Post: Well while we are leaking everything...
08-19-2010, 08:25 PM #1
GetDeleted -_-
- Former TACOTIME77 -
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); MP:

set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set friction "0"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set cg_overheadNamesSize "5.0"
set cg_overheadRankSize "5.0"
set cg_scoreboardPingText "1"
set X "vstr X1"
set X1 "vstr X1a;set X vstr X2"
set X1a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 500;say ^2 2500 XP"
set X2 "vstr X2a;set X vstr X3"
set X2a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 1500;say ^4 7500 XP"
set X3 "vstr X3a;set X vstr X4"
set X3a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 3000;say ^5 15000 XP"
set X4 "vstr X4a;set X vstr X1"
set X4a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 4000;say ^1 20000 XP"
bind BUTTON_LSTICK "+sprint;scr_game_playerwaittime 0;xblive_privatematch 0;xblive_rankedmatch 1;onlinegame 1;g_compassshowenemies 1;ui_gametype ^2TacosLobby;con_gamemsgwindow1filter subtitle;con_gamemsgwindow1msgtime 20;say ^2T^3A^4C^1O ^0Has The ^6BEST ^0Hacks!"
bind BUTTON_X "fast_restart"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "vstr X"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "god;toggle clanname ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6"


set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
set gpad_sticksConfig "t"
set perk_weapspreadmultiplier "0.001"
set M "vstr M1"
set M1 "vstr M1a;set M vstr M2"
set M1a "bind DPAD_LEFT clientkick 1;bind DPAD_UP clientkick 2;bind DPAD_RIGHT clientkick 3;say ^1 Kick Menu 1-3"
set M2 "vstr M2a;set M vstr M3"
set M2a "bind DPAD_LEFT clientkick 4;bind DPAD_UP clientkick 5;bind DPAD_RIGHT clientkick 6;say ^2 Kick Menu 4-6"
set M3 "vstr M3a;set M vstr M4"
set M3a "bind DPAD_LEFT clientkick 7 ; bind DPAD_UP clientkick 8 ; bind DPAD_RIGHT clientkick 9;say ^4 Kick Menu 7-9"
set M4 "vstr M4a;set M vstr M5
set M4a "bind DPAD_LEFT toggle g_gravity 50 300 550 800 ; bind DPAD_UP toggle jump_height 100 300 600 900 ; bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle g_speed 200 400 600 800 ;Say ^3PUSH ^ to toggle Jump;Say ^3 PUSH < to toggle gravity;Say ^3PUSH > to toggle Speed"
set M5 "vstr M5a;set M vstr M1"
set M5a "bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1;bind DPAD_LEFT +actionslot 3;bind DPAD_RIGHT +actionslot 4;say ^0Menu Closed"
bind DPAD_DOWN "vstr M"


set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set friction "0"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set cg_overheadNamesSize "5.0"
set cg_scoreboardPingText "1"
set X "vstr X1"
set X1 "vstr X1a;set X vstr X2"
set X1a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 500;say ^2 2500 XP"
set X2 "vstr X2a;set X vstr X3"
set X2a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 2000;say ^4 10000 XP"
set X3 "vstr X3a;set X vstr X4"
set X3a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 3000;say ^5 15000 XP"
set X4 "vstr X4a;set X vstr X1"
set X4a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 5000;say ^1 25000 XP"
bind BUTTON_LSTICK "+sprint;xblive_privatematch 0;xblive_rankedmatch 1;g_compassshowenemies 1;sv_kickbantime 300;bg_falldamageminheight 9999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 9999;"
bind BUTTON_X "fast_restart"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "vstr X"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "god;toggle clanname ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6 ;say ^5This is a XP Lobby, If you use God Mode you are ^1KICKED"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK "say ^1GodMode=KICK!;g_speed 0;jump_height 0;wait 1000;g_speed 300;jump_height 99;say ^2You are Varified!"


