):

Client 0: 0x01786717
(0F - On , 00 - Off)

Auto Prone:[/I]
Client 0: 0x01786718
(01 - On , 00 - Off)

Player Speed:
Offset - 0x1786418
(0x3F - Off , 0x40 - On (Speed x2))

Weapon Skin Model:
Offset - 0x178641E
{0x01 , 0x24} - Invisible Weapon

    Offset: 0x1781027 (0x02 , 0x0A Repet himself Use Timer)


Client 0: 0x17865BF(0F - On , 00 - To Take it Off)

Toggle Lag:
Client 0: 0x1786363(00 - On , 02 - To Take it Off)

All Perks:
Client 0: 0x1781470
(0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF - On)
(0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 - Off)

Skate Mod:

Offset: 0x177DE37 (On: 0xF0 Off: 0x22)

Enable Disable/Killstreak:[/I]
1: 0x1781487
2: 0x178147F
3: 0x178147B
0x01 - Enable , 0x00 - Disable
[I]Change Killstreak:[/I]
1: 0x1781497
2: 0x178148F
3: 0x178148B
(Set Value To Change Players Killstreak)
[I]Ultimate Killstreak:[/I]
0x1781357 = 01
0x1781359 = 01
0x178135C = 01

Third Person:

Client 0: 0x1780FAC (0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

In Game State:

In Game Prestige: 0x1786497
In Game Level: 0x1786493

Offset: 0x1781025
On - 0x01 , Off - 0x00

Primary Camo In Game Offset:
Client 0:
Primary Weapon: 0x1781203
Secondary Weapon: 0x1781203

Client 0:
Primary Weapon: 0x17811CB
Secondary Weapon: 0x17811AF

New Camos:
14 - Angleterre
1e - Paladin
21 - bd
2c - Electrique
Beast - 0x29
Dead Man's Hand - 0x28
Octane - 0x2a
Weaponized 115 - 0x2b

Camo Bytes: [URL=""]Here[/URL]


Poison Vision: 0x178150B (+0x5808 For Next Client)
Disable 0x00

Night Vision: 0x1780F42 (+0x5808 For Next Client)

More Visions: 0x178102B (+0x5808 For Next Client)
Loadster: 0x04, 0x02
VTOL Warship: 0x02, 0x08
Hellstorm Missile: 0x02, 0x04
Default: 0x00

Black Screen:
0x017814d0 - 0x00, 0x00
0x017814cc - 0x01
0x017814d0 0x40, 0xC0
0x017814cc 0x00

On: 0xE4
Off: 0x04

0x1781087 - 81 then 33 (Use timer)

[I]Hardcore Mod:[/I]
On - 90
Off - 00

Offset: 0x178634B
0x01 - Dead
0x00 - Alive
0x02 - Spectate
0x03 - Connecting

Offset: 0x178642F
Seals: 0x01
Auto Assign: 0x02
Spectator: 0x09
Free For All: 0x00

No Host Offsets:

Offset: 0xEF68C
On - 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01
Off - 0x2C 0x03, 0x00, 0x00


Offset: 0x00033C60 (0x60,0,0,0 - On , 0x40, 0x81, 0, 0x44 - Off)

Real Wallhack:

Offset: 0x000834D0 (0x38, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF - On , 0x63, 0x26, 0, 0 - Off)

Red Boxes:

Offset: 0x000783E0 (0x38, 0x60, 0, 1 - On , 0x38, 0x60, 0, 0 - Off)
Offset: 0x00078604 (0x60, 0, 0, 0 - On , 0x41, 0x81, 1, 0x0C - Off)

Force Host:

Offset: 0x1CD5F98
0x00 - On , 0x01 - Off

Floating Boddies:
Offset: 0x01cd0358
On - 0x43, 0x48
Off - 0xC4, 0x48

Steady Aim
Offset: 0x5F0BA0
On - 0x2C, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00
Off - 0x2C 0x04, 0x00, 0x02

Offset: 0x33CB4
On - 2C 03 00 01
Off - 2C 03 00 00

Other Offset:
UAV Offset 1: 0x01CC7F38
On: 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
Off: 0x43, 0xFA, 0x00, 0x00

UAV Offset 2: 0x01CC7F98
On: 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
Off: 0x42, 0xC8, 0x00, 0x00

UAV Offset 3: 0x01CC7FF8
On: 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
Off: 0x43, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00

UAV Offset 4: 0x01CC8058
On: 0x01
Off: 0x00

(Change all the 4 to get the UAV wroking)

No Recoil:
Offset: 0xF9E54
On - 60 00 00 00
Off - 48 50 6E E5

Target Finder:
Offset: 0x01CC4B78
On: 0x01
Off: 0x00

Big Names:
Offset: 0x1CC6E18
On: 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00
Off: 0x3f, 0x26, 0x66, 0x66

