09-22-2010, 09:13 PM #1
League Champion
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); can someone give me a link or make me a tutorial on mod menus. I think its the last thing about grado_mp and grado_cm for me to learn. If someone could also make me a mod menu that would be brill. im willing to give rep+ and vbux. im just un sure about the whole paying money thing. :p it would be great. Sorry for any bad spellings cause im on my phone :mudkip: thanks in advance.
09-23-2010, 02:54 AM #2
set playlist "7"
set clanName "**^0"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set player_sustainammo "1"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999 ; toggle jump_height 50 1000 ; say ^5 ADD ME 4 MOD MENU AND OTHER HACKS, MODS ANd GLITCHES PSN:KIGLIGHTNING450"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "fast_restart ; set scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; xblive_privatematch 0 ; xblive_rankedmatch 1 ; g_teamicon_allies weapon_mp5 ; g_teamicon_axis weapon_deserteagle_gold"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "toggle scr_xpscale 200 1200 7000 999999 ; Say ^3XPXPXPXPXPXP"
bind DPAD_UP "god ; give brick_blaster_mp ; say ^1I ^2W^3I^4N"
bind DPAD_DOWN "give all ; noclip ; say ^5 OMGDFJSKANAIFNAVFKA"
bind BUTTON_X "toggle timescale 0.3 1.0"
set player_burstFireCooldown "0.0000000005"
bind BUTTON_B "svr_pezbots 7"

set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set cg_enemyNameFadeIn "0"
set cg_enemyNameFadeOut "9999999"
set aim_lockon_debug "1"
set aim_lockon_region_height "0"
set aim_lockon_region_width "999999"
set aim_lockon_deflection "0.0005"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassMaxRange "6500"
set player_sprintTime "500"
set compassSize "2"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set customclass1 "^1MoDz"
set customclass2 "^2MaDe By "
set customclass3 "^3KID"
set customclass4 "^4LIGTNING"
set customclass5 "^5 450!!!"
set jump_spreadAdd "1"
09-23-2010, 03:23 PM #3
League Champion
Originally posted by ovovvo View Post
set playlist "7"
set clanName "**^0"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set player_sustainammo "1"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999 ; toggle jump_height 50 1000 ; say ^5 ADD ME 4 MOD MENU AND OTHER HACKS, MODS ANd GLITCHES PSN:KIGLIGHTNING450"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "fast_restart ; set scr_dm_timelimit 0 ; scr_dm_scorelimit 0 ; xblive_privatematch 0 ; xblive_rankedmatch 1 ; g_teamicon_allies weapon_mp5 ; g_teamicon_axis weapon_deserteagle_gold"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "toggle scr_xpscale 200 1200 7000 999999 ; Say ^3XPXPXPXPXPXP"
bind DPAD_UP "god ; give brick_blaster_mp ; say ^1I ^2W^3I^4N"
bind DPAD_DOWN "give all ; noclip ; say ^5 OMGDFJSKANAIFNAVFKA"
bind BUTTON_X "toggle timescale 0.3 1.0"
set player_burstFireCooldown "0.0000000005"
bind BUTTON_B "svr_pezbots 7"

set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set cg_enemyNameFadeIn "0"
set cg_enemyNameFadeOut "9999999"
set aim_lockon_debug "1"
set aim_lockon_region_height "0"
set aim_lockon_region_width "999999"
set aim_lockon_deflection "0.0005"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassMaxRange "6500"
set player_sprintTime "500"
set compassSize "2"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set customclass1 "^1MoDz"
set customclass2 "^2MaDe By "
set customclass3 "^3KID"
set customclass4 "^4LIGTNING"
set customclass5 "^5 450!!!"
set jump_spreadAdd "1"

thans but thats not a mod menu /facepalm :whistle: thanks though :p emm they look great ... like brick_blaster_mp, svr_pezbots 7 ,g_teamicon_allies weapon_mp5,g_teamicon_axis weapon_deserteagle_gold".. if u tell me what they do il rep you because i have never seen tham before and they look great Dancing
09-23-2010, 08:02 PM #4
League Champion
has anyone else got an idea :p
09-25-2010, 12:05 AM #5
Respect my authoritah!!
Originally posted by BOMB View Post
has anyone else got an idea :p

