Post: *OFFICIAL* "Why do my 'hacks' not work after the patch" thread *READ BEFORE YOU ASK*
09-22-2009, 06:21 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Okay, so just looking at the top of this sub forum I see like about 100 topics asking this. So here, I am going to explain it so people such as yourself do not have to clutter this gorgeous forum with this shit.

First, you understand there was a PATCH. These are usually put in place to fix or correct a problem with the game. Alternatively, an exploit. In this case it did both.

Second, now that you know there was a PATCH now you must realize that none of your 'hacks' that you have for the previous patch will NOT work on update 1.40. Sorry, there is no port over yet so stop asking. In addition, do not try to get attention by saying 'Well mine still work ha-ha sucks for you guys.' Or something of that matter, yeah they still work if you delete the patch and go run on LAN (no not PAL turtle Winky Winky inside joke) or split screen. That is obvious if you have any knowledge about this, whats so ever. (This does not go for those who are not on the North American part, I have no idea nor do I care about what goes on in that part.)

Third, do NOT ask 'how do I hack' or ask someone to hack it for you. There is about a 99.5% chance that anyone here really can do this and help you. Of course, the .5% percent that can such as pHaez etc. will not because some people do get flooded with PM's from people like you (noobs) about this stupid shit. So just stop, if you REALLY would like to know or learn try Google. You can find some useful information pertaining to this there and hell maybe you will actually teach yourself something rather than leeching it off the people who take the time to learn. Now there is a concept.

Finally, okay after reading this I hope this answers your questions about anything pertaining to why your 'hacks' no longer work. This really needed to be done just by looking through the forum. It is getting ridiculous. My advice to those who really would like to get them back again is to just figure it out. Someone has to why not give it a shot and see what you can do without taking someone else's stuff. If that is not appealing to you who it probably won't to about 93.7% of you reading this then you just have to sit back and wait. Wait for whoever finds it to publicly release it or wait for a leak. (Where's super high)

Well that is it. If you have, further questions dealing with anything of this sort at all feel free to aim me at yankeeees31298. I am more than happy to help you if I can or feel like it (which I probably will not but hell you might get lucky) If you do not have aim my psn=Mr_Monopoly69, hit me up if you must. I am done rambling now.

Quick Hacking setup. Game save Tut... (Noob easy)________________________________________________________________________
Items needed:

USB Flash Drive
Call of Duty 4: Modern warfare

1. Insert you flash drive into the USB port on you ps3.

2. Copy the save data onto the USB flash drive.

3. Insert your USB flash drive into your computer.

4. Open your USB flash drive files on your computer.


6. Right click on GPAD0_CM and click open with notepad.

7. Delete everything in the file and copy-paste the following code into it.

“Insert codes here”

8. Now open file GPAD0_MP- delete everything in it and copy-paste the following codes into it.

“Insert codes here”

9. Save both the files and insert your USB into your ps3 once again.

10. Delete the old save data on your ps3 and copy the new one onto it.

11. Now go to game data utility and delete update 1.40 for call of duty

Now all there is left to do is BYPASS the patch.

I posted this quick Tut on how to do game save because it is annoying when new hackers come in saying, “how do I do the game save” This will answer your question.

More so, for the people who are asking for some codes? Here are some example codes I posted in my early threads.

GPAD0_CM Game save file

    set gpad_buttonsConfig "butt0ns_d3fault"
set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1"
set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"
set r_gamma "1"
set snd_volume "0.8"
set input_invertPitch "0"
set input_autoAim "1"
set gpad_sticksConfig "thumbstick_default"
set nightVisionDisableEffects "1"
set cg_tracerchance "1"
set cg_tracerlength "7500"
set cg_tracerSpeed "500"
set cg_tracerwidth "4"
set compassRadarUpdateTime "0.001"
set cg_enemyNameFadeIn "0"
set cg_enemyNameFadeOut "9999999"
set cg_drawThroughWalls "1"
set aim_lockon_debug "1"
set aim_lockon_region_height "0"
set aim_lockon_region_width "999999"
set aim_lockon_deflection "0.0005"
set compassEnemyFootstepEnabled "1"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ "99999"
set compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed "0"
set compassMaxRange "6500"
set player_sprintTime "500"
set compassSize "1.5"
set scr_sd_timelimit "0"
set scr_sd_numlives "0"

