Post: Call of Duty 4 online guides for Rookies
06-28-2008, 10:04 PM #1
GUMI fanboy
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Call of Duty 4 - online guides for Rookies by : gwapo1 Requirements: just the game. Rookies are not bad actually their not worse either they just need guides, advises, and the Weapons. In speaking of Weapons if your about 8th lvl, you are eligible to make your own class, if you are trying to figure out what guns and perks you'll have to choose but instead blowing your head how about this, If you are kinda soldier type and loves rifle then go a head any rifle you want, but when you to a situation that you like two rifles and you don't know what to choose then I got this for you, first you must figure out which has more accuracy, then if you see that the rifle you choose has lower power, well you dont have to panic cause these perks will help you, your perks for that weapon is 3x stun grenade, stopping power, and steady aim, trust me it will work. to be continued.....

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