Post: Ultimate MW2 Guide Written by Darkdonut
02-26-2010, 03:16 AM #1
Bounty hunter
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Welcome to my guide on MW2. This took me a long while to write and i would appreciate some rep and a thanks!

Well i can't just throw you into the world of call of duty... That would get you spawn raped, and we wouldn't want that.


In the world of call of duty there are 3 kinds of tactics that people use with the appropriate sub-genres of each. ( I do not consider RPGing a tactic, or any explosive in that manner.)

Rush Tactic - This involves using a very light SMG of any sort. The secondary of choice would be a machine pistol. Reason for the machine pistol is for when you run out of Ammo for your Primary. For perks the ones i use are Marathon Pro, Lightweight Pro and Commando Pro. These perks allow you to move fast and constantly with the ability to if in the given situation knife your way out Smile. Use claymores to.The best way to use this tactic is on maps were spawn raping is extremely easy to preform. For example the map High-Rise on Domination is EXTREMELY easy to spawn rape people as there is really only 2 main spawns for this. Each respective Sky-Scraper. What you want to do with this Tactic and class is rush in to the enemy spawn, flank them and get a few kills. Find a corner to reload, put down a claymore and rush them repeatedly. There is the 4 R's to follow in this process. Rush-Rape-Reload-Repeat. If you die, find out were the enemy team currently is and flank again and again. Your real goal is to make the enemy frustrated and make them play worse because of that.


Camping Tactic - This tactic involves sitting in a corner or room and not moving for a duration of more than 1 minute and 30 seconds. The preferable class is a good Assault Rifle like the ACR or AK. A secondary would be a good shotgun of any kind. Equipment 100% needs to be claymores. Perks will be as follows. Scavenger Pro, Stopping Power Pro and Steady Aim Pro. Like i said before. Your sitting in a corner and shooting people as they walk by. Not really to hard to figure out.

Tactical/Playing Smart - This tactic involves playing smart and flanking. You must have some FPS talent and be able to react in a quick manner to achieve the best outcome. Your class can be really anything. You can use an AR, or a Snipe.. There's many possibilities to use for a class. Your going to 100000000% need claymores. What your going to do is find a little area/Room. Your going to place a claymore and call this section your "home base". Your going to come here for Killstreaks (I will cover these in a later section) What your going to do is flank or Protect a General Area. After you get a Killstreak you are going to come back to your "home base" and call them in. This is a good idea as you know your protected by that claymore. (Hopefully lol)

Run and Gun - This tactic involves taking a good AR or SMG and basically running right into the enemy, and kill as many people you can. Class really doesn't matter. ( I dont recommend doing this )

(I didn't list sniping/Explosive as i see those as more of just having fun than playing in a serious manner)


Grenade Launcher
- Complete Marksman I (10 kills with weapon) This is what they call the Noob Tube. You fire a grenade and it launches it to the area you aimed it at. The explosion in quite powerful. Use this if you like explosions!

Red Dot Sight - Marksman II (25 kills)
This Attachment is a small sight that when looking down you see a small red dot. If you aim this red dot on someone and fire. The bullet will hit this person. It's a basic aimer. Still the most reliable.

Silencer - Marksman III (75 kills)
A suppressor that makes your gun quiet and when you fire you will not appear on the Mini-Map. This is very helpful in FFA and pretty much any Game type. ESPECIALLY SND.

ACOG Scope - Marksman IV (150 kills)
This attachment is a small scope that improves zoom just a bit.
Helps for large maps. It's a basic scope.

GRIP Marksman III - Get 75 kills with this weapon.
Basically it increases accuracy by a lot. Definite use. Can be used on LMG"s

FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) - Marksman V (300 kills)
Full-Metal-Jack. Basically Bullet Penetration through walls and cover.

Shotgun Attachment
- 20 kills with attached Grenade Launcher
Add's a shotgun as an attachment under your rifle. Kinda useful, but i don't see anyone that uses it.

Holographic Site
- 60 kills using (aiming through) the Red Dot Sight
This is an improved red-dot-sight pretty much.

Heartbeat Sensor
- 15 kills with Silencer attached
This attachment is a little screen that tells you were enemies are within a 20 yard radius. If you have the perk Ninja on you will not appear on these sensor's.

Thermal Scope - 20 kills aiming through the ACOG scope.
This attachment is a scope that when aiming through you see everyone as white and glowing. Cold Blooded will make you not white in the scope.

Extended Mags
- 40 bullet penetration kills with FMJ option selected
Increases the SIZE of the magazines your weapon will hold. NOT how much ammo you have.