set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
set gpad_sticksConfig "t"
set perk_weapspreadmultiplier "0.001"
set M "vstr M1"
set M1 "vstr M1a;set M vstr M2"
set M1a "bind DPAD_LEFT clientkick 1;bind DPAD_UP clientkick 2;bind DPAD_RIGHT clientkick 3;say ^1 Kick Menu 1-3"
set M2 "vstr M2a;set M vstr M3"
set M2a "bind DPAD_LEFT clientkick 4;bind DPAD_UP clientkick 5;bind DPAD_RIGHT clientkick 6;say ^2 Kick Menu 4-6"
set M3 "vstr M3a;set M vstr M4"
set M3a "bind DPAD_LEFT clientkick 7 ; bind DPAD_UP clientkick 8 ; bind DPAD_RIGHT clientkick 9;say ^4 Kick Menu 7-9"
set M4 "vstr M4a;set M vstr M5"
set M4a "bind DPAD_LEFT toggle g_gravity 50 300 550 800 ; bind DPAD_UP toggle jump_height 100 300 600 900 ; bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle g_speed 200 400 600 800 ;Say ^3PUSH ^ to toggle Jump;Say ^3 PUSH < to toggle gravity;Say ^3PUSH > to toggle Speed"
set M5 "vstr M5a;set M vstr M1"
set M5a "bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1;bind DPAD_LEFT +actionslot 3;bind DPAD_RIGHT +actionslot 4;say ^0Menu Closed"
bind DPAD_DOWN "vstr M"


set player_burstFireCooldown "0"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.001"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set friction "0"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set cg_scoreboardPingText "1"
set set party_host "1"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set X "vstr X1"
set X1 "vstr X1a;set X vstr X2"
set X1a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 600;say ^2 3000 XP"
set X2 "vstr X2a;set X vstr X3"
set X2a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 2000;say ^4 10000 XP"
set X3 "vstr X3a;set X vstr X4"
set X3a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 3000;say ^5 15000 XP"
set X4 "vstr X4a;set X vstr X1"
set X4a "bind BUTTON_B scr_xpscale 5000;say ^1 25000 XP"
bind BUTTON_LSTICK "+sprint"
bind BUTTON_X "fast_restart"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "vstr X"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "ui_allowvote 4;god;g_compassshowenemies 1;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;clanname ^2;say ^5This is a XP Lobby, If you use God Mode you are ^1KICKED"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK "say ^1Verifying, please wait...;g_speed 0;jump_height 0;wait 1000;g_speed 500;jump_height 99;say ^2You are Varified!"


set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
set gpad_sticksConfig "t"
set perk_weapspreadmultiplier "0.001"
set r_znear "50"
set M "vstr M1"
set M1 "vstr M1a;set M vstr M2"
set M1a "bind DPAD_LEFT clientkick 1;bind DPAD_UP clientkick 2;bind DPAD_RIGHT clientkick 3;say ^1 Kick Menu 1-3"
set M2 "vstr M2a;set M vstr M3"
set M2a "bind DPAD_LEFT clientkick 4;bind DPAD_UP clientkick 5;bind DPAD_RIGHT clientkick 6;say ^2 Kick Menu 4-6"
set M3 "vstr M3a;set M vstr M4"
set M3a "bind DPAD_LEFT clientkick 7;bind DPAD_UP clientkick 8;bind DPAD_RIGHT clientkick 9;say ^4 Kick Menu 7-9"
set M4 "vstr M4a;set M vstr M5"
set M4a "bind DPAD_LEFT toggle g_gravity 50 300 550 800 ; bind DPAD_UP toggle jump_height 100 300 600 900 ; bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle timescale 0.5 1 2 ;Say ^3PUSH ^ to toggle Jump;Say ^3 PUSH < to toggle gravity;Say ^3PUSH > to toggle Timescale"
set M5 "vstr M5a;set M vstr M1"
set M5a "bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1;bind DPAD_LEFT +actionslot 3;bind DPAD_RIGHT +actionslot 4;say ^0Menu Closed"
bind DPAD_DOWN "vstr M"


open ac130:

bind DPAD_RIGHT "give briefcase_bomb_mp;wait 10;r_brightness 0.1;wait 10;r_brightness 0.2;wait 10;r_brightness 0.3;wait 10;r_brightness 0.4;wait 10;r_brightness 0.5;wait 10;r_brightness 0.6;wait 10;r_brightness 0.7;wait 10;r_brightness 0.8;wait 10;r_brightness 0.9;wait 10;r_brightness -1;r_brightness 0;setviewpos 820 -4485 1269;ui_hud_hardcore 1;g_gravity 1;cg_drawgun 0;give rpg_mp;aim_autoaim_debug 1;aim autoaim_region_width 1;aim_lockon_debug 1;aim_lockon_region_height 1;god;cg_hudchatposition 640 40;cg_chatheight 1;cg_chattime 60000;wait 1;say 338 1395"

close ac130:

bind DPAD_RIGHT "weapprev;aim_autoaim_debug 0;aim_lockon_debug 0;cg_drawgun 1;setviewpos 10 51 252;
god;g_gravity 800;ui_hud_hardcore 0"

