Post: 【☢】 Zombieland with new maps, mapvoting and MORE!
01-21-2011, 12:44 AM #1
Gym leader
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[ame=]YouTube - SILSIL ZOMBIE MOD[/ame]

// new mapedits.
// removed the fog (lag).
// added vote4map at the end of the game.
// added kickmenu. (credits to harthansen)
// added circles on uav to find the flags easily.
// it is stable. no lag or ingame errors.
// just need to fix a few bugs. after fixing i'll release it.


The following 60 users say thank you to silsil for this useful post:

-NoSoul4Evr-, Bigbadpaul2, binghamboy123, CanadasTopJew, DuMb2MoNkEy, eaglechamp, flAmingw0rm, FLucKy, gdnxp, Glitches 4 eva, Hawkin, howigethere, iMAGEi, ImTheBabyKicker, islanda73, IVIaGiiC_IVIoDs, jammie01, Janiboy, jas23, JJHarris4, jmaster105, JordyPordy, kmax102, KuSH_SM0kE, Life., lildeg8, Lucas Mace, mattyjkilledme, MikeyCapp, Mr. DarkKV, mr1337kill, MW2CptPrize, NappyKID, ngilroy, Nicky74me, NiiNo, nite_master, odan360, oGHOSTLYMODZ, Out_Law_Gam3r, RD Recreate, sauronith, Shieldsy, skillz369, SupaTrollioBros, Super Vegito, The-Don, ThisIsBio, tylerallmighty, Vectriixx, w8t4it, way360, xBigBo0ty_Andyx, xHavz-, xi-Callboii, xJackiiHD, xRaymne, xScreamo!, Yoszhi, ZzXr3V0LuTi0NzZ
01-27-2011, 09:32 AM #83
Gym leader
This looks amazing, by far the best Zombieland patch I've seen, can't wait for the release Smile.
01-27-2011, 09:42 PM #84
Bounty hunter
ok wtf u sed u wear gunna release it SOON it's bin over a week how long dus it take u to fix some bugs come on realy!!!!!
Last edited by hydro_122499 ; 01-27-2011 at 09:54 PM.
01-27-2011, 09:55 PM #85
I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE RELEASE!!!!!! Happy looks so good!!!!! i hope you release more fun little game edits because damn..... this looks awesome and really fun!!! keep it up!!
01-27-2011, 10:15 PM #86
Nice patch! it looks good ill test it soon!
01-27-2011, 10:23 PM #87
SILSIL is nice Happy, Hes DUTCH learn from it USA :P
nah just kidding , nice cant w8
01-28-2011, 12:15 AM #88
The Rangers
At least I can fight
looks amazing mate Happy cant wait till you release it
01-28-2011, 12:31 AM #89
Gym leader
Well, i;ve some problems with the map voting system.. The first maps loads fine.. Everybody can join and the game runs smootly.. Butttt when the people voted for a new map, and the second map is loading, other people can't connect.. (they get kicked out with a error, then they have to join me again).. So ehh, yea, I dunno if i'll release it.. Without the map voting system this patch is nothing special..

Anyway, here is the code for the mapvotingsystem, so you can add it to Hawkin his amazing zombiemod:

