Post: Modern Warfare 2 Thread
05-12-2009, 07:16 PM #1
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Video Section:

Modern Warfare 2 Reveal Trailer NEW May 24th World Premire (HD) added

MW2 Extended trailer added

News/Rumors Section:

Images Section:


Trailer Connection Analysis - MHC, Teaser, Gameplay Teaser added

New picture of a level on MW2

Weapons Section:



This thread contains all the new information on Modern Warefare 2.

It will be updated when new Videos, News/Rumors and Images become available.

New information will be posted at the top of each section, (Videos, News/Rumors and Images) which will make it easier to find the latest data.

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Modern Warfare 2 Reveal Trailer NEW May 24th World Premire (HD)

[ame=""]YouTube - Modern Warfare 2 Reveal Trailer NEW May 24th World Premire (HD)[/ame]


Glory Gunz:





Modern Warfare 2 Reveal Promo Decoded
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
MW2 - Secrets Unveiled! New perks, locations, Easter eggs

[ame=""]YouTube - Call of Duty 6 - Secrets Unveiled! New perks, locations, Easter eggs..[/ame]

-This information is straight from Official Playstation Magazine. It talks about the MW2 trailer. -Please watch the trailer first to understand.


-1. Collalteral damage
The opening scene is set in an airport full of people. Civilians have always been conspicuosly absent from the COD franchise. Mainly because of the original Second World War setting, and also to keep the age rating down. Infinity Ward, however, has always been keen to make a more adult game, so could Modern Warfare 2 see shoot-outs in pulic places? Several of the locations hinted at on the trailer are far from military - more like small towns and cities.

-2. The Russians are back
It looks like they are the bad guys again. In the build up to the airport on man can be heard saying, " God is with us, " in a foreign language before being told in English, " Remember, no Russian. " At the end of the trailer more Russian can be heard which translates as, " A revolution is impossible without a revolutionary situation. " It is part of a Lenin quote. Could the Ultranationalists from the previous game be on the warpath again?

-3. It's in Brazil, Russia and Europe
Russia is definately a location: the traier's called " Siberia " for starters, and it is backed up by shots of buildings buried in deep snow. One brief frame shows the outline of Christ The Redeemer, a massive statue in Brazil. There are also some Favelas, South American hillside shanty towns to confim it. Less definitive is what looks like somewhere in Central Europe: a tram and some English language shop signs. There's also a suspiciously British looking castle...

-4. The Navy SEALs are involved
Frogmen appear several times and are seen swimming possibly as part of an undersea insertion. There are also shots of navy ships, submarines and an oil rig. The implication is that part of the campaign could feature the SEALs assaulting terrorists at sea.

-5. There are new Perks
During the opening airport secene a sign can be seen hanging from the ceiling. Closer examination reveals that it's made up of four perk symbols. The first is Stopping Power, which returns from the previous game. The next three, however , are new. There's a foot with wings attached (faster movement?), two crossed weapons, possibly knives or rifles (dual wielding?) and an arrow pointing down at a circle which is a military symbol for an air strike(perhaps giving the ability to survive one in multiplayer?). Crucially there are four slots in total, which is one more than the original Modern Warfare.

-6. Zombies aren't necessarily in
Squint very carefully and you'll see a teddy bear flash past amidst the tanks and explosions. Many forum posters haven taken that to mean World at War's Nazi Zombies (or a variation on them) will appear in Modern Warfare 2, because it features a teddy bear in one map. That's not necessarily the case, though - there have been hidden teddy bears dotted around COD levels since the beginning.

-7. Vehicles are in
Tanks appear and there's also the outline of some Humvees and helicopters. Whether these will be drivable or just there to ride along in remains to be seen, but they feature too heavily not to play a part.





Infinity Ward community maestro fourzerotwo (also known by his civilian name, Robert Bowling) has announced via his Twitter that the Modern Warfare 2 website is set to launch this Sunday with the first gameplay trailer.


This is from his Twitter:

Just reviewed the latest version of which launches Sunday with the 1st gameplay trailer. Also working on #E3 plans. #MW2





Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is one of my favorite shooters, but its single-player campaign did have a few issues, most notable among them being the respawning enemies that would only cease after players crossed an invisible line. I've never understood why this has ever been considered a good design choice, but it seems that, fortunately, Infinity Ward has finally got the message.