Zombie stuff:

set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set player_meleechargefriction "2500"
bind BUTTON_LSTICK "+sprint;ui_gametype ^1ZOMBIES!;scr_player_maxhealth 129;say ^2T^3E^5S^6T;g_teamicon_allies weapon_desert_eagle_gold;g_teamicon_axis specialty_armorvest;g_teamname_allies ^2Humans;g_teamname_axis ^1Zombies;g_scorescolor_allies 0 1 0;g_scorescolor_axis 1 0 0"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "take all;give beretta_mp;take ammo;cg_drawgun 0;ammocounterhide 1;^1You_are_a_ZOMBIE"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "take weapons;give rpd_grip_mp;give deserteaglegold_mp;give ammo;cg_drawgun 1;ammocounterhide 0;^2You_are_a_HUMAN"
bind BUTTON_B "scr_player_maxhealth 124"
bind BUTTON_X "fast_restart"

set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
set gpad_sticksConfig "t"
set M "vstr M1"
set M1 "vstr M1a ; set M vstr M2"
set M1a "bind BUTTON_X give rpg_mp take briefcase_bomb_mp; bind DPAD_RIGHT give brickblaster_mp; bind DPAD_UP give c4_mp; bind DPAD_LEFT give claymore_mp"
set M2 "vstr M2a ; set M vstr M3"
set M2a "bind button Rstick wait 200;say_team ^2Servivors store;wait 100;give briefcase_bomb_mp;wait 50;say_team ^1press right for ammo,press up for health; bind DPAD_RIGHT give ammo; bind DPAD_UP give health; bind DPAD_LEFT toggle cg_laserforceon 1 0"
set M3 "vstr M3a ; set M vstr M1"
set M3a "bind button_x +reload; bind dpad_right give claymore_mp"
bind DPAD_DOWN "vstr M"


bind button_lstick"+sprint;r_blur 5;wait 5;r_blur 4;wait 5;r_blur 3;wait 5;r_blur 2;wait 5;r_blur 1;wait 5;r_blur 0;take all;give defaultweapon_mp;take ammo,cg_gun_x -50;say_team ^2Lets go eat some ^1FLEASHhhh!give defaultweapon_mp;cg_gun_x -4;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakinvert 1;r_filmtweakdarktint 0.7 0.7 0.7;cg_drawblood 1;scr_player_maxhealth 50;ui_hud_hardcore 1;player_meleechargefriction 5000;aim_automelee_enabled 1;aim_automelee_range 255"



bind button_lstick "take all;give m9_mp;+attack;say_team all weapons have been ^1disabled!,^2earn them to be ^3rewarded!;r_filmtweakbrightness -0.3;cg_drawhealth 1;toggle cg_gun_y 10 -7;cg_gun_x 1;cg_scoreboardRankFontScale 0;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;scr_player_maxhealth 500;ui_hud_hardcore 1;scr_game_suicidepointloss 300;r_filmtweakdarktint 0.7;0.7 0.7;r_filmtweaklighttint 0.1 1 1"

bind button_back "say_team ^1upgrading weapons cycle,there are some bugs to fix;wait 10000;+sprint;give usp_mp;wait 10000;+sprint;give g36c_mp;wait 10000;+sprint;give mp5_mp;wait 10000;+sprint;give m40a3_mp;wait 10000;+sprint;give mp44_mp;wait 10000;+sprint;give m40_mp;wait 10000;+sprint;give claymore_mp;wait 10000;+sprint:give rpg_mp;wait 10000;give ak47_mp;wait 10000;give airstrike_mp;wait 10000;give Ak74u_mp;wait 10000;give m21_mp;wait 10000;give rpd_mp;wait 10000;give brick_blaster_mp"

