Post: [Release] 1.24 CEX EBOOT - with Unlock all and Prestiges!
06-27-2013, 04:52 PM #1
Respect my authoritah!!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey guys!

Here's a little something I made in the past few days after seeing Badchoicez's and BadLuckBrian's CEX EBOOT. I thought it might be fun to try and make some mods again that do not require DEX, and this is the end result.

This mod is, as stated above, for those of you that have a CFW ps3 but that do not run DEX. It is extremely stable, and includes both mods for private match and a stealth public cheater system.

Stealth mods (public cheater):
-Red boxes around enemy players
-Constant UAV
-Laser pointer
-Increased FOV
Note: All of these mods will work online and with or without host.

Private match mods:
-Super Jump
-Super Speed
-Unlimited Ammo
-God Mode (Press L2 to toggle)
-Noclip (Press R3 to toggle)
-Change prestige (Press Down to toggle prestige from 0-21)
-Unlock All (Press Up to activate)
-Welcome message on-spawn for all clients
-Default weapon for all clients
-Increased FOV for all clients
-Instructions printed on screen

The private match mods are ONLY functional in private match. It does not matter if you get host online, they are written to be exclusively for private matches.

Here's a video, thanks to Tustin:

I am not responsible if you get banned for using this. However, the chance of being banned with this EBOOT is significantly lower than with others. Because all the detectable mods are restricted to private matches, players will be far less likely to report you.


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How to install:

1. Download the file for your MW3 disc region and custom firmware (either 3.55 or 4.21+). Rename the file to EBOOT.BIN.
2. Using an FTP server or file manager, copy the file to the following directory on your PS3:

    /dev_hdd0/game/YOUR MW3 REGION/USRDIR/

3. Launch MW3 and enjoy!

As far as I know, there are no bugs in this mod. Because it is written to be used in online private matches, the mods will not work in LAN party or Splitscreen.

Please do not attempt to alter or modify this file in any way.

Enjoy! Happy

P.S. Elite users, if you haven't yet, check You must login or register to view this content. out. I am almost done this menu and it should be released in the Elite forums within a week Winky Winky

The following 157 users say thank you to Choco for this useful post:

:HIGH:, /SneakerStreet/, ℳaTiCz, ⓙω мσ∂z, |RichModder|, 3HUNNA, Alan., Albus, AlecKeaneDUB, Amanda, AMNE, Ansity., ashbee, Asian, AssEMoDDeR, B o n e, Bad Luck Brian, TheDeadLift, Brag, Bucko, Chxii, Citadel, codybenti, CoDyMoDz1000XD, Conveyy, CrEaTiiOnUNREAL, CronicImpulse, Crysision, Danny911, DarkPassenger, Dat Ass, DaveMan_v3, dazemerson1972, Riften, Defeat, deneo24, ErasedDev, DonGiuliiano, EcLiPz_MoDD3Rz, El3ctro Hou5e, endoemodz, Father Luckeyy, FwiskyFIFA, gamer89117, Gandalf, GJx, Guzman, Harry, HaTeRM4NR33T, hibye3, Beats, IcyDose, ImIrIsH, InfinityISB4CK, InHell, Insult, Invose, The Epic, Island Time, iTzScopez, zL_j8hnb, ResistTheJamsha, johncov1, joni_djESP, Jordan G., justeve, ka5hm1r, Kevin14256, Kwood, LameModz, Liam-, LittleEvo, Loxy, Lucas Mace, lucasaf01, lXl_AIMBOT_lXl, M0T1VAT10N, Machiavelli_23, Mango_Knife, matt0897, MedioHazard, MOD-RuLeZ, Moneymanmill, Mr.Grinch, MRHackzFTW, MrKiller261, Murderlikedj, nofear modzz, Norway-_-1999, John, Ohneworte, oIvan and 57 other users.
07-31-2015, 05:31 PM #236
Do a barrel roll!
Thanks can always rely on people like you
08-02-2015, 12:10 PM #237
Does anyone have a sprx menu for mw3 on cex ps3
09-17-2015, 05:57 PM #238
vou testa se ainda funciona muito fodaGeo
10-29-2015, 05:07 PM #239
Bounty hunter
01-10-2016, 11:22 AM #240
Dose it still work?
03-12-2016, 10:38 PM #241
Is there any chance that I can get aimbot or godmod classes with Only eboot ? I have CEX 4.78 and I don't know how I can use sprx files correctly man..... I need help... :c
07-13-2016, 12:21 PM #242
It always work please ?

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