"We are aware of it and we're actively trying to eliminate it," states Infinity Ward president and CCO Jason West. "I think we agree that it's not very good."

West's confession comes courtesy of the latest Game Informer, where Modern Warfare 2 had a big intel blowout. Other tidbits of info include the fact that players will be taking orders from Captain "Soap" MacTavish, the silent player character from the original Modern Warfare, while tracking down a Russian madman known as Makarov.

Infinity Ward is still keeping a lid on multiplayer details, although we do know that a co-op mode, Special Forces, will be available, and that the developer is looking at ways to make notable online players "famous" for their in-game accomplishments. Sounds interesting, but right now we have no idea what they mean.

Still, great news on that respawning stuff. Now, if only we can just stop the AI from grenade-spamming all the time.




According to our source some new Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Trailers will be released soon hopefully within this week.

I really hope that it shows off some detailed Gameplay, Do not forget to check back with us as we will update you with those trailers as soon they are released.




So the newest issue of GameInformer magazine arrived at ZKG HQ yesterday and it had a whole lot more details on what gamers can expect in the new installment of Modern Warfare. In this article we will tell you about those details and then analyze the ramifications of those details.

Modern Warfare 2 in stores November, 10, 2009.

So by now you probably already know that MW2 will feature scuba diving and brand new vehicular missions so I won’t go too much into that. First off the game will take place in a variety of locations, from the frigid mountaintops of Russia to the vibrant yet dangerous favela’s of Rio de Janiero and all the maps are bigger and better than ever. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 expands upon the events of the original with the world still threatened by extreme political instability in Russia. Most gamers will remember the dramatic ending to Modern Warfare 1 where you grab the gun and take out the crazy radical mastermind, Zakhaev, who was the driving force behind the dramatic events that unfolded before you in the first game. But alas, no good deed goes unpunished?

Instead of stemming the tide and turning things around there, all you really did was martyr Zakhaev and open the door to what some would say is his even more radical successor Makarov. While Makarov sometimes displays murderous and sociopathic tendencies he is highly intelligent and cunning and he has political ambitions of the highest nature. We do not yet know what his plans are but we do know that it is a big enough threat to call in the elite group of characters known as Task Force 141. It is at this point that Infinity Ward challenges us again as they tell the narrative from the perspective that real world intelligence is ever changing and sometimes inaccurate and that is just something your going to have to deal with this time around, so know all knowing voice that gives you a set of objectives and a sit rep that is always exactly as they tell it to you. This time around players will be challenged to use their own intellect and make command decisions based on what’s happening on the ground, just as our boys and girls overseas do everyday.

Expanding on what I said earlier about the levels being bigger and better, apparently Infinity Ward is using some new streaming technology to allow them to do things that would have never been possible in earlier games. Whether you are enthralled in urban warfare in the shantytown’s of Brazil or trekking through the Afghan desert, the sheer size of scope is sure to amaze us. In the article, Infinity Ward also addressed two major beefs players had with the orignal, even though it was a classic. The two major beefs were the length of the single player campaign and those infinitely spawining enemies that only ceased once you had passed some predetermined point. In addressing the latter, Infinity Ward says that they are doing a lot of work to try to fix the infinite spawn problem and they agree its just not good. On the issue that I must admit was one of my beefs also, the length of the single player campaign well.. let’s just say that Infinity is NOT budging on this one. Now before you go off the deep end and what not you have got to understand their logic which when you hear it, you can’t be mad at it. Infinity Ward’s president and CCO Jason West basically says that they want to create a compelling story and let that story drive the length of the game. He says that don’t want to drag it out just for the sake of dragging it out and while a lot of gamers will shrug, I have to respect where the man is coming from. I mean to go against that would more than likely dilute the quality of the product and then gamers would really have a fit, so there are always tradeoffs I guess.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, More Game Details Revealed

On Newstands Now, Go Get It!!

