Post: LilNatsFan44's List of Things & Ridiculous Things That Should Be In The Next COD.
04-03-2011, 06:02 PM #1
At least I can fight
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); LilNatsFan44's List of Things & Ridiculous Things That Should Be Changed, Added, or Brought Back To Call of Duty


Some Are Ridiculous, Some Are Amazing, Some Are Both

1) Get rid of the currency system. People should have to earn what they want, and challenges will be useful again. I miss the days of bragging and showing off in Search & Destroy when everybody is spectating me.

2) New game modes. Black Ops didn't add any regular game modes -just wager matches. I can think of a billion gamemodes that could be added. Attack & Defend, Assassination, Zombies (where the zombies can only knife, and if you get knifed you become a zombie), Free For All Doubles, 3-Life Team Deathmatch, etc.

3) Both ranked and nonranked matchmaking. Ranked matchmaking is like it is now, but they should also allow people to host their own nonranked rooms. To join a nonranked game, you would see a list of all the rooms and you would join one you like (like Cod4 on the PC). People would be able to completely customize the game rules and put restrictions on guns.

4) Forge Mode / Map Creator. I've always wanted this feature to be added to Call of Duty. People could completely make their own map (or edit a map) and save it. Then they could host private matches or nonranked matches and use their map (which everyone would have to download). At some point, the most popular maps could be remade and refurbished by the developers to be released in a Fan Made Map Pack so that people can use them in public games as well.

5) More file share slots. Either that or come up with a different way to save a lot of things.

6) Better community distribution of file share things. There should be a most viewed, most downloaded, and highest rated sorting of all of the things people have uploaded to the servers. This way, for example, people could look at the highest rated and most downloaded maps to download for themselves. People could also vote on the best kill or clip of the day (or week, month, etc.).

7) Theater Mode Filters. People should be able to filter out grenade kills, sniper kills, gun kills, double kills, multikills, etc. And when people are looking back at their recent games, there should be a number of how many of these kill you got in the description.

8.) Better Theater Mode rendering. Either make the clips not laggy, or simply have all of the work done on the console, and have the clip saved on to the console.

9) Custom game modes. Not just edited game modes, but there should be a game mode creator. These could also be distributed to everybody and people could download other people's game modes.

10.) Title & Emblem system just like MW2's, but with more features. There should be an emblem creator, like Black Ops, but there should also be default emblems and animated emblems too. People should be able to save their custom emblems, so they can use them again later. Also, people should also be allowed to create their own Title message.

11) There should be special attachments, but in a new way. When people unlock an attachment, they would unlock other types of that attachment by getting kills with it. For example, if you unlock a red dot site, you can unlock other types of red dot sites (Cod4 red dot site, MW2 red dot site, etc). Or if you get a lot of kills with the ACOG scope, you should be able to unlock other types of ACOG scopes, like the Cod4 ACOG.

12) Cooler camos, of course. They should go all out on camos to make them all look sexy. Also, there should be a camo called "Alternating Camo" that picks the camo that is best suited for the map you are playing on. For example, if you are playing on a desert map, then the camo would automatically make your gun have Desert Camo. Also, a Camo creator would be cool, but you would have to earn that.

13) Theater Mode Effects. There should be a lot of customization with making clips in theater mode. Here are a few things: Reverse, Blur, Hue Change, Tint, Emboss, etc.

14) No more draws. When the game ties, there should be overtime for every game, like how Sabotage does it. People will have one life, and you win by either eliminating the other team or by completing the objectice.

15) Team Creator. You can make your own custom team name or country name, where you can customize the appearance and you can make your own commands for everyone to hear. For example, you could make a team called "The Best Team Ever" and instead of a guy saying "The Enemy Took C!", you could record you own and say "You ****ers let those bastards take C!". -Maybe not like that, but could make some pretty serious or funny teams to use in private matched, instead of using S.A.S., Militia, etc.

16) To accompany the Game Winning Kill Cam, there should be a Top Plays Cam, Best Kill Cam, or Highest Multikill Cam.