level.gamestate = "voting";
notifyVoting = spawnstruct();
notifyVoting.notifyText = "Vote for what the next map should be";
notifyVoting.notifyText2 = "Not Voting counts as the same map";
current = getDvar("mapname");
level.mapnumber1 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
level.mapnumber2 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
level.mapnumber3 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
mapchoice1 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber1];
mapchoice2 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber2];
mapchoice3 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber3];
level.choice1votes = 0;
level.choice2votes = 0;
level.choice3votes = 0;
level.keepmapvotes = 0;
while(mapchoice1 == mapchoice2 || mapchoice2 == mapchoice3 || mapchoice3 == mapchoice1 || mapchoice1 == current || mapchoice2 == current || mapchoice3 == current)
if(mapchoice1 == mapchoice2){
level.mapnumber1 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
level.mapnumber2 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
mapchoice1 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber1];
mapchoice2 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber2];
if(mapchoice2 == mapchoice3){
level.mapnumber2 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
level.mapnumber3 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
mapchoice2 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber2];
mapchoice3 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber3];
if(mapchoice3 == mapchoice1){
level.mapnumber1 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
level.mapnumber3 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
mapchoice1 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber1];
mapchoice3 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber3];
if(mapchoice1 == current){
level.mapnumber1 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
mapchoice1 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber1];
if(mapchoice2 == current){
level.mapnumber2 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
mapchoice2 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber2];
if(mapchoice3 == current){
level.mapnumber3 = randomInt(level.mapvote.size);
mapchoice3 = level.mapvote[level.mapnumber3];
wait 1;
foreach(player in level.players)
player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::resetNotify();
player thread doSetup();
wait 4;
VisionSetNaked("blacktest", 2);
foreach(player in level.players)
{ = -1;
player.mapvoted = 0;
player.maxhealth = 99999; = player.maxhealth;
player.option1 setText("Press [{+smoke}] to vote for - " + level.mapname[level.mapnumber1]);
player.option2 setText("Press [{+melee}] to vote for - " + level.mapname[level.mapnumber2]);
player.option3 setText("Press [{+frag}] to vote for - " + level.mapname[level.mapnumber3]);
player freezeControls(true);
player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::notifyMessage(notifyVoting);
level thread CountVotes();
level thread MapVoteTimer();
wait 20;
level notify("EndMapVote");
VisionSetNaked(getDvar("mapname"), 2);
foreach(player in level.players)
if(player.mapvoted == 0){
foreach(player in level.players)
player.option1 setText(level.mapname[level.mapnumber1] + " - " + level.choice1votes);
player.option2 setText(level.mapname[level.mapnumber2] + " - " + level.choice2votes);
player.option3 setText(level.mapname[level.mapnumber3] + " - " + level.choice3votes);
level.TimerText setText("Keep the same map - " + level.keepmapvotes);
wait 5;
level notify("MapVotingOver");
if(level.choice1votes > level.choice2votes && level.choice1votes > level.choice3votes && level.choice1votes > level.keepmapvotes){
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber1]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber1], false);
} else if(level.choice2votes > level.choice1votes && level.choice2votes > level.choice3votes && level.choice2votes > level.keepmapvotes){
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber2]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber2], false);
} else if(level.choice3votes > level.choice2votes && level.choice3votes > level.choice1votes && level.choice3votes > level.keepmapvotes){
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber3]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber3], false);
} else if(level.keepmapvotes > level.choice1votes && level.keepmapvotes > level.choice2votes && level.keepmapvotes > level.choice3votes){
wait 5;
level thread doIntermission();
foreach(player in level.players)
{ = 0;
player freezeControls(false);
player.maxhealth = 100; = player.maxhealth;
} else if(level.choice1votes == level.choice2votes){
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber1]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber1], false);
} else {
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber2]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber2], false);
} else if(level.choice2votes == level.choice3votes){
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber2]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber2], false);
} else {
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber3]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber3], false);
} else if(level.choice3votes == level.choice1votes){
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber1]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber1], false);
} else {
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber3]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber3], false);
} else if(level.choice1votes == level.keepmapvotes){
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber1]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber1], false);
} else {
wait 5;
level thread doIntermission();
foreach(player in level.players)
{ = 0;
player freezeControls(false);
player.maxhealth = 100; = player.maxhealth;
} else if(level.choice2votes == level.keepmapvotes){
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber2]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber2], false);
} else {
wait 5;
level thread doIntermission();
foreach(player in level.players)
{ = 0;
player freezeControls(false);
player.maxhealth = 100; = player.maxhealth;
} else if(level.choice3votes == level.keepmapvotes){
level thread ChangeMapTimer(level.mapname[level.mapnumber3]);
wait 5;
Map(level.mapvote[level.mapnumber3], false);
} else {
wait 5;
level thread doIntermission();
foreach(player in level.players)
{ = 0;
player freezeControls(false);
player.maxhealth = 100; = player.maxhealth;