So one of Call of Duty’s biggest strengths has always been its multiplayer. So one thing Infinity Ward is known for is throwing lots of things at the wall and seeing what sticks. They did this year and something very special came out of it, Special Forces Mode. The things found in SFM are things that they thought were really cool but didn’t fit into the actual story, so instead of just dropping them they give them to you here. It allows them to let gamers play out really cool moments that really don’t fit the overall story, but are just darn fun to play. Apparently, SPM will have a heavy focus on co-op, with some missions being so hard in fact that the developers say there is no real way besides co-op to beat them. There is not yet any word on how many Special Forces missions their will be or if will be able to be played online with friends, but West did say in the article it would be a major component.

Let’s see, a few other tidbits. Modern Warfare 2 will feature a revamped community site, where gamers are supposed to be able to communicate and share like never before. In fact, West makes the statement in the article that ” One of my favorite things about multiplayer is making people famous”. Now that can mean a lot of things but he goes on to say that when people do noteworthy things online, everyone will know about in a way that he says is easy to remember. So if you are a serious gamer and you want people to know it, you better be locked and loaded. Well that’ pretty much all we really wanted to pull out for you folks that didn’t see the article, so I guess the only thing left to see is who is prepared to answer the “Call” once again when Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 hits stores November 10. If you are as ready as we are to answer the call, give me a “Hoorah”




GameStop has revealed their pre-order bonus for Modern Warfare 2, not much but here it is:

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Robert Bowling, also known as Fourzerotwo, to his Twitter channel has posted today that they are working on a Modern Warfare 2 Official Strategy book. Robert Bowling also has a live Twitter channel open, here you can give your ideas too.



Strategy Guide meeting wrapped. We're going premium with this guide. Very cool extras, art galore, & an encyclopedia worthy MP section.

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Is this an image from a Modern Warfare 2 comic? The image was just posted by Fourzerotwo (Robert Bowling) after a visit to DC Comics today.

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New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 details are beginning to leak onto the internet following the short teaser trailer released earlier in the week.

One of GameInformer's 'year defining' games is Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2, which is featured on the front cover of their latest issue.

If you want to know the low-down on the game we suggest you go and buy the magazine, but we've selected a few juicy bits of information from the extensive 10-page feature.

Modern Warfare 2's gameplay will be a little more open-ended than Call of Duty 4; stealth can now be used if the player so chooses. Despite this, the story itself will still be linear.

Infinity Ward has taken note of the criticisms of CoD4's enemies (they would constantly respawn unless a player crossed a certain line) and are looking to fix this. The game's single-player will also be longer than CoD4.

Although there will be no co-op in the game's story mode, a series of separate missions in the spirit of CoD4's Mile High Club will include cooperative multiplayer.

As for the game's ice sections, it's unclear whether the player will drive or shoot from the snowmobiles, but they'll certainly be used as a form of escape. Moreover, ice-walls can be climbed by alternating between the two triggers.

Infinity Ward will also implement a live-patching system for the game's online multiplayer, meaning updates won't require a full-blow downloadable patch.

The game will of course run at 60 frames-per-second, with detail being ramped up over CoD4. The GameInformer article also mentions riot shields, movable turrets and customised weapons for single-player enemies. It sounds like the game might just raise the bar again.



As per this month's Modern Warfare 2 cover story in Game Informer, details of the piece have surfaced over at GiantBomb. A smattering of new revelations are covered, including the flat-out refusal of co-op play in story mode (said to break the narrative experience). Additionally, Captain "Soap" MacTavish returns, bringing with him distinctly more open-ended gameplay, and a significantly fleshed out "special forces" mode (one that will mimic and expand upon the final "Mile High Club" airplane battle in CoD4).

If you want more, you're just going to have to snag a copy of this month's GI. We'll be honest with you, though -- at this point, we expect greatness from the veteran development team at Infinity Ward. Luckily, from the looks of things, the game's release on November 10 will bring ever-widening smiles to the faces of existing fans and reignite our already burnin' love for the series.



The latest Modern Warfare 2 Details were published in the latest issue of PSM3, a UK Based Magazine.

- Swimming mode enabled.
- A 'Stealthy' Oil pipeline Scuba Mission will be included in campaign mode.
- A level will definetly be based in Rio De Janeiro.
- Siberian Level will feature in campaign mode.
- Vehicles (e.g. Trucks, Tanks etc.) will be introduced into the Modern Era.
- A 'Helicopter Based' Level will be featured.
- An Oil Tanker level will also be featured.
- Ken Lally (Wesker from Resident Evil 5) will be voice acting. Most likely as a Russian villain.



