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05-02-2010, 12:33 PM #1
Million Miles Of Fun!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Okay this is not to be a rant in any which way, simply the goal of this thread is to work together as a community to compile a list of everything that we can all agree on that needs a change and what would make Call of Duty: Black Ops possibly better than we already expect. This topic is meant to share helpful ideas on what new or old things should be improved apon based on what we have experienced with previous games.

If you have an idea that you think would actually be helpful than please post it and if its good I will add it to the list so that this topic can be copied to other communities i.e. treyarch so that dev's and such can get a good complete list of what we want to see, they say they listen.

Basically this is to keep everything organized so whenever we have a quick idea we can just post it here and discuss what we think.. If its good and different Ill give you credit.

Ideas (Fixes, features, etc) for Call of Duty: Black Ops:

*Updated match making system - One that actually works. It would be excellent to have it so if you have a rage quit or you hate that lobby and you leave, it will not keep putting you back in that lobby when you join the same game mode such as how it did in cod4, w@w and even in MW2. Overall just fix it please.

*Less Kill streaks - Well does not necessarily need to be less of a total greater amount but keeping the K/S simple unlike nukes and chopper gunners will prevent less of an issue with camping as players wont need to worry about getting a game ending reward. A good idea would be to stick with the 3,5,7 killstreaks but simply have multiple options to choose from for each tier. Also it would be good to have it so that every choice is balanced with another i.e:

Counter UAV

Enemy Mark(something like where it gives you basically an invisable guy from HQ who for a short time will mark out enemies so you can easily see them)

Attack Chopper

And so on...

*Points unlock system - The more kills and the more you use your certain gun and other variables the more points you get towards each gun. You then use the points to buy and unlock the attachments, something like a silencer would cost 100 per say(not sure how hard the points would be to earn) while a round drum or extended mags would cost 600.

*Character Customization - The ability to change the skin of your player so that the appearance will be different and unique to that of other players. This would be a new feature that the COD series never incorporated even though it has been suggested several times. Allowing you to change the look of your player could show your status and how good of a player you are. Things you can change would be special camos, hats(like fedora's and general hats) and perhaps a few special outfits.

*Bringing back juggernaut - While some players will infact disagree this is an overall useful perk. While around 95% of players most of the time use stopping power that makes the difference of ONE less bullet to kill, juggernaut balances it by canceling it out, allowing you to take ONE extra bullet before you die. Should be put back into the game.

*Killstreak-less mode - Often called the "Pro mode" this would simply be a playlist that a player can join where no one is allowed to use killstreak's this would cut down camping and allow people to focus on the objectives or getting kills for a possibly more challenging type of play.

*Old school Playlist mode - Having the old school mode like cod4 had would be amazing, would allow us older players to go WAY back into time where we all start out with a pistol and have to go around collecting our weapons and gear and if we die we start back with a pistol. Would be interesting as it would only have certain guns. I believe this one would be a MUST for public matches as its basically true skill.

*Stat tracking system - Treyarch did it for World at War so why can't we have it for Black Ops? Would be neat-o to go back and see how many kills we got on each game and with what gun etc. A must have!

*In-game clan system - Not sure how it would work, possibly some sort of sub menu like instead of the clan tag option its the 'clan' option and you can invite members and if they accept their added to the list. Maybe would be useful if added with the stat tracker or some other feature.

*Best foot forward attempt to fix lag - even if it is eventually fixed(somewhat) whenever a game is released it seems to have lag, if this is not and issue when the game is released and never becomes an issue it will make the gameplay better for everyone.

*Sniper rifle fix/hitmarkers - "If I shoot you in the head than your dead!" ~The words of a 10 year old. The snipers of course should not be a one hit kill in the leg etc(maybe some gore with higher calibers possibly?) but if its upper chest and head then they should die. Would make the game a million times better for snipers.

*Bring back higher level only lobbies - Depending on what the highest rank and level will be have it so the people that have a level in the top 1/4 or so can only join. Would give more experienced players a little more of a challenge to enjoy. Would be a playlist.

