Post: Black Ops 2 Or MW3|Which One Is Better!?!?
01-23-2013, 11:30 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); So Black ops 2 has been out for long enough for everyone to have played it and gotten used to it with all the new features on multiplayer and zombies and my view is that it is one of the more popular Call Of Dutys from what I've heard from playing online but it has had its flaws and still does, the amount of lag I have experienced has been more than I've expected and I have been playing against players who have been lag switching which has been a real let down and also the prestige hack which takes you up the 55 levels straight away and nearly every lobby I Get into I see Prestige masters who have got there just from using the hack. So the question is which game do you prefer Black Ops 2 Or MW3?
Ive created a poll to see which game comes on on top
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01-24-2013, 09:27 AM #11
Save Point
It's quite hard to compare since they're two completely different styled games?

Anyhow I'm not going to lie, I like Black Ops and I like how they've aimed to please competitive players more than any other Call of Duty has done before. I have a lot more interest in this game than I did on Modern Warfare 3.

Treyarch's done well.
01-24-2013, 01:31 PM #12
Pokemon Trainer
Black Op's 2 needs a couple of patch's before we can really see it run well (it was the same with Blops 1 and MW3) once the get all the kinks out and manage to sort the lag it will probably be a better game than MW3, at present its still a bit too unstable for me so I can only play it for a hour or so before i throw in MW3 or BLOPS 1, I like the ideas Treyarch have implemented and think it will be great but as I said that will only come after they patch all the problems
01-24-2013, 02:58 PM #13
Do a barrel roll!
I like BO2 better as far as game play. I feel its more challenging than MW3. As far as the maps go, i prefer MW3. Seems like you have to always be on ur toes in BO2, meaning you never know where the other team is going to spawn. I felt MW3 was easier to play and rank up. For me, i like the challenge. BO2 is better, but still far from being the best COD. That award goes to the first MW still to this day.
01-25-2013, 12:08 AM #14
Vault dweller
Black ops2, MW3 was like a copy/paste of mw2 to me
01-25-2013, 02:15 AM #15
BO2 hands down!
01-25-2013, 02:23 AM #16
Blackops 2 takes more skill than any other cod so definetly a much better cod than MW3.
01-25-2013, 04:26 AM #17
Samurai Poster
Originally posted by iiPotential View Post
Blackops 2 takes more skill than any other cod so definetly a much better cod than MW3.

Why do you think it takes more skill than any other COD?
01-25-2013, 04:48 AM #18
Originally posted by glitchplz View Post
Why do you think it takes more skill than any other COD?
Because its more about the objective for e.g. when you cap a flag u get points towards your killstreak which will help your team to win. When a game has such a feature where its more about the objective then anything else this automatically makes the game intense and makes you have a more competitve feel for the game therefore will make the game more skillful then others as most players in your game will be set & ready to go for the win. All the other cods is who can get their killstreaks 1st lol so it was just camping for killstreaks then once u get your over powerd killstreaks everyone leaves no skill involed in that sense what so ever.
Last edited by Cesei ; 01-25-2013 at 04:50 AM.
01-25-2013, 07:31 AM #19
Samurai Poster
Originally posted by iiPotential View Post
Because its more about the objective for e.g. when you cap a flag u get points towards your killstreak which will help your team to win. When a game has such a feature where its more about the objective then anything else this automatically makes the game intense and makes you have a more competitve feel for the game therefore will make the game more skillful then others as most players in your game will be set & ready to go for the win. All the other cods is who can get their killstreaks 1st lol so it was just camping for killstreaks then once u get your over powerd killstreaks everyone leaves no skill involed in that sense what so ever.

The weird thing is, that at the highest levels of play it is actually the opposite of what you describe. At the most competitive levels teams have a designated slayer who's goal is to obtain kills in order to gain score streaks because at the highest level of game play a kill streak is often required to grab a flag in game modes such as CTF.

I guess we probably have skewed beliefs on what defines skill in Call of Duty lo
I feel skill is shown by constantly winning, winning gunfights, awareness and your reaction time, while you aren't playing like a bitch hiding in a corner holding L1. I feel like it requires slightly less skill now that the ability to use sound to your advantage has been dramatically nerfed. Counter to popular belief, listening for footsteps does not require a fancy headset, you could listen for footsteps coming from your tv speakers. It required another bodily sense to be alert and attentive. Now in BO2 listening for footsteps is way harder than it has been in previous CODs, and people will sound silent at times even if they don't have dead silence.

Another thing that makes me feel like it takes less skill is the decrease in the gap between players. Comparing BO2 to MW3, on a personal account I must say I have seen a significant change between the stats my friends had on the previous games compared to what they have now. I feel like this shows that there has indeed been a reduction in the skill gap on the game.

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