scr_hardpoint_allowuav "0"
scr_hardpoint_allowheli "0"


player_unlockAttachment0 "m4 reflex"
player_unlockAttachment1 "saw reflex"
player_unlockAttachment2 "uzi reflex"
player_unlockAttachment3 "m60e4 reflex"
player_unlockAttachment4 "g3 reflex";
player_unlockAttachment5 "ak74u reflex"
player_unlockAttachment6 "m1014 reflex"
player_unlockAttachment7 "g36c reflex"
player_unlockAttachment8 "p90 reflex"
player_unlockAttachment9 "m14 reflex"
player_unlockAttachment10 "m16 reflex"
player_unlockAttachment11 "ak47 reflex"
player_unlockAttachment12 "mp5 reflex"
player_unlockAttachment13 "skorpion reflex"
player_unlockAttachment14 "winchester1200 reflex"
player_unlockAttachment15 "rpd reflex"
player_unlockAttachment16 "m4 silencer"
player_unlockAttachment17 "mp5 silencer"
player_unlockAttachment18 "skorpion silencer"
player_unlockAttachment19 "uzi silencer"
player_unlockAttachment20 "ak74u silencer"
player_unlockAttachment21 "p90 silencer"
player_unlockAttachment22 "ak47 silencer"
player_unlockAttachment23 "m14 silencer"
player_unlockAttachment24 "g3 silencer"
player_unlockAttachment25 "g36c silencer"
player_unlockAttachment26 "m16 silencer"
player_unlockAttachment27 "mp5 acog"
player_unlockAttachment28 "skorpion acog"
player_unlockAttachment29 "uzi acog"
player_unlockAttachment30 "ak74u acog"
player_unlockAttachment31 "p90 acog"
player_unlockAttachment32 "ak47 acog"
player_unlockAttachment33 "m14 acog"
player_unlockAttachment34 "g3 acog"
player_unlockAttachment35 "g36c acog"
player_unlockAttachment36 "m16 acog"
player_unlockAttachment37 "m4 acog"
player_unlockAttachment38 "dragunov acog"
player_unlockAttachment39 "m40a3 acog"
player_unlockAttachment40 "barrett acog"
player_unlockAttachment41 "remington700 acog"
player_unlockAttachment42 "m21 acog"
player_unlockAttachment43 "rpd acog"
player_unlockAttachment44 "saw acog"
player_unlockAttachment45 "m60e4 acog"
player_unlockAttachment46 "m1014 grip"
player_unlockAttachment47 "winchester1200 grip"
player_unlockAttachment48 "rpd grip"
player_unlockAttachment49 "saw grip"
player_unlockAttachment50 "m60e4 grip"
player_unlockAttachment51 "m4 gl"
player_unlockAttachment52 "m14 gl"
player_unlockAttachment53 "g3 gl"
player_unlockAttachment54 "g36c gl"

