Post: Combat Training
04-26-2013, 02:17 PM #1
The Legend
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); At first glance, it seems like a good idea. Getting xp and unlocking attatchments against bots and real players is an easier option than playing online and messing up your precious ratios. I have played it a fair few times, but have started noticing some really annoying things.

People that play Combat training

Now at first, it would mostly be "noob" players in the lobby. This has caused an increase in so called "skilled" players in sarch of easy games, but don't get me wrong, this isn't what's annoying me. It's the fact that when these players come against a stiff opposition, they leave.

WTF? It's combat training for god's sake, why leave? why not stay and battle it out? what really have you got to lose? Public matches are bad enough but this is taking the mick. The word training needs to be put into emphasis here.

I don't want to start a camping debate, but is it really neccasary to camp/hide in places on this mode? I guess that it's the only way to get kill streaks? No... why not use it as an opportunity to practice your gun skills? Bots are often easy to kill and more times than not, so are the opposing players.. if your're as good as you think.

But then, why would I assume it would be any different than playing regular matches. I just thought people might have the balls to stay and get beat seeing as it doesn't count towards the combat record. Foolish me.


This is what grinds my gears. Ok, I don't expect it to be easy but I also don't expect to be located before I've been seen. Run around and get killed by a few bots and watch the kill cams and you'll understand.

Because they are bots, they are programmed (obviously). Programmed to lock onto you within a certain, and pretty varied radius. But what gets to me is how they can lock on to you when you are round a corner. Really? and yet in close range they can fail to aim at you properly. It's unfair if you ask me. It happens too often, but really in all honesty it would probably be hard to make them act and play in a life like manner.

On the flip side, bots can also be too easy. I've played games where they pretty much just stop and try to aim at you, giving you plenty of time to get the kill... but as it's title suggests, it's only training and isn't really design for continuous play although I've noticed more and more people play it a lot.

I have no idea wether the skill of these bots is decided by match making or not, it just seems fake at times. Getting no-scoped, stuck with semtex or crossbows with split-second reactions doesn't bother me, but knowing I'm coming round the corner is just... well.. dumb :dumb:

Like I have said, they are just programmed bots so I don't really know how they could be more real, all I know is that I see stuff happen that I would never see online.

So, my verdict (and to cut a rather long winded story short) is that combat training is crap. You might aswel just play online and get your xp at normal rates and be able to complete chllenges etc and actually have a record of all your kills and killstreaks.

The following 3 users say thank you to Soldier. for this useful post:

Big Smoke, gerardoalverdin, Sting
04-26-2013, 08:06 PM #11
In Flames Much?
Only played this gamemode a couple of times, found the bots appear to change depends on your skill level.
Fun to mess around in.
06-11-2013, 02:29 PM #12
yea lately i started playing combat training lately and the players camping doesn't bother me it's the bots auto lock on. Far too many times I got no scooped across the map or get turn on after putting a half a clip into them

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