17) You should be able to completely customize your guy, like you can in Rainbow Six Vegas. You should be able choose what type of clothing and camo you guy wears. And also what your guys face would look like. There should even be a feature where you can take a picture of your face (or of another picture, like Hitler lol) and have it go on your guy's face. Then the game can make different versions of your character to make them fit in with the different types of teams.

18.) There should be Spec Ops, and Zombies for every new Call of Duty. They're both fun, and it won't hurt. Or instead of Zombies, there could be a different type of horde game mode. Also, there should be Co-Op Campaign. I loved that feature. And there should also be Intel or Death Cards that unlock cheats and fun surprises again.

19) I remember reading this one on the Call of Duty forums. Instead of your characters standing still at the beginning of each game, they should be moving towards where you would normally start. For example, your team could slide down a rope from a helicopter and you all would be at the spawn as soon as the countdown hits "0". Or your team could also be climbing up a mountain wall, coming to the map in vehicles, or by just running. This would make the game a lot cooler and each map and spawn would have their own unique way to start the game.

20) Mods. There should be mods for Private Matches & Nonranked matches. Not quite sure how they could pull this off, but it would be amazing if they did. Who wouldn't want a Paintball mod or a low gravity mod?

21) Ditch the Black Ops way of sniping and make it Cod4 style. In other words, make sniping how it normally was before Black Ops, take out Sleight of Hand Pro for snipers, and make the ADS slightly faster.

22) Here's an Idea that Activision will love! There should be billboards and ads inside of every map. Companies would pay to have their product advertised on certain objects inside of the map for a certain amount of time.

This is all I could think of so far. I will add more to the list soon. Have anything that should be added? I'll quote your idea.

Update 4/5/11

23) Leaderboards just like Modern Warfare 2 should be added again. I want to easily see how my overall total kills and total everything else compares with the rest of the world and my friends. Also, the stat tracking and all of the specific things that Black Ops brought should come back.

24) Better end game description. There should be accolades just like in Modern Warfare and there should also be a bunch of stats like World at War and Black Ops. I would like to see how many kills I got with each weapon, how many of each killstreak I got, how many multikills I got, how many objectives I completed, and many more new special things. Also, the end game description should stick with the game in the "Recent Games" menu.

25) There should be a shit load of guns and attachments. I would love to have many different variations as well. Also, I would like to have a lot of guns and gun variations. For example, I would like both the MP5K and the MP5N.

26) In theater mode, they should allow us to see the killcams and game ending killcams. Also, they should allow the camera to snap on to moving objects like grenades, knifes, etc.

27) When we unlock a new Class when we prestige, we should still have the option to use the default class that it replaced. Also, we should be able to have killstreaks assigned to every class and we should also have overall killstreaks. When you pick your class, you could for example push "A" to pick the class and use your overall killstreaks, or you could push "Y" to pick the class and use your killstreaks you assigned to that class.

Update 4/6/11

28.) More gun stats in Create-a-Class. I would like to see how many bullets are in a clip, the reload time, the ADS time, and more.

29) Take out permanent bans for crying out loud! Why ban someone forever if they bought the game mainly for the multiplayer experience? Once the person who got permanently banned learns their lesson, they still can't play anymore. So what's the point of that? If their are any bands, they should only have temporary bands. This way people can learn their lesson, and hopefully not cheat in the future. Who would want to be banned from their favorite game forever anyways? Console bands just causes a large group of people to be mad at the developers and it also causes them to never buy another one made by them.

Update 4/7/11

30) Gaming Character Pictures. You know how in sports, every player has their own picture of their face? Well every player should have their own picture that shows their character's face. This picture would then appear in the corner of the Game Winning Killcam, their Combat Record profile, in the small menu that comes up when highlighting their name in the lobby, and many more places. If they allow a lot of customization, this feature will be even better. Also, if they wanted to go above and beyond, these could be animated! This game is already sort of moving in the sport themed direction anyways, which I think is really cool.