player_unlockCamo0 "m16 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo1 "m16 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo2 "m16 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo3 "ak47 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo4 "ak47 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo5 "ak47 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo6 "m4 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo7 "m4 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo8 "m4 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo9 "g3 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo10 "g3 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo11 "g3 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo12 "g36c camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo13 "g36c camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo14 "g36c camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo15 "m14 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo16 "m14 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo17 "m14 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo18 "mp44 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo19 "mp44 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo20 "mp44 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo21 "mp5 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo22 "mp5 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo23 "mp5 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo24 "skorpion camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo25 "skorpion camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo26 "skorpion camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo27 "uzi camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo28 "uzi camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo29 "uzi camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo30 "ak74u camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo31 "ak74u camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo32 "ak74u camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo33 "p90 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo34 "p90 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo35 "p90 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo36 "dragunov camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo37 "dragunov camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo38 "dragunov camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo39 "m40a3 camo_blackwhitemarpat";
player_unlockCamo40 "m40a3 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo41 "m40a3 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo42 "barrett camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo43 "barrett camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo44 "barrett camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo45 "remington700 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo46 "remington700 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo47 "remington700 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo48 "m21 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo49 "m21 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo50 "m21 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo51 "m1014 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo52 "m1014 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo53 "m1014 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo54 "winchester1200 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo55 "winchester1200 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo56 "winchester1200 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo57 "rpd camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo58 "rpd camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo59 "rpd camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo60 "saw camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo61 "saw camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo62 "saw camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo63 "m60e4 camo_blackwhitemarpat"
player_unlockCamo64 "m60e4 camo_stagger"
player_unlockCamo65 "m60e4 camo_tigerred"
player_unlockCamo66 "ak47 camo_gold"
player_unlockCamo67 "uzi camo_gold"
player_unlockCamo68 "dragunov camo_gold"
player_unlockCamo69 "m1014 camo_gold"
player_unlockCamo70 "m60e4 camo_gold"
player_unlockCamo71 "m4 camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo72 "m4 camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo73 "g3 camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo74 "g3 camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo75 "m14 camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo76 "m14 camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo77 "g36c camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo78 "g36c camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo79 "mp44 camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo80 "mp44 camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo81 "ak74u camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo82 "ak74u camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo83 "uzi camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo84 "uzi camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo85 "p90 camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo86 "p90 camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo87 "m60e4 camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo88 "m60e4 camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo89 "m1014 camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo90 "m1014 camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo91 "remington700 camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo92 "remington700 camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo93 "barrett camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo94 "barrett camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo95 "dragunov camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo96 "dragunov camo_bushdweller"
player_unlockCamo97 "m21 camo_brockhaurd"
player_unlockCamo98 "m21 camo_bushdweller"

devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All:1" "exec mp/unlock_init.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock Menu:4" "exec mp/unlock_menu.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All Weapons:5" "exec mp/unlock_allweapon.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All Perks:6" "exec mp/unlock_allperks.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All Challenges:7" "exec mp/unlock_challenges.cfg"devgui_cmd "Promo:0/Unlock All (MP):50" "exec unlock_init.cfg"

set developer 1
set developer_script 1
set logfile 1
set com_statmon 1
set monkeytoy 0
exec developer_mp

No point in keeping all these to ourselves just to have leachers take credit for them.

Credit: CoDGlitcherX1 and Me
Last edited by GetDeleted -_- ; 08-19-2010 at 08:53 PM.

The following 64 users say thank you to GetDeleted -_- for this useful post:

'SpeCâ„¢, Okami, +sFx. FeLiciTy, +vA.LooSe, Accurs0, Adamâ„¢, ash101x, Blackstorm, DanGFX, davirus_, Drake, eddydiep, FourzerotwoFAILS, Geigers, GenHelghast, gillysnyter, gola, Hakaan, hypafire, iDioxide34, iVFâ„¢ Elemental, IW_JOSH, jammie01, JD_WCE, johnw6619, Josh., kingofps3, Kombust, LOL CAT, longjohnsilver, MEGANOOBTOOBER, Mirciulikkk, Mr.RizLa+, mw2moddingx, narutoasdf, NbK-C0mm4nd3r_, Nejidam, Nick_Buckeyes, o-Zach-x, Potassium, River J, Rokiz, Scouser94, scvkush, Shadoh, JimErased, SupaTrollioBros, teeth08, TehLynch, thebosh94, TheMagicN, Thunderchicken, Uk_ViiPeR, vladieboi, x420XP, xDenley, xDyNaMiiCzZ, TPB Bubbles, xPottsy, xProblematic, XxMAC_THIZZxX
09-22-2010, 10:19 PM #83
Ok, so for all the weapon stuff..
Lets just say i wanted up to be m40a3 acog.
Would it be like this?..
bind DPAD_UP player_unlockAttachment39 "m40a3 acog"
and if you wanted 2 or more?..
bind DPAD_UP player_unlockAttachment39 "m40a3 acog ; player_unlockAttachment22 "ak47 silencer"
And 1 more thing, for the very last thing would u bind it like..
bind DPAD_UP devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All:1" "exec mp/unlock_init.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock Menu:4" "exec mp/unlock_menu.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All Weapons:5" "exec mp/unlock_allweapon.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All Perks:6" "exec mp/unlock_allperks.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All Challenges:7" "exec mp/unlock_challenges.cfg"devgui_cmd "Promo:0/Unlock All (MP):50" "exec unlock_init.cfg"

