Post: Why We Can't Get GSC Mods Online
04-07-2012, 05:42 PM #1
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Why Call of Duty: Black Ops Mods Can't Be Taken Online!

Unless your clever and know alot about programming and such and such like TheUnkn0wn then i guess its possible...

Modded Black Ops .ff files cannot be taken online due to us not having access to the EBOOT.BIN because no ps3dev has released any of the latest NPDRM keys NPDRM is the keys
sony uses to sign the EBOOT.BIN. Well your thinking why do we need to mod the EBOOT.BIN... Well we need to mod the EBOOT.BIN because it has a unique function known as an
RSA key stopping us from modifying any of the files, if you mod any of the fast files you will realise you get hit with an error or even a black screen if neither of those
occur maybe your game freezes half way through!

Treyarch went to extra measures to protect there game, in the header of the fastfile there are signatures that are made upof the RSA encrypted SHA-1 hashes from the data blocks.
if you modify the ff in anyway the signatures will corrupt so you need to patch the RSA within the EBOOT.BIN so that it reads the signatures as valid every time.
There are a various ways to get these mods online via game saves but i'm not sure how to do this i know there is 1 person as of yet who knows how to get these game saves
working with modded binds online and that would be TheUnkn0wn, however he can execute binds in zombies but not in multiplayer im not sure why as i don't have enough
information but i do know it involves codecaving. Codecaving and getting access takes alot of knowledge of PPC programming also known as PowerPC Assembly.

What is codecaving?
Codecave is a program/file decompiler: Find out more here -

What is PPC?
PPC is just powerpc assembly: Find out more here - You must login or register to view this content.

- Modded 1.13 EBOOT.BIN requires sony's NPDRM keys for the latest firmware which we don't have!
- Alternatives are modded game saves with binds but im not sure how? who does? TheUnkn0wn!
- What programming languages are suited best? PPC / C
- What does it involve? Codecaving

Just general knowledge and information found within the INTERNET!
Some of which came via TheUnkn0wn!
This is not at all why they don't work i can assure i have NOT summed it all up but as much as i know.

Thanks Newelly :y:
Last edited by Newelly ; 04-07-2012 at 07:13 PM.

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05-13-2012, 08:16 PM #29
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Originally posted by iOdysseus View Post
The guy got praised for this? Lol.

Also, you're wrong about Codecaving. It isn't a program/file lol. I'm surprised Unkn0wn didn't point that out. It's simply jmping to the first line of the overwritten code, executing code, then jmping back to the last line of the code. Example,

Original Code:


The jmp opcode is 0xE9. I created a function to automatically do this for me and whatnot. It's easy. Use MSDN Library.

The time of me posting this thread i did not have a clue about codecaving therefore i know it's wrong.

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