As per this month's Modern Warfare 2 cover story in Game Informer, details of the piece have surfaced over at GiantBomb. A smattering of new revelations are covered, including the flat-out refusal of co-op play in story mode (said to break the narrative experience). Additionally, Captain "Soap" MacTavish returns, bringing with him distinctly more open-ended gameplay, and a significantly fleshed out "special forces" mode (one that will mimic and expand upon the final "Mile High Club" airplane battle in CoD4).

If you want more, you're just going to have to snag a copy of this month's GI. We'll be honest with you, though -- at this point, we expect greatness from the veteran development team at Infinity Ward. Luckily, from the looks of things, the game's release on November 10 will bring ever-widening smiles to the faces of existing fans and reignite our already burnin' love for the series

More details and a new gameplay trailer will be revealed on May 24th. Fact.



Glory Gunz:

- Single player will have some kind of rank up feature, similar to multiplayer and completely integrated into the game

- Infinite Single Player Spawn feature fixed

- co-op not really in MW2

- Ability to climb ice walls and other obsticles by double taping the bumpers

- Ability to swim

- Single Player will feature a desicion making system which will alter the story slightly

- The M1911 pistol will be in the game

- Special forces mode



New MW2 E3 DEMO Screenshots

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A screenshot from a level in MW2

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Glory Gunz:

Trailer Connection Analysis - MHC, Teaser, Gameplay Teaser

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Modern Warefare 2 Ps3 Box Art

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Please remember this is subject to change.


GameInformer Mag 10 Page MW2 Scans

Click the links below the Image to enlarge[/COLOR]

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Here are some possible/confirmed weapons that will be in MW2


Steyr AUG
AK Variant
TDI Kriss
Koch UMP
Laser guided Mini-guns
Glock 17
Barret REC7
M16 Variant

[ame=""]YouTube - COD MW 2 Weapons[/ame]
Last edited by ThatDamnGeordie ; 06-01-2009 at 08:43 PM.

The following 76 users say thank you to ThatDamnGeordie for this useful post:

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05-13-2009, 07:24 PM #47
Z IE e IC o Z
Roasted Bacon
Nice thread man, can you PM me of the cheap sellers name too?
05-13-2009, 07:24 PM #48
Bounty hunter
haha I'm in Canada so its like x2 for me Smile

But still that's amazing! A month... A whole month of MW2 would be sick...
05-13-2009, 07:25 PM #49
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Some pics on here.
05-13-2009, 07:30 PM #50
irish and proud
nice thread man
05-13-2009, 07:34 PM #51
Originally posted by Signal View Post
haha I'm in Canada so its like x2 for me Smile

But still that's amazing! A month... A whole month of MW2 would be sick...


im thinking of getting a cap card for my ps3 and recording the whole SinglePlayer on veteran when i get it.

---------- Post added at 08:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 PM ----------

Originally posted by Z
Nice thread man, can you PM me of the cheap sellers name too?

yea no problem dude

---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ----------

Originally posted by Baconblitz View Post
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Some pics on here.

already have the scans dude, il add them to the thread in a sec

thx anyways tho
05-13-2009, 07:36 PM #52
irsh and proud
hey dan great thread can i get this in ireland or britan
05-13-2009, 09:23 PM #53

GI scan images have been added, links have been removed. links may be added back if requested.

---------- Post added at 10:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

Originally posted by andy
hey dan great thread can i get this in ireland or britan

na the mags only out in USA

but some people say that in june the offical playstation mag is gonna have some info on MW2 so keep a look out for that.

---------- Post added at 10:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ----------


Info added to Weapons Section
05-13-2009, 09:30 PM #54
Bounty hunter
when you find the seller name just pm me please Smile

I'll rep you up heavily and give you some vbux
05-13-2009, 09:35 PM #55
Originally posted by Signal View Post
when you find the seller name just pm me please Smile

I'll rep you up heavily and give you some vbux

oh yea lol sorry i forgot >.< il look now

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