Sky Colors:
Offset: 0x1CC2858
Black Sky - 0F 80
Bright Sky - 5F 80
Fog - 3D 80
Shine - 3E 80
Very Light - 5F FF
Defualt - 3F 80
(You can play with the Value and change it to your Choice)

Body Color:
Offset: 0x1CC13BC
3F FF 00 00 3F 00 - Green
4F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 00 - Light
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Strong Red
6F 80 00 00 2F 80 00 00 - Light Green
3F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 00 - Normal
3F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Blue
6F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Light Blue
0F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 - Light Purple
0F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 - Purple
3F FF 00 00 1F 00 00 - Yellow
1F FF 00 00 3F FF 00 - Pink
1F FF 00 00 5F FF 00 - Light Pink
3F 00 00 00 FF 00 00 - Orange
3F 00 00 00 3F 00 - Brown

Offset: 0x34A1CC
O "Print Killfeed"
< "Print Center"
o "Vision"
; "Print Killfeed"
^ "Dvar"
5 "Kick everyone from the lobby" (Exmple 5 ^5GTFO)
7 "Freeze PS3" Exmple:7 30 90
d "Blur" Exmple: d 10000 10000 = Blur 10 seconds
@ - Anti Quit (1 On , 0 Off)
"s" - reset fov
Some Dvars:
^ 5 - cg_fov
^ 6 90 - PS3 Freeze.
^ 10 906666 - Players taking biger size. 0 - Off

Lobby Settings:
Super Jump- 0x5BE234 (0x45 0x00) - On
Fly Mode- 0x5D5DE8 (38 60 00 05 - On , 80 7D 00 04 - Off)
Minimum Fall Damage- 0xDE390
Maximum Fall Damage- 0xDE394

RPC = 0x7AA1D0,
g_gametype = 0x00f57fd6,
FPS = 0x3979DC,
G_LocalizedStringIndex = 0x275D24,
G_SoundAliasIndex = 0x4F494C,
SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x34A1CC,
Cbuf_AddText = 0x313E88,
cl_ingame = 0x1CB6868,
LocalPlayerName = 0x26C05FF,
level_locals_t = 0x1608100,
LevelTime = level_locals_t + 0x798,
G_HudElems = 0x15DDB00,
G_MaterialIndex = 0x276020,

G_Client = 0x1780F28,
ClientVelocity = 0x34,
ClientViewModel = 0x54F4,
ClientButtonMonitoring = 0x569C,
ClientPlayerName = 0x5544,
ClientOrigin = 0x28,
ClientAngles = 0x56BC,
ClientTeam = 0x5504,
ClientIsAlive = 0x55D0,
ClientStance = 0xFC,
ClientGodMode = 0x18,
ClientPrimaryCamo = 0x2D8,
ClientSecondaryCamo = 0x2BC,
ClientTactical = 0x30C,
ClientLethal = 0x2F0,
ClientKS1 = 0x42B,
ClientKS2 = 0x430,
ClientKS3 = 0x434,

G_Entity = 0x16B9F20,
G_AddEvent = 0x279950,
G_GivePlayerWeapon = 0x2A8364,
SetClientViewAngles = 0x1E1D90,
Player_Die = 0x1FD510,
ScriptEntCmdGetCommandTimes = 0x267208,
ScriptMover_SetupMove = 0x268A38,
SV_LinkEntity = 0x359BF0,
G_TempEntity = 0x279740,
G_SetModel = 0x277644,
G_Spawn = 0x278C60,
G_SpawnTurret = 0x2BA5C8,
G_SpawnHelicopter = 0x22C558,
SP_Turret = 0x2BAE58,
SP_Script_Model = 0x2670E8;
FPS: 0x37FEC
FPS String: 0x8E3590
Scr_SetFog = 0x00258FE8
SetClientViewAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle) = 0x001E1D90
SP_Script_Model = 0x002670E8
G_SetModel: 0x277644
G_HudElem = 0x15DB500
G_Entity: 0x016B9F20
G_GivePlayerWeapon: 0x2A8364
G_InitializeAmmo: 0x1E6838
SP_Script_Model: 0x2670E8
G_Spawn: 0x278C60
RPC Return Value Fix: 0x7AA240 (Enable: 0x90, 0x64, 0x00, 0x04) //Set After RPC Is Enabled!
Cbuf_AddText: 0x313E88
Disable Read-Write-Cheat Protection - 0x3DC8A4 (set to- 48 00 00 DCool Man (aka Tustin)
Disable RSA Protection: 0x3DC040 (Enable: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
Fog: 0x001FAF08
G_SpawnTurret = 0x002BA5C8
HudElem_Alloc = 0x00275B90
Key_IsDown = 0x001185BC
level_locals_t = 0x01608100 leveltime = level_locals_t + + 0x798
PlayerCmd_takeallweapons - 0x1E7358
PlayerCmd_getcurrentweapon - 0x1E7450
PlayerCmd_suicide - 1F3630
PlayerCmd_closemenu - 0x1F4618
PlayerCmd_closeingamemenu - 0x1F46E4
PlayerCmd_freezecontrols - 0x1F77AC
PlayerCmd_freezecontrolsisallowlook - 0x1F786C
PlayerCmd_setperk - 0x1F98C0
PlayerCmd_unsetperk - 0x1F9C60
PlayerCmd_setrank - 0x1FA228
PlayerCmd_setclientfov - 0x1F6D88
PlayerCmd_cloneplayer - 0x1F6528
Entity Size = 0x31C,