or just leave it w/o a bind?
09-22-2010, 10:35 PM #84
Originally posted by xX View Post
Ok, so for all the weapon stuff..
Lets just say i wanted up to be m40a3 acog.
Would it be like this?..
bind DPAD_UP player_unlockAttachment39 "m40a3 acog"
and if you wanted 2 or more?..
bind DPAD_UP player_unlockAttachment39 "m40a3 acog ; player_unlockAttachment22 "ak47 silencer"
And 1 more thing, for the very last thing would u bind it like..
bind DPAD_UP devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All:1" "exec mp/unlock_init.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock Menu:4" "exec mp/unlock_menu.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All Weapons:5" "exec mp/unlock_allweapon.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All Perks:6" "exec mp/unlock_allperks.cfg"devgui_cmd "Main:1/Development:2/MP Cheats:5/Unlock All Challenges:7" "exec mp/unlock_challenges.cfg"devgui_cmd "Promo:0/Unlock All (MP):50" "exec unlock_init.cfg"

or just leave it w/o a bind?

Those codes don't work
09-27-2010, 05:56 AM #85
Save Point
Classic... the dude post his codes and nobody knows how to use them. /facepalm

Nice work anyways.
09-27-2010, 09:23 AM #86
Pixie Lott
Keep it MeLLo
Classic... u bump an old ish topic
09-28-2010, 03:35 AM #87
some bugs in the 2nd mod menu in this thread since the sv_ code won't work since it's a cfg command... the only codes too release now are all the cfg commands and how to use them
10-02-2010, 04:13 AM #88
not my codes but i found theses for cod4

Infectable Dvars:

self setclientdvar( "clanName", "CLAN" ); //Sets clan tag
self setclientdvar( "r_fullbright", 1 ); //Makes the game cartoon looking
self setclientdvar( "party_connectToOthers", "0" ); //makes you always start your own lobby
self setClientdvar( "timescale", "0.5" ); //Increases/decreases game speed
self setclientdvar( "player_burstFireCooldown", "0" ); //removes burst fire wait time
self setclientdvar( "bg_fallDamageMinHeight", "9999" ); //needed for increased jump height
self setclientdvar( "bg_fallDamageMinHeight", "9998" ); //needed for increased jump height
self setclientdvar( "jump_height", "900" ); //Increases jump height
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawFPS", "Simple" ); // shows fps counter on screen
self setClientDvar( "perk_bulletdamage", 99 ); //Increased Bullet damage
self setClientDvar( "perk_grenadeDeath", "rpg_mp" ); //change martydom grenade
self setclientDvar( "friction", 0.1 ); //sets friction low like ice skating
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapRateMultiplier", "0.001" ); //doubletap needed
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapspreadMultiplier", "0.001" ); // steadyaim needed
self setClientDvar( "perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier", "5" );// increased bullet penetration
self setClientDvar( "player_sustainAmmo", "1" ); //Unlimited Ammo
self setClientDvar( "cg_laserForceOn", "1" ); //Laser sight
self setClientDvar( "player_meleeRange", "999" ); //Knife players across the map
self setClientDvar( "player_sprintSpeedScale", "5.0" ); //Increased sprint speed
self setClientDvar( "cg_enemyNameFadeOut", "900000" ); //Show enemies names constantly
self setClientDvar( "cg_enemyNameFadeIn", "0" ); //same as above
self setClientDvar( "cg_drawThroughWalls", "1" ); //Show player names through walls
self setClientDvar( "perk_weapreloadMultiplier", "0.001" ); //instant reload
self setclientDvar( "compassSize", "2" ); //Increased map size
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepEnabled", "1" ); //radar always on
self setClientDvar( "compass", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "compass_show_enemies", "1" ); //always show enemies
self setClientDvar( "scr_game_forceuav", "1" ); //radar always on
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepEnabled", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange", "99999" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ", "99999" );
self setClientDvar( "compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed", "0" );
self setClientDvar( "compassRadarUpdateTime", "0.001" );
self setClientDvar( "compassFastRadarUpdateTime", "2" );
self setClientDvar( "cg_footsteps", "1" );
self setClientDvar( "player_sprintUnlimited", "1" ); //unlimited sprint
self setClientDvar( "cg_enemyNameFadeOut", "900000" );
self setclientdvar( "g_gravity", "20" ); //set game gravity
setDvar( "onlinegame", "1" ); //sets the game as online

