Post: GTA V Modded Cars SP-PC to SP-PS4 (useful for sp to mp glitch)
01-29-2020, 01:43 AM #1
I am error
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); hey everybody it's Lizard Mods and today I'm going to show you how to mod cars in GTA V single-player PC and transfer those cars to PS4 single player.

XB36Hazard GTA 5 Save editor You must login or register to view this content.

? Save Wizard You must login or register to view this content.

Zemanez Enhanced Native Trainer You must login or register to view this content.

sjaak327 Simple Trainer for GTA V You must login or register to view this content.

? Script Hook V You must login or register to view this content.

USB China

this is useful for single player to multiplayer glitches

1# you're going to need GTA V for PC
2# install mods on the PC version
3# Mod a Car on PC and then save the game
4# download install and open hazards GTA 5 save editor
5# navigate to garage and then extract the vehicle
6# go to your PS4 and grab a game save and copy it to your USB drive
7# download install and open save wizard
8# put USB drive into PC
9# double-click on the save in save wizard then right-click Advanced mods
10# export game save
11# in GTA 5 save editor open the game save you just exported
12# navigate to garage and then import the vehicle then save
13# on Save wizard import the modified game save
14# Cricket zero on your keyboard then continue and then apply
15# eject USB stick from PC and put in PS4
16# copy save to PS4
17# launch the game enjoy your modded car

this video tutorial is Noob friendly
if you are not a noob 2X speed is your friend

Last edited by golizzard ; 01-29-2020 at 06:51 AM.

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