Sharks - Addresses
B777x - Ghosts/Roxann Titles
ItsLollo1000 - Addresses
B777x - Tokens Offsets
D3skrm - Offsets
SC58 - Name Changer And No Host Offsets
i_iTop_i - No Host Offsets
D3CH - No Host Offsets
ErasedDev - Status in game
darkchopper - Camos
Tustin - Camos
Mango_Knife - Clients Offsets + No Host Offsets + Status.


Name Changer: 0x26BDFD8
Local Name: 0x026bdfff

Clients Offsets:

Client Intervnal Is 0x5808 Like On Multiplayer[/SIZE]

Name In Game:[/I]
Client 0:0x178646C

Clan Tag in Game:

Client 0: 0x17864D8

Client 0: 0x1780F50

Offset: 0x178634B
0x01 - Dead
0x00 - Alive
0x02 - Spectate
0x03 - Connecting

Offset: 0x178642F
Seals: 0x01
Auto Assign: 0x02
Spectator: 0x09
Free For All: 0x00

God Mode:
Flash God Mode:[/I]
(0F FF FF FF - On ,00 00 00 64 - Off)

No Flash God Mode: 0x1780F43(0x04 - Off , 05 - On)
Spectator God Mode: 0x1780F43(0x03 - On , 0x04 - Off)

Kill Player:

Offset: 0x1780F58
0x46 - Kill

0xFF 0xFF 0xFF - Ultimate Ammo
0x00 0x00 0x64 - 100 Bullets
PrimaryBullets = 0x0178135d ,
PrimaryClip = 0x01781361 ,
SecondaryBullets = 0x01781365 ,
SecondaryClip = 0x01781359 ,
GranadeLuncherBullets = 0x0178139d ,
GranadeLuncherClip = 0x01781395 ,
Lethal = 0x01781391 ,
Tactical = 0x0178138d ;

Force Host:

Offset: 0x1CD64D8
0x00 - On , 0x01 - Off

Status In Game:
Points/Score - 0x01786501
Kills - 0x1786505
Downs - 0x178651E
Headshots - 0x178650D

Skate Mod:
Offset: 0x1780F36
(0x05 - On , 0x08 - Off)

Teleport/Location (X,Y,Z):
    Offset: 0x1780F50

Third Person:
    Offset: 0x1780FAC
(0x00 - Off , 0x01 - On)

Give Lag:
Offset: 0x1786363
(0x00 - On , 0x02 - Off)

Disable Movement:
Offset: 0x178634B
(0x00 - Off , 0x01 - Invisible , 0x02 - Spectate , 0x03 - Stuck on scoreboard)

Invisible: (Zombies can stil kill u/detect u):
Offset: 0x1781025
(0x00 - Off , 0x01 - On)

Offset: 0x17865BF
(0x00 - Off , 0x04 - On)

Player Speed:
    Offset: 0x1786418
(0x3F - Off , 0x40 - On)

HuD On/Off:
Offset: 0x178653F
(0x00 - To take it off , 0x01 - To get it back on)

Max Level:
Offset: 0x1786493
(0xFF - MAX Level , 0x00 - Level 1)

Last Stand:
Offset: 0x178672B
(0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

CheckBox On Screen:
Offset: 0x1780F42
(0x10 - On , 0x00 - Off)

Weapon Model:
Offset: 0x178641F
0xE9 - Default
0xE8 - Invisible Weapon
0xE4 - Wall/Block
0x40 - Weapon Fucked Up

Offset: 0x1786418
(0x00 - On , 0x3F - Off)

---Change Weapon's---
Primary Weapon: 0x178118F
Secondary Weapon: 0x17811C7
Weapon3 = 0x17811E3
Lethal: 0x17811AB(Dont change to primary/secondary weapon or all the weapons will removed!)
Tactical = 0x17811FF
Weapon's List:

Kick Client:
Offset: 0x178108F
0xFF To Kick

Lobby Offsets:
Speed: 0x01CA4DFA(0x00, 0xBE, 0x00 - Default , 0x01, 0xBE, 0x00 - Fast , 0x02, 0xBE, 0x00 - Very Fast)
Gravity: 0x01CAF958(0x44, 0x48 - Default , 0x42, 0xAA - Low)
Super Jump: 0x005BE234(0x44, 0x61 - High) (0x45, 0x48 - Very High) (0x00, 0x00 - No Jump) (0x42, 0x9C - Default