Perks are a part of the Call of Duty online experience. They act as your power-ups and provide you with a bunch of cool stuff.

One upgrade to the perks system is that now each of them can be upgraded to a "Pro" rating.
Perk Slot 1
Marathon | Marathon Pro

* Ability: Unlimited sprint.
* Pro Ability: Get over obstacles faster.

Sleight of Hand | Sleight of Hand Pro

* Ability: Faster reloading.
* Pro Ability: Gives a speed boost to how fast you can aim down the sight of your weapon.

Scavenger | Scavenger Pro

* Ability: Full resupply from dead enemies.
* Pro Ability: Extra magazines.

Bling | Bling Pro

* Ability: 2 primary weapon attachments.
* Pro Ability: 2 secondary weapon attachments.

One Man Army | One Man Army Pro

* Ability: Replaces your secondary weapon. This allows you to change your class at any given time during a match.
* Pro Ability: Swaps classes even faster.

Perk Slot 2
Stopping Power | Stopping Power Pro

* Ability: Increased bullet damage.
* Pro Ability: Increased bullet damage vs. helicopters and aircrafts.

Lightweight | Lightweight Pro

* Ability: Move faster.
* Pro Ability: Allows you to do a quick aim after sprinting.

Hardline | Hardline Pro

* Ability: Killstreaks require 1 less kill.
* Pro Ability: Death Streaks require 1 less death.

Cold-Blooded | Cold-Blooded Pro

* Ability: Undetectable by UAV, air support, Sentry Guns, and thermal.
* Pro Ability: No red crosshair or name shown when you are targeted.

Danger Close | Danger Close Pro

* Ability: Increases explosive weapons damage.
* Pro Ability: Increases air support damage.

Perk Slot 3
Commando | Commando Pro

* Ability: Increased melee distance.
* Pro Ability: You don't take any damage from falling.

Steady Aim | Steady Aim Pro

* Ability: Increased hip-fire accuracy.
* Pro Ability: You can hold your breath for a longer period of time.

Scrambler | Scrambler Pro

* Ability: Scrambles (jams) the enemy radar in a small radius.
* Pro Ability: Delays enemy Claymores, thus allowing you to avoid the explosion if you are fast enough.

Ninja | Ninja Pro

* Ability: Invisible to heartbeat sensors.
* Pro Ability: Allows you to move silently.

SitRep | SitRep Pro

* Ability: Insertions. This will reveal enemy explosives and Tactical Insertions.
* Pro Ability: Makes enemy footsteps louder.

Last Stand | Last Stand Pro

* Ability: Allows you to survive a normal death. You will drop to the ground and pull out your pistol. Last Stand ends after ~10 seconds or if you get shot again, which results in your death. You can also crawl in the Last Stand mode.
* Pro Ability: You get to use your equipment too, like frag grenades and throwing knives.


This is a list of all weapons with pics! ( I did not get these Pics, all credits for the PICTURES to You must login or register to view this content. i wrote the information on each weapon. )

Assault Rifles

Assault rifles are rifles that are usually fully automatic, with low recoil and good damage.

You must login or register to view this content. - M4A1 - It's a good rifle. It's got Okay damage with good accuracy and fire rate. This gun is a definite pick for the low levels. Great in FFA. It would be better if it's damage was a bit more, but all around great gun!

You must login or register to view this content. - Famas - This gun is a 3 round burst weapon, with amazing accuracy but surprisingly low damage. Even so i think because of it's 3 round burst it is good. ( Amazing in SND )

You must login or register to view this content. - Scar-H - Good rifle, has good damage with pretty good accuracy. It's only actual problem is it's extremely small clip. Wish it was a bit bigger. Great for any person at any level!

You must login or register to view this content. - Tar-21 - This in my opinion is the best rifle. All of it's stats are all pretty good. The lowest one being accuracy, yet if you got a good shot that won't pose a problem. I use this gun all the time!

You must login or register to view this content. - FAL - It's a good gun. Like every other AR LOL. Yet it's single shot and amazing for SND. It's got the best damage i think of all. 1 bullet to the head kills. 2 to the chest kills to.

You must login or register to view this content. - M16A4 - This rifle is a 3 burst rifle with good accuracy and damage. Definite use! Unlocked at a relatively Low level.

You must login or register to view this content. - ACR - VERY GOOD RIFLE. AMAZING ACCURACY!!!! I use this a lot to. Great gun, for anything.

