Post: RPC Help
01-01-2017, 12:07 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Which functions work and which doesn't when you're not host? iPrintIn only works when I'm host, but there are non host mod menus that use it, like Phantom, so I'm doing something wrong, or there are other ways to do it. Help me, please.
    public static void SV_GameSendServerCommand(uint client, string command)
CallFunc(0x228FA8, (uint)client, 0, command);
public static void CBuf_AddText(int client, string command)
CallFunc(0x001DB240, (uint)client, command);
public static void iPrintln(int client, string Text)
SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint)client, "f \"" + Text + "\"");
public static void iPrintlnBold(int client, string Text)
SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint)client, "c \"" + Text + "\"");
public static void SV_Kickclient(int client, string command)
CallFunc(0x00223BD0, (uint)client, command);
public static void SetDvar(int client, string Text)
SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint)client, "q " + Text);
public static void SetModel(int client, string model)
CallFunc(0x1BEF5C, (uint)(0xFCA280 + (client * 640)), model);
public static void Visions(int client, string VisionName)
SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint)client, "J \"" + VisionName + "\"");
public static void Fov(int client, string Text)
SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint)client, "q \"cg_fov \"" + Text + "\"");
public static void GiveWeapon(int client, int weapon)
CallFunc(0x1C3034, (uint)G_ClientFunction(client), (uint)weapon, 0);
CallFunc(0x18A29C, (uint)(0xFCA280 + (client * 0x280)), (uint)weapon, 0, 9999, 1);
public static uint G_ClientFunction(int client)
return 0x110A280 + ((uint)client * 0x3980);

Example of not working functions when not host:
    SetDvar(0, "g_compassShowEnemies 0");
iPrintln(0, "UAV ^1OFF");
Last edited by EnzoMezzomo ; 01-01-2017 at 12:09 AM.
01-03-2017, 09:34 PM #2
Space Ninja
Originally posted by EnzoMezzomo View Post
Which functions work and which doesn't when you're not host? iPrintIn only works when I'm host, but there are non host mod menus that use it, like Phantom, so I'm doing something wrong, or there are other ways to do it. Help me, please.
    public static void SV_GameSendServerCommand(uint client, string command)
CallFunc(0x228FA8, (uint)client, 0, command);
public static void CBuf_AddText(int client, string command)
CallFunc(0x001DB240, (uint)client, command);
public static void iPrintln(int client, string Text)
SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint)client, "f \"" + Text + "\"");
public static void iPrintlnBold(int client, string Text)
SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint)client, "c \"" + Text + "\"");
public static void SV_Kickclient(int client, string command)
CallFunc(0x00223BD0, (uint)client, command);
public static void SetDvar(int client, string Text)
SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint)client, "q " + Text);
public static void SetModel(int client, string model)
CallFunc(0x1BEF5C, (uint)(0xFCA280 + (client * 640)), model);
public static void Visions(int client, string VisionName)
SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint)client, "J \"" + VisionName + "\"");
public static void Fov(int client, string Text)
SV_GameSendServerCommand((uint)client, "q \"cg_fov \"" + Text + "\"");
public static void GiveWeapon(int client, int weapon)
CallFunc(0x1C3034, (uint)G_ClientFunction(client), (uint)weapon, 0);
CallFunc(0x18A29C, (uint)(0xFCA280 + (client * 0x280)), (uint)weapon, 0, 9999, 1);
public static uint G_ClientFunction(int client)
return 0x110A280 + ((uint)client * 0x3980);

Example of not working functions when not host:
    SetDvar(0, "g_compassShowEnemies 0");
iPrintln(0, "UAV ^1OFF");

The GSSC iPrintln will only work for host you will have to use the address CG_GameMessage for non-host.

The following user thanked S63 for this useful post:

01-03-2017, 11:57 PM #3
Thank you, sir! Do you know other nice addresses that works non host?
01-04-2017, 01:36 AM #4
Space Ninja
Originally posted by EnzoMezzomo View Post
Thank you, sir! Do you know other nice addresses that works non host?

Thats depends on what your trying to as there are tons of non-host addresses but most you can only use if you know what your doing.
01-04-2017, 03:13 AM #5
I want to try some RPC addresses to find non-host functions. Mainly those that affects the server, or the host, or anything else.

