Post: Grand Theft Auto 5 Online Lag Switch
01-13-2017, 02:53 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); How do you make your player move on your opponent's screen when you hit the lag switch button ? Once I hit the switch my player freezes on the enemy's screen and his player freezes on mine. When my friend presses the button, the person he is going against freezes, but my friend's player is still moving on the other person's screen and he kills his opponent without dying. It's like he almost has some sort of God mode switch. He told me that he use's a titan one and a lag switch at the same time and adding that he use's some sort of script on his console turner/titan one. Do any of you know what type of script can do that or if it is something entirely different ?
01-13-2017, 05:33 AM #2
Former Staff
Originally posted by BULLYGOD View Post
How do you make your player move on your opponent's screen when you hit the lag switch button ? Once I hit the switch my player freezes on the enemy's screen and his player freezes on mine. When my friend presses the button, the person he is going against freezes, but my friend's player is still moving on the other person's screen and he kills his opponent without dying. It's like he almost has some sort of God mode switch. He told me that he use's a titan one and a lag switch at the same time and adding that he use's some sort of script on his console turner/titan one. Do any of you know what type of script can do that or if it is something entirely different ?

Moved to the correct section, and why u trying to use a lag switch on GTA5 lol
02-02-2017, 02:05 AM #3
Originally posted by BULLYGOD View Post
How do you make your player move on your opponent's screen when you hit the lag switch button ? Once I hit the switch my player freezes on the enemy's screen and his player freezes on mine. When my friend presses the button, the person he is going against freezes, but my friend's player is still moving on the other person's screen and he kills his opponent without dying. It's like he almost has some sort of God mode switch. He told me that he use's a titan one and a lag switch at the same time and adding that he use's some sort of script on his console turner/titan one. Do any of you know what type of script can do that or if it is something entirely different ?

Get good m8
02-07-2017, 10:12 PM #4
Father Luckeyy
Retired - Lead Content Manager
Originally posted by BULLYGOD View Post
How do you make your player move on your opponent's screen when you hit the lag switch button ? Once I hit the switch my player freezes on the enemy's screen and his player freezes on mine. When my friend presses the button, the person he is going against freezes, but my friend's player is still moving on the other person's screen and he kills his opponent without dying. It's like he almost has some sort of God mode switch. He told me that he use's a titan one and a lag switch at the same time and adding that he use's some sort of script on his console turner/titan one. Do any of you know what type of script can do that or if it is something entirely different ?

Are you trying to turn this into a COD game or something lol Why you need a lag switch?

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