No Host:

Body Color:
Offset: 0x01CC1478
3F FF 00 00 3F 00 - Green
4F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 00 - Light
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Strong Red
6F 80 00 00 2F 80 00 00 - Light Green
3F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 00 - Normal
3F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Blue
6F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Light Blue
0F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 - Light Purple
0F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 - Purple
3F FF 00 00 1F 00 00 - Yellow
1F FF 00 00 3F FF 00 - Pink
1F FF 00 00 5F FF 00 - Light Pink
3F 00 00 00 FF 00 00 - Orange
3F 00 00 00 3F 00 - Brown

Field Of View (FOV):
Offset: 0x01CC5258
(Default - 0x42, 0x82) (90 - 0x42, 0xC2)

Mango_Knife - Updating
RawDog - Send me the 1.15 offsets back in old days Smile

1.18 Offsets And Addresses:


Name Changer And Status:
Name: 0x026C0658
Local Name: 0x026c067f
Clan Tag: 0x2708238
Prestige: 0x26FD014
Rank: 0x26FD02C (0x36, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4C, 0x0F, 0x13 - Level 55)
(First Set This: 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 on Offset: 0x26FD016, Then change your rank)
Score: 0x26FD050
Wins: 0x26FD152
Tokens Offset: 0x2706938
Losses: 0x26FCBE2
Deaths: 0x26FC942
Kills: 0x26FCB70
Time played: 0x26FD10A
Headshots: 0x26FCA44
Weapon unlocks: 0x26FED0E
Callsign unlocks: 0x2707CAA
[URL=""]Weapon Unlocks Bytes[/URL]
Callsign (Titles) Unlocks: 0x0270562a //[URL=""]Titles Unlocks Bytes[/URL]
Ghosts/Roxann Titles
Ghosts - 0x2708219
Roxann - 0x270821C
put 0xFF to get the title

Lobby And Clients Offsets:
On Clients - 0x5808 Client Intervnal.

How To Use Client Intervnal:

Go On You must login or register to view this content. type the offset then +0x5808 then you will get the next client offset
Exmple: You must login or register to view this content.

Name In Game:

Client 0: 0x0178646c

Clan Tag in Game:

Client 0: 0x17864D8

Client 0: 0x1780F50

God Mod:
Flash God Mod:[/I]
Client 0: 0x1786406
(FF FF FF - On , 00 64 00 - Off)

None Flash God Mod
Client 0: 0x1780F43(05 - On , 08 - Off, 03 - Spectator God Mod)

Kill Player:

Offset: 0x1780F58
0x46 - Kill

Use FF , FF for unlimted ammo or replace with 00 64 for 100 bullets
PrimaryBullets = 0x0178135d ,
PrimaryClip = 0x01781361 ,
SecondaryBullets = 0x01781365 ,
SecondaryClip = 0x01781359 ,
GranadeLuncherBullets = 0x0178139d ,
GranadeLuncherClip = 0x01781395 ,
Lethal = 0x01781391 ,
Tactical = 0x0178138d ;

Status In Game:
Points - 0x1786516 (2 Bytes)
Kills - 0x0178651A (2 Bytes)
Deaths - 0x178651E (2 Bytes)
Headshots - 0x1786522 (2 Bytes)

VSAT (Advanced UAV):

Client 0: 0x01786717
(0F - On , 00 - Off)

Auto Prone:[/I]
Client 0: 0x01786718
(01 - On , 00 - Off)

Player Speed:
Offset - 0x1786418
(0x3F - Off , 0x40 - On (Speed x2))

Weapon Skin Model:
Offset - 0x178641E
{0x01 , 0x24} - Invisible Weapon

    Offset: 0x1781027 (0x02 , 0x0A Repet himself Use Timer)


Client 0: 0x17865BF(0F - On , 00 - To Take it Off)

Toggle Lag:
Client 0: 0x1786363(00 - On , 02 - To Take it Off)

All Perks:
Client 0: 0x1781470
(0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF - On)
(0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x01 - Off)

Skate Mod:

Offset: 0x177DE37 (On: 0xF0 Off: 0x22)

Enable Disable/Killstreak:[/I]
1: 0x1781487
2: 0x178147F
3: 0x178147B
0x01 - Enable , 0x00 - Disable
[I]Change Killstreak:[/I]
1: 0x1781497
2: 0x178148F
3: 0x178148B
(Set Value To Change Players Killstreak)
[I]Ultimate Killstreak:[/I]
0x1781357 = 01
0x1781359 = 01
0x178135C = 01

Third Person:

Client 0: 0x1780FAC (0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

In Game State:

