Post: How To Spawn/Change Models | Clients - C# Tutorial + Source! Updated to 1.10
03-06-2014, 02:25 PM #1
In my man cave
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Well alot of people asked me how do i added Models to You must login or register to view this content.
So here it is i made a quick and simple tutorial how to code it:

First you will have to put RPC on your project
You can use Choco's RPC but its a little slow so use this RPC (Its choco's rpc fixed for CEX And DEX and more faster):
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Add this to somewhere on your project, And add the function "WritePPC();" To the attach button (This is how you starting the RPC)

Second Call the Set Model Function:
private void SetModel(int client, string model)
CallFunction(0x0028DBEC/*G_SetModel Offset*/, 0x00E03F80/*G_Entity Offset*/ + (client * 0x280/*G_Entity Client Index/Intervnal*/), model);

Now Make a TextBox And NumericUpDown and a button
Add this on your button:
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
SetModel((int)numericUpDown1.Value/*This is how you choosing the client*/, textBox1.Text/*Here you writing what model you want*/);//this is ofor client 0 i can do like that it will get the model from the txt box? like + textBox9.Text + ?

Now all you have to do is just test the models and play Smile

Here are some models that i found:
Models List:

Bomb - prop_suitcase_bomb
Vest - prop_ballistic_vest_iw6
Gold Vest - prop_ballistic_vest_iw6_bombsquad
Heavy Ammo Supply - prop_mp_max_ammo_pickup
Gold SATCOM - mp_satcom_obj
Red SATCOM - mp_satcom_obj_red
Intel - com_metal_briefcase_intel
Gold Trophy System - mp_trophy_system_iw6_bombsquad
Trophy System - mp_trophy_system_iw6

Heavy Juggernaut - mp_fullbody_juggernaut_heavy_black
Light Juggernaut - mp_body_juggernaut_light_black
Juggernaut Head - head_juggernaut_light_black

Infected Suit - mp_body_infected_a
Infected Head - head_mp_infected
Default - mp_body_us_rangers_assault_a_woodland
Elite Suit - mp_body_us_rangers_assault_a_elite
Small Bomb - mil_tntbomb_mp
Care Package - com_plasticcase_green_big_us_dirt
AC130 - vehicle_ac130_low_mp
Battle Hind - vehicle_battle_hind
Default Vehicle - defaultvehicle
Invisible - none
AAS 72X - vehicle_aas_72x_killstreak
Small Airplane - vehicle_skylark
Ball Drone - vehicle_ball_drone_iw6
Gryphon - vehicle_drone_vanguard
I.M.S - ims_scorpion_body_iw6

Prison Door -
Right Door - pbk_prison_door_right_01
Left Door - pbk_prison_door_left_01

Warthog - vehicle_a10_warthog_iw6_mp
Drone - vehicle_drone_backup_buddy
Gas Baloon - ims_scorpion_explosive_iw6
Wall - placeable_barrier

Natural Flag - prop_flag_neutral
Federation Flag - prop_flag_iw6_federation
Ghosts Flag - prop_flag_iw6_ghost

Dog - mp_fullbody_dog_a
Bomb Belt - mil_semtex_belt
CellPhone - com_cellphone_on

Long Tree - com_woodlog_16_192_d
Broken Tree - foliage_afr_tree_brokentrunk_01a

Gold Sentry - weapon_sentry_chaingun_obj
Red Sentry - weapon_sentry_chaingun_obj_red
Sentry - weapon_sentry_chaingun
Broken Sentry - weapon_sentry_chaingun_destroyed
Orange Sentry (Cant Place Sentry) - weapon_sentry_chaingun_bombsquad

TV - ny_harbor_slava_interior_props_monitor

Chain Saw - vehicle_drone_backup_buddy_gun
Vulture - vehicle_drone_backup_buddy

Juggernaut Care Package - mp_juggernaut_carepackage
Red Jaggernaut Care Package - mp_juggernaut_carepackage_red