From the list below, which will you say that will most likely work when not host?
                    G_Client = 0x110A280,
G_ClientIndex = 0x3980,
G_Entity = 0xFCA280,
G_Gametype = 0x8360d5,
G_GivePlayerWeapon = 0x1C3034,
G_SetModel = 0x1BEF5C,
G_LocalizedStringIndex = 0x1BE6CC,
G_MaterialIndex = 0x1BE744,
G_ModelIndex = 0x1BE7A8,
G_ModelName = 0x1BE8A0,
G_Damage = 0x183E18,
G_RadiusDamage = 0x185600,
G_GetClientScore = 0x18EA74,
G_GetClientDeaths = 0x18EA98,
G_CallSpawnEntity /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001BA730,
G_FreeEntity /*(gentity_s *ed)*/ = 0x001C0840,
G_EntUnlink /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001C4A5C,

BG_GetPerkIndexForName = 0x210B0,
BG_GetNumWeapons = 0x3CFBC,
BG_FindWeaponIndexForName = 0x3CFD0,
BG_GetWeaponIndexForName = 0x3D434,
BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex = 0x3D7D8,
BG_WeaponFireRecoil = 0x3FBD0,
BG_GetEntityTypeName /*(const int eType)*/ = 0x0001D1F0,
BG_TakePlayerWeapon = 0x1C409C,

Cmd_AddCommandInternal = 0x1DC4FC,
Cmd_ExecuteSingleCommand = 0x1DB240,

CG_FireWeapon = 0xBE498,
CG_BoldGameMessage /*(int LocalClientNum, const char *Message)*/ = 0x0007A5C8,

Key_IsDown = 0xD1CD8,
Key_StringToKeynum = 0xD1D18,
Key_IsValidGamePadChar = 0xD1E64,
Key_KeyNumToString = 0xD1EA4,
Key_Unbind_f = 0xD2368,
Key_Bind_f = 0xD247C,

SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x228FA8,
SV_GetConfigString = 0x22A4A8,
SV_SetConfigString = 0x22A208,
SV_SendDisconnect /*(client_s *client, int state, const char *reason)*/ = 0x0022472C,
SV_SendClientGameState /*(client_s *client)*/ = 0x002284F8,
SV_KickClient /*(client_s *cl, char *playerName, int maxPlayerNameLen)*/ = 0x00223BD0,
SV_DropClient /*(client_s *drop, const char *reason, bool tellThem)*/ = 0x002249FC,
SV_SendServerCommand /*(client_s *,svscmd_type,char const *,...)*/ = 0x0022CEBC,
SV_SetGametype /*(void)*/ = 0x00229C1C,
SV_MapRestart /*(int fast_restart)*/ = 0x00223774,
SV_MapRestart_f = 0x00223B20,
SV_SpawnSever /*(const char *server)*/ = 0x0022ADF8,
SV_Map_f = 0x002235A0,
SV_MatchEnd /*(void)*/ = 0x0022F7A8,
SV_GameDropClient /*(int clientNum, const char *reason)*/ = 0x00229020,
SV_ClientCommand /*(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x00228178,
SV_ExecuteClientMessage /*(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x00228B50,
SV_ExecuteClientCommand /*(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK)*/ = 0x00182DEC,
SV_DObjGetTree /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x00229A68,
SV_ReceiveStats /*(netadr_t from, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x002244E0,
SV_DirectConnect /*(netadr_t from)*/ = 0x00255BB4,
SV_SetConfigstring /*(int index, const char *val)*/ = 0x0022A208,
SV_AddServerCommand /*(client_s *client, svscmd_type type, const char *cmd)*/ = 0x0022CBA0,

Scr_Notify /*(gentity_s *ent, unsigned __int16 stringValue, unsigned int paramcount)*/ = 0x001BB1B0,
Scr_MakeGameMessage /*(int iClientNum, const char *pszCmd)*/ = 0x001B07F0,
Scr_ConstructMessageString /*(int firstParmIndex, int lastParmIndex, const char *errorContext, char *string, unsigned int stringLimit)*/ = 0x001B04F4,
Scr_GetInt /*(unsigned int index)*/ = 0x002201C4,

R_AddCmdDrawText /*(const char *text, int maxChars, void *font, float x, float y, float xScale, float yScale, float rotation, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x00393640,
R_RegisterFont /*(char* asset, int imagetrack)*/ /*(const char *name, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x003808B8,
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic /*(float x, float y, float w, float h, float xScale, float yScale, float xay, float yay, const float *color, int material)*/ = 0x00392D78,
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffects /*(char const *,int,Font_s *,float,float,float,float,float,float const * const,int,float const * const,Material *,Material *,int,int,int,int)*/ = 0x003937C0,
R_NormalizedTextScale /*(Font_s *font, float scale)*/ = 0x003808F0,
R_RegisterDvars /*(void)*/ = 0x0037E420,