In Game Prestige: 0x1786497
In Game Level: 0x1786493

Offset: 0x1781025
On - 0x01 , Off - 0x00

Primary Camo In Game Offset:
Client 0:
Primary Weapon: 0x017811e7
Secondary Weapon: 0x01781203

Client 0:
Primary Weapon: 0x017811cb
Secondary Weapon: 0x017811af

New Camos:
14 - Angleterre
1e - Paladin
21 - bd
2c - Electrique
Beast - 0x29
Dead Man's Hand - 0x28
Octane - 0x2a
Weaponized 115 - 0x2b

Camo Bytes: [URL=""]Here[/URL]


Poison Vision: 0x178150B (+0x5808 For Next Client)
Disable 0x00

Night Vision: 0x1780F42 (+0x5808 For Next Client)

More Visions: 0x178102B (+0x5808 For Next Client)
Loadster: 0x04, 0x02
VTOL Warship: 0x02, 0x08
Hellstorm Missile: 0x02, 0x04
Default: 0x00

Black Screen:
0x017814d0 - 0x00, 0x00
0x017814cc - 0x01
0x017814d0 0x40, 0xC0
0x017814cc 0x00

On: 0xE4
Off: 0x04

0x1781087 - 81 then 33 (Use timer)

[I]Hardcore Mod:[/I]
On - 90
Off - 00

Offset: 0x178634B
0x01 - Dead
0x00 - Alive
0x02 - Spectate
0x03 - Connecting

Offset: 0x178642F
Seals: 0x01
Auto Assign: 0x02
Spectator: 0x09
Free For All: 0x00

No Host Offsets:

Offset: 0xEF68C
On - 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01
Off - 0x2C 0x03, 0x00, 0x00


Offset: 0x00033C60 (0x60,0,0,0 - On , 0x40, 0x81, 0, 0x44 - Off)

Real Wallhack:

Offset: 0x000834D0 (0x38, 0xC0, 0xFF, 0xFF - On , 0x63, 0x26, 0, 0 - Off)

Red Boxes:

Offset: 0x000783E0 (0x38, 0x60, 0, 1 - On , 0x38, 0x60, 0, 0 - Off)
Offset: 0x00078604 (0x60, 0, 0, 0 - On , 0x41, 0x81, 1, 0x0C - Off)

Force Host:

Offset: 0x01CD6018
0x00 - On , 0x01 - Off

Floating Boddies:
Offset: 0x01CD03D8
On - 0x43, 0x48
Off - 0xC4, 0x48

Steady Aim
Offset: 0x005F0BB0
On - 0x2C, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00
Off - 0x2C 0x04, 0x00, 0x02

Offset: 0x33CB4
On - 2C 03 00 01
Off - 2C 03 00 00
(Change all the 4 to get the UAV wroking)

No Recoil:
Offset: 0xF9E54
On - 60 00 00 00
Off - 48 50 6E F5

Target Finder:
Offset: 0x01CC4BF8
On: 0x01
Off: 0x00

Big Names:
Offset: 0x01cc6e98
On: 0x3F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00
Off: 0x3f, 0x26, 0x66, 0x66

Sky Colors:
Offset: 0x01cc28d8
Black Sky - 0F 80
Bright Sky - 5F 80
Fog - 3D 80
Shine - 3E 80
Very Light - 5F FF
Defualt - 3F 80
(You can play with the Value and change it to your Choice)

Body Color:
Offset: 0x01CC143C
3F FF 00 00 3F 00 - Green
4F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 00 - Light
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Strong Red
6F 80 00 00 2F 80 00 00 - Light Green
3F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 00 - Normal
3F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Blue
6F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Light Blue
0F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 - Light Purple
0F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 - Purple
3F FF 00 00 1F 00 00 - Yellow
1F FF 00 00 3F FF 00 - Pink
1F FF 00 00 5F FF 00 - Light Pink
3F 00 00 00 FF 00 00 - Orange
3F 00 00 00 3F 00 - Brown

Offset: 0x34A1DC
O "Print Killfeed"
< "Print Center"
o "Vision"
; "Print Killfeed"
^ "Dvar"
5 "Kick everyone from the lobby" (Exmple 5 ^5GTFO)
7 "Freeze PS3" Exmple:7 30 90
d "Blur" Exmple: d 10000 10000 = Blur 10 seconds
@ - Anti Quit (1 On , 0 Off)
"s" - reset fov
Some Dvars:
^ 5 - cg_fov
^ 6 90 - PS3 Freeze.
^ 10 906666 - Players taking biger size. 0 - Off

Field Of View (cg_fov): 0x01CC5218 (Off - 0x42,0x82)
Gun Position X (cg_gun_x): 0x01CCD678 (Off - 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00)
Gun Position Y (cg_gun_y): 0x01CCD6D8 (Off - 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00)
Gun Position Z (cg_gun_z): 0x01CCD738 (Off - 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00)