Update 4/8/11

31) Multiple character animations. This feature wouldn't really make a big difference, but it would still be nice. There would be multiple animations for reloading each gun and each animation would be slightly different, just to add more variety.

32) There should be tournaments. This would be a new public thing to accompany Wager Matches and Matchmaking. Many people would join a tournament and then there would be multiple games that would eventually lead to a winner or a winning team. There would be prizes such as XP, unlockables, titles, emblems, and more. There should also be private match tournaments. Also for private matches, there should be a Gamebattles integration to link your account so you can easily have a battle with somebody on that website.

33) Night Vision should be brought back. It doesn't hurt to have this very cool feature in the game. Like Cod4, players would push UP on the DPAD and they would switch to night vision. Maybe you could unlock more types of visions too.

34) Players should be able to choose the order of their killstreaks. If someone wanted to call in a different killstreak, they would simply push DOWN on the DPAD to scroll through all of the accumulated killstreaks (which are grouped together if they are the same) and they would call the desired one in. This would be incredibly useful if the airspace was too full, or if you decide to call in a UAV first to have a better chance of hitting the enemy.

Update 4/9/11

35) Don't put invisible barriers around every object in the entire map! I know Black Ops was trying to be glitch proof, but they went over the top with this. You can't jump on half of the objects you see, and it makes the game feel a lot less "free".

36) Improve the ridiculous things that happen. Make the knifing distance a lot shorter, and fix other stupid things. For example, if a guy has Flak Jacket and someone directly hits him in the face with a grenade launcher that explodes as well, they should die (this actually happened to me)! Also, any silenced sniper should be a one-shot kill to the head. No question.

37) The "double tap" Y to immediately stop reloading should be brought back. This has always been apart of Call of Duty, and there is no good reason for why it should be taken out. Also, the repeatedly tapping of Y while prone should make it look like you're dead again. Again, there is no good reason to take this out, and it is very fun and useful.
Last edited by lilnatsfan44 ; 04-10-2011 at 03:54 AM.

The following 30 users say thank you to lilnatsfan44 for this useful post:

Anthony., blinkxfanx182, danielsarpa, Digit705, DrY-iNsErTiOn, Encopresis, ffflol, FlyingIrishMan, Hazel, hTx_Stunna_713, I dun got banned, iNK Shot, jakerad95, Kristopherr, Leftwinger, LILSHAK_23, millapepe, Mr.Oppossum, Mtx_FuRy, NooFag, oO_NeoN, Porter_Justice, RayJ_chugs, SkaterCookie, thalx, The Xbox Pro, VeTeReN, WiKKiD, zchryfrk, zomfg
04-06-2011, 05:43 AM #29
All of these ideas are great, but think realistically, chances of Treyarch/InfinityWard/Activisions using these ideas are slim to none. But if your talking about including ALL of these features, I think it would be impossible finding a server that can host all of these at the same time. You also have to consider glitches, bugs, and balance. One way to fix glitching and hacking is by banning, but look where that got Black Ops. I know one of Black Op's biggest flaws was its balancedness, but if you do incorporate some of you ideas maybe one of the next Call of Duty games can be just as good or even better than the old ones. Some of ideas would completely change the WHOLE game. you would have to make new game modes separate from singleplayer, multiplayer and zombies. I'm not flaming or anything, but I at least hope you put thought into it. Like some of my friends with a stupid ideas like "having raygun in multiplayer" or some BS like that. Well thats my two cents on this post. Smile
04-06-2011, 09:42 AM #30
Are you high?
unlock guns when prestiging?
have a prestige for using certain guns like snipers, shotguns only.
have prestige challenges to prestige
04-06-2011, 11:09 AM #31
At least I can fight
Originally posted by GhettoPharmaict View Post
as soon as you said "Or instead of zombies" I stopped reading, zombies is one of my favourite things in COD, taking it out is just stupid.