CL_DrawTextHook /*(const char *text, int maxChars, void *font, float x, float y, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D93A8,
CL_DrawText /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, const char *text, int maxChars, Font_s *font, float x, float y, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D9490,
CL_DrawTextRotate /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, const char *text, int maxChars, Font_s *font, float x, float y, float rotation, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D9554,
CL_RegisterFont /*(const char *fontName, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x000D9734,
CL_GetClientState /*(int localClientNum, uiClientState_s *state)*/ = 0x000E26A8,
CL_GetConfigString /*(int localClientNum, int configStringIndex)*/ = 0x000C5E7C,

UI_FillRectPhysical /*(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color)*/ = 0x0023A810,
UI_DrawLoadBar /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, float x, float y, float w, float h, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, const float *color, Material *material)*/ = 0x0023A730,

ClientSpawn /*(gentity_s *ent, const float *spawn_origin, const float *spawn_angles)*/ = 0x00177468,
ClientCommand /*(int clientNum)*/ = 0x00182440,
ClientScr_SetScore /*(gclient_s *pSelf, client_fields_s *pField)*/ = 0x00176150,
ClientScr_SetMaxHealth /*(gclient_s *pSelf, client_fields_s *pField)*/ = 0x00176094,
ClientConnect /*(int clientNum, unsigned __int16 scriptPersId)*/ = 0x001771A0,

Dvar_GetBool /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x00291060,
Dvar_GetInt /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x002910DC,
Dvar_GetFloat /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x00291148,
Dvar_RegisterBool /*(const char *dvarName, bool value, unsigned __int16 flags, const char *description)*/ = 0x002933F0,
Dvar_IsValidName /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x0029019C,

Material_RegisterHandle /*(const char *name, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x0038B044,
SetClientViewAngle /*(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle)*/ = 0x001767E0,
PlayerCmd_SetClientDvar /*(scr_entref_t entref)*/ = 0x0017CB4C,
Jump_RegisterDvars /*(void)*/ = 0x00018E20,
AimTarget_RegisterDvars = 0x00012098,
VA = 0x299490,
EntityIndex = 0x280,
MapBrushModel = 0x7F80,
Add_Ammo = 0x18A29C,
PlayerCmd_SetPerk = 0x17EBE8,
CBuf_AddText /*(int localClientNum, const char *text)*/ = 0x001DB240,
Player_Die /*(unsigned int *self, unsigned int *inflictor, unsigned int *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath, int iWeapon, const float *vDir, unsigned int hitLoc, int psTimeOffset)*/ = 0x00183748,
Info_ValueForKey /*(const char *s, const char *key)*/ = 0x00299604,
TeleportPlayer /*(gentity_s *player, float *origin, float *angles)*/ = 0x00191B00,
CalculateRanks /*(void)*/ = 0x0019031C,
IntermissionClientEndFrame /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001745F8,
MemSet = 0x0049B928,
Str_Pointer = 0x523b30;
01-04-2017, 03:17 AM #6
Originally posted by EnzoMezzomo View Post
I want to try some RPC addresses to find non-host functions. Mainly those that affects the server, or the host, or anything else.

From the list below, which will you say that will most likely work when not host?
                    G_Client = 0x110A280,
G_ClientIndex = 0x3980,
G_Entity = 0xFCA280,
G_Gametype = 0x8360d5,
G_GivePlayerWeapon = 0x1C3034,
G_SetModel = 0x1BEF5C,
G_LocalizedStringIndex = 0x1BE6CC,
G_MaterialIndex = 0x1BE744,
G_ModelIndex = 0x1BE7A8,
G_ModelName = 0x1BE8A0,
G_Damage = 0x183E18,
G_RadiusDamage = 0x185600,
G_GetClientScore = 0x18EA74,
G_GetClientDeaths = 0x18EA98,
G_CallSpawnEntity /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001BA730,
G_FreeEntity /*(gentity_s *ed)*/ = 0x001C0840,
G_EntUnlink /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001C4A5C,

BG_GetPerkIndexForName = 0x210B0,
BG_GetNumWeapons = 0x3CFBC,
BG_FindWeaponIndexForName = 0x3CFD0,
BG_GetWeaponIndexForName = 0x3D434,
BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex = 0x3D7D8,
BG_WeaponFireRecoil = 0x3FBD0,
BG_GetEntityTypeName /*(const int eType)*/ = 0x0001D1F0,
BG_TakePlayerWeapon = 0x1C409C,

Cmd_AddCommandInternal = 0x1DC4FC,
Cmd_ExecuteSingleCommand = 0x1DB240,

CG_FireWeapon = 0xBE498,
CG_BoldGameMessage /*(int LocalClientNum, const char *Message)*/ = 0x0007A5C8,