Lobby Settings:
Time Scale - 0x01CB7BF8
Super Jump- 0x005be244(0x45 0x00) - On
Fly Mode- 0x005d5df8(38 60 00 05 - On , 80 7D 00 04 - Off)
Gravity - 0x1CAF9D8
Password(Close the lobby): 0x01CA4E18 (0x01 - Off , 0x00 - On)
Long Meele Range:[Code]
0x01caf0d8 (0x49,0xFF,0xFF - On , 0x42,0x5C,0x00 - Off)
0x01CAF138 (0x49,0xFF,0xFF - On , 0x41,0x20,0x00 - Off)
0x01CAF198 (0x49,0xFF,0xFF - On , 0x41,0x20,0x00 - Off)

Minimum Fall Damage- 0xDE3A0
Maximum Fall Damage- 0xDE3A4
Walking Speed - 0x01CA4E78
Knockback - 01CA4ED8

G_LocalizedStringIndex = 0x275D24
SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x34A1DC
RPC = 0x7AA1E0,
g_gametype = 0x00f57fd6,
SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x34A1DC,
Cbuf_AddText = 0x313E88,

G_Client = 0x1780F28,
ClientVelocity = 0x34,
ClientViewModel = 0x54F4,
ClientButtonMonitoring = 0x569C,
ClientPlayerName = 0x5544,
ClientOrigin = 0x28,
ClientAngles = 0x56BC,
ClientTeam = 0x5504,
ClientIsAlive = 0x55D0,
ClientStance = 0xFC,
ClientGodMode = 0x18,
ClientPrimaryCamo = 0x2D8,
ClientSecondaryCamo = 0x2BC,
ClientTactical = 0x30C,
ClientLethal = 0x2F0,
ClientKS1 = 0x42B,
ClientKS2 = 0x430,
ClientKS3 = 0x434,

G_Entity = 0x16B9F20,
G_AddEvent = 0x279950,
G_GivePlayerWeapon = 0x2A8364,
SetClientViewAngles = 0x1E1D90,
Player_Die = 0x1FD510,
ScriptEntCmdGetCommandTimes = 0x267208,
ScriptMover_SetupMove = 0x268A38,
SV_LinkEntity = 0x359BF0,
G_TempEntity = 0x279740,
G_SetModel = 0x277644,
G_Spawn = 0x278C60,
G_SpawnTurret = 0x2BA5C8,
G_SpawnHelicopter = 0x22C558,
SP_Turret = 0x2BAE58,
SP_Script_Model = 0x2670E8;
FPS: 0x37FEC
FPS String: 0x8E3590
Scr_SetFog = 0x00258FE8
SetClientViewAngle(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle) = 0x001E1D90
SP_Script_Model = 0x002670E8
G_SetModel: 0x277644
G_HudElem = 0x15DB500
G_Entity: 0x016B9F20
G_GivePlayerWeapon: 0x2A8364
G_InitializeAmmo: 0x1E6838
SP_Script_Model: 0x2670E8
G_Spawn: 0x278C60
RPC Return Value Fix: 0x7AA1E0 (Enable: 0x90, 0x64, 0x00, 0x04) //Set After RPC Is Enabled!
Disable Read-Write-Cheat Protection - 0x3DC8A4 (set to- 48 00 00 DCool Man (aka Tustin)
Disable RSA Protection: 0x3DC040 (Enable: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
Fog: 0x001FAF08
G_SpawnTurret = 0x002BA5C8
HudElem_Alloc = 0x00275B90
Key_IsDown = 0x001185BC
level_locals_t = 0x01608100 leveltime = level_locals_t + + 0x798
PlayerCmd_takeallweapons - 0x1E7358
PlayerCmd_getcurrentweapon - 0x1E7450
PlayerCmd_suicide - 1F3630
PlayerCmd_closemenu - 0x1F4618
PlayerCmd_closeingamemenu - 0x1F46E4
PlayerCmd_freezecontrols - 0x1F77AC
PlayerCmd_freezecontrolsisallowlook - 0x1F786C
PlayerCmd_setperk - 0x1F98C0
PlayerCmd_unsetperk - 0x1F9C60
PlayerCmd_setrank - 0x1FA228
PlayerCmd_setclientfov - 0x1F6D88
PlayerCmd_cloneplayer - 0x1F6528
Entity Size = 0x31C,

Jannik007 - G_LocalizedStringIndex
Sharks - Addresses
BeastMods - Clan Tag
GeoSe7enModding - XP Offset (Status)
Unknuawn - Addresses
iMoDz-Baptite - Addresses
B777x - Ghosts/Roxann Titles
ItsLollo1000 - Addresses
B777x - Tokens Offsets
D3skrm - Offsets
SC58 - Name Changer And No Host Offsets
i_iTop_i - No Host Offsets
D3CH - No Host Offsets
ErasedDev - Status in game
darkchopper - Camos
Tustin - Camos
Mango_Knife - Clients Offsets + No Host Offsets + Status.