level endon("EndMapVote");
for(;Winky Winky
foreach(player in level.players)
{ = -1;
player.option1 setText("Press [{+smoke}] to vote for - " + level.mapname[level.mapnumber1]);
player.option2 setText("Press [{+melee}] to vote for - " + level.mapname[level.mapnumber2]);
player.option3 setText("Press [{+frag}] to vote for - " + level.mapname[level.mapnumber3]);
if(player.mapvoted == 0){
if(player SecondaryOffhandButtonPressed()){
player.mapvoted = 1;
player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("You voted for " + level.mapname[level.mapnumber1]);
if(player MeleeButtonPressed()){
player.mapvoted = 1;
player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("You voted for " + level.mapname[level.mapnumber2]);
if(player FragButtonPressed()){
player.mapvoted = 1;
player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::hintMessage("You voted for " + level.mapname[level.mapnumber3]);
player.hint = "You haven't voted yet!";
} else {
player.hint = "You have already voted!";
wait .0001;

level endon("MapVotingOver");
level.counter = 20;
level.TimerText destroy();
level.Timer destroy();
level.TimerText = level createServerFontString( "objective", 1.5 );
level.TimerText setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -100 );
level.TimerText setText("^2Map Vote Ending in:");
level.Timer = level createServerFontString( "objective", 2 );
level.Timer setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -75 );
level.Timer.color = (0,1,0);
while(level.counter > 0)
level.Timer setValue(level.counter);
VisionSetNaked("blacktest", 0);
wait 1;
level.Timer destroy();
foreach(player in level.players)
{ = -1;
player.option1 setText(level.mapname[level.mapnumber1] + " - " + level.choice1votes);
player.option2 setText(level.mapname[level.mapnumber2] + " - " + level.choice2votes);
player.option3 setText(level.mapname[level.mapnumber3] + " - " + level.choice3votes);
level.TimerText setText("Keep the same map - " + level.keepmapvotes);
wait .25;

level.counter = 5;
level.TimerText destroy();
level.Timer destroy();
level.TimerText = level createServerFontString( "objective", 1.5 );
level.TimerText setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -100 );
level.TimerText setText("^2Changing to " + nextmap + " in:");
level.Timer = level createServerFontString( "objective", 2 );
level.Timer setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -75 );
level.Timer.color = (0,1,0);
while(level.counter > 0)
level.Timer setValue(level.counter);
VisionSetNaked("blacktest", 0);
wait 1;

And the doEnding need to look like this

level notify("EndSpeech");
level.gameState = "ending";
notifyEnding = spawnstruct();
notifyEnding.titleText = "Round Over!";

if(level.playersLeft["allies"] == 0){
notifyEnding.notifyText = "Humans Survived: " + level.minutes + " minutes " + level.seconds + " seconds.";
if(level.playersLeft["axis"] == 0){
notifyEnding.notifyText = "All The Zombies Disappeared!";
wait 1;
VisionSetNaked("blacktest", 2);
foreach(player in level.players)
player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::resetNotify();
player _clearPerks();
player freezeControls(true);
player thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::notifyMessage( notifyEnding );
wait 3;
VisionSetNaked(getDvar( "mapname" ), 2);
foreach(player in level.players)
player freezeControls(false);
[B] level thread doMapVote();[/B]

I've also added a cool "Last Man Alive" function inside..
It is anti-camping. Really cool! That function works fine, and i'll post it into Hawkin his patch soon.. (i'll give it to him so he can release it)

The following user thanked silsil for this useful post:

01-28-2011, 01:39 AM #90
Originally posted by silsil View Post
Well, i;ve some problems with the map voting system.. The first maps loads fine.. Everybody can join and the game runs smootly.. Butttt when the people voted for a new map, and the second map is loading, other people can't connect.. (they get kicked out with a error, then they have to join me again).. So ehh, yea, I dunno if i'll release it.. Without the map voting system this patch is nothing special..

why dont u just edit hawkins patch and implement some of your things into it.. who cares about map voting its preety shit. ohh and why not release the gsc's u have allready?
01-28-2011, 01:54 AM #91
Gym leader
Originally posted by niccrx View Post
why dont u just edit hawkins patch and implement some of your things into it.. who cares about map voting its preety shit. ohh and why not release the gsc's u have allready?

Yea you're right. I'll do that. Probably release it this weekend. :y:

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