Key_IsDown = 0xD1CD8,
Key_StringToKeynum = 0xD1D18,
Key_IsValidGamePadChar = 0xD1E64,
Key_KeyNumToString = 0xD1EA4,
Key_Unbind_f = 0xD2368,
Key_Bind_f = 0xD247C,

SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x228FA8,
SV_GetConfigString = 0x22A4A8,
SV_SetConfigString = 0x22A208,
SV_SendDisconnect /*(client_s *client, int state, const char *reason)*/ = 0x0022472C,
SV_SendClientGameState /*(client_s *client)*/ = 0x002284F8,
SV_KickClient /*(client_s *cl, char *playerName, int maxPlayerNameLen)*/ = 0x00223BD0,
SV_DropClient /*(client_s *drop, const char *reason, bool tellThem)*/ = 0x002249FC,
SV_SendServerCommand /*(client_s *,svscmd_type,char const *,...)*/ = 0x0022CEBC,
SV_SetGametype /*(void)*/ = 0x00229C1C,
SV_MapRestart /*(int fast_restart)*/ = 0x00223774,
SV_MapRestart_f = 0x00223B20,
SV_SpawnSever /*(const char *server)*/ = 0x0022ADF8,
SV_Map_f = 0x002235A0,
SV_MatchEnd /*(void)*/ = 0x0022F7A8,
SV_GameDropClient /*(int clientNum, const char *reason)*/ = 0x00229020,
SV_ClientCommand /*(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x00228178,
SV_ExecuteClientMessage /*(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x00228B50,
SV_ExecuteClientCommand /*(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK)*/ = 0x00182DEC,
SV_DObjGetTree /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x00229A68,
SV_ReceiveStats /*(netadr_t from, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x002244E0,
SV_DirectConnect /*(netadr_t from)*/ = 0x00255BB4,
SV_SetConfigstring /*(int index, const char *val)*/ = 0x0022A208,
SV_AddServerCommand /*(client_s *client, svscmd_type type, const char *cmd)*/ = 0x0022CBA0,

Scr_Notify /*(gentity_s *ent, unsigned __int16 stringValue, unsigned int paramcount)*/ = 0x001BB1B0,
Scr_MakeGameMessage /*(int iClientNum, const char *pszCmd)*/ = 0x001B07F0,
Scr_ConstructMessageString /*(int firstParmIndex, int lastParmIndex, const char *errorContext, char *string, unsigned int stringLimit)*/ = 0x001B04F4,
Scr_GetInt /*(unsigned int index)*/ = 0x002201C4,

R_AddCmdDrawText /*(const char *text, int maxChars, void *font, float x, float y, float xScale, float yScale, float rotation, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x00393640,
R_RegisterFont /*(char* asset, int imagetrack)*/ /*(const char *name, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x003808B8,
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic /*(float x, float y, float w, float h, float xScale, float yScale, float xay, float yay, const float *color, int material)*/ = 0x00392D78,
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffects /*(char const *,int,Font_s *,float,float,float,float,float,float const * const,int,float const * const,Material *,Material *,int,int,int,int)*/ = 0x003937C0,
R_NormalizedTextScale /*(Font_s *font, float scale)*/ = 0x003808F0,
R_RegisterDvars /*(void)*/ = 0x0037E420,

CL_DrawTextHook /*(const char *text, int maxChars, void *font, float x, float y, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D93A8,
CL_DrawText /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, const char *text, int maxChars, Font_s *font, float x, float y, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D9490,
CL_DrawTextRotate /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, const char *text, int maxChars, Font_s *font, float x, float y, float rotation, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D9554,
CL_RegisterFont /*(const char *fontName, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x000D9734,
CL_GetClientState /*(int localClientNum, uiClientState_s *state)*/ = 0x000E26A8,
CL_GetConfigString /*(int localClientNum, int configStringIndex)*/ = 0x000C5E7C,

UI_FillRectPhysical /*(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color)*/ = 0x0023A810,
UI_DrawLoadBar /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, float x, float y, float w, float h, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, const float *color, Material *material)*/ = 0x0023A730,

ClientSpawn /*(gentity_s *ent, const float *spawn_origin, const float *spawn_angles)*/ = 0x00177468,
ClientCommand /*(int clientNum)*/ = 0x00182440,
ClientScr_SetScore /*(gclient_s *pSelf, client_fields_s *pField)*/ = 0x00176150,
ClientScr_SetMaxHealth /*(gclient_s *pSelf, client_fields_s *pField)*/ = 0x00176094,
ClientConnect /*(int clientNum, unsigned __int16 scriptPersId)*/ = 0x001771A0,