You must login or register to view this content. - F2000 - This gun is just not that great compared to the other rifles. Has the worst recoil. Not great damage. Accuracy suffers from the Recoil. Don't use it.

You must login or register to view this content. - AK47 - Nothing special. It's an all around good gun with good damage. Can't say a lot about this one.


You must login or register to view this content. - MP5K - One of the best SMG's out there. Amazingly accurate, with good damage. but like every SMG it suffers from poor range.

You must login or register to view this content. - UMP45 - Good gun. Has amazing damage. The Recoil for me is really odd. This is like a Sniper that's full auto. It can pick people off from across the map.

You must login or register to view this content. - Vector - MY favorite SMG. Great damage and accuracy + amazing fire rate with little recoil. Range is even pretty good.

You must login or register to view this content. - Mini-Uzi - It's a decent SMG. I use it every once in awhile and it is a reliable weapon.

Light Machine Guns

You must login or register to view this content. - L86 LSW - Range, Fire rate and damage are really it's top priorities. This one doesn't even suffer from the slow reload!

You must login or register to view this content. - RPD - There's a little Nick-Name i've given this gun. Rapid-Pwnage-Device. Sorry this gun is amazing and a definite use!

-AUG HBAR - An AMAZING LMG with quite quick reload time and good damage. Accuracy is good + the iron sights are nice.

You must login or register to view this content. - MG4 - Same exact thing as almost every other LMG.

You must login or register to view this content. - M240 - Like every other damn LMG out there. Nothing special. Except it looks like the MG4. ( lazy IW. )

Sniper Rifles

You must login or register to view this content. - Intervention - Amazing sniper rifle. Bolt action but great for quick scoping. I use this one the most.

You must login or register to view this content. - Barrent 50 CAL - Good rifle. If you like getting more hit markers than normal then use this. Great for Spamming!

You must login or register to view this content. - WA2000 - Same thing as the barret.

You must login or register to view this content. - M21 EBR - Same EXACT thing as WA2000, but different look.

Riot Shield

-Riot Shield - I cannot provide a picture atm. Anyway this is one of the best things in this game. They can get many kills if used properly!

Secondary Weapons

Machine Pistols

You must login or register to view this content. - PP2000 - My favorite of all Machine Pistols. Decent sized clip for a secondary with power to match. Reload time is fast. I say this could be a Primary if it had another 10 shots with it. Definite use if your a sniper. I like the Akimbo for close range.

You must login or register to view this content. - G18 - This is an okay secondary when by itself. With akimbo its extremely powerful and with the perk Steady Aim you'll be unstoppable. Definite use.

You must login or register to view this content. - M93 Raffica - Basically this secondary is a m16 but pocket sized. With akimbo i think these are extremely worth using. GREAT FOR SNIPERS!!!!

You must login or register to view this content. - TMP - This secondary is good and all, but there are better Secondary machine pistols that would do the job better. Use if you really want to. I don't recommend it for the fact the clip is small.


You must login or register to view this content. - Spas12 - Good shotgun and currently the most powerful. It is basically a sniper. Because even if somone is 200FT away, with a grip you'll hit em. Still a great shotty and 100% definite use.

AA12 - Fully automatic Shotgun. Damn that shit tears EVERYTHING up. Use 100% with extended mags to have best results. *Warning* Do not aim at face.

- Striker - Good shotgun. Not really anything special about it.

- Ranger - Basically this is a sawn off shotgun. Put akimbo and FMJ and your covered. This thing is a ****ing beast. *Warning* Double Barreled.

- M1014 - Good shotgun at short range. Nothing special. It has a small clip.

- Model 1887 - This shotgun USED to be a crazy ass gun. Since the patches it's not special anymore. Still a good shotgun. I recommend Bling with this. Akimbo FMJ!


USP-45 - This pistol is AMAZING with akimbo. You should use this pistol like there is no tomorrow. Tac knife to!

45. Magnum - You can do anything with this pistol. I mean literally. You want to snipe with this. Go ahead. It's that powerful. Akimbo = EPIC SAUCE

M9 - A lot of people like this pistol but i see nothing special. Rip-off of the USP.

Deagle - Probably the most badass pistol in the world. Get akimbo just to look cool. Other than the looks. It's not that great.

Rocket Launchers

AT-4 - Basic rocket launcher. Fun with Danger Close!

Thumper - These are basically a noob tube. Nothing special. Except there named after a Disney Character from Bambi. Good thinking IW.

Stinger - Your basic Anti-Vehicle/Air-Support launcher.

Javelin - The badass rocket launcher. Nothign special at all about this except the lock on system.