Shield - weapon_riot_shield_jug_iw6
Small Airplane - vehicle_skylark

or in C#:
#region Strings
public static class String
public static string Bomb = "prop_suitcase_bomb";
public static string Vest = "prop_ballistic_vest_iw6";
public static string GoldVest = "prop_ballistic_vest_iw6_bombsquad";
public static string HeavyAmmoSupply = "prop_mp_max_ammo_pickup";
public static string GoldSATCOM = "mp_satcom_obj";
public static string RedSATCOM = "mp_satcom_obj_red";
public static string Intel = "com_metal_briefcase_intel";
public static string GoldTrophySystem = "mp_trophy_system_iw6_bombsquad";
public static string TrophySystem = "mp_trophy_system_iw6";
public static string HeavyJuggernaut = "mp_fullbody_juggernaut_heavy_black";
public static string LightJuggernaut = "mp_body_juggernaut_light_black";
public static string JuggernautHead = "head_juggernaut_light_black";
public static string InfectedSuit = "mp_body_infected_a";
public static string InfectedHead = "head_mp_infected";
public static string Default = "mp_body_us_rangers_assault_a_woodland";
public static string EliteSuit = "mp_body_us_rangers_assault_a_elite";
public static string SmallBomb = "mil_tntbomb_mp";
public static string CarePackage = "com_plasticcase_green_big_us_dirt";
public static string AC130 = "vehicle_ac130_low_mp";
public static string BattleHind = "vehicle_battle_hind";
public static string DefaultVehicle = "defaultvehicle";
public static string Invisible = "none";
public static string AAS72X = "vehicle_aas_72x_killstreak";
public static string SmallAirplane = "vehicle_skylark";
public static string BallDrone = "vehicle_ball_drone_iw6";
public static string Gryphon = "vehicle_drone_vanguard";
public static string IMS = "ims_scorpion_body_iw6";
public static string RightDoor = "pbk_prison_door_right_01";
public static string LeftDoor = "pbk_prison_door_left_01";
public static string Warthog = "vehicle_a10_warthog_iw6_mp";
public static string Drone = "vehicle_drone_backup_buddy";
public static string GasBaloon = "ims_scorpion_explosive_iw6";
public static string Wall = "placeable_barrier";
public static string NaturalFlag = "prop_flag_neutral";
public static string FederationFlag = "prop_flag_iw6_federation";
public static string GhostsFlag = "prop_flag_iw6_ghost";
public static string Dog = "mp_fullbody_dog_a";
public static string BombBelt = "mil_semtex_belt";
public static string CellPhone = "com_cellphone_on";
public static string LongTree = "com_woodlog_16_192_d";
public static string BrokenTree = "foliage_afr_tree_brokentrunk_01a";
public static string GoldSentry = "weapon_sentry_chaingun_obj";
public static string RedSentry = "weapon_sentry_chaingun_obj_red";
public static string Sentry = "weapon_sentry_chaingun";
public static string BrokenSentry = "weapon_sentry_chaingun_destroyed";
public static string OrangeSentry/*(CantPlaceSentry)*/ = "weapon_sentry_chaingun_bombsquad";
public static string TV = "ny_harbor_slava_interior_props_monitor";
public static string ChainSaw = "vehicle_drone_backup_buddy_gun";
public static string Vulture = "vehicle_drone_backup_buddy";
public static string JuggernautCarePackage = "mp_juggernaut_carepackage";
public static string RedJaggernautCarePackage = "mp_juggernaut_carepackage_red";
public static string Shield = "weapon_riot_shield_jug_iw6";

Here's an Open Source that i made real quick if you getting troubles with the spawn models: (Just change the offsets to the 1.11)

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Virus Scan: You must login or register to view this content.
- 2/50 False Positive Resaults (I think because the dll's)