Dvar_GetBool /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x00291060,
Dvar_GetInt /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x002910DC,
Dvar_GetFloat /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x00291148,
Dvar_RegisterBool /*(const char *dvarName, bool value, unsigned __int16 flags, const char *description)*/ = 0x002933F0,
Dvar_IsValidName /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x0029019C,

Material_RegisterHandle /*(const char *name, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x0038B044,
SetClientViewAngle /*(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle)*/ = 0x001767E0,
PlayerCmd_SetClientDvar /*(scr_entref_t entref)*/ = 0x0017CB4C,
Jump_RegisterDvars /*(void)*/ = 0x00018E20,
AimTarget_RegisterDvars = 0x00012098,
VA = 0x299490,
EntityIndex = 0x280,
MapBrushModel = 0x7F80,
Add_Ammo = 0x18A29C,
PlayerCmd_SetPerk = 0x17EBE8,
CBuf_AddText /*(int localClientNum, const char *text)*/ = 0x001DB240,
Player_Die /*(unsigned int *self, unsigned int *inflictor, unsigned int *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath, int iWeapon, const float *vDir, unsigned int hitLoc, int psTimeOffset)*/ = 0x00183748,
Info_ValueForKey /*(const char *s, const char *key)*/ = 0x00299604,
TeleportPlayer /*(gentity_s *player, float *origin, float *angles)*/ = 0x00191B00,
CalculateRanks /*(void)*/ = 0x0019031C,
IntermissionClientEndFrame /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001745F8,
MemSet = 0x0049B928,
Str_Pointer = 0x523b30;

Make sure to quote the user you're responding to, so they can receive notification.

The following user thanked Frosty for this useful post:

01-04-2017, 03:31 AM #7
Originally posted by S63 View Post
Thats depends on what your trying to as there are tons of non-host addresses but most you can only use if you know what your doing.

I want to try some RPC addresses to find non-host functions. Mainly those that affects the server, or the host, or anything else.

From the list below, which will you say that will most likely work when not host?
                    G_Client = 0x110A280,
G_ClientIndex = 0x3980,
G_Entity = 0xFCA280,
G_Gametype = 0x8360d5,
G_GivePlayerWeapon = 0x1C3034,
G_SetModel = 0x1BEF5C,
G_LocalizedStringIndex = 0x1BE6CC,
G_MaterialIndex = 0x1BE744,
G_ModelIndex = 0x1BE7A8,
G_ModelName = 0x1BE8A0,
G_Damage = 0x183E18,
G_RadiusDamage = 0x185600,
G_GetClientScore = 0x18EA74,
G_GetClientDeaths = 0x18EA98,
G_CallSpawnEntity /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001BA730,
G_FreeEntity /*(gentity_s *ed)*/ = 0x001C0840,
G_EntUnlink /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001C4A5C,

BG_GetPerkIndexForName = 0x210B0,
BG_GetNumWeapons = 0x3CFBC,
BG_FindWeaponIndexForName = 0x3CFD0,
BG_GetWeaponIndexForName = 0x3D434,
BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex = 0x3D7D8,
BG_WeaponFireRecoil = 0x3FBD0,
BG_GetEntityTypeName /*(const int eType)*/ = 0x0001D1F0,
BG_TakePlayerWeapon = 0x1C409C,

Cmd_AddCommandInternal = 0x1DC4FC,
Cmd_ExecuteSingleCommand = 0x1DB240,

CG_FireWeapon = 0xBE498,
CG_BoldGameMessage /*(int LocalClientNum, const char *Message)*/ = 0x0007A5C8,

Key_IsDown = 0xD1CD8,
Key_StringToKeynum = 0xD1D18,
Key_IsValidGamePadChar = 0xD1E64,
Key_KeyNumToString = 0xD1EA4,
Key_Unbind_f = 0xD2368,
Key_Bind_f = 0xD247C,

SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x228FA8,
SV_GetConfigString = 0x22A4A8,
SV_SetConfigString = 0x22A208,
SV_SendDisconnect /*(client_s *client, int state, const char *reason)*/ = 0x0022472C,
SV_SendClientGameState /*(client_s *client)*/ = 0x002284F8,
SV_KickClient /*(client_s *cl, char *playerName, int maxPlayerNameLen)*/ = 0x00223BD0,
SV_DropClient /*(client_s *drop, const char *reason, bool tellThem)*/ = 0x002249FC,
SV_SendServerCommand /*(client_s *,svscmd_type,char const *,...)*/ = 0x0022CEBC,
SV_SetGametype /*(void)*/ = 0x00229C1C,
SV_MapRestart /*(int fast_restart)*/ = 0x00223774,
SV_MapRestart_f = 0x00223B20,
SV_SpawnSever /*(const char *server)*/ = 0x0022ADF8,
SV_Map_f = 0x002235A0,
SV_MatchEnd /*(void)*/ = 0x0022F7A8,
SV_GameDropClient /*(int clientNum, const char *reason)*/ = 0x00229020,
SV_ClientCommand /*(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x00228178,
SV_ExecuteClientMessage /*(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x00228B50,
SV_ExecuteClientCommand /*(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK)*/ = 0x00182DEC,
SV_DObjGetTree /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x00229A68,
SV_ReceiveStats /*(netadr_t from, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x002244E0,
SV_DirectConnect /*(netadr_t from)*/ = 0x00255BB4,
SV_SetConfigstring /*(int index, const char *val)*/ = 0x0022A208,
SV_AddServerCommand /*(client_s *client, svscmd_type type, const char *cmd)*/ = 0x0022CBA0,

Scr_Notify /*(gentity_s *ent, unsigned __int16 stringValue, unsigned int paramcount)*/ = 0x001BB1B0,
Scr_MakeGameMessage /*(int iClientNum, const char *pszCmd)*/ = 0x001B07F0,
Scr_ConstructMessageString /*(int firstParmIndex, int lastParmIndex, const char *errorContext, char *string, unsigned int stringLimit)*/ = 0x001B04F4,
Scr_GetInt /*(unsigned int index)*/ = 0x002201C4,

R_AddCmdDrawText /*(const char *text, int maxChars, void *font, float x, float y, float xScale, float yScale, float rotation, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x00393640,
R_RegisterFont /*(char* asset, int imagetrack)*/ /*(const char *name, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x003808B8,
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic /*(float x, float y, float w, float h, float xScale, float yScale, float xay, float yay, const float *color, int material)*/ = 0x00392D78,
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffects /*(char const *,int,Font_s *,float,float,float,float,float,float const * const,int,float const * const,Material *,Material *,int,int,int,int)*/ = 0x003937C0,
R_NormalizedTextScale /*(Font_s *font, float scale)*/ = 0x003808F0,
R_RegisterDvars /*(void)*/ = 0x0037E420,

CL_DrawTextHook /*(const char *text, int maxChars, void *font, float x, float y, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D93A8,
CL_DrawText /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, const char *text, int maxChars, Font_s *font, float x, float y, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D9490,
CL_DrawTextRotate /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, const char *text, int maxChars, Font_s *font, float x, float y, float rotation, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D9554,
CL_RegisterFont /*(const char *fontName, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x000D9734,
CL_GetClientState /*(int localClientNum, uiClientState_s *state)*/ = 0x000E26A8,
CL_GetConfigString /*(int localClientNum, int configStringIndex)*/ = 0x000C5E7C,

UI_FillRectPhysical /*(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color)*/ = 0x0023A810,
UI_DrawLoadBar /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, float x, float y, float w, float h, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, const float *color, Material *material)*/ = 0x0023A730,

ClientSpawn /*(gentity_s *ent, const float *spawn_origin, const float *spawn_angles)*/ = 0x00177468,
ClientCommand /*(int clientNum)*/ = 0x00182440,
ClientScr_SetScore /*(gclient_s *pSelf, client_fields_s *pField)*/ = 0x00176150,
ClientScr_SetMaxHealth /*(gclient_s *pSelf, client_fields_s *pField)*/ = 0x00176094,
ClientConnect /*(int clientNum, unsigned __int16 scriptPersId)*/ = 0x001771A0,

Dvar_GetBool /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x00291060,
Dvar_GetInt /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x002910DC,
Dvar_GetFloat /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x00291148,
Dvar_RegisterBool /*(const char *dvarName, bool value, unsigned __int16 flags, const char *description)*/ = 0x002933F0,
Dvar_IsValidName /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x0029019C,

Material_RegisterHandle /*(const char *name, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x0038B044,
SetClientViewAngle /*(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle)*/ = 0x001767E0,
PlayerCmd_SetClientDvar /*(scr_entref_t entref)*/ = 0x0017CB4C,
Jump_RegisterDvars /*(void)*/ = 0x00018E20,
AimTarget_RegisterDvars = 0x00012098,
VA = 0x299490,
EntityIndex = 0x280,
MapBrushModel = 0x7F80,
Add_Ammo = 0x18A29C,
PlayerCmd_SetPerk = 0x17EBE8,
CBuf_AddText /*(int localClientNum, const char *text)*/ = 0x001DB240,
Player_Die /*(unsigned int *self, unsigned int *inflictor, unsigned int *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath, int iWeapon, const float *vDir, unsigned int hitLoc, int psTimeOffset)*/ = 0x00183748,
Info_ValueForKey /*(const char *s, const char *key)*/ = 0x00299604,
TeleportPlayer /*(gentity_s *player, float *origin, float *angles)*/ = 0x00191B00,
CalculateRanks /*(void)*/ = 0x0019031C,
IntermissionClientEndFrame /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001745F8,
MemSet = 0x0049B928,
Str_Pointer = 0x523b30;
01-04-2017, 05:28 AM #8
Space Ninja
Originally posted by EnzoMezzomo View Post
I want to try some RPC addresses to find non-host functions. Mainly those that affects the server, or the host, or anything else.