Name: 0x026C0658
Local Name: 0x026c067f

Clients Offsets:

Client Intervnal Is 0x5808 Like On Multiplayer[/SIZE]

Name In Game:[/I]
Client 0:0x178646C

Clan Tag in Game:

Client 0: 0x17864D8

Client 0: 0x1780F50

Offset: 0x178634B
0x01 - Dead
0x00 - Alive
0x02 - Spectate
0x03 - Connecting

Offset: 0x178642F
Seals: 0x01
Auto Assign: 0x02
Spectator: 0x09
Free For All: 0x00

God Mode:
Flash God Mode:[/I]
(0F FF FF FF - On ,00 00 00 64 - Off)

No Flash God Mode: 0x1780F43(0x04 - Off , 05 - On)
Spectator God Mode: 0x1780F43(0x03 - On , 0x04 - Off)

Kill Player:

Offset: 0x1780F58
0x46 - Kill

0xFF 0xFF 0xFF - Ultimate Ammo
0x00 0x00 0x64 - 100 Bullets
PrimaryBullets = 0x0178135d ,
PrimaryClip = 0x01781361 ,
SecondaryBullets = 0x01781365 ,
SecondaryClip = 0x01781359 ,
GranadeLuncherBullets = 0x0178139d ,
GranadeLuncherClip = 0x01781395 ,
Lethal = 0x01781391 ,
Tactical = 0x0178138d ;

Force Host:

Offset: 0x1CD64D8
0x00 - On , 0x01 - Off

Status In Game:
Points/Score - 0x01786501
Kills - 0x1786505
Downs - 0x178651E
Headshots - 0x178650D

Skate Mod:
Offset: 0x1780F36
(0x05 - On , 0x08 - Off)

Teleport/Location (X,Y,Z):
    Offset: 0x1780F50

Third Person:
    Offset: 0x1780FAC
(0x00 - Off , 0x01 - On)

Give Lag:
Offset: 0x1786363
(0x00 - On , 0x02 - Off)

Disable Movement:
Offset: 0x178634B
(0x00 - Off , 0x01 - Invisible , 0x02 - Spectate , 0x03 - Stuck on scoreboard)

Invisible: (Zombies can stil kill u/detect u):
Offset: 0x1781025
(0x00 - Off , 0x01 - On)

Offset: 0x17865BF
(0x00 - Off , 0x04 - On)

Player Speed:
    Offset: 0x1786418
(0x3F - Off , 0x40 - On)

HuD On/Off:
Offset: 0x178653F
(0x00 - To take it off , 0x01 - To get it back on)

Max Level:
Offset: 0x1786493
(0xFF - MAX Level , 0x00 - Level 1)

Last Stand:
Offset: 0x178672B
(0x01 - On , 0x00 - Off)

CheckBox On Screen:
Offset: 0x1780F42
(0x10 - On , 0x00 - Off)

Weapon Model:
Offset: 0x178641F
0xE9 - Default
0xE8 - Invisible Weapon
0xE4 - Wall/Block
0x40 - Weapon Fucked Up

Offset: 0x1786418
(0x00 - On , 0x3F - Off)

---Change Weapon's---
Primary Weapon: 0x178118F
Secondary Weapon: 0x17811C7
Weapon3 = 0x17811E3
Lethal: 0x17811AB(Dont change to primary/secondary weapon or all the weapons will removed!)
Tactical = 0x17811FF
Weapon's List:

Kick Client:
Offset: 0x178108F
0xFF To Kick

Lobby Offsets:
Time Scale - 0x01CB7BF8
Super Jump- 0x005be244(0x45 0x00) - On
Fly Mode- 0x005d5df8(38 60 00 05 - On , 80 7D 00 04 - Off)
Gravity - 0x1CAF9D8
Long Meele Range:[Code]
0x01caf0d8 (0x49,0xFF,0xFF - On , 0x42,0x5C,0x00 - Off)
0x01CAF138 (0x49,0xFF,0xFF - On , 0x41,0x20,0x00 - Off)
0x01CAF198 (0x49,0xFF,0xFF - On , 0x41,0x20,0x00 - Off)

Minimum Fall Damage- 0xDE3A0
Maximum Fall Damage- 0xDE3A4
Walking Speed - 0x01CA4E78
Knockback - 01CA4ED8

No Host:

Body Color:
Offset: 0x01CC14F8
3F FF 00 00 3F 00 - Green
4F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 00 - Light
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - Strong Red
6F 80 00 00 2F 80 00 00 - Light Green
3F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 00 - Normal
3F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Blue
6F 80 00 00 6F 80 00 - Light Blue
0F 80 00 00 4F 80 00 - Light Purple
0F 80 00 00 3F 80 00 - Purple
3F FF 00 00 1F 00 00 - Yellow
1F FF 00 00 3F FF 00 - Pink
1F FF 00 00 5F FF 00 - Light Pink
3F 00 00 00 FF 00 00 - Orange
3F 00 00 00 3F 00 - Brown

Sky Color:
Offset - 01CC2998
Bytes like in multiplayer

    Like Multiplyer

Mango_Knife - Updating
RawDog - Send me the 1.15 offsets back in old days Smile

Weapon's Dump: You must login or register to view this content.