RPG-7 - The most used launcher with Danger Close. Just like Cod4!


Killstreaks are an award you obtain for killinng a certain number of people without dying. I will list these and tell you there advantages and disadvantages.

You must login or register to view this content.UAV ( 3 KILLS ) This killstreak basically tells you were every other enemy is. The only people you will not see would be people with Cold-Blooded. This is a great killstreak for racking up those kills. There's really no downsides to this one.

You must login or register to view this content.Care-Package ( 4 KILLS ) This killstreak gives you a package delivered by a small helicopter. It can give you anywere from a UAV to an AC130. Tactical nukes, Emergency Airdrops and Care Packages do not drop.

14.78% - Ammo
14.78% - UAV
13.04% - Counter-UAV
10.43% - Sentry Gun
10.43% - Predator Missile
9.57% - Precision Airstrike
6.09% - Harrier Strike
6.09% - Attack Helicopter
4.35% - Pave Low
4.35% - Stealth Bomber
2.61% - Chopper Gunner
2.61% - AC-130
0.87% - EMP

The downside to this Killstreak is the fact that anyone can steal it + It basically tells the enemy were you are.

You must login or register to view this content.Counter - UAV ( 4 KILLS ) This killstreak wipes out the enemies radar for about 30 seconds. I guess it's kinda helpful in a way, but really in my opinion doesn't do to much. Can be shot down like a normal UAV.

You must login or register to view this content.Sentry-Gun ( 5 Kills )
Airdrop a placeable XM312 Sentry Gun. A helicopter will drop the weapon, which you can pick up and place anywhere you want. The Sentry Gun (box) can be stolen by anyone, just like the Care Package, so be sure to pick it up straight away. You can move the Sentry Gun around even after you've deployed it, but it won't fire until it's placed.

The Sentry Gun has a 180 degree turn on its turret and can pitch up and down, but it can't detect players using the Cold-Blooded perk. They are most effective when placed in high places. Can be easy to take out.

You must login or register to view this content.Predator Missile ( 5 KILLS )This killstreak allows you to control a Predator Missile. This killstreak is the best one to build on. It basically guarantee's you a kill. You are vulnerable to attack and it takes around 5 seconds to finish the killstreak fully!

You must login or register to view this content.Precision Airstrike ( 6 Kills ) Now were have i seen this. Oh i remember! It's the same airstrike from COD4 except you can now control the direction it comes in. It can give a lot of kills but the chances are low.

You must login or register to view this content.Harrier Strike ( 7 Kills ) This killstreak has Planes come in and bomb an area. Then for 45 seconds a Harrier Plane hover's and shoots all enemies. Good for racking up kills. Easy to shoot down.

You must login or register to view this content.Attack Helicopter ( 7 Kills ) Same EXACT thing from COD4 seriously. With Danger Close Pro it's actually quite dangerous.

You must login or register to view this content.Emergency Airdrop ( 8 Kills ) Calls in a cargo plane that drops 4 Care Packages.

Try to avoid situations where the packages land outside the map. The plane always comes from the opposite direction you're facing (when throwing the red signal flare) and flies in a straight line.

Care Packages, Emergency Airdrops, EMPs and Tactical Nukes can't be acquired from the packages. Below are the drop rates:

12% - Ammo
12% - UAV
16% - Counter-UAV
16% - Sentry Gun
14% - Predator Missile
10% - Precision Airstrike
5% - Harrier Strike
5% - Attack Helicopter
3% - Pave Low
3% - Stealth Bomber
2% - Chopper Gunner
2% - AC-130

Dont drop this were enemies are.

You must login or register to view this content.Pavelow ( 9 kills )Calls in a heavily armored attack helicopter (Sikorsky MH-53 Pave Low) to patrol the map for 60 seconds. It works just like the Attack Helicopter, but it has twice the armor and two turrets.

The Pave Low also has Flares (1 set) as a countermeasure, so the first locked-on missile won't hit it.

VERY POWERFUL. Will rack up well over 6+ kills. Also very hard to shoot down.

You must login or register to view this content.Stealth Bomber ( 9 Kills ) This killstreak bombs a large area with a Steal Bomber ( b-2 Spirit ). This is a great killstreaks for getting those Quad's! Undetectable on enemy radar and quite good.

You must login or register to view this content.Chopper Gunner ( 11 Kills ) Deploy's a Apache Helicopter were you control the gunner for 40 seconds not including the time it takes to fly to the map. IT has 1 set of flares as countermeasures. Good for racking up A LOT of kills except pretty easy to take out. Does not have to reload.