From the list below, which will you say that will most likely work when not host?
                    G_Client = 0x110A280,
G_ClientIndex = 0x3980,
G_Entity = 0xFCA280,
G_Gametype = 0x8360d5,
G_GivePlayerWeapon = 0x1C3034,
G_SetModel = 0x1BEF5C,
G_LocalizedStringIndex = 0x1BE6CC,
G_MaterialIndex = 0x1BE744,
G_ModelIndex = 0x1BE7A8,
G_ModelName = 0x1BE8A0,
G_Damage = 0x183E18,
G_RadiusDamage = 0x185600,
G_GetClientScore = 0x18EA74,
G_GetClientDeaths = 0x18EA98,
G_CallSpawnEntity /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001BA730,
G_FreeEntity /*(gentity_s *ed)*/ = 0x001C0840,
G_EntUnlink /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001C4A5C,

BG_GetPerkIndexForName = 0x210B0,
BG_GetNumWeapons = 0x3CFBC,
BG_FindWeaponIndexForName = 0x3CFD0,
BG_GetWeaponIndexForName = 0x3D434,
BG_GetViewModelWeaponIndex = 0x3D7D8,
BG_WeaponFireRecoil = 0x3FBD0,
BG_GetEntityTypeName /*(const int eType)*/ = 0x0001D1F0,
BG_TakePlayerWeapon = 0x1C409C,

Cmd_AddCommandInternal = 0x1DC4FC,
Cmd_ExecuteSingleCommand = 0x1DB240,

CG_FireWeapon = 0xBE498,
CG_BoldGameMessage /*(int LocalClientNum, const char *Message)*/ = 0x0007A5C8,

Key_IsDown = 0xD1CD8,
Key_StringToKeynum = 0xD1D18,
Key_IsValidGamePadChar = 0xD1E64,
Key_KeyNumToString = 0xD1EA4,
Key_Unbind_f = 0xD2368,
Key_Bind_f = 0xD247C,

SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x228FA8,
SV_GetConfigString = 0x22A4A8,
SV_SetConfigString = 0x22A208,
SV_SendDisconnect /*(client_s *client, int state, const char *reason)*/ = 0x0022472C,
SV_SendClientGameState /*(client_s *client)*/ = 0x002284F8,
SV_KickClient /*(client_s *cl, char *playerName, int maxPlayerNameLen)*/ = 0x00223BD0,
SV_DropClient /*(client_s *drop, const char *reason, bool tellThem)*/ = 0x002249FC,
SV_SendServerCommand /*(client_s *,svscmd_type,char const *,...)*/ = 0x0022CEBC,
SV_SetGametype /*(void)*/ = 0x00229C1C,
SV_MapRestart /*(int fast_restart)*/ = 0x00223774,
SV_MapRestart_f = 0x00223B20,
SV_SpawnSever /*(const char *server)*/ = 0x0022ADF8,
SV_Map_f = 0x002235A0,
SV_MatchEnd /*(void)*/ = 0x0022F7A8,
SV_GameDropClient /*(int clientNum, const char *reason)*/ = 0x00229020,
SV_ClientCommand /*(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x00228178,
SV_ExecuteClientMessage /*(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x00228B50,
SV_ExecuteClientCommand /*(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK)*/ = 0x00182DEC,
SV_DObjGetTree /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x00229A68,
SV_ReceiveStats /*(netadr_t from, msg_t *msg)*/ = 0x002244E0,
SV_DirectConnect /*(netadr_t from)*/ = 0x00255BB4,
SV_SetConfigstring /*(int index, const char *val)*/ = 0x0022A208,
SV_AddServerCommand /*(client_s *client, svscmd_type type, const char *cmd)*/ = 0x0022CBA0,

Scr_Notify /*(gentity_s *ent, unsigned __int16 stringValue, unsigned int paramcount)*/ = 0x001BB1B0,
Scr_MakeGameMessage /*(int iClientNum, const char *pszCmd)*/ = 0x001B07F0,
Scr_ConstructMessageString /*(int firstParmIndex, int lastParmIndex, const char *errorContext, char *string, unsigned int stringLimit)*/ = 0x001B04F4,
Scr_GetInt /*(unsigned int index)*/ = 0x002201C4,

