Post: CoD Ghosts HUGE Insider Information - Perk Combination, MW2 Style Maps Back, & More!
06-26-2013, 05:28 PM #1
Bounty hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); All of the information is presented in the video, as stated the insider would like to keep his identity secret due to the fact this release of leaked information could get him fired!

The following 2 users say thank you to LegacY_HD for this useful post:

hyperj123, xxXSTRIKEXxx
07-04-2013, 05:59 PM #11
Little One
Think about it guys MW2 maps with Intractable environments...
07-04-2013, 08:26 PM #12
Vault dweller
Just another Call of Duty I won't be buying new.
07-05-2013, 02:40 AM #13
Today Will Be Different
Originally posted by Blackadder1 View Post
There was nothing 'balanced' about the UMP45!!!!! looool

Compared to the stupid shit now in the Call of Duty franchise, I'd beg to differ. I'm assuming people don't understand what 'balance' is, so I'll explain in a short paragraph. People seem to think that balancing a game makes it fairer for all the players, which is not the case. Balancing in basic terms is managing unfair variables, since unfairness leads to tension and excitement, which is the goal all game designers strive for.

So in regards to older CoDs and Modern Warfare 2 included... you saw people using different ARs, SMGs, LMGs, perks etc. Nowadays you literally see about 1000+ people running the same exact gun, attachments, perks and loadouts. Why? Because there aren't any other guns that can compete and go toe to toe with that particular gun. And in regards to the UMP-45, I would shit on kids day in and day out who ran it with stopping power. I myself wouldn't run that gun often because I liked to prove the point that other guns can compete, along with other perks. Which I proudly did throughout the lifespan of Modern Warfare 2.

Ultimately it doesn't matter if a gun was overused, that doesn't make it overpowered 'OP'. I just means people who can't play the game join in the clique of people who suck at the game and run the same load out as others. And I'd like to add this, back on the older CoDs I was probably one of the first to run a gaming headset and sound whore and listening to sound queues which is non-existent now. Which is ironic because the amount of gaming headsets from 2008 to now has probably quadrupled if not more. So why game devs such as 3arc would make characters shout like they are at a rave just boggles my mind. If anything, I would expect it to be easier to soundwhore since the playing field has leveled since 2008/2009. It's hilarious that people bitched about the rushing play style then, and now that is the only play style...

In regards to the rushing play style that you currently see in Call of Duty, that is my opinion. But in regards to the actual definition of balance, Modern Warfare 2 probably came the closest to being balanced compared to all the latest CoDs. Which have drifted from the definition of balanced.
Last edited by Rath ; 07-05-2013 at 02:43 AM.

The following user thanked Rath for this useful post:

07-05-2013, 01:15 PM #14
Gym leader
Originally posted by RuthHavoc View Post
Compared to the stupid shit now in the Call of Duty franchise, I'd beg to differ. I'm assuming people don't understand what 'balance' is, so I'll explain in a short paragraph. People seem to think that balancing a game makes it fairer for all the players, which is not the case. Balancing in basic terms is managing unfair variables, since unfairness leads to tension and excitement, which is the goal all game designers strive for.

So in regards to older CoDs and Modern Warfare 2 included... you saw people using different ARs, SMGs, LMGs, perks etc. Nowadays you literally see about 1000+ people running the same exact gun, attachments, perks and loadouts. Why? Because there aren't any other guns that can compete and go toe to toe with that particular gun. And in regards to the UMP-45, I would shit on kids day in and day out who ran it with stopping power. I myself wouldn't run that gun often because I liked to prove the point that other guns can compete, along with other perks. Which I proudly did throughout the lifespan of Modern Warfare 2.

Ultimately it doesn't matter if a gun was overused, that doesn't make it overpowered 'OP'. I just means people who can't play the game join in the clique of people who suck at the game and run the same load out as others. And I'd like to add this, back on the older CoDs I was probably one of the first to run a gaming headset and sound whore and listening to sound queues which is non-existent now. Which is ironic because the amount of gaming headsets from 2008 to now has probably quadrupled if not more. So why game devs such as 3arc would make characters shout like they are at a rave just boggles my mind. If anything, I would expect it to be easier to soundwhore since the playing field has leveled since 2008/2009. It's hilarious that people bitched about the rushing play style then, and now that is the only play style...

In regards to the rushing play style that you currently see in Call of Duty, that is my opinion. But in regards to the actual definition of balance, Modern Warfare 2 probably came the closest to being balanced compared to all the latest CoDs. Which have drifted from the definition of balanced.

