Post: facility 41: the new dlc zombie map??
11-27-2012, 12:04 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); this is not from me guys, i just found it on the activision board, they said this was taken from an interview or something!!!

The Map is called Facility 41. It follows on directly from Green Run, in particular the TranZit mode, and the Bus is seen at the very beginning of the map, dropping you off. The map has a greeny-blue tint to it, as opposed to the red-ish tint of Green Run, and is mainly divided into 3 sections, the Outside, the Main Facility and the Underground.
The Outside:

The Outside is a large open area and is where you start of at the beginning of the map. It is quite foggy and large but there isn't really much to explore as it's the starting area, though it is a good place to come in later rounds as it's large and open, meaning you can gather large hordes of Zombies and not get hit easily. It features Quick Revive and Double Tap, but you must turn on the Power first to aquire them. It also has 2 Mystery Box locations, a Part for the Teleporter, a Part for the Land Rover and a few starter guns. It features a garage where you can build the Land Rover, and is the main place to drive with the Land Rover as there are various hidden areas only accessable via the Land Rover. It seems very small and compact at first but once you obtain the Land Rover you uncover that it's actually a lot more open, though there are Denizens out in the mist that latch on to the car, so beware. Despite this, it is still the smallest overall area of the map.
The Main Facility:

The main part of the map, and the largest overall. It is a very tall, very large, wrecked Facility with several floors and areas to explore. At the entrance there is the SkyTrain, but you must turn on the Power first to access it, and it also has a couple of Ziplines, which are less safe, but accessable at the start. It features well over 10 levels, with many stairs which will need to be bought, and there are various areas on each floor with secrets and goodies to find. It features almost all of the Perk Machines, including Juggernog, Sleight of Hand, PhD Flopper, Stamin-Up and Tombstone. It also has a lot of Mystery Box areas, and the Mystery Box always spawns on the Ground Floor, where you enter. This place features a lot of parts for various things, such as the Zombie Shield, the Block-Aid, the SkyTrain Defence, the SkyTrain Turret, the Turret and the Land Rover. When you turn on the Power the SkyTrain can be accessed, and it will take you to various areas around the Facility, though you do not choose which, and the Ziplines take you to different areas than the SkyTrain. It's not very open, there are some very tight spaces and a lot of stairwells, but it is as large as a regular Classic Zombie Map and is very, very tall, plus it has loads of secrets and easter eggs to find.
The Underground:

Accessed from a Sewage Hole hidden on the Ground Floor, the Underground is a large labratory network and mine underneath the Main Facility, similar to the Labs in "Five", but over 3 times as big. It isn't on one level either, nor is it straight pathways, it's like a huge mining tunnel, with 3 levels to explore, the Radiation of course getting stronger the further you go down. It's tight and compact, though the surroundings are very large, the pathways near to the edge of the mine are very thin, but the Laberatories vary in size depending on what area. The Pack-a-Punch can be found down there at the very bottom, at the very end of the tunnels, but there are also Nova-6 crawlers. There is heavy Radiation that can poison and kill a player if they haven't obtained a Hazmat Suit first, the radiation means it is heavilly covered in greeny-blue fog, but the fog can be cleared temporarilly with a blast from the Gerch's Portal Gun, which lasts for about 2-3 rounds, this also means you can take off your Hazmat Suit during this time. The Power Switch is down there as well, near the Pack-a-Punch and there are several Mystery Box Spawns. The Zombie Guard is extremely useful down there as the tight spaces mean you can be mobbed very easily, but it is worth going down there as it has the final parts to pretty much every Buildable, the Pack-a-Punch Machine and the Power Switch, which is found on the first floor. It is also possible to fall off the edge of the outside Mine area, causing instant death, but the Mine area is one of the only areas down there un-affected by Radiation. Mule Kick is found there as well, near where you enter.

The following 12 users say thank you to symk for this useful post:

6jarjar6, Det0x, Gubru, Hawkin, ilovepizzaa, jfurlough, jo2305, Nifty., oG GUNN3R, rongey420, shooterace247, warman_94
11-27-2012, 12:44 PM #2
Bounty hunter
nice sounds kool
11-27-2012, 12:59 PM #3
Has been a while
I kinda want to see the original cast back... I don't mind the cast in Black Ops 2 but hopefully treyarch brings the original cast back in future dlc.

The following user thanked VHS for this useful post:

11-27-2012, 08:46 PM #4
Who’s Jim Erased?
This sounds badass. And as said above, I think the new cast should be Woods, both Masons', and Hudson.
11-28-2012, 12:15 AM #5
▲ ▲ №Өβ ▲ ▲
Holy crap this map sounds awesome! Thanks for posting! Gonna get my season pass real soon, can't wait to see what amazing things Treyarch has in store.
11-28-2012, 01:13 AM #6
Do a barrel roll!
how do we even know if it's true?
anyone can say it's made up.

Look i was on activison and some guy said on the forums there's 20 levels on a building confirmed by them !&@*!&*@&*@!
11-28-2012, 02:35 AM #7
Pimpin 24/7
Oh man looking forward to more leaked info on the DLC. Granted this may not be leaked, sad they won't release DLC before the new year :/
11-28-2012, 05:28 AM #8
That would be cool if the cast was:
David Mason
Alex Mason
OR (Menendez)
11-29-2012, 12:06 AM #9
Little One
Sounds awesome but when is it being released

The following user groaned chrisauh for this awful post:

11-29-2012, 02:35 AM #10
Your mother!
I might get a PS3 next month with BOps 2 and a season pass to play with all my old friends. I switched to XBOX and I like it but I don't get the same "feeling" while playing zombies as I did on PS3 with my old friends.

This is kind of related to the topic... Lol. I was just saying. I can't wait for the map though.

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