well you should have kept reading, because i said "or some other type of horde mode" because i doubt Infinity Ward will ever put zombies in their game
04-06-2011, 02:08 PM #32
they should get rid of the currency system you should have to use the gun before you can get rds and scilencers
04-06-2011, 03:38 PM #33
Problem rule #16?
Originally posted by cody97124241 View Post
they should get rid of the currency system you should have to use the gun before you can get rds and scilencers

And give people a reason/excuse to use granade launcher? I prefer the currency system for attachments to be honest. At least more then the way you got attachments in MW2 (FMJ=Extended mags?) W@Ws attachment system was ok but that was back when each gun had 2-5 attachments...
04-06-2011, 04:48 PM #34
I defeated!
some of these are just bad ideas and will never happen like the currency system is good better than the challenge system and the leaderboards sytem is better now aswell if you add these things to the next COD it will be the biggest Nobbiest Game ever and will be a complete failure
04-06-2011, 05:56 PM #35
Do a barrel roll!
Rule #23 I wish too see in the next cod
04-06-2011, 08:04 PM #36
Originally posted by ic0de View Post
Also bipods for snipers to increase accuracy.

Is shooting straight not enough?
04-06-2011, 08:56 PM #37
League Champion
Originally posted by lilnatsfan44 View Post
LilNatsFan44's List of Things & Ridiculous Things That Should Be Changed, Added, or Brought Back To Call of Duty

1) Get rid of the currency system. People should have to earn what they want, and challenges will be useful again. I miss the days of bragging and showing off in Search & Destroy when everybody is spectating me.

2) New game modes. Black Ops didn't add any regular game modes -just wager matches. I can think of a billion gamemodes that could be added. Attack & Defend, Assassination, Zombies (where the zombies can only knife, and if you get knifed you become a zombie), Free For All Doubles, 3-Life Team Deathmatch, etc.

3) Both ranked and nonranked matchmaking. Ranked matchmaking is like it is now, but they should also allow people to host their own nonranked rooms. To join a nonranked game, you would see a list of all the rooms and you would join one you like (like Cod4 on the PC). People would be able to completely customize the game rules and put restrictions on guns.

4) Forge Mode / Map Creator. I've always wanted this feature to be added to Call of Duty. People could completely make their own map (or edit a map) and save it. Then they could host private matches or nonranked matches and use their map (which everyone would have to download).

5) More file share slots. Either that or come up with a different way to save a lot of things.

6) Better community distribution of file share things. There should be a most viewed, most downloaded, and highest rated sorting of all of the things people have uploaded to the servers. This way, for example, people could look at the highest rated and most downloaded maps to download for themselves. People could also vote on the best kill or clip of the day (or week, month, etc.).

7) Theater Mode Filters. People should be able to filter out grenade kills, sniper kills, gun kills, double kills, multikills, etc. And when people are looking back at their recent games, there should be a number of how many of these kill you got in the description.

8.) Better Theater Mode rendering. Either make the clips not laggy, or simply have all of the work done on the console, and have the clip saved on to the console.

9) Custom game modes. Not just edited game modes, but there should be a game mode creator. These could also be distributed to everybody and people could download other people's game modes.

10.) Title & Emblem system just like MW2's, but with more features. There should be an emblem creator, like Black Ops, but there should also be default emblems and animated emblems too. People should be able to save their custom emblems, so they can use them again later. Also, people should also be allowed to create their own Title message.

11) There should be special attachments, but in a new way. When people unlock an attachment, they would unlock other types of that attachment by getting kills with it. For example, if you unlock a red dot site, you can unlock other types of red dot sites (Cod4 red dot site, MW2 red dot site, etc). Or if you get a lot of kills with the ACOG scope, you should be able to unlock other types of ACOG scopes, like the Cod4 ACOG.

12) Cooler camos, of course. They should go all out on camos to make them all look sexy. Also, there should be a camo called "Alternating Camo" that picks the camo that is best suited for the map you are playing on. For example, if you are playing on a desert map, then the camo would automatically make your gun have Desert Camo. Also, a Camo creator would be cool, but you would have to earn that.