I see what your saying, but as a someone who plays hardcore, then let me tell you that the UMP45 was OP to hell. The reason everybody was using it in every game of HC SnD on mw2 i played was because it was a one hit kill across the map even with a silencer on it, and its meant to be an SMG! Maybe in core it wasn't quite so obvious; but having sniper rifle lethality in an SMG is not what i call balanced when it out powers every AR on the game at short/ medium/ long distance. Add in the low recoil and SMGs moving speed and you've got the only gun worth running.
07-05-2013, 08:34 PM #15
Pr0n ftw
You seem to have changed the definition of balanced to personal preference, compared to the latest call of duties, mw2 has been the most unbalanced call of duty yet, you did mention that every gun was balanced, but did not mention that they were all OP, and you forgot to mention all the other stuff, there's absolutely nothing that counters stopping power, if you wanted to get a higher KDR by camping people wouldn't play the objective, another thing that failed, killstreaks that encourage camping, making mw2 a camping based game if you're good at camping you get awards for it, since they're killstreaks they don't even encourage the objective so I think we all know which cod is the winner in this field. Noobtubes, why waste time aiming down the sights and dealing with shooting a gun when you can just use the danger close perk, one man army, and fire unlimited explosions that don't even have to be close to the enemy to kill them? Deathstreaks, because if people die a lot they should be rewarded? Last stand and final stand, one of the two most rage inducing things in a game. Now tell me why you think that this unbalanced cod is the most balanced cod? After Cod4 and Cod5, BO2 has been the most balanced cod, at least the only one playable with peace, the ability to run and gun and get awarded for playing the objective without any killstreaks and perks that encourage people to sit a corner or camp in a window is a huge plus, and the competitive encouragement is why this game has been the best since cod4, in BO2 campers are punished for not playing the objective or for just not moving around (MMS) and UAV. Also developers did not have the ability to ban any cheaters or boosters, and I guess a game that has been brutally hacked and had countless glitches is the most balanced?
Last edited by xShadow ; 07-05-2013 at 08:40 PM.
07-05-2013, 08:39 PM #16
Pr0n ftw
Originally posted by RuthHavoc View Post
Compared to the stupid shit now in the Call of Duty franchise, I'd beg to differ. I'm assuming people don't understand what 'balance' is, so I'll explain in a short paragraph. People seem to think that balancing a game makes it fairer for all the players, which is not the case. Balancing in basic terms is managing unfair variables, since unfairness leads to tension and excitement, which is the goal all game designers strive for.

So in regards to older CoDs and Modern Warfare 2 included... you saw people using different ARs, SMGs, LMGs, perks etc. Nowadays you literally see about 1000+ people running the same exact gun, attachments, perks and loadouts. Why? Because there aren't any other guns that can compete and go toe to toe with that particular gun. And in regards to the UMP-45, I would shit on kids day in and day out who ran it with stopping power. I myself wouldn't run that gun often because I liked to prove the point that other guns can compete, along with other perks. Which I proudly did throughout the lifespan of Modern Warfare 2.

Ultimately it doesn't matter if a gun was overused, that doesn't make it overpowered 'OP'. I just means people who can't play the game join in the clique of people who suck at the game and run the same load out as others. And I'd like to add this, back on the older CoDs I was probably one of the first to run a gaming headset and sound whore and listening to sound queues which is non-existent now. Which is ironic because the amount of gaming headsets from 2008 to now has probably quadrupled if not more. So why game devs such as 3arc would make characters shout like they are at a rave just boggles my mind. If anything, I would expect it to be easier to soundwhore since the playing field has leveled since 2008/2009. It's hilarious that people bitched about the rushing play style then, and now that is the only play style...

In regards to the rushing play style that you currently see in Call of Duty, that is my opinion. But in regards to the actual definition of balance, Modern Warfare 2 probably came the closest to being balanced compared to all the latest CoDs. Which have drifted from the definition of balanced.