GPAD0_MP game save file

    set playlist "12"
set clanName "™©®¤"
set cg_drawShellshock "0"
set melee "1"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set player_sprintSpeedScale "4"
set player_meleeRange "900"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set ps3_voiceSpeakerGain "5.0"
set motd "Hi"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0.000000001"
set perk_weapReloadMultiplier "0.000001"
set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier "0.0000001"
bind BUTTON_BACK "noclip"
bind BUTTON_X "give all"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "fast_restart ; set scr_dm_timelimit 0"
bind BUTTON_RTRIG "toggle scr_xpscale 3000 100"
bind BUTTON_B "timescale 1.0"
bind BUTTON_RSTICK "toggle timescale 3.0 .5 ; set scr_dm_scorelimit 0"
bind DPAD_UP "toggle jump_height 39 500 1000 ; bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinHeight 99999 ; say ^1i got springs ^9on my ^4feet"
bind DPAD_RIGHT "toggle g_gravity 800 100 50 ; say ^3Theres no ^1gravity"
bind DPAD_DOWN "god ; say ^3Never die because baseballrulesx34 is LEET"

Now, if you do not want those codes and you rather have someone else’s. Then just use the search button. Alternatively, search the forums.

Need Help.? Don't Know anything about hacks and (or) Bypassing..

Ok here is a link that many newcomers should read before trying to hack. Read it a couple of times , then you will understand.

You must login or register to view this content. by Pontentialz

Useful Hacks.

Here is some links on very usefull and Legit hacks. Check them out.

You must login or register to view this content. by chris2k7sears , known as (DJ Hixxy)

You must login or register to view this content. by NGUPlaya

You must login or register to view this content. by NGUPlaya

Anymore legit links then pm me and ill add them.

Need your own hacks.? Make your own here.

Here is one part that will sure for the people to stop asking. Can you make me some hacks. I will rep you. .. Yes many people sure like REP. But no one likes people flooding this forum with pointless threads like that. So anyone who wants to make there ****OWN**** hacks or have someone else make them. Click one of these links.

You must login or register to view this content. by Tonsillitis

You must login or register to view this content. by Pontentialz

Need a good killstreak.? Need somone you can trust.?

Here is so people can just stop asking for someone to do killstreak with. Discuss & learn in this following link.

You must login or register to view this content. by Pontentialz

Quick reminders of why your hacks do not work. (Only some binds work)______________________________________________________________________
This part of the forum is for the people that have no idea why only a couple of their binds work after they had bypassed.

~One reason is when while you were bypassing, your hacks had been overwritten. This happens when you bypassed really quick. (10 trys the fastest). Or when it takes really long. When I say long, I mean like 20 minutes tops. So when your start noticing it takes a while, just say [OK] to the update. Then when you are at the XMB, just cancel the update. Do your games save again and start up call of duty 4. One way to prevent from bypassing quick is to make sure that you have very good connection. When I say good connection, I mean make sure you are not lagging while you are bypassing. Moreover, the reason it takes so long is you need to make sure you have [FAST] connection. There for bypassing quicker than usual.

~Another reason is when your putting codes into the gamsave files you must make sure your space is at it’s minimum. This means there must be a space of only 1 KB per file. As if you put more codes in the files and make it 2KB, then your hacks will not work. This is an example that many hackers do. As I speak thoughtfully, people have to be beginners to make this mistake.

List of bypass methods that might be helpful for the people who need to bypass.______________________________________________________________________..

[ame=""]YouTube - The easy way to bypass the cod4 patch![/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - How to bypass hack cod4 for ps3![/ame]

These are the latest vids on bypass methods. Some may say update 1.30, but it still works on update 1.40. NOTE: I do not take any credit for these methods, as these videos are Legit.