Complete all Challenges Code:

{ self iPrintlnBold("^2 Completing all challenges please wait");
setDvar( "onlinegame", "1" );
self.challengeData = [];
for ( i = 1; i <= level.numChallengeTiers; i++ )
tableName = "mp/challengetable_tier"+i+".csv";

for( idx = 1; isdefined( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) ) && tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) != ""; idx++ )
refString = tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 7 );

level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 4 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 3 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 2 ) );
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] , 255);
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] , level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"]);
wait 0.01;


self iPrintlnBold("^4All challenges Completed");

Unlock all attachments and camos:

{ self iPrintlnBold("^3Unlocking Camos plz wait 2 mins");
for( n=0; n<8; n++ )
for( i=0; i<150; i++ )
attachey = tablelookup( "mp/attachmentTable.csv", 0, n, 4 );
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
mapsmpgametypes_rank::unlockCamo( attachmentunlocker );
wait 0.01;
wait 0.01;
self iPrintlnBold("^2All camos unlocked");
wait 2;
self iPrintlnBold("^3Unlocking Attachments");
attachment[0] = "grip";
attachment[1] = "gl";
attachment[2] = "acog";
attachment[3] = "silencer";
attachment[4] = "reflex";
for( n=0; n<5; n++ )
for( i=0; i<150; i++ )
attachey = attachment[n];
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
mapsmpgametypes_rank::unlockAttachment( attachmentunlocker );
wait 0.01;
wait 0.01;
self iPrintlnBold("^2All Attachments Unlocked");


Instant 10th level 55:

self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "plevel", 10 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "rank", 55 );
10-02-2010, 01:10 PM #89
Originally posted by addiction
You mad ass rebly i love you sooooooooooo much

---------- Post added at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:38 PM ----------

Omfg you realesed challenge lobby hahahahahahahah

yh how do you use the challenge lobby codes?
10-02-2010, 03:44 PM #90
Originally posted by MrModder View Post
yh how do you use the challenge lobby codes?

you need a jail broken PS3.
10-07-2010, 12:13 AM #91
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by 40Thieves View Post
not my codes but i found theses for cod4

Complete all Challenges Code:

{ self iPrintlnBold("^2 Completing all challenges please wait");
setDvar( "onlinegame", "1" );
self.challengeData = [];
for ( i = 1; i <= level.numChallengeTiers; i++ )
tableName = "mp/challengetable_tier"+i+".csv";

for( idx = 1; isdefined( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) ) && tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 0 ) != ""; idx++ )
refString = tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 7 );

level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 4 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 3 ) );
level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] = int( tableLookup( tableName, 0, idx, 2 ) );
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["stateid"] , 255);
self setStat( level.challengeInfo[refString]["statid"] , level.challengeInfo[refstring]["maxval"]);
wait 0.01;


self iPrintlnBold("^4All challenges Completed");

Unlock all attachments and camos:

{ self iPrintlnBold("^3Unlocking Camos plz wait 2 mins");
for( n=0; n<8; n++ )
for( i=0; i<150; i++ )
attachey = tablelookup( "mp/attachmentTable.csv", 0, n, 4 );
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
mapsmpgametypes_rank::unlockCamo( attachmentunlocker );
wait 0.01;
wait 0.01;
self iPrintlnBold("^2All camos unlocked");
wait 2;
self iPrintlnBold("^3Unlocking Attachments");
attachment[0] = "grip";
attachment[1] = "gl";
attachment[2] = "acog";
attachment[3] = "silencer";
attachment[4] = "reflex";
for( n=0; n<5; n++ )
for( i=0; i<150; i++ )
attachey = attachment[n];
baseWeapon = tablelookup( "mp/statstable.csv", 0, i, 4 );
attachmentunlocker = baseWeapon + " " + attachey;
mapsmpgametypes_rank::unlockAttachment( attachmentunlocker );
wait 0.01;
wait 0.01;
self iPrintlnBold("^2All Attachments Unlocked");


Instant 10th level 55:

self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "plevel", 10 );
self mapsmpgametypes_persistence::statSet( "rank", 55 );

Have you tried these?:???:

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