You must login or register to view this content.AC-130 ( 11 Kills ) An AC-130 Air to Ground attack plane is deployed and you control the cannons on it. There is a 25MM, 45MM an a 105MM cannon. It has to reload but it is hard to shoot down. It has 2 Set's of Flares for countermeasures. Definitely a good Killstreak!

You must login or register to view this content.EMP ( 15 Kills ) Knocks out all enemy electronics and takes out any killstreak other than a tactical Nuke an another EMP. They won't have radar for 60 seconds. It really isn't worth it, but it has a nice looking Emblem you get after calling in enough.

You must login or register to view this content.Tactical Nuke ( 25 Kills ) This is Hard to get, but if you get it a Nuclear Bomb hits the map an it's a instant win for your team. Definitely worth getting.


You have to know the maps. Learning the maps is a key element in playing successfully in MW2. If you do not know the maps you will get shot in the back A LOT. You won't be able to play at all, or even know were your going.

In knowing the maps comes practice. Easiest way is get 10 friends and play a FFA and have them show you there hiding spots and there tactics on the maps. I will go in detail for 7 Different maps as i have good tactics that are successful.

You must login or register to view this content.Derail - This map is big.. i mean BIG. It's one of the largest maps in my opinion. There is one place you want to be on this map and it will guarantee you to have a good K D. The large warehouse in the middle of the map is your best bet. Run inside. Go into the entrance side for the enemy. Kill anyone you see and place a claymore. Pick off anyone outside and watch out for Snipers. Watch your back as people will flank. Best to have a friend stay up there with you.

You must login or register to view this content.Karachi - This map is a medium sized map with many places to go, yet there is really only once place i recommend. That is the Southern A Flag Building. That is the building about 300FT south of the A Flag if facing the metal Fence at the A flag. There is a little overpass and what looks like metal Garage Doors. Go up the stairs and place a claymore behind you. Pick off anyone you see and be constantly aware of people climbing up the other ladder.

You must login or register to view this content.Invasion - This map is Medium Sized map. The best place to go is the tank near C flag or B bomb in SnD. This area is crawling with enemies and usually is a hotspot. DO NOT GO TO B FLAG OR A BOMB AREA THAT AREA GETS YOU KILLED! No listen to me. I know what im talking about. DO NOT GO THERE.

You must login or register to view this content.Sub Base - Medium Sized Map. The best place to be is either the C flag or the A flag. In these area's enemies go right to B and pay no attention what so ever to anything around them 99% of the time. Really the easiest maps to learn and get good K D's on.

You must login or register to view this content.Skidrow - Small Map in my mind. Best place to be is near C flag. You can kill the idiots at B flag LOL. Do not go to the B flag. Easiest place to die in the whole map. Also the easiest place to get a collateral.

You must login or register to view this content.Rust - No safe places to be. Spawn **** everyone.

You must login or register to view this content.WasteLand - This map is a Large map. The best class here of-course is a sniper. Here you can snipe in peace with little worry for those petty rushers! Also easiest place to get Nukes as Air Support basically rapes everything in sight.

Ty supernus for the Idea for pics of the maps!


Question = Red Answers = Blue

Why do people Run and Gun
They run and gun because they think thats the best method of attack, which in reality is the worst

Should i camp a Nuke?
No, i think you should play smart and use your mind to obtain a nuke. TBH i think its better to get a nuke without killstreaks ( Except for the Tactical Nuke )

How do i Maintain a Good K D?
Find a good tactic and use my guide and I guarantee a 1.5+ KD.

Can i Add you?
Yeah! my gamertag is Strefy

Will you be mad if i don't rep


In conclusion, using these tactics will improve your gameplay a lot. You of course don't have to follow this guide down to the point..

     Darkdonut from Next - Gen - Update is the official writer of this document. This is not to be posted anywhere but here unless given permission by me.

My GT is: Strefy. I do not own any other GamerTags.


Will add more to this as time progresses.

Feel Free to add me! My GT is: Strefy

Only 2 pieces of Information were obtained for a different website which i have already listed. THIS THREAD IS MINE AND LEGIT. DO NOT SAY I COPY AND PASTED OR I WILL REMOVE.
Last edited by Darkdonut ; 02-27-2010 at 08:50 PM.

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04-09-2010, 12:53 AM #65
Night Wolf
Rescue Me
Very awesome guide. Good Job.
05-26-2010, 11:11 PM #66
Bounty hunter
Im grave digging my old MW2 Guide that i worked very hard to complete. Please sticky this. TY

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