Forgot to quote.
07-06-2013, 03:06 AM #17
I like the news about mw2 style maps but still don't know if i will get it. I loved mw2 and mw3 is decent but black ops 1 and 2 were a big let down for me so I'm still pretty skeptical about this game.
07-06-2013, 03:08 AM #18
Today Will Be Different
Originally posted by xShadow View Post
You seem to have changed the definition of balanced to personal preference, compared to the latest call of duties, mw2 has been the most unbalanced call of duty yet, you did mention that every gun was balanced, but did not mention that they were all OP, and you forgot to mention all the other stuff, there's absolutely nothing that counters stopping power, if you wanted to get a higher KDR by camping people wouldn't play the objective, another thing that failed, killstreaks that encourage camping, making mw2 a camping based game if you're good at camping you get awards for it, since they're killstreaks they don't even encourage the objective so I think we all know which cod is the winner in this field. Noobtubes, why waste time aiming down the sights and dealing with shooting a gun when you can just use the danger close perk, one man army, and fire unlimited explosions that don't even have to be close to the enemy to kill them? Deathstreaks, because if people die a lot they should be rewarded? Last stand and final stand, one of the two most rage inducing things in a game. Now tell me why you think that this unbalanced cod is the most balanced cod? After Cod4 and Cod5, BO2 has been the most balanced cod, at least the only one playable with peace, the ability to run and gun and get awarded for playing the objective without any killstreaks and perks that encourage people to sit a corner or camp in a window is a huge plus, and the competitive encouragement is why this game has been the best since cod4, in BO2 campers are punished for not playing the objective or for just not moving around (MMS) and UAV. Also developers did not have the ability to ban any cheaters or boosters, and I guess a game that has been brutally hacked and had countless glitches is the most balanced?

Surely you jest. If I was changing the definition of balanced to personal preference I would have discussed World at War. Before I get any further, I probably laughed for a good five minutes when I read, 'you did mention that every gun was balanced, but did not mention that they were all OP.' So what you're telling me is that you like one insanely overpowered gun that everyone uses compared to a vast array of guns that will go toe to toe with one another? Because it seems as if you're insinuating that.

Now onto stopping power, again surely you jest. I had no issue killing people who ran stopping power while I ran lightweight or cold blooded. The only people who even ran stopping power couldn't shoot for shit. Just about everyone I would play with had no issues when killing a guy running stopping power.

Killstreaks that awarded camping. It was rare seeing someone who camped that got a decent killstreak, unless you just stood there and looked at the person camping. If anything the people who pulled out really good killstreaks played the objective, had good defense and offense and flanked. From my experience with Black Ops 2, which has probably been over four months the only guys who got swarm, dogs, orbital etc, camped their ass off. I myself camped an entire game of HC CTF and pulled out dogs several times no problem.

Unlimited noobtubes. The name literally explains it all, if you got killed by one you were most likely a noob. The people who ran that class were oblivious and obvious about it, they hiked out in one spot which usually had multiple flanking routes and were guarded by claymores, and I wouldn't be surprised if people instinctively ran up a flight of stairs to get blown up by one, instead of checking out the area, and even then if you had marathon, lightweight you could run right past them.

Deathstreaks... compared to Modern Warfare 3 they were mild and caused less issues. Last stand, not much of an issue. If you saw a guy flop the first time you ever engaged him you could leave him there to die. Final stand, same thing. He'd get up and you could shoot him afterwards and he'd die because he already used it. At least it wasn't like Modern Warfare 3 where a guy potentially had Dead Man's Hand which killed you from the most outrageous distance.

Finally hacks and glitches. One of the first potentially game breaking glitches was the javelin glitch, which got patched rather fast. But in regard to some things that couldn't be patched such as hacks, you rarely saw them throughout the lifespan of Modern Warfare 2. Hell most of the hacks on PS3 didn't come into play until September/October 2010 and even then most hosters didn't play pubs because they were busy making money. It was around January 2011 when it started affecting pubs. And if you were still playing Modern Warfare 2 by then, that isn't the developers problem because by that time they're already focused on producing and developing the next game in the franchise.

Ultimately no new CoD in the franchise will compete with Call of Duty 4 and World at War. As for Modern Warfare 2, and by definition of balanced according to developers and what they teach you in game development... Modern Warfare 2 was probably the last balanced Call of Duty. Unless you prefer everyone using the same gun, attachments, perks and killstreaks which is all you see in Black Ops 2.
07-06-2013, 03:15 AM #19
Today Will Be Different
Originally posted by Blackadder1 View Post
I see what your saying, but as a someone who plays hardcore, then let me tell you that the UMP45 was OP to hell. The reason everybody was using it in every game of HC SnD on mw2 i played was because it was a one hit kill across the map even with a silencer on it, and its meant to be an SMG! Maybe in core it wasn't quite so obvious; but having sniper rifle lethality in an SMG is not what i call balanced when it out powers every AR on the game at short/ medium/ long distance. Add in the low recoil and SMGs moving speed and you've got the only gun worth running.

True. If and when I played hardcore on Modern Warfare 2 you would run into people running UMP-45 all day and literally sniping you across the map. Ultimately that's why I don't play HC anymore on the latest Call of Duty games, hell there are always issues with hardcore no matter the CoD. :p

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