Values (without RPC):
#region Bytes
public static class Bytes
public static byte[] RightPrisonDoor = new byte[] { 0x6F };
public static byte[] LeftPrisonDoor = new byte[] { 0x6E };
public static byte[] NatrualFlag = new byte[] { 0x36 };
public static byte[] GhostsFlag = new byte[] { 0x35 };
public static byte[] FederationFlag = new byte[] { 0x34 };
public static byte[] HeavyJuggernaut = new byte[] { 0x1D };
public static byte[] LightJuggernaut = new byte[] { 0x17 };
public static byte[] JuggernautHead = new byte[] { 0x0E };
public static byte[] Invisible = new byte[] { 0x04 };
public static byte[] LongTree = new byte[] { 0x63 };
public static byte[] BrokenTree = new byte[] { 0x64 };
public static byte[] GreenCarePackage = new byte[] { 0x0A };
public static byte[] RedCarePackage = new byte[] { 0x09 };
public static byte[] GreenJuggernautCarePackage = new byte[] { 0x1E };
public static byte[] RedJuggernautCarePackage = new byte[] { 0x20 };
public static byte[] EnemyKillTag = new byte[] { 0x33 };
public static byte[] FriendlyKillTag = new byte[] { 0x03 };
public static byte[] GunAmmo = new byte[] { 0x37 };
public static byte[] Airplane = new byte[] { 0x38 };
public static byte[] BombLaptop1 = new byte[] { 0x70 };
public static byte[] Mine = new byte[] { 0x01 };
public static byte[] Missile = new byte[] { 0x02 };
public static byte[] Intel = new byte[] { 0x0B };
public static byte[] Flare = new byte[] { 0x0D };
public static byte[] DefaultVehicle = new byte[] { 0x0C };
public static byte[] Box = new byte[] { 0x61 };
public static byte[] Laptop = new byte[] { 0x60 };
public static byte[] MissilesStand = new byte[] { 0x69 };
public static byte[] Head = new byte[] { 0x10 };
public static byte[] IMS = new byte[] { 0x11 };
public static byte[] OrangeIMS = new byte[] { 0x12 };
public static byte[] YellowIMS = new byte[] { 0x13 };
public static byte[] RedIMS = new byte[] { 0x14 };
public static byte[] ExplosiveCharge = new byte[] { 0x15 };
public static byte[] RedCharge = new byte[] { 0x21 };
public static byte[] SATCOM = new byte[] { 0x22 };
public static byte[] OrangeSATCOM = new byte[] { 0x23 };
public static byte[] GoldSATCOM = new byte[] { 0x24 };
public static byte[] RedSATCOM = new byte[] { 0x25 };
public static byte[] AmmoBox = new byte[] { 0x28 };
public static byte[] OrangeAmmoBox = new byte[] { 0x29 };
public static byte[] Star = new byte[] { 0x2A };
public static byte[] SmallOrangeBall = new byte[] { 0x2F };
public static byte[] Wall = new byte[] { 0x2B };
public static byte[] BrokenWall = new byte[] { 0x2C };
public static byte[] GoldWall = new byte[] { 0x2D };
public static byte[] RedWall = new byte[] { 0x2E };
public static byte[] Vest = new byte[] { 0x31 };
public static byte[] AC130 = new byte[] { 0x3A };
public static byte[] NightOwl = new byte[] { 0x3B };
public static byte[] OrangeVest = new byte[] { 0x32 };
public static byte[] Shield = new byte[] { 0x53 };
public static byte[] TV = new byte[] { 0x6B };
public static byte[] AlotOfWoods = new byte[] { 0x6C };
public static byte[] Tourniquet = new byte[] { 0x6D };
public static byte[] BombBelt = new byte[] { 0x66 };
public static byte[] GoldBomBelt = new byte[] { 0x67 };
public static byte[] BombCharge = new byte[] { 0x68 };
public static byte[] MissilesStation = new byte[] { 0x69 };
public static byte[] RuinMissilesStation = new byte[] { 0x6A };
public static byte[] Cellphone = new byte[] { 0x5F };
public static byte[] ChainSAW = new byte[] { 0x3E };
public static byte[] Bomb = new byte[] { 0x70 };
public static byte[] TrophySystem = new byte[] { 0x26 };
public static byte[] OrangeTrophySystem = new byte[] { 0x27 };
public static byte[] SmallBomb = new byte[] { 0x68 };
public static byte[] InfectedSuit = new byte[] { 0x16 };
public static byte[] EliteSuit = new byte[] { 0x17 };
public static byte[] BigPurpleBall = new byte[] { 0x06 };
public static byte[] BigBlackBall = new byte[] { 0x07 };
public static byte[] Knife = new byte[] { 0x4E };
public static byte[] BombLaptop = new byte[] { 0x4B };
public static byte[] Hands = new byte[] { 0x44 };
public static byte[] PrimaryWeapon = new byte[] { 0x43 };
public static byte[] SmallBird = new byte[] { 0x42 };
public static byte[] Gun = new byte[] { 0x40 };
public static byte[] Gryphon = new byte[] { 0x3F };
public static byte[] HeliGun = new byte[] { 0x3E };
public static byte[] Vulture = new byte[] { 0x3D };
public static byte[] HeliSniper = new byte[] { 0x39 };
public static byte[] BattleHind = new byte[] { 0x3C };
public static byte[] JuggernautShield = new byte[] { 0x52 };
public static byte[] OrangeSmokeGranade = new byte[] { 0x54 };
public static byte[] MotionSensor = new byte[] { 0x50 };
public static byte[] OrangeMotionSensor = new byte[] { 0x51 };
public static byte[] Unknown3 = new byte[] { 0x4F };
public static byte[] Unknown2 = new byte[] { 0x4D };
public static byte[] Unknown1 = new byte[] { 0x4C };
public static byte[] BlackCellPhone = new byte[] { 0x5F };
public static byte[] WeaponBox = new byte[] { 0x62 };
public static byte[] OrangeFlashGranade = new byte[] { 0x5A };
public static byte[] FlashGrande = new byte[] { 0x5B };
public static byte[] BlackWolf = new byte[] { 0x5D };
public static byte[] WhiteWolf = new byte[] { 0x5C };
public static byte[] GuardDog = new byte[] { 0x5E };
public static byte[] SentryGun = new byte[] { 0x55 };
public static byte[] OrangeSentryGun = new byte[] { 0x56 };
public static byte[] BrokenSentryGun = new byte[] { 0x57 };
public static byte[] GoldSentryGun = new byte[] { 0x58 };
public static byte[] RedSentryGun = new byte[] { 0x59 };