13) Theater Mode Effects. There should be a lot of customization with making clips in theater mode. Here are a few things: Reverse, Blur, Hue Change, Tint, Emboss, etc.

14) No more draws. When the game ties, there should be overtime for every game, like how Sabotage does it. People will have one life, and you win by either eliminating the other team or by completing the objectice.

15) Team Creator. You can make your own custom team name or country name, where you can customize the appearance and you can make your own commands for everyone to hear. For example, you could make a team called "The Best Team Ever" and instead of a guy saying "The Enemy Took C!", you could record you own and say "You ****ers let those bastards take C!". -Maybe not like that, but could make some pretty serious or funny teams to use in private matched, instead of using S.A.S., Militia, etc.

16) To accompany the Game Winning Kill Cam, there should be a Top Plays Cam, Best Kill Cam, or Highest Multikill Cam.

17) You should be able to completely customize your guy, like you can in Rainbow Six Vegas. You should be able choose what type of clothing and camo you guy wears. And also what your guys face would look like. There should even be a feature where you can take a picture of your face (or of another picture, like Hitler lol) and have it go on your guy's face. Then the game can make different versions of your character to make them fit in with the different types of teams.

18.) There should be Spec Ops, and Zombies for every new Call of Duty. They're both fun, and it won't hurt. Or instead of Zombies, there could be a different type of horde game mode. Also, there should be Co-Op Campaign. I loved that feature. And there should also be Intel or Death Cards that unlock cheats and fun surprises again.

19) I remember reading this one on the Call of Duty forums. Instead of your characters standing still at the beginning of each game, they should be moving towards where you would normally start. For example, your team could slide down a rope from a helicopter and you all would be at the spawn as soon as the countdown hits "0". Or your team could also be climbing up a mountain wall, coming to the map in vehicles, or by just running. This would make the game a lot cooler and each map and spawn would have their own unique way to start the game.

20) Mods. There should be mods for Private Matches & Nonranked matches. Not quite sure how they could pull this off, but it would be amazing if they did. Who wouldn't want a Paintball mod or a low gravity mod?

21) Ditch the Black Ops way of sniping and make it Cod4 style. In other words, make sniping how it normally was before Black Ops, take out Sleight of Hand Pro for snipers, and make the ADS slightly faster.

22) Here's an Idea that Activision will love! There should be billboards and ads inside of every map. Companies would pay to have their product advertised on certain objects inside of the map for a certain amount of time.

This is all I could think of so far. I will add more to the list soon. Have anything that should be added? I'll quote your idea.

Update 4/5/11

23) Leaderboards just like Modern Warfare 2 should be added again. I want to easily see how my overall total kills and total everything else compares with the rest of the world and my friends. Also, the stat tracking and all of the specific things that Black Ops brought should come back.

24) Better end game description. There should be accolades just like in Modern Warfare and there should also be a bunch of stats like World at War and Black Ops. I would like to see how many kills I got with each weapon, how many of each killstreak I got, how many multikills I got, how many objectives I completed, and many more new special things. Also, the end game description should stick with the game in the "Recent Games" menu.

25) There should be a shit load of guns and attachments. I would love to have many different variations as well. Also, I would like to have a lot of guns and gun variations. For example, I would like both the MP5K and the MP5N.

26) In theater mode, they should allow us to see the killcams and game ending killcams. Also, they should allow the camera to snap on to moving objects like grenades, knifes, etc.

27) When we unlock a new Class when we prestige, we should still have the option to use the default class that it replaced. Also, we should be able to have killstreaks assigned to every class and we should also have overall killstreaks. When you pick your class, you could for example push "A" to pick the class and use your overall killstreaks, or you could push "Y" to pick the class and use your killstreaks you assigned to that class.

Update 4/5/11

28.) More gun stats in Create-a-Class. I would like to see how many bullets are in a clip, the reload time, the ADS time, and more.

They should create something where you can make your own maps on your computer then transfer it to your ps3 then play it with your friends or share with the community.

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