RPC For CEX And DEX 1.18: You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content.

Camo Bytes: You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content.

1.18 ELF Files + SP + MP Debugg Eboot: You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content.

Have Fun Smile
Last edited by Mango_Knife ; 05-23-2014 at 09:44 PM. Reason: Fixed Camo in game Offsets...

The following 71 users say thank you to Mango_Knife for this useful post:

-SuperMan, {H} | Exception, /SneakerStreet/, Kappa, A Friend, alexis strider, ALI ALHILFI, ARABIC_GUY, Asian, B777x, bbcmodz, bhoot-iq, BoZeX, BroIDontMod, checkpoint209, CodJumper:, D3skm, D3sKmَ, FusionIsDaName, Geo, GermanModdingPS, GFM, Harry, HaX-Stylin, Hori_By_Nature, Hunter926, i_iTop_i, Im Not Boobdidas, iMoDz-Baptiste, iNDMx, ItsFrzky, jacob_9191, KevinWinterX, Luphox, M-alShammary, makeabce, Marco_Legend, moxl, Mrtbyhyourwme, Mx444, NiiinjaModz--, John, NotALegitPlayer, Notorious, OLDSCHOOLMODZHD, oStankyModz, RaGE_LoLo69, ReqLobbies, SnaY, ThePaaqoHD, TheSaltCracka, THOT BREAKER, Ciri, Turk_Warrior, Tyga187, VenomzHD, xDebugKiller, Fatality, xKrazy SicknesS, XM7MD_VX, xPAQz, xShaTTer., xSlinkeyy, xSynthetic-oJ, Xx-GIPPI-xX,
02-28-2014, 01:03 PM #29
can someone tell how to enter the bytes ? i can find the offsets but what do i do with the bytes
02-28-2014, 05:08 PM #30
Pokemon Trainer
AIMBOT CODES ? for aimbot ,aiming required ,and unfair aimbot ?
03-01-2014, 09:28 AM #31
[ PSN ID ]
Non Host in Game Name: 0x026BDFFF

[ Custom Class ]
※Class 1~10
Start Address: 0x02705210
Finish Address: 0x0270541F

[ Ghosts Title Unlock Offset ]
Address: 0x02705B71
Offset: 0xFF

[ Ammo ]
※need timer
Length: 2Byte
Offset: 0xFF = 255
~Main Weapon~
Capacity: 0x177ED62
Remaining Ammo: 0x177ED26
Attachment's Grenade: 0x177ED73
~Sub Weapon~
Capacity: 0x0177ED66 ; abekobe
Remaining Ammo: 0x0177ED2A ; AsTy
Lethal: 0x0177ED6B
Tactical: 0x0177ED6F
Sensor G: 0x0177ED73

[ Invisiblity ]
Client 0: 0x0177EA25
On: 0x01
Off: 0x00

[ Vision ]
EMP for Client 0: 0x0177E943
On: 0xE5
Off: 0x05
※need the timer

[ Kick ]
Client 0: 0x0177EA8F, 0x0177EA93
Offset: 0xFF

[ Teleport (Location) ]
Client 0: 0x0177E958
Default Height: 0xC2
Back to the Ground: 0x42
Fly to Sky: 0x46
Go to Spase: 0xFF
Under Map: 0xC4
Last edited by X_LinGz4-AsTy ; 03-01-2014 at 09:32 AM.
03-01-2014, 09:39 AM #32
In my man cave
No Host:
Body Colors
Sky Colors
Target Finder
Big Names
Floating Boddies
UAV Offset
Force Host

Knock Back

Change Camo (Secondary And Primary)
Added Camo Bytes
Added Invisible
Added Kill Player

Enjoy Smile
03-01-2014, 10:43 AM #33
Do a barrel roll!
The Title Unlock all Adress freezes my PS3.. Sure it works?
03-02-2014, 12:29 PM #34
force host didn't work :'(
03-02-2014, 05:41 PM #35
In my man cave
Originally posted by Jannik007 View Post
The Title Unlock all Adress freezes my PS3.. Sure it works?

it does works for me
But it only unlock 50% I will get the full unlock all soon.
03-02-2014, 08:10 PM #36
Error… Cat invasion!
M8 release zombies offsets Happy
03-03-2014, 09:15 AM #37
Mango What is the offset for get server details?

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