How to call it:
#region Set Model Bytes
public static void SetModel_Bytes(int client, byte[] Bytes)
uint Model = 0xE040F1;
PS3.SetMemory(Model + ((uint)client * 0x280), Bytes);
public static void Test()
SetModel_Bytes(0, Bytes.AC130);
}//will change model to AC130


- You must add the PS3Lib.dll to the project, otherwise it will not work.
- First extract the Source from the .rar folder before you open it, otherwise you will get errors.
PS3Lib Download: You must login or register to view this content.

If you are adding this to your project, Please give credits to the following people
iMCSx - PS3Lib.dll
Enstone - CCAPI.dll
seb5594 - G_Entity + G_SetModel Offset's
Choco - Original RPC
Unknuawn - Fixing The RPC For CEX
Mango_Knife - Made the tutorial + Models Names.

Have Fun Awesome face
Last edited by Mango_Knife ; 05-08-2014 at 03:35 PM. Reason: Updated to 1.11 ;)

The following 8 users say thank you to Mango_Knife for this useful post:

FFM | iMoDzRGFR, FusionIsDaName, iTпDM, M-alShammary, MegaMister, xProvXKiller, ThePaaqoHD, Fatality
03-16-2014, 08:22 PM #11
In my man cave
Added More Models Winky Winky
03-23-2014, 08:03 PM #12
In my man cave
You can use those models also on the Solid Models Here: You must login or register to view this content.
04-04-2014, 02:21 PM #13
In my man cave
04-11-2014, 09:55 PM #14
@Mango_Knife My PS3 freese everytime if I include the RPC !
I though I made a mistake in the code but actually when I used your open source c# still My PS3 Froze
04-12-2014, 07:09 AM #15
In my man cave
Originally posted by Radi View Post
@Mango_Knife My PS3 freese everytime if I include the RPC !
I though I made a mistake in the code but actually when I used your open source c# still My PS3 Froze

Il check it.
05-08-2014, 10:55 AM #16
Do a barrel roll!
05-08-2014, 03:35 PM #17
In my man cave
Originally posted by En3RGyMoDz View Post


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