set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set X "vstr X1"
set X1 "vstr X1a;set X vstr X2"
set X1a "bind DPAD_UP god;bind DPAD_DOWN noclip;bind DPAD_RIGHT give brick_blaster_mp;say ^1Up for God,Down for NoClip,Right for Brick Gun"
set X2 "vstr X2a;set X vstr X3"
set X2a "bind DPAD_UP toggle jump_height 50 250 500 999;bind DPAD_DOWN toggle g_speed 100 200 400 600;bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle g_gravity 50 300 550 800;say ^2Up for Jumps,Down for Speed,Right for Gravity"
set X3 "vstr X3a;set X vstr X4"
set X3a "bind DPAD_UP toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;bind DPAD_DOWN give defaultweapon_mp;bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle cg_thirdperson 1 0;say ^3Up for Slow Mo,Down for Default Weapon,Right for 3rd Person"
set X4 "vstr X4a;set X vstr X1"
set X4a "bind DPAD_UP toggle scr_xpscale 400 3000 5000;bind DPAD_DOWN fast_restart; bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle clanname ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6;say ^4Up for XP toggle between 2k-15k-25k,Down for Restart,Right for Name Colors"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "vstr X"
bind BUTTON_LSTICK "+sprint;xblive_privatematch 0;xblive_rankedmatch 1;g_compassshowenemies 1;ui_gametype ^2Choco's ^1Lobby"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK "g_speed 0;jump_height 0;say ^1Verifying players...;wait 1000;say ^2Verified!"

set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set gpad_sticksConfig "d3fault"
set input_autoAim "1"
set perk_weapRateMutliplier "0.0001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0001"
set M "vstr M1"
set M1 "vstr M1a;set M vstr M2"
set M1a "bind BUTTON_B clientkick 1;bind BUTTON_X clientkick 2;say ^1Circle to kick player 1, square to kick player 2"
set M2 "vstr M2a;set M vstr M3"
set M2a "bind BUTTON_B clientkick 3;bind BUTTON_X clientkick 4;say ^2Circle to kick player 3, square to kick player 4"
set M3 "vstr M3a;set M vstr M4"
set M3a "bind BUTTON_B clientkick 5;bind BUTTON_X clientkick 6;say ^3Circle to kick player 5, square to kick player 6"
set M4 "vstr M4a;set M vstr M1"
set M4a "bind BUTTON_B clientkick 7;bind BUTTON_X clientkick 8;say ^4Circle to kick player 7, square to kick player 8"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "vstr M"

Not yet tested these, and DO NOT release them as yours. These should work.
09-25-2010, 01:09 PM #6
League Champion
Originally posted by chocomonkey321 View Post
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set X "vstr X1"
set X1 "vstr X1a;set X vstr X2"
set X1a "bind DPAD_UP god;bind DPAD_DOWN noclip;bind DPAD_RIGHT give brick_blaster_mp;say ^1Up for God,Down for NoClip,Right for Brick Gun"
set X2 "vstr X2a;set X vstr X3"
set X2a "bind DPAD_UP toggle jump_height 50 250 500 999;bind DPAD_DOWN toggle g_speed 100 200 400 600;bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle g_gravity 50 300 550 800;say ^2Up for Jumps,Down for Speed,Right for Gravity"
set X3 "vstr X3a;set X vstr X4"
set X3a "bind DPAD_UP toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;bind DPAD_DOWN give defaultweapon_mp;bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle cg_thirdperson 1 0;say ^3Up for Slow Mo,Down for Default Weapon,Right for 3rd Person"
set X4 "vstr X4a;set X vstr X1"
set X4a "bind DPAD_UP toggle scr_xpscale 400 3000 5000;bind DPAD_DOWN fast_restart; bind DPAD_RIGHT toggle clanname ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6;say ^4Up for XP toggle between 2k-15k-25k,Down for Restart,Right for Name Colors"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "vstr X"
bind BUTTON_LSTICK "+sprint;xblive_privatematch 0;xblive_rankedmatch 1;g_compassshowenemies 1;ui_gametype ^2Choco's ^1Lobby"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK "g_speed 0;jump_height 0;say ^1Verifying players...;wait 1000;say ^2Verified!"

set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set gpad_sticksConfig "d3fault"
set input_autoAim "1"
set perk_weapRateMutliplier "0.0001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0001"
set M "vstr M1"
set M1 "vstr M1a;set M vstr M2"
set M1a "bind BUTTON_B clientkick 1;bind BUTTON_X clientkick 2;say ^1Circle to kick player 1, square to kick player 2"
set M2 "vstr M2a;set M vstr M3"
set M2a "bind BUTTON_B clientkick 3;bind BUTTON_X clientkick 4;say ^2Circle to kick player 3, square to kick player 4"
set M3 "vstr M3a;set M vstr M4"
set M3a "bind BUTTON_B clientkick 5;bind BUTTON_X clientkick 6;say ^3Circle to kick player 5, square to kick player 6"
set M4 "vstr M4a;set M vstr M1"
set M4a "bind BUTTON_B clientkick 7;bind BUTTON_X clientkick 8;say ^4Circle to kick player 7, square to kick player 8"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "vstr M"

Not yet tested these, and DO NOT release them as yours. These should work.

they look great. If i do use them and anyone else asks what codes i use il give them to them and give you chocomonkeycredit Claps

and two mod menus :O thast going to be f***ing awesome :Sad Awesomeblack:

man i love you :love:


for you:tits:

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