Note: Coming from a person with some networking experience I know this is not 100% possible due to the latency of your connection and the targets but having a good hit detection system would still improve it.

*Change spawns - Cmon' STOP having it so there are like 5 set spawns on each map, a designed system to randomly spawn you in the best possible location, not too close to the enemy would be a great and appreciated improvement.

*FIX Matchmaking - I am sure I can speak for everybody when I say NO ONE likes to join a game that is literally a few seconds from ending and when you join your team automatically looses and YOU get a free loss. Fair? I dont think so, many people do not like to join games that already half over so it would be a great fix if it could be done where no one joins after like the first three minutes or whatever, ultimately fix the matchmaking system in general.

*Filter System - Let us have an option to fill out a filter to what type of game we want to play. Let us select if we're willing to join a game in progress, what map we want to play on, etc. Would be simple to use yet allows us to find the lobby that we want to play in. I can see it possibly causing some problems yet it will still allow the majority of people to be pleased with the game as they are playing what they want to play and could always just disable it.

*More Camo's and Secondaries Customization - Secondary Weapon challenges are most of the time harder to complete than regular primary challenges so it would be nice to earn an award such as more unlocks and camo's for our secondary weapons as well. Perhaps maybe even a different type of skin like chrome or gold perhaps?

*Un-Scoped Snipers - Back in the days of World at War we had the option to use bolt action rifles without having to use a scope attachment. This should remain the same in Black Ops as it allows for players to choose a style when using such a gun that works the best for them. Anything from no scoping and beyond, not having to use a scope can have its benefits for players who want to use a bolt action rifle, but don't necessarily want to use a 'sniper'. This should be practical as a lot of bolt action rifles back in Black Ops time frame didn't always have a scope. Personally I think this would be nice if it worked like it did in World at War for the most part.
Last edited by bmxdude9 ; 09-19-2010 at 01:17 AM. Reason: updated

The following 7 users say thank you to bmxdude9 for this useful post:

Ameht!, atreyu9a7x, celtic3inarow, charlzangelz, Fionn, kleszyk, smokey2o5o
06-21-2010, 02:00 PM #83
06-21-2010, 03:53 PM #84
Million Miles Of Fun!
Originally posted by luijens View Post

They are already adding a playlist(barebones) that will not have perks or killstreaks, but really that should include attachments as well so its only guns and melee, not sure though.
06-21-2010, 07:36 PM #85
Yeah, I think they should add an online store which has Guns, Equipment, Outfits and it always gets updated. To buy stuff of it they should use OS points (Online Store). To achieve them you do challenges and get killstreaks e.t.c
06-21-2010, 08:46 PM #86
I want controllable vehicles and when some one leaves the lobby an automatic computer comes out as a player to kill and die for the game could continue.
06-28-2010, 05:34 PM #87
Retired Life
I hope they can develop a leaderboard review system that will remove names that have statistically impossible numbers for the time played and a method to force Xbox and PS3 to permanently ban players that are caught Hacking or Cheating ( modifying the game programing )
Whatever online game they come up with should be the same for everyone and not have the leadboards filled, the first day out, with BS stats.
06-28-2010, 09:16 PM #88
Million Miles Of Fun!
Originally posted by needalifesoon View Post
I hope they can develop a leaderboard review system that will remove names that have statistically impossible numbers for the time played and a method to force Xbox and PS3 to permanently ban players that are caught Hacking or Cheating ( modifying the game programing )
Whatever online game they come up with should be the same for everyone and not have the leadboards filled, the first day out, with BS stats.

Yeah actually seeing 100% legit people up on the leader boards would be nice as you know that they earned it.
06-29-2010, 01:53 PM #89
Pressing V for knife. And if you got 1000 kills with the knife, you'll get a golden knife?
06-29-2010, 09:11 PM #90
Little One
Tank That you can drive like the chopper gunner Killstreak
06-30-2010, 12:23 PM #91
don't put juggernaut or stopping power to satisfy both sides, and bring back the old matchmaking system like the cod4 where it is simple yet efficient.

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