R_AddCmdDrawText /*(const char *text, int maxChars, void *font, float x, float y, float xScale, float yScale, float rotation, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x00393640,
R_RegisterFont /*(char* asset, int imagetrack)*/ /*(const char *name, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x003808B8,
R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic /*(float x, float y, float w, float h, float xScale, float yScale, float xay, float yay, const float *color, int material)*/ = 0x00392D78,
R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffects /*(char const *,int,Font_s *,float,float,float,float,float,float const * const,int,float const * const,Material *,Material *,int,int,int,int)*/ = 0x003937C0,
R_NormalizedTextScale /*(Font_s *font, float scale)*/ = 0x003808F0,
R_RegisterDvars /*(void)*/ = 0x0037E420,

CL_DrawTextHook /*(const char *text, int maxChars, void *font, float x, float y, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D93A8,
CL_DrawText /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, const char *text, int maxChars, Font_s *font, float x, float y, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D9490,
CL_DrawTextRotate /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, const char *text, int maxChars, Font_s *font, float x, float y, float rotation, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, float xScale, float yScale, const float *color, int style)*/ = 0x000D9554,
CL_RegisterFont /*(const char *fontName, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x000D9734,
CL_GetClientState /*(int localClientNum, uiClientState_s *state)*/ = 0x000E26A8,
CL_GetConfigString /*(int localClientNum, int configStringIndex)*/ = 0x000C5E7C,

UI_FillRectPhysical /*(float x, float y, float width, float height, const float *color)*/ = 0x0023A810,
UI_DrawLoadBar /*(ScreenPlacement *scrPlace, float x, float y, float w, float h, int horzAlign, int vertAlign, const float *color, Material *material)*/ = 0x0023A730,

ClientSpawn /*(gentity_s *ent, const float *spawn_origin, const float *spawn_angles)*/ = 0x00177468,
ClientCommand /*(int clientNum)*/ = 0x00182440,
ClientScr_SetScore /*(gclient_s *pSelf, client_fields_s *pField)*/ = 0x00176150,
ClientScr_SetMaxHealth /*(gclient_s *pSelf, client_fields_s *pField)*/ = 0x00176094,
ClientConnect /*(int clientNum, unsigned __int16 scriptPersId)*/ = 0x001771A0,

Dvar_GetBool /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x00291060,
Dvar_GetInt /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x002910DC,
Dvar_GetFloat /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x00291148,
Dvar_RegisterBool /*(const char *dvarName, bool value, unsigned __int16 flags, const char *description)*/ = 0x002933F0,
Dvar_IsValidName /*(const char *dvarName)*/ = 0x0029019C,

Material_RegisterHandle /*(const char *name, int imageTrack)*/ = 0x0038B044,
SetClientViewAngle /*(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle)*/ = 0x001767E0,
PlayerCmd_SetClientDvar /*(scr_entref_t entref)*/ = 0x0017CB4C,
Jump_RegisterDvars /*(void)*/ = 0x00018E20,
AimTarget_RegisterDvars = 0x00012098,
VA = 0x299490,
EntityIndex = 0x280,
MapBrushModel = 0x7F80,
Add_Ammo = 0x18A29C,
PlayerCmd_SetPerk = 0x17EBE8,
CBuf_AddText /*(int localClientNum, const char *text)*/ = 0x001DB240,
Player_Die /*(unsigned int *self, unsigned int *inflictor, unsigned int *attacker, int damage, int meansOfDeath, int iWeapon, const float *vDir, unsigned int hitLoc, int psTimeOffset)*/ = 0x00183748,
Info_ValueForKey /*(const char *s, const char *key)*/ = 0x00299604,
TeleportPlayer /*(gentity_s *player, float *origin, float *angles)*/ = 0x00191B00,
CalculateRanks /*(void)*/ = 0x0019031C,
IntermissionClientEndFrame /*(gentity_s *ent)*/ = 0x001745F8,
MemSet = 0x0049B928,
Str_Pointer = 0x523b30;

All the cg_ functions...

Cmd_ExecuteSingleCommand this is like cbuf_addtext

R_AddCmd functions are for non-host huds but these can only run correctly from a sprx as you need to patchinjump r_setframefog(example) so that your huds are running every frame in ur console....

Key_isdown this is the local client button monitor (non-host)

And thats all i can remember seeing

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01-08-2017, 08:59 PM #9
Former Staff
Question Answered, Thread Closed.

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