Here is a link for many well written-out bypass methods. You must login or register to view this content. by smelly-poopoo

Also if you do not understand the video part of some methods than just search this forum and you will find many well written out methods. To be honest, my favorite all time method is [How to use Ps3 Proxy to Bypass **TuT**]

~End of Forum~

Those are just some quick reminders for the people who do not know how to hack, or may have problems with hacking. I hope that this will straighten out the threads so no one will ask why their hacks do not work or post any pointless threads. And another thing, I am so sick of people posting threads on **NEW** hacks when there only copies off other people’s threads. Chris2k7sears successfully posted the cage into search&Awesome faceestroy . So all credits go to him for that hack. And the XP hack goes credit to some one . I don’t know who though so if you can comment on this thread and tell me who, I will add his name. And I successfully posted the aimbot codes. So there is no need for the same hacks every other day. I mean I’m saying that some NGU newcomers will post a thread on these same hacks. But that’s ok, We expect them to do that. But we don’t expect it from someone who joined a couple of weeks ago. So what im saying is, unless you don’t have *****NEW****** hacks. Then don’t post. It’s simple steps that anyone can follow.

As I’m talking about newcomers. We need to respect them as we respect mods and such. And Dezired needs to be respected as well. He may have got banned from spamming, But as you all know he has a very successful thread he had made and it helps me and many of you in so many ways. As we speak im, decrypting the cod5 files right now and if successful, I will make some mods. So enough doubting Dezired.

This thread came from my heart and soul of hacking because I care so much about this forum and website. I already donated 4 times and many of you should think of doing it too. To make this website better so that Outsider can do more with this website.

PS: This thread is just a reminder and can be useful. As well as this should get stickied. Anyone who is new to this forum should read this before posting. Please no flaming on this thread and (or) spamming.

Thanks for reading guys. Just love to help the community. Happy Hacking!

Last edited by Bio Hawk ; 09-24-2009 at 10:36 AM.

The following 20 users say thank you to Bio Hawk for this useful post:

.Dare, airjordans555, aks_1337, Cod5_owned_cod5, Fezous, GigaKirby, Joelthecool, mustangsaleen, Ninja_Chopper, nubnubx, ThugLife16041992, trevariousj, TwoGlitches, xI_X_GoML_X_Ix, xQuicKezT-
09-22-2009, 10:47 PM #20
LOL. thats cool . hope you enjoy

The following user thanked Bio Hawk for this useful post:

09-22-2009, 11:02 PM #21
Wow dude. You come unbanned, and now all these random accounts are thankiing you, most of them have the same IP as yours, hmm.

Once again, why does NGUNGUNGUNGUNGU have the same IP as you?
09-22-2009, 11:04 PM #22
dude i have a linsky router which many people have. And for their computers have the default linsky router IP. So that is prob the reason.? Unless it isnt, i dont know.
09-22-2009, 11:06 PM #23
Originally posted by NGUPlaya View Post
dude i have a linsky router which many people have. And for their computers have the default linsky router IP. So that is prob the reason.? Unless it isnt, i dont know.

I also have a linksys router. Why don't we have the same IP?
09-22-2009, 11:06 PM #24
Originally posted by HSx9 View Post
Wow dude. You come unbanned, and now all these random accounts are thankiing you, most of them have the same IP as yours, hmm.

that is to many accounts to make for thanking this post. this makes alot of post shorter to reach thats why this should b stickied
09-22-2009, 11:08 PM #25
Well people sometimes have problems setting up the internet on their ps3. [which i did] and they call up the company and they giv u the same default IP. But it requires a log in because some people have the same IP's. That's all i know. And these people i dont even know. So becuase your a mod, is there any way you can take of some of the thanks.?
09-22-2009, 11:13 PM #26
Originally posted by NGUPlaya View Post
dude i have a linsky router which many people have. And for their computers have the default linsky router IP. So that is prob the reason.? Unless it isnt, i dont know.

Lol dude thats BS, you get assigned an IP from your ISP, and they can never be the same
09-22-2009, 11:13 PM #27
Originally posted by NGUPlaya View Post
Well people sometimes have problems setting up the internet on their ps3. [which i did] and they call up the company and they giv u the same default IP. But it requires a log in because some people have the same IP's. That's all i know. And these people i dont even know. So becuase your a mod, is there any way you can take of some of the thanks.?

Unfortunately it's going to be different man, you have made 21 NGU Accounts, that's not even funny! Good Luck man.
09-22-2009, 11:25 PM #28
then close all the killstreaks they can meet up in score meet up

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